There was an old woman who lived in the country, and who had two daughters, the eldest of whom was fourteen years old, and the youngest twelve. Their mother was often obliged to go to market to sell the produce of her small farm, and to leave her baby to the care of Anna, her eldest daughter. Anna was old enough to take care of the child, if she had liked the trouble, but that was not the case. As soon as her mother had gone, she placed the little creature in the cradle, and told Mary to sit by it for a minute or two, and she would return directly; but she seldom came back, till she heard old Dobbin trotting down the lane, and then she ran in, and, if her sister had the baby on her lap, snatched it up in her arms, so that her mother might think she had not left it. Deception Punished Little Mary never told tales of her sister, though her mother was sometimes angry that she had not finished her task of knitting; and she could not help it, for the baby often cried, and would not stay in the cradle, and One morning, the good woman was making ready to go to market, and as she had a great deal to do, she said that she should not return so soon as usual. So she put some food for the baby by the fire, to keep it warm, and told Anna to be careful to feed it if it cried, and to sing it to sleep. But Anna had something to do that she liked better. So away she went, and Mary hardly knew what to do; for the baby did nothing but cry. It was crying when the naughty girl put it into the cradle, and left it, but she did not trouble her head about the matter. Poor Mary warmed the food, and then took the child upon her lap, and fed it as well as she was able, and as she had seen her mother do. At last it became quiet, and Mary began to sing lullaby with such a sweet little voice, that it fell fast asleep. I do not think you will be sorry to hear that Anna’s naughtiness was now discovered. Her mother had forgotten something which she was to have taken with her; so instead of staying longer than usual, she came back half an hour sooner. She was much surprised to find Mary alone with the baby. Anna was not to be found, though she called and inquired for her all round the house; but she soon heard from her neighbors that |