Leclercq, L., Article “Hymnes”, Dictionnaire d’archÉologie chrÉtienne et de liturgie. Contains extensive bibliography upon the subject of medieval hymnology. Farrar, C. P. and Evans, A. P., Bibliography of English Translations from medieval sources. New York, 1946. Hymns, 2025-2045. Raby, F. J. E., History of Christian-Latin poetry from the beginning to the close of the Middle Ages. Oxford, 1927. Bibliography classified by authors and periods. Reese, G., Music in the Middle Ages. New York, 1941. Contains extensive bibliography including many periodical articles. II. Collections and IndicesAnalecta hymnica medii aevi, edited by C. Blume and G. M. Dreves, 55 vols. Leipzig, 1886-1922. Introductions most informative. Analecta liturgica, part 2, vols. I, Thesaurus hymnologicus; II, Prosae, edited by E. Misset and W. H. J. Weale. Insulis et Brugis, 1888-1902. Blume, C. and Dreves, G. M., Hymnologische BeitrÄge (Quellen und Forschungen zur Geschichte der lateinischen Hymnendichtungen, 2 vols.). Leipzig, 1897-1901. Chevalier, C. U. J., Repertorium hymnologicum, catalogue des chants, hymnes, proses, sequences, tropes, 6 vols. Louvain, Bruxelles, 1892-1920. Published as supplements to the Analecta Bollandiana. Daniel, H. A., Thesaurus hymnologicus, 5 vols. Lipsiae, 1855-1856, 2nd edition. Gaselee, S., The Oxford Book of medieval Latin verse. Oxford, 1928. Germing, M., Latin hymns. Chicago, 1920. Text book. del Grande, C., Liturgiae preces hymni Christianorum e papyris collecti. Neapel, 1934. Grenfell, B. and Hunt, A., Oxyrhynchus papyri, Part XV. London, 1922. Harris, R. and Mingana, A., The odes and psalms of Solomon, I. Text, II. Translation. Manchester, 1916-1920. Hurlbut, S. A., Hortus conclusus, Medieval Latin hymns with English renderings, 10 parts. Washington, D. C., 1930-1936. Kehrein, J., Lateinische Sequenzen des Mittelalters. Mainz, 1873. The most extensive collection of sequences made up to that date. Mc Dougall, A. G., Pange lingua: breviary hymns of old uses with an English rendering. London, 1916. Mearns, J., Canticles of the Christian Church eastern and western in early and medieval times. Cambridge, 1914. Merrill, W. A., Latin hymns. New York, 1917. Text book. Mone, F. J., Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters, 3 vols. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1853-1855. Morel, G., Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters, grÖsstentheils aus Handschriften schweizerischen Kloster, als Nachtrag zu den Hymnensammlungen von Mone, Daniel & Andern. Einsiedeln, 1866. Neale, J. M., Hymni ecclesiae e breviariis quibusdam et missalibus Gallicanis, Germanis, Hispanis, Lusitanis desumpti. Oxford, 1851. ——, Sequentiae ex missalibus Germanis, Anglicis, Gallicis, aliisque medii aevi, collectae. London, 1852. Newman, J. H., Hymni ecclesiae, London, 1838, 1865. Phillimore, J. S., The hundred best Latin hymns. London, 1926. Attractive anthology. Poetae latini aevi Carolini in Monumenta Germaniae Historica.... Poetarum latinorum medii aevi, vol. iv, edited by P. von Winterfeld. Berlin, 1923. Roth, F. W. E., Lateinische Hymnen des Mittelalters. Augsburg, 1887. Intended as a supplement to larger collections. Wackernagel, K. E., Das deutschen Kirchenlied, 5 vols. Leipzig, 1864-1877. Vol. I contains Latin hymns. Walpole, A. S., Early Latin hymns. Cambridge, 1922. Weale, W. H. J., Analecta liturgica, Part II, vols. I, II, Thesaurus hymnologicus—Prosae. Insulis et Brugis, 1888-1902. III. History and Authors of Latin HymnsAllen, P. S., Mediaeval Latin lyrics. Chicago, 1931. Baldwin, C. S., Medieval rhetoric and poetic. New York, 1928. Bardenhewer, O., Geschichte der altkirchlichen Literatur, 5 vols. Freiburg in Breisgau, 1912-1932. Beck, C., Mittellateinische Dichtung. Berlin, 1927. Benson, L. F., Hymnody of the Christian church. New York, 1927. Biraghi, L., Inni sinceri e carmi di Sant’Ambrogio. Milano, 1862. Blume, C., Articles “Hymn”, “Hymnody and Hymnology.” Cath. Enc. Coulter, C. C., “Latin hymns of the Middle Ages”, Studies in Philology, 21 (1924) 571-585. DeGhellinck, J., S. J., LittÉrature Latine au Moyen Age, 2 vols. Paris, 1939. ——, LittÉrature Latine au XIIe SiÈcle, 2 vols. Brussels, 1946. De Labriolle, P., Histoire de la LittÉrature latine chrÉtienne. Paris, 1924. Translation by H. Wilson, History and Literature of Christianity from Tertullian to Boethius. New York, 1925. Donahue, D. J., “The sacred songs of the Middle Ages”, Cath. Hist. Rev., N. S. vol. 3 (1923) 217-235. Dreves, G. M., Ein Jahrtausend lateinischer Hymnendichtung, Eine BlÜtenlese aus den Anal. hymn. mit literarhistorischen ErlÄuterungen, 2 vols. Leipzig, 1909. Duckett, E. S., Gateway to the Middle Ages. New York, 1938. ——, Latin writers of the 5th century. New York, 1930. Dudden, F. H., Gregory the Great. His place in history and thought, 2 vols. New York, 1905. ——, The life and times of St. Ambrose, 2 vols. Oxford, 1935. Duffield, S. W., The Latin hymn-writers and their hymns. New York, 1889. Ebert, A., Allgemeine Geschichte der Literatur des Mittelalters im Abendlande, 3 vols. Leipzig, 1880-1889. 2nd edition of vol. I. GastouÉ, A., “Proses et sÉquences”, Tribune d. S. Gervais (1922), 69-72; “Les origines liturgiques latines de la sÉquence”, 153-158; “Les types byzantins de la sÉquence”, (1923) 1-6. Gautier, L., Oeuvres poÉtiques d’Adam de Saint-Victor. Paris, 1881. Gillman, F. J., Evolution of the English hymn. New York, 1927. Heider, A. B., The Blessed Virgin in early Christian Latin poetry. Washington, D. C., 1918. HÉlin, M., History of medieval Latin literature. New York, 1949. Translated by J. C. Snow from LittÉrature d’occident: Histoire des lettres Latines du Moyen Age. Hughes, H. V., Dom Anselm, Latin Hymnody. London, 1922. Julian, J., Dictionary of hymnology. London, 1925. Kayser, J., BeitrÄge zur Geschichte und ErklÄrung der Ältesten Kirchenhymnen, 2 vols. Paderborn, 1881, 1886. Koebner, R., Venantius Fortunatus. Leipzig, 1915. Kroll, J., Die christliche Hymnodik bis zu Klemens von Alexandreia. KÖnigsburg: Prog. d. Ak. von Braunsberg, 1921-2. s. 47-98. ——, “Die Hymnendichtung des frÜhen Christentums”, Die Antike, 2 (1926) 258-281. Kuhnmuench, O., S. J., Early Christian Latin poets from the 4th-6th century. Chicago, 1929. Lynch, C. H., St. Braulio, Bishop of Saragossa. Washington, D. C., 1938. Mac Gilton, A. K., Study of Latin hymns. Boston, 1918. Manitius, M., Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen Poesie bis zur Mitte des 8. Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart, 1891. ——, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, 3 vols. MÜnchen, 1911-1931. Maryosip, M., The oldest Christian hymn-book. Temple, Texas, 1948. Meyer, W., Der Gelegenheitsdichter Venantius Fortunatus. Berlin, 1901. Misset, E. et Aubry, P., Les Proses d’Adam de Saint-Victor, texte et musique. Paris, 1900. Myers, W. N., The hymns of Saint Hilary of Poitiers in the codex Aretinus. Phila., 1928. Peebles, B. M., “Fortunatus, poet of the Holy Cross”, Amer. Church Monthly, 38 (1935) 152-166. ——, The Poet Prudentius. Boston College Candlemas Lectures on Christian Literature: no. 2. New York, 1951. Phillips, C. S., Hymnody past and present. London, 1937. Rand, E. K., Founders of the Middle Ages. Cambridge, 1928. Sage, C. M., Paul Albar of Cordova: Studies on his life and writings. Washington, D. C., 1943. Tardi, D., Fortunat. Étude sur un dernier reprÉsentant de la poÉsie latine le Gaule merovingienne. Paris, 1927. Trench, R. C., Sacred Latin poetry. London, 1874. Weyman, C., BeitrÄge zur Geschichte der christlich-lateinischen Poesie. MÜnchen, 1926. Wilmart, A. Dom, Auteurs spirituels et textes dÉvots du moyen Âge Latin. Études d’histoire litteraire. Paris, 1932. ——, “Le Psautier de la reine, N. XI, sa provenance et sa date”, Revue BÉnÉdictine, July-Oct. 1911, 341 ff. Wrangham, D. S., Liturgical poetry of Adam of St. Victor. London, 1881. IV. Hymns and LiturgyAntiphonarium Hartkeri, saec. XI, St. Gall MS, 390-391, p. 15-16. PalÉographie Musicale, DeuxiÈme SÉrie, Tome 1. Antiphonary of Bangor, An early Irish manuscript in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, edited by F. E. Warren. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. vols. 4, 10. London, 1893, 1895. Batiffol, P., Études de liturgie et d’archÉologie chrÉtienne, Ch. VI, La Chandeleur, 193-215. Paris, 1919. ——, History of the Roman Breviary. Translated from the 3rd French edition by A. M. Baylay. London, 1912. Bishop, E., Liturgica historica, Oxford, 1918. ——, “Spanish Symptoms”, Theological Studies, 8 (1907) 278-294. ——, The Mozarabic and Ambrosian Rites. London, 1924. Blume, C., Der cursus S. Benedicti Nursini und die liturgischen Hymnen des 6.-9. Jahrhunderts. Leipzig, 1908. ——, Unsere liturgischen Lieder. Regensburg, 1932. Bohatta, H., Bibliographie des livres d’heures etc. Wien, 1924, 2nd ed. Breviarium Gothicum, edited by A. Lorenzana. Madrid, 1775. See Migne, P. L., 86. Britt, M., Hymns of the Breviary and Missal. New York, 1922, 1948. Buchanan, E. S., An early Latin song-book. New York, 1930. 13th C. Ms. Burgess, H., Select metrical hymns and homilies of Ephrem Syrus. London, 1855. Chambers, J. D., Divine worship in England in the 13th and 14th, contrasted with and adapted to that in the 19th C. London, 1877. Chatfield, A. W., Songs and hymns of the earliest Greek Christian poets. London, 1876. Dowden, J., Church year and kalendar. Cambridge, 1910. Duchesne, L., Origines du culte chrÉtien. Translation Christian worship: origin and evolution from the 3rd French edition by M. L. McClure. London, 1904. Durandus, Gulielmus, Rationale divinorum officiorum (1286). Lugduni, 1612. Fisher, A. H., Cathedral church of Hereford. London, 1898. Fortescue, A., Concerning Hymns. See Introduction to A. G. McDougall, Pange lingua, above. ——, The Mass: a study of the Roman liturgy. London, 1914. Gautier, L., Histoire de la PoÉsie liturgique au Moyen Age. Les Tropes. Paris, 1886. Hereford Breviary, edited by W. H. Frere and L. E. G. Brown. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. vols. 26, 40. London, 1904, 1911. Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis or Sarum and York Primers, edited by E. Hoskins. London, 1901. Horae Eboracenses, Prymer or Hours of the B. V. M., edited by C. Wordsworth. Surtees Society Pub. vol. 132. London, 1919. Hymnale secundum usum ... ecclesiae Sarisburiensis, edited by A. C. Wilson and Dr. Stubbs. Littlemore, 1850. Hymnarium Sarisburiense. London, 1851. Incomplete. The Hymner, Translations of the hymns from the Sarum Breviary together with sundry sequences and processions. London, 1905. Hymns, Ancient and Modern, historical edition. London, 1909. Introduction by W. H. Frere on history of hymns, treats Latin hymns from liturgical point of view. Irish Liber Hymnorum, edited by J. H. Bernard and R. Atkinson. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. vols. 13, 14. London, 1897, 1898. Jahrbuch fÜr Liturgiewissenschaft, edited by O. Casel, O. S. B. MÜnster i. W., 1921-1934. Vol. xiv (1934) was published in 1938. Invaluable bibliography for every field of medieval hymnology. Many reviews of articles otherwise unobtainable. Jones, W. H., Diocesan histories: Salisbury. London, 1880. Latin hymns of the Anglo-Saxon church, edited by J. Stevenson. Surtees Society Pub. vol. 23. Durham, 1851. McClure, M. L. and Feltoe, E. L., The Pilgrimage of Etheria. Translations of Christian literature, Series III, Liturgical texts. London, 1919. Manuale et processionale ad usum insignis ecclesiae Eboracensis, edited by W. G. Henderson. Surtees Society Pub. vol. 63. Durham, 1875. Maskell, W., Ancient liturgy of the church of England. Oxford, 1882. 3rd edition. ——, Monumenta ritualia ecclesiae Anglicanae, 3 vols. Oxford, 1882. 2nd edition. Mearns, J., Early Latin hymnaries, an index of hymns in hymnaries before 1100, with an appendix from later sources. Cambridge, 1913. Missale ad usum insignis ecclesiae Eboracensis, edited by W. G. Henderson. Surtees Society Pub. vols. 59, 60. Durham, 1874. Missale ad usum percelebris ecclesiae Herfordensis, edited by W. G. Henderson. Leeds, 1874. Missale mixtum, edited by A. Lesley, S. J. Rome, 1755. See Migne, P. L. 86. Mozarabic Psalter, edited by J. P. Gilson. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. vol. 30. London, 1905. Neale, J. M. and Forbes, G. H., The ancient liturgies of the Gallican church. Burntisland, 1855. Ordinale and customary of the Benedictine nuns of Barking abbey, edited by J. B. L. Tolhurst. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. 2 vols. London, 1927, 1928. Ornsby, G., York: diocesan histories. London, no date. Phillott, H. W., Hereford: diocesan histories. London, no date. Processional of the nuns of Chester, edited by J. W. Legg. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. vol. 18. London, 1899. Processionale ad usum ... Sarum, edited by W. G. Henderson. Leeds, 1882. Prymer, edited by H. Littlehales. Early English Text Society, original series 105, 109. London, 1895, 1897. Rock, D., Church of our fathers as seen in St. Osmund’s rite for the cathedral of Salisbury, 4 vols. Edited by G. W. Hart and W. H. Frere. London, 1903-1904. Sarum Missal, edited by J. W. Legg. Oxford, 1916. Sarum missal, done into English by A. H. Pearson. London, 1884. 2nd edition. Sarum missal, translated by F. E. Warren. London, 1911. (Library of liturgiology and ecclesiology for English readers, vols. 8 and 9.) S. Silviae, quae fertur, Peregrinatio ad loca sancta, CSEL 39. 35-101. Vindobonae, 1898. Stroppel, R., Liturgie und geistliche Dichtung 1050-1300. Frankfurt am Main, 1927. Swete, H. B., Church services and service books before the Reformation. London, 1896. Thalhofer, V. and Eisenhofer, L., Handbuch der katholischen Liturgik, 2 vols. Freiburg im Breisgau, 1912. Tropary of Ethelred, published in Missale ... Eboracensis, above. Winchester troper, edited by W. H. Frere. Henry Bradshaw Society Pub. London, 1894. Wordsworth, C., Ceremonies and processions of the cathedral church of Salisbury. Cambridge, 1901. ——, Notes on mediaeval services in England. London, 1898. ——, and H. Littlehales, The old service books of the English church. London, 1904. York breviary, edited by J. H. Srawley. Surtees Society Pub. vols. 71, 75. Durham, 1880, 1883. V. Hymns and Medieval Culture, especially Art, Drama, Literature and MusicActa Sanctorum quotquot orbe coluntur ... collegit Joannes Bollandus etc., 1643 et seq. Addison, J. T., Medieval Missionary. A study of the conversion of northern Europe A. D. 500-1300. New York, 1936. This book supersedes earlier works. Allen, P. S., Romanesque lyric. Chapel Hill, 1928. Altamira, R., History of Spanish Civilization, translated by P. Volkov. London, 1930. Ante-Nicene fathers, vol. VIII. American Reprint. Buffalo, 1886. For Apocryphal books of the N. T. Antiphonale monasticum pro diurnis horis ordinis Sancti Benedicti a solesmensibus monachis restitutum. Parisiis, Tornaci, Romae. 1935. For Gregorian music. Apocryphal New Testament, edited by M. R. James. Oxford, 1924. Blume, C., “Hymnologie und Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters”, in Festschrift f. Georg von Hertling. Kempten, 1913. Pp. 117-130. Brehier, L., L’art chrÉtien. Paris, 1928. 2nd edition. Brown, C., English lyrics of the 13th century. London, 1932. ——, Religious lyrics of the 14th century. Oxford, 1924. ——, Religious lyrics of the 15th century. Oxford, 1939. ——, Register of Middle English religious and didactic verse, Pt. II. Oxford, 1920. Burdach, K., Vorspiel, Bd. I. Über den Ursprung des mittelalterlichen Minnesangs, Liebesromans und Frauendienstes. Halle S., 1925. Chambers, E. K., Mediaeval Stage, 2 vols. Oxford, 1903. Clark, J. M., The abbey of St. Gall as a center of literature and art. Cambridge, 1926. Cohen, G., Histoire de la mise en scÈne dans le thÉatre religieux franÇais du moyen Âge. Paris, 1926. Fine bibliography. Creizenach, W., Geschichte des neueren Dramas, vol. I. Halle, 1911. Cutts, E. L., Parish priests and their people in the Middle Ages. London, 1914. Delehaye, H., Les legendes hagiographiques. Bruxelles, 1905. Diehl, C., Manuel d’art Byzantin. Paris, 1910. Dill, S., Roman Society in Gaul in the merovingian age. London, 1926. Douglas, W. C., Church music in history and practice. New York, 1937. Drake, M. and W., Saints and their emblems. London, 1916. Duchartre, P. L., Mittelalterliche Plastik in Frankreich. MÜnchen, 1925. Evans, J., Monastic life at Cluny, 910-1157. London, 1931. Farmer, H. G., Historical facts for the Arabian musical influence. London, 1930. ——, History of Arabian music to the XIIIth C. London, 1929. Fellerer, K. G., BeitrÄge zur Musikgeschichte Freisings etc. Freising, 1926. Gams, Dom P. B., Die Kirchengeschichte von Spanien, 5 vols. Regensburg, 1862-1879. Garcia Villada, Historia eclesiÁstica de EspaÑa, 3 vols. in 5. Madrid, 1929-1936. Gasquet, F. 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Lang, P. H., Music in western civilization. New York, 1941. LÉvi-ProvenÇal, E., La civilization arabe en Espagne, vue general. Le Caire, 1938. Luchaire, A. (D.J.A.) Social France at the time of Philip Augustus, translated from the 2nd French edition by E. B. Krehbiel. New York, 1912. MÂle, E., L’art religieux du XIIe siÈcle en France. Paris, 1922. ——, L’art religieux du XIIIe siÈcle en France. Paris, 1923. ——, L’art religieux de la fin du moyen Âge en France. Paris, 1922. ——, L’art allemand et l’art franÇais du moyen Âge. Paris, 1922. Meyer, K., Selections from ancient Irish poetry. London, 1911. Meyer, W., Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur mittellateinischen Rythmik, 2 vols. in 1. Berlin, 1905. MÜller, H. F., “Pre-history of the mediaeval drama”, Zeitschrift fÜr romanische Philologie, Bd. 44 (1924) 544-575. Nelson, P., Ancient stained glass in England. London, 1913. Owst, G. R., Preaching in medieval England. Cambridge, 1926. Prior, E. A. and Gardner, A., An account of medieval figure-sculpture in England. Cambridge, 1912. Pokorny, J., Die Älteste Lyrik der grÜnen Insel. Halle S., 1923. Quasten, J., Musik und Gesang in den Kulten der heidnischen Antike und christlichen FrÜhzeit. MÜnster im W., 1930. Raby, F. J. E., A history of secular Latin poetry in the M. A., 2 vols. Oxford, 1934. RiaÑo, J. F., Critical and bibliographical notes on early Spanish music. London, 1887. Schroeder, Sister M. J., Mary-Verse in Meistergesang. Washington, D. C., 1942. Sedgwick, W. B., “Origin of rhyme”, Revue BÉnÉdictine, 36 (1924) 330-346. Singer, S., Die Dichterschule von St. Gallen. Leipzig, 1922. Spanke, H., Deutsche und franzÖsische Dichtung des Mittelalters. Stuttgart, 1943. ——, “Zur Geschichte der spanischen Musik des Mittelalters”, Hist. Vierteljahrschrift, 28 (1934), 737-66. Steinen, W. von den, Notker der Dichter und seine geistliche Welt, 2 vols., Bern, 1948. Reviews and supersedes earlier literature on Notker. Vol. II contains complete works of Notker. Strzygowski, J., Origin of Christian church art, translated by Dalton and Braunholtz. Oxford, 1923. Taylor, H. O., The medieval mind, 2 vols. New York, 1914. Trend, J. B., The music of Spanish history to 1600. London, 1926. Turner, W., “Irish teachers in the Carolingian revival of learning”, Cath. Un. Bulletin, XIII, Washington, D. C., 1907, pp. 382, 562. Van Doren, Dom R., Étude sur l’influence musicale de l’abbaye de Saint-Gall. Louvain, 1925. Wagner, P., EinfÜhrung in die Gregorianischen Melodien, London, 1907. ——, “Morgen- und Abendland in der Musikgeschichte”, Stimmen der Zeit, Bd. 114 (1927) 131-145. ——, “Der mozarabische Kirchengesang und seiner Überlieferung”, in Finke, H., Gesammelte AufsÄtze zur Kulturgeschichte Spaniens, Reihe I, Bd. I, p. 102-141. MÜnster, 1928. Ward, J. B., Gregorian Chant II. Belgium, 1949. Wehrle, W. O., The macaronic hymn tradition in medieval English literature. Washington, D. C., 1933. Wells, J. E., Manual of the writings in middle English 1050-1400. New Haven, 1916. Von Winterfeld, P., “Die Dichterschule St. Gallens und der Reichenau unter der Karolingern und Ottonen”, “Stilfragen der lateinischen Dichtung des Mittelalters”, Deutsche Dichter, p. 402-422, 423-444. MÜnchen, 1922. Woerdeman, Dom J., “The source of the Easter play”, Orate Fratres, 20 (1946), Apr. 25, p. 262-272. Young, K., The drama of the medieval church, 2 vols. Oxford, 1933. Ruth Ellis Messenger |