My first is a score, My second, if more You wish to know, you will use; My whole is a game Of very good fame, And when well played will not fail to amuse. Twenty Questions. My first is part of a wheel, My second is half of a trifle “light as air,” And my whole is a commotion. Hubbub. My first will make you think of smoke; my second of dust; my whole an aspiring mortal. Chimney-Sweep. My first is nought but empty sound, And yet we can’t converse without it; My second, when on earth ’tis found, Commands respect, though some may doubt it; My whole’s the name of a living poet, Both sweet, and simple in his lays, His name I’m sure when you do know it, You’ll one and all join in his praise. Wordsworth. It is hard to tell whether my first or second has kindled the greater number of flames; my whole is the name of a celebrated manufacturer of an article without which royalty could not exist. Warwick the King Maker. |