[In Latin and Latinized Greek words, the English sounds of the vowels are given as those used by the majority of professional men. If any one, however, prefers to adopt the continental method, sounding a as in father, y and i as e in veto, etc., and consistently applies it to all such words, no one, of course, has a right to object.] Adipose—ad´i-pose, not ad´i-poze. Ala—a´la, not al´a. AlÆ, plural. Alis—a´lis, not al´is. This as a termination of many words, such as abdominalis, digitalis, frontalis, lachrymalis, transversalis, etc., is often erroneously pronounced al´is. Alumen—al-u´men, not al´u-men. Alveolus—al-ve´o-lus, not al-ve-o´lus. Plural, alveoli (al-ve´o-li). Alveolar—(al-ve´o-lar). Alveolus is the name given to the cavity in the jaw that is seen upon the removal of the root of a tooth, and it possesses no more tangibility than a pinch of air; almost daily, however, we hear dentists speak of extracting a tooth with a piece of the alveolus attached. What a curiosity for preservation in a museum is a tooth with a piece of a little hole fastened to the root! What is meant is a piece of the alveolar process, or portion of bone around the alveolus. AnÆmic—a-nem´ik, not a-ne´mik. Dunglison gives the latter. Andral—ong-drÄl´, not an´-dral. AphthÆ—af´the, not ap´the. Aqua—a´kwa, not ak´wa. Arcus Senilis—se-ni´lis, not sen´i-lis. Areolar—a-re´o-lar, not a-re-o´lar. Aris—a´ris, not ar´is in the termination of angularis, medullaris, palmaris, orbicularis, pulmonaris, etc. Asarum—as´a-rum, not a-sa´rum. Asbestos—as-bes´toss, not az-bes´toz. Azygos—az´y-gos, not a-zy´gos. Bagge—bÄg´geh, not bag. Bimana—bi-ma´na, not bi-ma´ni-a. Bismuth—biz´muth, not biss´muth. Bitumen—bi-tu´men, not bit´u-men. Cadaver—ka-da´ver, not ka-dav´er. Caries—ka´ri-ez, not ka´rez nor kar´rez. Carminative—kar-min´a-tive, not kar´mi-na-tive. Caryophillus—kar-i-o-phil´lus, not kar-i-oph´il-lus. Cerebral—ser´e-bral, not ser-e´bral. Cerebric—ser´e-bric, not ser-e´bric. Cerebrum—ser´e-brum, not ser-e´brum. Dunglison gives both. Cerumen—se-ru´men, not ser´u-men. Cheyne—chan or cheen, not shane. Choledochus—ko-led´o-kus, not kol-e-do´kus nor ko-lid´a-kus. Cicatrix—si-ka´trix, not sik´a-trix nor si-kat´rix. Plural, cicatrices (sik´a-tri´sez), not si-kat´ri-sez. Cimicifuga—sim-i-sif´u-ga, not sim-i-si-fu´ga nor sim-is´i-fu´ga. Cochlea—kok´le-a, not kok´le-a. Conein—ko-ne´in, not ko´ne-in. Conium—ko-ni´um, not ko´ni-um. Cranium—kra´ni-um, not kran´i-um. Cynanche—si-nan´ke, not si-nan´che. Diastase—di´as-tase, not di-as´taze. Diastole—di-as´to-le, not di´as-tole. Diploe—dip´lo-e, not dip-lo´e. Dulcamara—dul-ka-ma´ra, not dul-sa-ma´ra. Webster gives dul-kam´a-ra also. Duodenum—du-o-de´num, not du-od´e-num. Dyspnoea—disp-ne´a, not dis-ne´a. Emesis—em´e-sis,not em-e´sis. Epiploon—e-pip´lo-on, not ep-ip-lo´on. Facial—fa´shal, not fash´i-al. Foramen—fo-ra´men, not fo-ram´en. Fungi—fun´ji not fun´gi. Plural of fungus. Galbanum—gal´ba-num, not gal-ba´num. Gingiva—jin-ji´va, not jin´ji-va. Glenoid—gle´noid, not glen´oid. GlutÆus—glu´tÆ-us, according to Webster. The rest give glu-tÆ´us. Helleborus—hel-leb´o-rus, not hel-le-bo´rus. Impetigo—im-pe-ti´go, not im-pet´i-go. Incisive—in-si´siv, not in-sis´ive. Iodoform—i-od´o-form, not i-o´do-form. Dunglison gives i´o-do-form. Itis. According to Webster and Worcester this termination is pronounced i´tis in bronchitis, pleuritis, gastritis, etc. Thomas and Dunglison do not specify, but the inference is that they intend the same. It is, however, so generally pronounced e´tis, that many would object to the attention attracted by calling it i´tis. Jejunum—je-ju´num, not jej´u-num. Juniperus—ju-nip´e-rus, not ju´ni-per-us nor ju-ni-pe´rus. Laudanum—law´da-num, not lod´a-num. Lentigo—len-ti´go, not len´ti-go. Lepra—lep´ra, not le´pra. Dunglison gives the latter. Leuwenhoek—loo´en-hook or luh´wen-hook (U as in fur), not loo´wen-hoke. Levator—le-va´tor, not le-vat´or. Liquor (Latin)—li´kwor, not lik´ur as in English. Magendie—mÄ-zhong-de´, not ma-jen´de. Malic—ma´lic, not mal´ic. Thomas gives the latter. Matrix—ma´trix, not mat´rix. Mistura—mis-tu´ra, not mis´tu-ra. Molecule—mol´e-kule, not mo´le-kule. Mollities—mol-lish´i-ez, not mol´li-tez. Molybdenum—mol-ib-de´num, not mo-lib´de-num. Nasmyth—na´smith, not naz´mith. Nicolai—nee´ko-li, not nik´o-la. Nucleolus—nu-kle´o-lus, not nu-kle-o´lus. Oris—o´ris, not or´is. Ovale—o-va´le, not o-val´e. Panizzi—pÄ-nit´see or pÄ-net´see, not pan-iz´zy. Pepys—peps, not pe´pis nor pep´is. Pes Anserinus—pez an-ser-i´nus, not pez an-ser´i-nus. I once heard a professor describing the facial nerve to his class, and he dwelt upon this plexus for some time, calling it the "Pons Asinorum." Podagra—pod´a-gra, not po-da´gra. Worcester gives po-dag´ra also. Podophyllum—-pod-o-phyl´um, not po-doph´yl-lum. Prostate—pros´tate, not pros´trate. Purkinje—poor´kin-yeh or poor´kin, not par-kin´je. Pylorus—pi-lo´rus, not pi-lÔr´us. Pyrethrum—pir´e-thrum, not pi-re´thrum. Quadrumana—quad-ru´ma-na, not quad-ru-ma´nia. Rubeola—ru-be´o-la, not ru-be-o´la. Sacrum—sa´krum, not sak´rum. Sagittal—saj´it-tal, not sa-jit´tal. Danglison gives the latter. Sanies—sa´ni-ez, not sa´nez nor san´ez. Scabies—sca´bi-ez, not scab´ez nor sca´bez. Seidlitz—sid´litz, not sed´litz, unless spelled Sedlitz. Sinapis—si-na´pis, not sin´a-pis. Squamous—skwa´mus, not skwaw´mus. Systole—sis´to-le, not sis´tole. Tinctura—tinc-tu´ra, not tinct´u-ra. Titanium—ti-ta´ni-um, not ti-tan´i-um. Trachea—tra-ke´a or tra´ke-a, not track´e-a. Tremor—tre´mor, not trem´-or. Webster allows the latter also. Trismus—triss´mus, not triz´mus. Umbilicus—um-bi-li´kus, according to Worcester, Thomas and Dunglison. Webster gives um-bil´i-kus. Variola—va-ri´o-la, not va-ri-o´la. Veratrum—ve-ra´trum, not ve-rat´rum. Vertebral—ver´te-bral, not ver-te´bral. Virchow—fir´ko, not vÏr´chow nor vÏr´kow. Zinci—zin´si, not zink´i. |