Be the woman and have the last word! Charity that supplied the place of justice was not thanked Courage to grapple with his pride and open his heart was wanting Deeds only are the title Detested titles, invented by the English He did not vastly respect beautiful women Look backward only to correct an error of conduct in future Meditations upon the errors of the general man, as a cover Not to be the idol, to have an aim of our own Objects elevated even by a decayed world have their magnetism One idea is a bullet Quick to understand, she is in the quick of understanding Religion is the one refuge from women Scorn titles which did not distinguish practical offices The divinely damnable naked truth won't wear ornaments The embraced respected woman The habit of the defensive paralyzes will The idol of the hour is the mob's wooden puppet Their sneer withers Tighter than ever I was tight I'll be to-night With one idea, we see nothing—nothing but itself You want me to flick your indecision