‘There,’ he cried, ... ‘there, boys! That means Red Hills or bust’ | Frontispiece | | FACING PAGE | ‘It’s all I have a right to give anybody’ | 74 | ‘Eighty cents,’ he muttered, ‘and for how much work?’ | 80 | ‘Well,’ began the boss, looking him over, ‘what kind of a cook are you?’ | 98 | Wonderfully they held the pace | 114 | They went on in this way for nearly an hour | 120 | ‘Look here, Tiffany,’ Carhart began, ‘something’s going to happen to this man Peet’ | 142 | ‘You go back to your quarters’ | 208 | ... this trestle structure which was slowly crawling, like some monster centipede, across the sands of the La Paz | 240 | The cigarette dropped from Antonio’s unnerved fingers | 244 | Charlie had not raised his revolver,—the muzzle still rested easily on the sill,—but it was pointing straight at Jack Flagg’s heart | 310 | THE MERRY ANNE