For Details, see Descriptive Table of Contents, on pages 6 and 7. ABBREVIATIONS. - alm. = almost
- amorph. = amorphous
- arom. = aromatic
- comp. = compound
- cryst. = crystals or crystalline
- D. = dose
- decoct. = decoction
- dil. = dilute or diluted
- emuls. = emulsion
- ext. = extract
- extern. = externally
- F.E. or fl. ext. = fluid extract
- fl. dr. = fluid dram
- grn. = grain or grains
- infus. = infusion
- inject. = injection
- insol. = insoluble
- intern. = internally
- lin. = liniment
- liq. = liquid or liquor
- Max. D. = maximum dose
- min. or ? = minim or minims
- odorl. = odorless
- oint. = ointment
- oz. = ounce or ounces
- powd. = powder
- q.v. = which see (quod vide)
- sl. = slightly
- sol. = soluble or solubility
- solut. = solution
- spt. = spirit
- syr. = syrup
- tastel. = tasteless
- tr. = tincture
- wh. = white
- 3 t., 4 t. = 3 times, 4 times
Merck's 1899 Manual.