TIME BRINGS CHANGES She sat down by the kitchen fire, While munching bread and cheese; With now and then a pancake hot, Her hunger to appease. "Ah me! how good this is," she sighed As a cookie she stowed away; "I would that I a lunch could have Like this one every day !"-- Next day her beau on her did call To take her for a ride; 'Twas getting late--'twas nearly noon When the mother her espied. And, anxious as all mammas are, As to how her daughter fared; Cried, "Just you wait a moment dear-- I've dinner all prepared." "Oh! mercy! no,"--it was no use, She could not eat a mite She hardly ever cared for much-- She had no appetite!-- Strange, wasn't it? that one day she Could eat a slice of steak, Potatoes, and a ham sandwich, With coffee, pie and cake,-- Yet the next day, when her beau was nigh What changes it did bring! She was so dainty and so frail She could not eat a thing! [decorative bar.] |