
Sung at the reopening of the Methodist Church, Hopkinsville, Ky., January 31, 1902.

Jesus, this earthly shrine once more
Opes wide in majesty;
The temple of our hearts anew
We consecrate to thee.
Redemption’s gates wide open swing,
All hail, thou Galilean King!
Faith laid the eternal corner-stone,
Hope built aloft the tower,
And Love shall call thy children, Lord,
At worship’s solemn hour.
Redemption’s glorious song they sing,
All hail, Life’s re-awakening Spring!
Here shall the Gospel’s splendor light
The Christian’s upward way,
From mortal to immortal life
Unto the perfect day.
The flowers and fruits of love we bring,
All hail, Life’s re-awakening Spring!
Bring, Holy Dove, to this pure shrine
The olive-branch of peace,
The perfect fruits of righteousness,
Love, joy, and rich increase.
Through Heaven’s blue vault her armies sing,
All hail, Life’s re-awakening Spring!


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