When in immediate need


of Drugs or Chemicals not at hand, any pharmacist is in a position to use our EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT, which is in operation every day in the year, Sundays and Holidays included, until 9 p.m.—Hurry orders reaching us after regular business hours will receive prompt attention,—provided:

1—that they come by Wire;

2—that they call for Merck's chemicals or drugs (no other brands being in stock with us);

3—and that the quantity and nature of the goods admit of their being sent through the Mails.

As it is impossible for us to ascertain in each instance the identity of a Physician who might wish to make use of this department, we must insist (for the proper protection of the Profession against the unauthorized purchase of poisons, etc.; as well as in due recognition, by us, of the established usage in the traffic with medicines and drugs) that every such order be transmitted through an established Pharmacist; and pharmacists, when telegraphing orders to us, should always mention their jobber to whom the article is to be charged.

We trust that this Department will prove of value in cases of emergency and immediate need.

MERCK & CO., New York.



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