A dash of conventionalism makes the whole civilized world kin Aimlessness of a woman's curiosity All concessions to the people have been won from fear Appealed to reason in them; he would not hear of convictions Automatic creature is subject to the laws of its construction Beautiful servicelessness Canvassing means intimidation or corruption Comfortable have to pay in occasional panics for the serenity Consult the family means—waste your time Convictions are generally first impressions Country can go on very well without so much speech-making Crazy zigzag of policy in almost every stroke (of history) Dialectical stiffness Effort to be reticent concerning Nevil, and communicative Give our consciences to the keeping of the parsons Hates a compromise Man owes a duty to his class Mark of a fool to take everybody for a bigger fool than himself Martyrs of love or religion are madmen Never pretend to know a girl by her face No stopping the Press while the people have an appetite for it Oratory will not work against the stream, or on languid tides Parliament, is the best of occupations for idle men Protestant clergy the social police of the English middle-class The defensive is perilous policy in war The family view is everlastingly the shopkeeper's The infant candidate delights in his honesty There is no first claim There's nothing like a metaphor for an evasion They're always having to retire and always hissing Those happy men who enjoy perceptions without opinions Those whose humour consists of a readiness to laugh Threatened powerful drugs for weak stomachs To beg the vote and wink the bribe We can't hope to have what should be We have a system, not planned but grown World cannot pardon a breach of continuity |