
Adam. As an English name is pronounced ad´am; as French, Ä-dÓng´, as German, Ä´dÄm.

Annesley—anz´le, not an´nes-le.

Arundel—ar´un-del, not a-run´del.

Bacciochi—bÄt-cho´kee, not bak-ki-o´kee.

Beatrice—ba-Ä-tree´cha or be´a-treess, not be-at´ris.

Beethoven—ba´to-ven, not beet´ho-ven.

Belvedere—bel-va-da´ra, not bel-ve-dere´.

Beranger (Fr. BÉranger)—ba-rong-zha´, not ber´an-jer.

Blucher—bloo´ker, not blu´cher.

Boccaccio—bo-kÄt´cho, not bok-kas´i-o.

Boleyn—bool´in, not bo´lin nor bo-lin´.

Boniface—bon´e-fass or Fr. bo-ne-fÄss´, not bon´e-face.

Boucicault or Bourcicault—boo-se-ko´ or boor-se-ko´, not boo´se-kawlt.

Bozzaris—bot´zÄ-ris, not boz-zar´is, as generally called.

Brown-Sequard (Fr. SÉquard)—brown-sa-kÄrr´, not see-kward´.

Buchanan—buk-an´an, not bu-kan´an.

Bull, Ole—o´leh bool, not ol´ bool.

Buonaparte—boo-o-nÄ-pÄrr´ta, not bo´na-pÄrt; the latter is the allowed English pronunciation when spelled Bonaparte.

Bysshe—bish, not bish´she.

Cecil—ses´il or sis´il, not se´sil.

Cenci—chen´chee, not sen´see.

Chevalier—sheh-vÄ-le-a´, not shev-a-leer´.

Crichton—kri´ton, not krik´ton.

D'Aubigne (Fr. D'AubignÉ)—do-ben-ya´, not daw-been´.

Daubigny—do-ben-ye´, not daw-be´ny.

Disraeli—diz-ra´el-e, not diz´rel-ee.

Drouyn de Lhuys—droo-ang´ deh lwee´.

Gillot—zhe-yo´, not jil´lot nor jil-lo´.

Giovanni—jo-vÄn´nee, not je-o-van´nee.

Goethe—pronounced much like gÜr´teh, leaving out the r; not goth nor goth.

Hemans—hem´anz, not he´manz.

Ingelow—in´je-lo, not ing´e-lo.

Ivan—e-vÄn´, not i´van.

Juarez—joo-Ä´rez or hoo-Ä´reth, not jaw´rez.

Lancelot—longss-lo´, not lan´se-lot.

Lavater—lÄ´vÄ-ter or lÄ-vÄ-tair´, not lav´a-ter.

Macleod—mak-lowd´, not mak-le´od.

Marat—mÄ-rÄ´, not ma-rat´.

Marion—mar´i-on, not ma´ri-on.

Medici—med´e-chee or ma´de-chee, not med´i-see nor me-de´see.

Minie (Fr. MiniÉ)—me-ne-a´, not min´ne.

Montague—mon´ta-gu, not mon´tag.

Moultrie—moo´tre, not mol´tre.

Muhlbach—(Ger. MÜhlbach). The u in the first syllable of this word is very difficult for those to pronounce who are not German or French, and can not be well represented in English; but there is no need of coming so far from the mark as is generally done, especially in the last syllable. It is not mul´bak nor mel´bak; meul´bÄk is nearer correct.

Mundt—moont, not munt.

Neumann—noi´mÄn, not nu´man.

Ovid—ov´id, not o´vid [Ovidius].

Paganini—pÄ-gÄ-nee´nee, not paj-a-nin´i.

Pepin—pep´in or pip´in, not pe´pin. French pronunciation peh-pang´.

Piccolomini—pek-ko-lom´e-nee, not pik-ko-lo-mee´nee.

Pliny—plin´y, not pli´ny [Plinius].

Ponce de Leon—pon´cha da la-on´, not ponss de le´on.

Rachel—rÄ-shel´, not ra´chel as the English name. When a German name it is pronounced rÄk´el.

Richelieu—resh´e-loo, not rich´e-loo.

Rochefort—rosh-for´, not roch´fort.

Rothschild—ros´child or rot´shilt, not roth´child.

Stael—stÄl, stawl or stÄ-el´, not stale.

Strauss—strowss, not strawss.

Taliaferro—tol´i-ver, not tal-i-fer´ro.

Thiers—te-air´, not theers.


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