

1865. “BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der Chaetopoden,” Zeitschrift fÜr wissenschaftliche Zoologie, xv. 3, p. 328.
“Über einige wenig bekannte Thierformen,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xv. 4, p. 450.
“Über Geodesmus bilineatus Nob. (Fasciola terrestris), eine europÄische Landplanarie, MÉlanges biologiques” (Bull. de l’AcadÉmie des Sciences de Saint-PÉtersbourg, vol. v.).
1866. “Untersuchungen Über die Embryologie der Hemipteren (vorlÄufige Mitteilung),” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xvi. 1, p. 128.
“Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Myzostomum,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xvi. 1, p. 326.
“Apsilus lentiformis, ein RÄderthier,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xvi. 3, p. 1.
“Embryologischen Studien an Insecten,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xvi. Entgegnung auf die Erwiederung des Her. Prof. Leuckart in Giessen, in Betreff der Frage Über die Nematodenentwicklung (GÖttingen, Verlag von Adalbert Rente).
1867. “BeitrÄge zur Naturgeschichte der WÜrmer,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xvii. 4, p. 539.
“Embryology of the Sepiola” (in Russian), Archives des Sciences physiques et naturelles, GenÈve, vol. 21.
1868. “BeitrÄge zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Chaetopoden” (in collaboration with Ed. ClaparÈde), Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xviii.
1869. “Embryology of Nebalia” (in Russian), MÉlanges biologiques de l’AcadÉmie de Saint-PÉtersbourg, vi. p. 730.
“Untersuchungen Über die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere, Tornaria,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xx. p. 131.
“Über ein Larvenstadium von Euphausia,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xix. 4, p. 179.
“Über die Entwicklung der Echinodermen und Nemertinen,” MÉmoires de l’Acad. de Saint-PÉtersbourg, xiv. 8, p. 33.
1870. “Bemerkungen Über Echinodermen,” Bulletins de l’Acad. de Saint-PÉtersbourg, xiv. p. 51.
“Embryologie des Scorpions,” Zeitschr. f. wissen. Zool. xxi.
1871. “Über die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxi. 2, p. 235.
“Entwicklungsgeschichte des Chelifers,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxi. p. 513.
“Über den Naupliuszustand von Euphausia,” ibid. Bd. xix.
1872. “Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der einfachen Ascidien,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxii. 3, p. 339.
“VorlÄufige Mitteilung Über die Embryologie der Polydesmiden,” MÉlanges biologiques des Bullet. de l’AcadÉmie des Sciences de Saint-PÉtersbourg, vol. viii.
“Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der KalkschwÄmme,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxiv. p. 1.
“Studien Über die Entwicklung der Medusen und Siphonophoren,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxiv. p. 15.
“Embryologie der doppelfÜssigen Myriapoden,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxiv. p. 253.
1874. “Embryologisches Über Geophilus,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxv. p. 313.
1876. “BeitrÄge zur Morphologie der Spongien,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxvii. p. 275.
1878. “Spongiologische Studien,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxii. p. 349.
1879. “Spongiologische Studien,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxii. p. 374.
1880. “Über die intracellulÄre Verdauung bei Coelenteraten,” Zoologischer Anzeiger, No. 56, p. 261.
“Untersuchungen Über Orthonectiden,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxv. p. 282.
“Über die systematische Stellung von Balanoglossus,” Zoologischer Anzeiger, pp. 139, 153.
1881. “Zur Lehre Über die intracellulÄre Verdauung niederer Tiere,” Zoologischer Anzeiger, p. 310.
Vergleichend-embryologische Studien:
1. Entodermbildung bei Geryoniden.
2. “Über einige Studien der Cunina,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxvi. p. 433.
1882. 3. “Über die Gastrula einiger Metazoen,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxvii. p. 286.
“Die Embryologie von Planaria polychroa,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xxxviii. 3, p. 331.
1883. “Untersuchungen Über die intracellulÄre Verdauung bei wirbellosen Tieren,” Arbeiten d. zool. Instituts zu Wien, v. 2, p. 14 (Quarterly Journal of Micr. Science, vol. 93).
“Untersuchung Über die mesodermalen Phagocyten einiger Wirbeltiere,” Biologisch. Centralblatt, No. 18, p. 560, Bd. iii.
1884. “Embryologische Mitteilungen Über Echinodermen,” Zoologischer Anzeiger, vii. Nos. 158, 159.
“Über eine Sprosspilzkrankheit der Daphnien; Beitrag zur Lehre Über den Kampf der Phagocyten gegen Krankheitserreger,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 96, p. 177.
“Über die Beziehung der Phagocyten zu Milzbrandbacillen,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 97, p. 502.
“Über die pathologische Bedeutung der intracellulÄren Verdauung,” Fortschritte der Medizin, 1884, p. 558, No. 17.
1885. Vergleichend-embryologische Studien:
4. “Über die Gastrulation und Mesodermbildung der Ctenophoren,” 648.
5. “Über die Bildung der Wanderzellen bei Asterien und Echiniden,” Zeit. f. wissen. Zool. xlii. p. 656.
1886. “Medusologische Mittheilungen,” Arbeiten d. zool. Instituts zu Wien, vi. 2, p. 1.
Embryologische Studien an Medusen, ein Beitrag zur Genealogie der Primitivorgane, Wien, 1886.
1887. “Sur l’attÉnuation des bactÉridies charbonneuses dans le sang des moutons rÉfractaires,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, i. p. 42, No. 1.
“Über den Kampf der Zellen gegen Erysipelkokken, ein Beitrag zur Phagocytenlehre,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 107, p. 209.
“Über den Phagocytenkampf bei RÜckfalltyphus,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 109, p. 176.
“Sur la lutte des cellules de l’organisme contre l’invasion des microbes,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, i. p. 321, No. 7.
“Kritische Bemerkungen Über den Aufsatz des Herrn Christmas-Dirckinck-Holmfeld, I. V.,” Fortschritte der Medizin, 17, p. 541.
1888. “Über die phagocytÄre Rolle der Tuberkelriesenzellen,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 113, p. 63.
“Pasteuria Ramosa, un reprÉsentant des bactÉries À division longitudinale,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, p. 165, t. ii. No. 4.
“Über das Verhalten der Milzbrandbakterien im Organismus,” Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 114, p. 465.
“RÉponse À la critique de M. Weigert au sujet des cellules gÉantes de la tuberculose,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, ii. p. 604.
1889. “Recherches sur la digestion intracellulaire,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iii. p. 25, No. 1.
“Contribution À l’Étude du plÉomorphisme des bactÉries,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iii. p. 61, No. 2.
“Note sur le plÉomorphisme, etc.,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iii. p. 265, No. 5.
Studies on Immunity:
1. “ImmunitÉ des lapins contre le bacille du rouget des porcs,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iii. p. 289, No. 6.
1890. 2. “Le Charbon des pigeons,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iv. p. 65, No. 2.
3. “Le Charbon des rats blancs,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, iv. p. 193, No. 4.
1891. 4. “L’ImmunitÉ des cobayes vaccinÉs contre le Vibrio Metchnikowii,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, v. p. 465, No. 8.
“Sur la propriÉtÉ bactÉricide du sang de rat” (in collaboration with Dr. Roux), No. 8.
“Recherches sur l’accoutumance aux produits microbiens” (in collaboration with Dr. Roudenko), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, v. p. 567, No. 9.
“BeitrÄge zur vergleichenden Pathologie der EntzÜndung,” Virchow Festschrift, vol. 11.
1892. “La Phagocytose musculaire” (in collaboration with Dr. Soudakevitch), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, vi. p. 1.
LeÇons sur la pathologie comparÉe de l’inflammation. Paris, 1892.
“On Aqueous Humour, Micro-organisms and Immunity,” Journal of Pathology, i.
Studies on Immunity:
5. “ImmunitÉ des lapins vaccinÉs contre le microbe du HogcholÉra,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, vi. p. 189, No. 5.
“Atrophie des muscles pendant la transformation des batraciens,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, vi. No. 1.
“Note au sujet du mÉmoire de M. Soudakevitch (Parasitisme intracellulaire des nÉoplasmes cancÉreux),” No. 3.
“Über Muskelphagocytose,” Centralblatt fÜr Bakteriologie, 1892.
“La Lutte pour l’existence entre les diverses parties de l’organisme,” Revue scientifique, 10 sept. 1892, No. 11.
1893. “Recherches sur le cholÉra et les vibrions, 1er mÉmoire” (Sur la propriÉtÉ prÉventive du sang humain vis-À-vis du vibrion de Koch), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, vii. p. 403, No. 5.
2. “MÉmoire,” idem (Sur la propriÉtÉ pathogÈne des vibrions), tome vii. p. 562, No. 7.
Comparative Pathology of Inflammation. Lectures at the Pasteur Institute. Paul: London, 1893. 8vo. (The name of the translator is not stated.)
1894. 3. “MÉmoire,” idem (Sur la vaccination artificielle du vibrion cholÉrique), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, viii. p. 257, No. 5.
4. “MÉmoire,” idem (Sur l’immunitÉ et la rÉceptivitÉ vis-À-vis du cholÉra intestinal), tome viii. p. 529, No. 8.
“L’État actuel de la question de l’immunitÉ” (Rapport du CongrÈs international de Budapest), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, viii. p. 706, No. 10.
1895. Studies on Immunity:
6. “Sur la destruction extracellulaire des bactÉries dans l’organisme,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, ix. p. 433, No. 6.
1896. “Toxine et antitoxine cholÉriques” (in collaboration with Drs. Roux and Salimbeni), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, x. p. 25, No. 5.
“Quelques remarques À propos de l’article de Gabritchevsky sur la fiÈvre rÉcurrente,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, x. No. 11.
Recherches sur l’influence de l’organisme sur les toxines:
1897. 1st Memoir. “Recherches sur l’influence de l’organisme sur les toxines,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xi. p. 801.
“RÉponse À M. Gabritchevsky,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xi. No. 3.
“ImmunitÄt,” Weyl’s Handbuch der Hygiene. Jena, 1897.
“Recherches sur l’influence de l’organisme sur les toxines” (Communication faite au congrÈs de Moscou en aoÛt 1897), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xi. No. 10.
1898. 2nd Memoir. “Influence du systÈme nerveux sur la toxine tÉtanique,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xii. No. 2, p. 81.
3rd Memoir. “Toxine tÉtanique et leucocytes,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xii. No. 4, p. 263.
1899. “RÉsorption des cellules,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xiii. No. 10, p. 737.
1900. Researches on the Influence of the Organism on Toxins:
4Ème mÉmoire. “Sur la spermotoxine et l’antispermotoxine,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xiv. p. 5.
“Sur les cytotoxines,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xiv. No. 6. p. 369.
“Recherches sur l’action de l’hÉmotoxine sur l’homme,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xiv. No. 6, p. 402.
1901. Biological Studies on Old Age:
1st Memoir. “Sur le blanchiment des cheveux et des poils,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xv. No. 12, p. 865.
L’ImmunitÉ dans les maladies infectieuses. Paris, 1901.
1902. Biological Studies on Old Age. “Recherches sur la vieillesse des perroquets” (in collaboration with Drs. Mesnil and Weinberg), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xvi. No. 12.
The Nature of Man. Studies in optimistic philosophy. The English translation by P. Chalmers Mitchell. Heinemann: London; Putnams: New York, 1903. 8vo.
1903. Studies on Human Nature: Paris, 1903.
Études expÉrimentales sur la syphilis (in collaboration with Dr. Roux):
1st Memoir. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xvii. No. 12, p. 809.
1904. 2nd Memoir. “Études expÉrimentales sur la syphilis” (in collaboration with Dr. Roux), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xviii. No. 1, p. 1.
3rd Memoir. Id. No. 11.
1905. 4th Memoir. Id. Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xix. No. 11.
Immunity in Infective Diseases. Translated from the French by F. G. Binnie. University Press: Cambridge; The Macmillan Co.: New York, 1905. 8vo.
1906. 5th Memoir. Id., Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xx. No. 10.
The New Hygiene: three lectures on the prevention of infectious diseases. Translated and a preface written by E. Ray Lankester. Heinemann: London, 1906. 8vo.
[Another edition.] Chicago Medical Book Co.: Chicago, 1906. 8vo.
1907. [Another edition.] W. T. Keener & Co.: Chicago, 1907. 8vo.
“Sur la prophylaxie de la syphilis” (Paper read at the XIIth International Congress in Berlin), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xxi. No. 10.
The Prolongation of Life: optimistic studies. The English translation edited by P. Chalmers Mitchell. Heinemann: London, 1907. 8vo.
Essais optimistes.
1908. “Études sur la flore intestinale,” “PutrÉfaction intestinale,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xxii. No. 12.
1909. Idem. “Roussettes et microbes” (in collaboration with MM. Weinberg, Pozersky, Distaso, Berthelot), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xxiii. No. 12.
Notes on Sour Milk and other Methods of administering Selected Lactic Germs in Intestinal Bacterio-therapy. J. Bale, Sons & Co.: London, 1909. 8vo.
1910. Idem. “Poisons intestinaux et sclÉroses,” Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xxiv. No. 10.
The Prolongation of Life. New and revised edition, Heinemann: London; Putnams: New York, 1910. 8vo.
1911. “Sur la fiÈvre typhoÏde expÉrimentale” (Metchnikoff et Besredka), Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, xxv. No. 3.
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur:
Tome xxv. No. 6. Quelques remarques sur la vaccination À propos du mÉmoire de M. Choukevitch sur le cholÉra.
Tome xxv. No. 6. RÉponse de MM. Metchnikoff et Besredka À M. le Dr. Vincent (remarques sur la vaccination antityphique).
Tome xxv. No. 11. El. Metchnikoff, E. Burnet et L. Tarassevitch, “Recherches sur l’ÉpidÉmiologie de la tuberculose dans les steppes Kalmouks.”
Tome xxv. No. 12. El. Metchnikoff et A. Besredka, “Des vaccinations antityphiques (2nd Memoir).”
1912. Tome xxvi. No. 11. El. Metchnikoff et Eug. Wollman, “Sur quelques essais de dÉsintoxication intestinale,” “BactÉriothÉrapie intestinale.”
The Warfare against Tuberculosis—being the Priestley Lecture of the National Health Society for the year 1912. Published in Bedrock, January 1913. Constable: London.
1913. Études sur la flore intestinale.
Tome xxvii. No. 8. “Des vaccinations antityphiques” (El. Metchnikoff et A. Besredka).
Tome xxvii. No. 11. “ToxicitÉ des sulfoconjuguÉs de la sÉrie aromatique.”
1914. Tome xxviii. No. 2. “Études sur la flore intestinale” (4Ème mÉmoire). “Les diarrhÉes des nourrissons.”
1915. Tome xxix. No. 8. “Causerie de El. Metchnikoff À l’occasion de son jubilÉ.”
Tome xxix. No. 10. “La Mort du papillon du mÛrier.”
“Founders of Modern Medicine: Pasteur, Lister, Koch” in Russian (a French translation to appear shortly).
1915-16. “Introduction À ’Études sur la fonction sexuelle’” (posthume, dans Le Mercure de France, 1917).
1916. The Nature of Man. Popular edition. Heinemann: London, 1916. 8vo.

Note.—Sources consulted: British Museum Catalogue; English Catalogue; American Catalogue.

FOOTNOTES[1] He received an honorary degree at Cambridge in 1891, and also attended the International Medical Congress in London in that year. In 1901 he gave a lecture at Manchester on the intestinal flora. In 1906 he gave a course of three lectures in London on “The New Hygiene.” I translated them for him, and they were published as a little volume by Heinemann.

[2] By Prof. Hertwig of Munich.

[3] Ungainly open carriage on high wheels and without springs.

[4] Metchnikoff himself insisted upon the recital of this episode, for which he had felt some remorse. He considered that, in a biography, disagreeable traits were not to be omitted.

[5] Chronicle of John Neculua.

[6] This Boyar was no doubt a nephew of the Great Spatar.

[7] He made researches on a very singular annulate worm, the Fabricia.

[8] All this episode was described by Metchnikoff in 1866 in a separate publication with great restraint and in a very moderate tone.

[9] In later years Metchnikoff often dwelt on the fact that Fritz MÜller was not fully appreciated and that it was he who had most efficaciously contributed to the confirmation of Darwinian theories.

[10] A degree preceding that of Doc.Sc.

[11] The latter affirmed that the nervous system of Ascidia originated from the upper layer, whilst Elie believed that it was the lower layer which gave birth to it. It was Kovalevsky who was right, as Elie himself declared later.

[12] He ultimately developed these considerations in a paper entitled Education from an Anthropological Point of View, of which mention will be made hereafter.

[13] Rural administration.

[14] “Elie” is the French form of Elijah, in Russian Ilia, and was ultimately adopted by Metchnikoff.

[15] Migration of the white blood corpuscles (leucocytes) through the walls of blood-vessels.

[16] Arbeiten des zool. Inst. zu Wien, Bd. v. Heft ii. p. 141. “Untersuchung Über die intracellulÄre Verdauung bei wirbellosen Tieren,” E. Metchnikoff.

[17] It was only in 1892 that he completed and developed his observations. He found that the cells of the sarcoplasma of the muscular tissue devoured its contractile part, the myoplasma.

[18] This paper was entitled “Forces curatives de l’organisme.”

[19] Virchow’s Archiv, vol. 96, p. 177.

[20] Aqueous humor, the exudate of aseptic oedemata.

[21] Naegeli, BÜchner, Gravitz.

[22] Chauveau.

[23] BÜchner.

[24] Hayem, Birsch, Hirschfeld, Kleps, Recklinghausen, Waldeyer, and Virchow.

[25] It is also called alexine or complement by other writers.

[26] Designated by other writers by various synonyms: preventive, or sensibilising substance, immunising body, amboceptor.

[27] A cutaneous scarification by tuberculin which provokes local inflammatory redness on the scarified point in tuberculous subjects only.

[28] Education from an Anthropological Point of View, The Matrimonial Age, The Conception of Human Nature, The Struggle for Existence in a General Sense. See Bibliography.

[29] 28th June 1914.—I have again analysed my urine and I again find indican in fairly large quantities in spite of a diet which is as rational as possible. I am trying to elucidate this strange contradiction.

[30] In the Russian Review, Messenger of Europe.

[31] Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, JubilÉ d’ E. Metchnikoff, 1915.

[32] Annales de l’Institut Pasteur, 1915.

[33] For instance, Dr. Widal, very early in his illness, had advised a saltless diet, which caused the infiltration in the tissues to remain comparatively slight.

[34] He expounded the theory that ideas on the sexual function had been falsified through fear of venereal diseases at a time when people did not know either how to avoid or cure those diseases. He showed that the condemnation of a natural function by divers religions was based on that fear. He analysed the deplorable consequences of that, and set forth the necessity of returning to more wholesome ideas, more in conformity with nature and allowing the study and avoidance of many evils. He thought that, in this connection, a new direction should be given to the education of children and to marriage. He then examined the part played by the sexual function in the lives of men of genius and, with that object, read many biographies and literary works. During his illness he read books concerning Victor Hugo and Napoleon, J. J. Rousseau’s Confessions and even parts of the Nouvelle HÉloÏse.

[35] Pantopon is a narcotic drug prepared from opium.

[36] It was 5.20 by the conventional war time, 4.20 in reality.

[37] Thus the parenchymella, phagocytella, and gastrula stages correspond in the embryo with the adult form of certain very primitive Metazoa and even to a colony of unicellular animals.

[38] Replacement of the wild and noxious flora of the intestines by antagonistic cultivated microbes; strengthening and vaccinating of noble cells.


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