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He is a cross between Dr. Johnson and Charles Lamb.”—Observer. “Nothing that Mr. Birrell has previously written has been conceived in so happy a vein as this monograph.... A charming little quarto.”—Daily Chronicle. “The book to delight the heart of every one who really cares for literature. Written with a manly and tender affection and with the reverence which the subject demands. The publishers have done their part admirably.”—Claudius Clear in The British Weekly. GEORGE MEREDITH: His Life, Genius, and Teaching. By S. C. Photiades. Rendered into English by Arthur Price. Extra Crown 8vo. 6s. net. W. E. HENLEY. By L. Cope Cornford. (Modern Biographies Series. See p. 9.) HERBERT SPENCER. By Hugh S. Elliot. (Makers of XIX. Century Series. See p. 4.) THE MIDDLE YEARS: Reminiscences. By Katherine Tynan. Demy 8vo. 10s. 6d. net. THE YEARS OF THE SHADOW. By Katherine Tynan. Demy 8vo. 15s. net. THE EDUCATION OF HENRY ADAMS. 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