Some of the most interesting anecdotes of the early years of Washington, are such as connect him with his mother, or were derived from her narrations. She was a dignified and excellent woman, and is remembered with respect and love, by all who had the honor of her acquaintance. Her husband died while their children were young. So, she had the sole care of their government and education. For this great charge she was eminently qualified. She was often asked what course she had pursued, in training up her illustrious son. And her reply was, “I only required obedience, diligence, and truth.” These were the simple rules by which Washington became good and great. They were wrought in with the elements of his character, until his goodness became greatness, and his greatness, goodness. Is there any thing, in these three precepts of obedience, diligence, Washington, when a boy, was taught to be accurate in all his statements. He told things exactly as they were, and repeated words just as they had been spoken. If he had committed a fault, he did not try to conceal it, or lay the blame upon others. Whatever his errors were, and the best child in the world sometimes does wrong, he always spoke of them to his mother, without disguise, and without delay. This was the foundation of that noble frankness, and contempt of deceit, which distinguished him through life, and made him revered by all. Once, from an indiscretion of his boyhood, a considerable loss was incurred. He knew that it would interfere with favorite plans of his mother, give pain to her feelings, and perhaps awaken her severe displeasure. But he did not hesitate in his duty. He went immediately to her, and made a full acknowledgment; and she said, “I had rather this should have taken place, than my son should be guilty of a falsehood.” She was careful not to injure him by indulgence, or luxurious food. She required him to rise early, and never permitted him to be idle. Labors were sometimes He was taught to have certain hours for certain employments, and to be punctual. The systematic improvement of time, thus early taught, was of immense service when the mighty concerns of a nation devolved on him. Then he found leisure for the transaction of the smallest affairs, in the midst of the most important and conflicting duties. It was observed, by those who surrounded his person, that he neglected nothing, and was never known to be in a hurry. He was remarkable for neatness, yet spent but little time in arranging his dress. His habits of early rising, and strict attention to order, gave him time for every thing, so that the pressure of public business never rendered him inattentive to private duty, domestic courtesy, or kind hospitality. In winter, he rose two hours before day, and in summer was ready to enjoy the freshness and beauty of the dawn. Such benefits did a man, whom the world beheld with admiration, derive from the counsels of a mother, who accustomed him to habits of early rising, order, THE END. |