
A woman rises to her husband. But a man is what he is
A share of pity for the objects she despised
A sixpence kindly meant is worth any crown-piece that's grudged
A youth who is engaged in the occupation of eating his heart
A man who rejected medicine in extremity
A lover must have his delusions, just as a man must have a skin
A madman gets madder when you talk reason to him
A man to be trusted with the keys of anything
Abject sense of the lack of a circumference
Accustomed to be paid for by his country
Adept in the lie implied
Admirable scruples of an inveterate borrower
After a big blow, a very little one scarcely counts
Ah! how sweet to waltz through life with the right partner
Amiable mirror as being wilfully ruffled to confuse
An obedient creature enough where he must be
And not any of your grand ladies can match my wife at home
Any man is in love with any woman
Because you loved something better than me
Because men can't abide praise of another man
Because he stood so high with her now he feared the fall
Believed in her love, and judged it by the strength of his own
Bitten hard at experience, and know the value of a tooth
Bound to assure everybody at table he was perfectly happy
Brief negatives are not re-assuring to a lover's uneasy mind
British hunger for news; second only to that for beef
Brotherhood among the select who wear masks instead of faces
But a woman must now and then ingratiate herself
By forbearance, put it in the wrong
Can you not be told you are perfect without seeking to improve
Cheerful martyr
Command of countenance the Countess possessed
Commencement of a speech proves that you have made the plunge
Common voice of praise in the mouths of his creditors
Confident serenity inspired by evil prognostications
Damsel who has lost the third volume of an exciting novel
Eating, like scratching, only wants a beginning
Embarrassments of an uncongenial employment
Empty stomachs are foul counsellors
Enamoured young men have these notions
English maids are domesticated savage animals
Equally acceptable salted when it cannot be had fresh
Every woman that's married isn't in love with her husband
Eyes of a lover are not his own; but his hands and lips are
Far higher quality is the will that can subdue itself to wait
Feel no shame that I do not feel!
Feel they are not up to the people they are mixing with
Few feelings are single on this globe
Forty seconds too fast, as if it were a capital offence
Found it difficult to forgive her his own folly
Friend he would not shake off, but could not well link with
From head to foot nothing better than a moan made visible
Gentlefolks like straight-forwardness in their inferiors
Glimpse of her whole life in the horrid tomb of his embrace
Good nature, and means no more harm than he can help
Good and evil work together in this world
Gossip always has some solid foundation, however small
Graduated naturally enough the finer stages of self-deception
Gratuitous insult
Habit, what a sacred and admirable thing it is
Hated one thing alone—which was 'bother'
Have her profile very frequently while I am conversing with her
He has been tolerably honest, Tom, for a man and a lover
He grunted that a lying clock was hateful to him
He was in love, and subtle love will not be shamed and smothered
He kept saying to himself, 'to-morrow I will tell'
He had his character to maintain
He squandered the guineas, she patiently picked up the pence
His wife alone, had, as they termed it, kept him together
Hope which lies in giving men a dose of hysterics
How many degrees from love gratitude may be
I 'm a bachelor, and a person—you're married, and an object
I cannot live a life of deceit. A life of misery—not deceit
I take off my hat, Nan, when I see a cobbler's stall
I always wait for a thing to happen first
I never see anything, my dear
I did, replied Evan. 'I told a lie.'
I'll come as straight as I can
If we are to please you rightly, always allow us to play First
If I love you, need you care what anybody else thinks
In truth she sighed to feel as he did, above everybody
Incapable of putting the screw upon weak excited nature
Informed him that he never played jokes with money, or on men
Is he jealous? 'Only when I make him, he is.'
It 's us hard ones that get on best in the world
It is better for us both, of course
It was in a time before our joyful era of universal equality
It is no insignificant contest when love has to crush self-love
It's no use trying to be a gentleman if you can't pay for it
It's a fool that hopes for peace anywhere
Lay no petty traps for opportunity
Listened to one another, and blinded the world
Looked as proud as if he had just clapped down the full amount
Love is a contagious disease
Make no effort to amuse him. He is always occupied
Man without a penny in his pocket, and a gizzard full of pride
Married a wealthy manufacturer—bartered her blood for his money
Maxims of her own on the subject of rising and getting the worm
Men they regard as their natural prey
Men do not play truant from home at sixty years of age
Most youths are like Pope's women; they have no character
My belief is, you do it on purpose. Can't be such rank idiots
Never intended that we should play with flesh and blood
Never to despise the good opinion of the nonentities
No great harm done when you're silent
No conversation coming of it, her curiosity was violent
Notoriously been above the honours of grammar
Occasional instalments—just to freshen the account
Oh! I can't bear that class of people
One fool makes many, and so, no doubt, does one goose
One seed of a piece of folly will lurk and sprout to confound us
Our comedies are frequently youth's tragedies
Partake of a morning draught
Patronizing woman
Play second fiddle without looking foolish
Pride is the God of Pagans
Propitiate common sense on behalf of what seems tolerably absurd
Rare as epic song is the man who is thorough in what he does
Read one another perfectly in their mutual hypocrisies
Rebukes which give immeasurable rebounds
Recalling her to the subject-matter with all the patience
Refuge in the Castle of Negation against the whole army of facts
Remarked that the young men must fight it out together
Requiring natural services from her in the button department
Rose was much behind her age
Rose! what have I done? 'Nothing at all,' she said
Said she was what she would have given her hand not to be
Says you're so clever you ought to be a man
Second fiddle; he could only mean what she meant
Secrets throw on the outsiders the onus of raising a scandal
Sense, even if they can't understand it, flatters them so
She did not detest the Countess because she could not like her
She was unworthy to be the wife of a tailor
She, not disinclined to dilute her grief
She believed friendship practicable between men and women
She was at liberty to weep if she pleased
Sincere as far as she knew: as far as one who loves may be
Small beginnings, which are in reality the mighty barriers
Speech is poor where emotion is extreme
Speech that has to be hauled from the depths usually betrays
Spiritualism, and on the balm that it was
Such a man was banned by the world, which was to be despised?
Taking oath, as it were, by their lower nature
Tears that dried as soon as they had served their end
Tenderness which Mrs. Mel permitted rather than encouraged
That plain confession of a lack of wit; he offered combat
That beautiful trust which habit gives
The ass eats at my table, and treats me with contempt
The Countess dieted the vanity according to the nationality
The letter had a smack of crabbed age hardly counterfeit
The commonest things are the worst done
The thrust sinned in its shrewdness
The power to give and take flattery to any amount
The grey furniture of Time for his natural wear
Those numerous women who always know themselves to be right
Thus does Love avenge himself on the unsatisfactory Past
To be both generally blamed, and generally liked
To let people speak was a maxim of Mrs. Mel's, and a wise one
Took care to be late, so that all eyes beheld her
Touching a nerve
Toyed with little flowers of palest memory
Tradesman, and he never was known to have sent in a bill
Tried to be honest, and was as much so as his disease permitted
True enjoyment of the princely disposition
Two people love, there is no such thing as owing between them
Unfeminine of any woman to speak continuously anywhere
Virtuously zealous in an instant on behalf of the lovely dame
Vulgarity in others evoked vulgarity in her
Waited serenely for the certain disasters to enthrone her
We deprive all renegades of their spiritual titles
What a stock of axioms young people have handy
What will be thought of me? not a small matter to any of us
What he did, she took among other inevitable matters
What's an eccentric? a child grown grey!
When testy old gentlemen could commit slaughter with ecstasy
When you run away, you don't live to fight another day
When Love is hurt, it is self-love that requires the opiate
Whose bounty was worse to him than his abuse
Why, he'll snap your head off for a word
With good wine to wash it down, one can swallow anything
With a proud humility
Wrapped in the comfort of his cowardice
You do want polish
You talk your mother with a vengeance
You accuse or you exonerate—Nobody can be half guilty
You rides when you can, and you walks when you must
You're the puppet of your women!
Youth is not alarmed by the sound of big sums



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