Hang old Christ Church with purple,
The colors of a king,
In honor of the kingly soul
Which hence has taken wing;
In consolation’s labor
He fell—his Lord’s behest—
So evening skies are purple-clad
When goes the sun to rest.
Paul’s Bishop—“Blameless, Vigilant,
Wise, Patient, apt to Teach,”
Careless of fame or lucre,
All men he longed to reach;
“Of Good Report ’mongst those Without,”
Pure, Genial, Loyal, True,
Thus, “Brother Man,” God’s Bishop
Toiled, preached, and sowed for you.
Thus through the land toiled, preached, and sowed
The manliest of men
The seeds of truth, and from his dust
Shall spring his like again;
New Dudleys—’tis the Master’s pledge—
Shall at his voice arise,
For his immortal spirit speaks
To earth from Paradise,
And the purple robes of other kings—
Such force a good example brings—
Shall glorify the skies.


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