Dynamite, freezing of, 165
Dynamite, tamping, 179
Earth auger, 138
Electric batteries, wires, and lights, 165-6
Elevated and sunken batteries, 44
Elevated magazine, 62
Embrasures, 53
Enfilading batteries, 82
Execution of double sap, 32
Execution of single sap, 28
Experimental mines, 125, 131, 133
Explosion, theory of, 120
Explosive, charge for blasts, 179
Explosive, charge for mines, 122-5
Explosive, choice of, 132-5
Explosive, expenditure of energy, 120
Explosive, freezing of, 165
Explosive, noxious gases from, 133, 158
Explosive, relative strength of, 131, 179
Explosive, tamping of, 178-9
Exposed sunken battery, 46
False frame, 146
Field kitchens and ovens, 114
Field-level, description, 136
Field-level, use, 146, 148, 149
Filtration of water, 117
Fire, musketry, 84
Fire, opening by attack, 76
Fire, opening by defence, 104
Fire, opening from second artillery position, 83
Firing blasts, 178
Firing and loading mines, 161-6
Firing-tubes and needles, 178-9
First artillery position, 75
First parallel, 78
First period of the siege, 65
Flying sap, 20
Flying sap, construction of, 22
Fort Wagner, 86
Form and volume of crater, 121
Fortifying camps, parks, etc., 68
Frames and sheeting compared with cases, 141
Frames and sheeting, use in shafts, 139-45
Frames and sheeting, use in galleries, 145-51
Freezing of high explosives, 71-2
Passage, central, of battery, 48
Passage of the ditch, 37
Period, first, of siege, 65, 103
Period, second, of siege, 75, 106
Period, third, of siege, 86, 107
Pick and shovel, miner’s, 136
Pick, miner’s, distance heard, 170
Placing fuzes in charge, 164
Placing the charge, 165, 176
Plan of attack, 78
Plevna, siege of, 71, 72
Point of attack, 73
Posting besieging force, 67
Posting working parties, 18
Powder-boxes, 58
Powder for siege batteries, 44, 57
Precautions against dampness, 63
Precautions in blasting, 180
Preliminary considerations of defence, 98
Preparations for defence, 101
Preparing the charge, 161
Progress of the siege, 12
Proofs, bomb, 25
Proofs, splinter, 23, 48, 50
Provisions and supplies, 101
Push pick, 136
Radius of explosion, 119
Radius of rupture, 120, 128, 131
Railroads, demolition of, 183
Rate of advance of galleries, 157
Rate of advance of sap, 29
Regular approaches, 12
Requirements, general, of siege batteries, 42
Returns, 150-1
Rifled mortars and howitzers, batteries of, 83
Rolling-stock, demolition of, 184
Sand-bag fork, 13
Sap, attack by, 91
Sap, definition, 27
Sap, blinded, 35
Sap, breaking out from a parallel, 30
Sap, double, 32-3

Plate I.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate II.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate III.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate IV.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate V.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate VI.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate VII.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate VIII.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate IX.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.

Plate X.

Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.


Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.


Bradley & Poates, Engr’s, N. Y.


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