Although errors of speech are at all times to be deprecated, and are generally criticised without much leniency, it must be admitted that unless they are very gross, reasonable excuses are to be taken for those who have never made their language a subject of close study, and whose only use of words is entirely impromptu in the business affairs of life, in the home circle, or in the social gathering. Though a person's descent from Belgravia or Billingsgate is in a great measure revealed by the propriety of his discourse, yet this refers principally to those words that are employed by the masses in the every-day conversations of life, rather than to technicalities and words related to particular professions, the use of which is generally confined to the specially instructed. But when a man stands forth as an orator, a teacher, a minister, or a professor of some college, it is certainly not unreasonable for those that sit under his instruction, to expect and demand that his speech should be almost free from errors. One occupying such a position may well be excused Probably there has never been a public speaker so perfect in diction, that he has not in moments of embarrassment, or when much absorbed in his subject, been guilty of grammatical inaccuracies or mistakes of pronunciation; and doubtless he is as often aware of them as his listeners are, as soon as they drop from his lips, but it would be foolish to call attention to them by going back to correct them. But when these offenses are so glaring and so frequently repeated that it is evident the speaker knows no better, it is no wonder that the educated hearer often thinks that the teacher had better leave his position and submit to being taught. What allowance can an intelligent congregation make for their minister who has nothing else to do but prepare his sermons, if, besides a multitude of common English mistakes, he pronounces more than half of his scriptural names in a manner that is not sanctioned by any authority? When the orotund medical professor stands up to address his students, or to engage in the discussions of a convention, and rolls out technicality after technicality pronounced in a manner that would be disowned by the original Latin or Greek, and is totally Many a student, in order to become instructed in certain branches, has been compelled to reluctantly sit for months or years at the feet of those that he felt were far inferior to him in common school education, hearing hourly such violations of orthoepy and syntax as would be a discredit to school children. And, doubtless, many such students have had such a charity for their teachers that they have wished to direct their attention to their faults, but have been restrained on account of the fear of enmity, expulsion, or of lessening the chances for passing the final examination. The bare thought of being so criticised should be so galling to any one bearing the dignified title of "professor," that he ought to be stimulated to endeavor The study of orthoepy was held in such high esteem by the accent Greeks, and their delicate ears were so offended by any violation of its rules, that if an orator mispronounced a single word, the entire audience immediately hissed him. During the present state of pronunciation it would indeed be embarrassing to the public speaker, if such a custom existed in this country. Let us imagine, for instance, our friend Professor Abdominous GynÆcophonus, with his face ebullient with smiles of self-conceit, arising to address such an audience. "Gentlemen: I have listened patiently to this op´po-nent (hisses) of al´lo-path-y (hisses) and now arise to make a few remarks and in´quir-ies (hisses). In answer to his objections against hy-os-cy-a´mus (hisses) as an anodyne and so´por-if-ic, (hisses) I would say that in cases of cough and sleeplessness, I have long used hyoscyamia combined in tro´chez (hisses) without any of those effects that the pat´ron (hisses) of ho´me-o-path-y (hisses) mentions. And having made almost a specialty of the treatment of faÇ´i-al (hisses) neuralgia or tic-dol-o-roo´" (hisses)—and it would certainly be time for him to dolorously sit down, although he might raise the question— "What's in a name? that which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet," Dr. Thomas' dictionary, though less comprehensive, is equally reliable in its definitions, and is excellent authority in regard to orthoepy; though it is to be regretted that in some words important syllables are not sufficiently marked. For instance, take the words as-bes´tos and bis´muth; how can it be determined whether the first should be pronounced |