
On a Floral Card.

Far sweeter than the rose
Which all the year round blows
On Cashmere’s fragrant bosom,
Is the fair flower which grows
Amid December snows;—
’Tis friendship’s Christmas blossom.
Its loving arms expanding,
The Christmas cross is standing,
The guide-post of the ages,
To point to realms of glory
And charm with simple story
The children and the sages.
Red rose and pallid lily,
Pansy and daffodilly,
Chrysanthemum and myrtle,
Around the cross are clinging
With wooing and sweet singing
Of nightingale and turtle.
The frozen Arctic splinter
Shot from the bow of winter
Will lose its power to harm us,
While dreams of childhood’s Christmas,
’Twixt heaven and earth an isthmus,
In nightly visions charm us.
The angry gale may shatter
Sweet Cashmere’s rose and scatter
Its leaves o’er vale and river;
The Christmas flower shall thrive
As long as Love shall live,
Forever and forever!


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