Accounting his tight blue tail coat and brass buttons a victory Amused after their tiresome work of slaughter And her voice, against herself, was for England As for comparisons, they are flowers thrown into the fire As if the age were the injury! Brains will beat Grim Death if we have enough of them But a great success is full of temptations Could affect me then, without being flung at me Country enclosed us to make us feel snug in our own importance Did not know the nature of an oath, and was dismissed Dogs' eyes have such a sick look of love Drank to show his disdain of its powers Earl of Cressett fell from his coach-box in a fit Father used to say, four hours for a man, six for a woman Fond, as they say, of his glass and his girl Found that he 'cursed better upon water' Good-bye to sorrow for a while—Keep your tears for the living Had got the trick of lying, through fear of telling the truth Hard enough for a man to be married to a fool He was a figure on a horse, and naught when off it Her intimacy with a man old enough to be her grandfather I hate sleep: I hate anything that robs me of my will Innocence and uncleanness may go together It was an honest buss, but dear at ten thousand Limit was two bottles of port wine at a sitting Little boy named Tommy Wedger said he saw a dead body go by Mighty Highnesses who had only smelt the outside edge of battle No enemy's shot is equal to a weak heart in the act Not afford to lose, and a disposition free of the craving to win Past, future, and present, the three weights upon humanity Put material aid at a lower mark than gentleness Puzzle to connect the foregoing and the succeeding Seventy, when most men are reaping and stacking their sins Should we leave a good deed half done Showery, replied the admiral, as his cocked-hat was knocked off So indulgent when they drop their blot on a lady's character So much for morality in those days! Steady shakes them Sweetest on earth to her was to be prized by her brother They could have pardoned her a younger lover Thus are we stricken by the days of our youth Truth is, they have taken a stain from the life they lead Very little parleying between determined men Warm, is hardly the word—Winter's warm on skates Woman finds herself on board a rudderless vessel Writer society delights in, to show what it is composed of You are to imagine that they know everything You saw nothing but handkerchiefs out all over the theatre