A bone in a boy's mind for him to gnaw and worry A kind of anchorage in case of indiscretion A night that had shivered repose Am I thy master, or thou mine? An instinct labouring to supply the deficiencies of stupidity And now came war, the purifier and the pestilence And one gets the worst of it (in any bargain) Anticipate opposition by initiating measures Appetite to flourish at the cost of the weaker As for titles, the way to defend them is to be worthy of them Boys are unjust Braggadocioing in deeds is only next bad to mouthing it Calm fanaticism of the passion of love Compassionate sentiments veered round to irate amazement Despises the pomades and curling-irons of modern romance Disqualification of constantly offending prejudices Efforts to weary him out of his project were unsuccessful Empty magnanimity which his uncle presented to him Energy to something, that was not to be had in a market Feminine pity, which is nearer to contempt than to tenderness Fit of Republicanism in the nursery Forewarn readers of this history that there is no plot in it Haunted many pillows He had expected romance, and had met merchandize He was too much on fire to know the taste of absurdity Holding to his work after the strain's over—That tells the man Humour preserved her from excesses of sentiment I cannot say less, and will say no more Impudent boy's fling at superiority over the superior In India they sacrifice the widows, in France the virgins Incessantly speaking of the necessity we granted it unknowingly Levelling a finger at the taxpayer Men had not pleased him of late Mental and moral neuters Never was a word fitter for a quack's mouth than "humanity" No case is hopeless till a man consents to think it is Peace-party which opposed was the actual cause of the war Peculiar subdued form of laughter through the nose Play the great game of blunders Please to be pathetic on that subject after I am wrinkled Politics as well as the other diseases Press, which had kindled, proceeded to extinguished Presumptuous belief Ready is the ardent mind to take footing on the last thing done She was not, happily, one of the women who betray strong feeling Shuns the statuesque pathetic, or any kind of posturing Straining for common talk, and showing the strain Style resembling either early architecture or utter dilapidation The people always wait for the winner The system is cursed by nature, and that means by heaven The tragedy of the mirror is one for a woman to write Times when an example is needed by brave men Tongue flew, thought followed We could row and ride and fish and shoot, and breed largely We dare not be weak if we would We were unarmed, and the spectacle was distressing We're treated like old-fashioned ornaments! You're talking to me, not to a gallery |