
Ada—a´da, not ad´a.

Agnes—ag´nez, not ag´ness.

Alphonso—al-phon´so, not al-phon´zo.

Artemas—Är´te-mas, not Är-te´mas.

Augustine—aw-gus´tin, not aw´gus-teen.

Basil—baz´il, not ba´sil nor bas´il.

Bernard—bËr´nard, not bËr-nard´. Bernard (French)—ber-nar´.

Cecily—ses´i-ly, not se´si-ly.

Chloe—klo´e, not klo.

Darius—da-ri´us, not da´ri-us.

Deborah—deb´o-rah, not de-bo´rah.

Eben—eb´en, not e´ben.

Eleanor—el´e-a-nor, not el´en-or.

Esther—es´ter, not es´ther.

Eva—e´va, not ev´a.

Frances—fran´sez, not fran´sess nor fran´sis.

Giles—jilz, not gilz.

Hosea—ho-ze´a, not ho´se-a.

Ivan—iv´an, not i´van. Ivan (Russian)—e-vÄn´.

Irene—i-re´ne, not i-reen´.

Jacqueline—jaq´ue-lin, not jak´a-line.

Joan—jo-an´, not jo´an.

Joshua—josh´u-a, not josh´a-wa.

Leopold—le´o-pold, not lep´old. Leopold (German)—la-o-polt.

Lionel—li´o-nel, not li-o´nel.

Louisa—loo-e´za, not loo-i´za.

Marion—mar´i-on, not ma´ri-on.

Penelope—pe-nel´o-pe, not pen´el-ope.

Phebe—phe´be, not pheeb.

Philander—phi-lan´der, not phil-an´der.

Philemon—phi-le´mon, not phil´e-mon.

Reginald—rej'i-nald, not reg´i-nald.

Rosalie—roz´a-le, not ro´za-le.

Rosalind—roz´a-lind, not ro´za-lind.

Rosamond—roz´a-mond, not ro´za-mond.

Rowland—ro´land, not row´land.

Sigismund—sij´is-mund, not sig´is-mund. Sigismund (German)—seeg´is-moont.

Silvester—sil-ves´ter, not sil´ves-ter.

Sophia—so-phi´a, not so´phi-a.

Ursula—-Ür´su-la, not Ür-su´la.

Viola—-vi´o-la, not vi-o´la.



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