
U. S. Hydrographic Office, proving San Francisco to be on Asiatic Route to and from Brito, the Pacific Terminus of Canal.

Knots. Knots.
The shortest practicable route from Brito to Yokohama .... 7145
Brito to San Francisco 2700
San Francisco to Yokohama 4536

Therefore the distance from Brito to Yokohama via San Francisco is
.... 7236
Therefore excess of route via San Francisco over shortest practicable route is .... 91
Brito to Honolulu 4210
Honolulu to Yokohama 3400

Shortest practicable route from Brito to Yokohama via Honolulu
.... 7610
Therefore excess of route via Honolulu over route via San Francisco is .... 374

The shortest practicable route from Brito to Hong Kong
.... 8740
Brito to San Francisco 2700
San Francisco to Hong Kong 6060

Therefore the distance from Brito to Hong Kong via San Francisco is
.... 8760
Therefore excess of route via San Francisco over shortest practicable route is .... 20
Brito to Honolulu 4210
Honolulu to Hong Kong 4917

Therefore the distance from Brito to Hong Kong via Honolulu is
.... 9127
Therefore the excess of route via Honolulu over route via San Francisco is .... 367

The conditions as to the distances in Trans-Pacific Navigation apply approximately to all United States Pacific Coast Ports.


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