After Judge Bruce’s Address Take courage, ye people of order and law, Nor longer let Night Riders hold you in awe; Though your crops be destroyed, your barns burnt in ashes, Your women outraged, your backs scourged with lashes, Take courage! Remember that God reigns on high Who foredooms your tyrants ’neath His vengeance to die. When bad men conspire, let all good men unite; All crime must be conquered by organized Right. Though Satan conspire to persecute Job, And muster all demons which travel the globe, Though disease, war, and whirlwinds on all sides surround And the wife of his bosom be treacherous found; Though Herod and Pilate His overthrow sought; Though King George and Lord North and base Arnold swear That Sam Adams and Hancock shall hang in the air; Though the flood shall a whole world of wickedness drown, Noah’s Ark shall land safely on Ararat’s crown. So virtue shall triumph, ’tis Heaven’s decree, And God’s law shall rule o’er the land and the sea Job sees all his losses by Heaven restored, Quelled Satan retreats at the frown of the Lord— And Cornwallis at Yorktown surrenders his sword. And ye citizens banded for order and law No more let the Night Riders fill you with awe, Though croaking Glenraven plays the treacherous friend, And croaks at the crimes which he dares not defend, Though he reprimands gently his infamous tools, His alibi G——s and his Paddy McCools. Remember, good citizens, nor harbor one doubt That your vengeance is sure and that murder will out— That the scoundrels who whipped the bare backs of your wives Shall pay the full penalty down with their lives. Remember, Night Riders, your infamous wrong Was the wrong of an hour, but its vengeance is long; There are crimes so inhuman, ’twere a crime to forgive; Who scourges a woman ’twere a crime to let live. Your lash unresisted mangled woman’s tender back, And till death her avenger shall press on your track. Then rally, O citizens, from border to border, One phalanx to fight for Law, Justice, and Order. Kentucky has no place for the Night Rider’s foot; What patriot tongue does not scorn to be mute? Remember all history repeats the same tale, That the wicked shall fail and the righteous prevail. Unite! and your deeds shall be crowned with success, Cheered on like old Scotland by “Bruce’s Address.” Yes; though Lucifer, “Star of the Morning,” rebel, His doom shall be closed in the torments of Hell. “Black Hands,” Mafias, and Night Riders, birds of one feather, Must go to the prison or scaffold together. |