Allen, J. A. 1880. Destruction of birds by light-houses. Bull. Nuttall Orn. Club, 5(3):131-138, July. 1896. GÄtke's 'Heligoland.' Auk, 13(2):137-153, April. 1901. Barrington's 'The Migration of Birds at Irish Light Stations.' [Review.] Auk, 18(2):205-206, April. 1909. An American's views of bird migration. Brit. Birds, 3(1):12-19, June 1. Barrington, R. M. 1900. The migration of birds as observed at Irish lighthouses and lightships [etc.]. London, R. H. Porter; Dublin, Edward Ponsonby. Pp. XXV, 285, 667. (Not seen; citation from Mullens and Swann, Bibliogr. Brit. Orn., 1917, p. 43 and Zimmer, Cat. Ayer Coll., I, p. 40, 1926; see also reviews, Ibis, 1900:677-679, Auk, 1901:205-206; some sources list pagination as XXV + 667, possibly in error.) Behle, W. H. 1942. Distribution and variation of the Horned Larks (Otocoris alpestris) of western North America. Univ. California Publ. ZoÖl., 46(3):205-316, May 20. 1950. Clines in the Yellow-throats of western North America. Condor, 52(5):193-219, September-October (September 25). Brewster, W. 1886. Bird migration. Mem. Nuttall Orn. Club, No. I, pp. 1-22, Cambridge, March. Carson, L. B. 1954a. [Destruction of birds at a television tower at Topeka, Kansas.] Topeka Aud. News, 9(1):pp. = 1-2, July, August, September [published October]. [Unsigned, unpaged, and untitled article by L. B. Carson, ed.] 1954b. [Further destruction of birds at a television tower at Topeka, Kansas.] Topeka Aud. News, 9(2):pp. = 5-7, October, November, December [published December]. [Unsigned, unpaged, and untitled article by L. B. Carson, ed.] 1954c. New records for fall migrants in eastern Kansas. Kansas Orn. Soc. Bull., 5(4):27-29, December. Dixon, C. 1892. The migration of birds. London, Chapman and Hall. Pp. XVI + 300. Dobben, W. W. H. van, and M. F. Bruyns 1939. Zug nach Alter und Geschlecht an niederlÄndischen LeuchttÜrmen. Ardea, 28:61-79, December (not seen; see Auk, 1940:271). Drost, R. 1935. Ueber das ZahlenverhÄltnis von Alter und Geschlecht auf dem Herbst-und FrÜhjahrszuge. Vogelzug, 6(4):177-182, October. Dwight, J., Jr. 1900. The sequence of plumages and moults of the passerine birds of New York. Annals New York Acad. Sci., 13(1):73-360, October 19.
Ganier, A. F. 1949. The late summer Dickcissel departure. Migrant, 20(3):52-53, September. GÄtke, H. 1895. Heligoland as an ornithological observatory. Translated by Rudolph Rosenstock. Edinburgh, David Douglas. Pp. X + II + 599 + 11 II. (advt.). Gross, A. O. 1921. The Dickcissel (Spiza americana) of the Illinois prairies. Auk, 38(1):1-26, January 18 (first of two parts). Gurney, J. H. 1923. Bird migration as observed on the east coast of England. Ibis, 11th ser., 5(4):573-603, October 3. Howell, J. C., Laskey, A. R., and J. T. Tanner 1954. Bird mortality at airport ceilometers. Wilson Bull., 66(3):207-215, September [published October 29]. Howell, J. C., and J. T. Tanner 1951. An accident to migrating birds at the Knoxville airport. Migrant, 22(4):61-62, December. Laskey, A. R. 1951. Another disaster to migrating birds at the Nashville airport. Migrant, 22(4):57-60, December. Long, W. S. 1934. Notes from eastern Kansas. Auk, 51(2):255, April 4. 1940. Check-list of Kansas birds. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 43:433-456. Lovell, H. B. 1952. Catastrophe to birds at a Louisville airport. Kentucky Warbler, 28(1):5-6, February. Lowery, G. H., Jr. 1951. A quantitative study of the nocturnal migration of birds. Univ. Kansas Publ., Mus. Nat. Hist., 3(2):361-472, June 29. McCabe, T. T. 1943. An aspect of collectors' technique. Auk, 60(4):550-558, October 7. McCabe, T. T., and A. H. Miller 1933. Geographic variation in the Northern Water-thrushes. Condor, 35(5):192-197, September-October (September 15). Meinertzhagen, R. 1930. Nicoll's birds of Egypt. Vol. I (of 2). London, Hugh Rees Ltd. Pp. XVI + 348. Mengel, R. M. 1952. Certain molts and plumages of Acadian and Yellow-bellied flycatchers. Auk, 69(3):273-283, July 7. Miller, A. H. 1941. Speciation in the avian genus Junco. Univ. California Publ. ZoÖl., 44(3):173-434, May 24.
Miller, A. H., and T. T. McCabe 1935. Racial differentiation in Passerella (Melospiza) lincolnii. Condor, 37(3):144-160, May-June (May 15). PalmÉn, J. A. 1876. Ueber die Zugstrassen der VÖgel. Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann. Pp. VI + 292 + I. Peters, J. L., and L. Griscom 1938. Geographical variation in the Savannah Sparrow. Bull. Mus. Comp. ZoÖl., 80(13):445-478, January. Pitelka, F. A. 1946. Age in relation to migration in the Blue Jay. Auk, 63(1):82-84, January 25. 1951. Speciation and ecologic distribution in American jays of the genus Aphelocoma. Univ. California Publ. ZoÖl., 50(3):195-464, July 20. Rintoul, L. J., and E. V. Baxter 1914. Notes on some passerine birds found migrating in moult. Scottish Naturalist, no. 35, pp. 245-252, November. Rowan, W. 1926. Notes on Alberta waders included on the British list. Part II. Brit. Birds, 20(2):34-42, June 1. Ruth, E. L. 1952. The Bay-breasted Warbler in Kansas. Kansas Orn. Soc. Bull., 3(3):18-19. Sibley, C. G. 1950. Species formation in the Red-eyed Towhees of Mexico. Univ. California Publ. ZoÖl., 50(2):109-194, November 24. Spofford, W. R. 1949. Mortality of birds at the ceilometer of the Nashville airport. Wilson Bull., 61(2):86-90, June. Stone, W. 1906. Some light on night migration. Auk, 23(3):249-252, July. Storer, R. W. 1951. Variation in the Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris), with special reference to wintering populations. Occas. Papers Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan, no. 532, pp. 1-12, June 29. Thomson, A. L. 1926. Problems of bird-migration. Boston and New York, Houghton Mifflin Company. Pp. XV + I + 350. 1936. Recent progress in the study of bird-migration: a review of the literature, 1926-35. Ibis, 13th ser., 6(3):472-530, July 1. Ticehurst, C. B. 1916. Notes on migrants and moult, with special reference to the moults of some of our summer visitants. Scottish Naturalist, no. 50, pp. 29-38, February.
Tordoff, H. B. 1952. Notes on plumages, molts, and age variation of the Red Crossbill. Condor, 54(4):200-203, July-August. Wiegold, H. 1926. Masse, Gewichte und Zug nach Alter und Geschlecht bei HelgolÄnder ZugvÖgeln. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen, Abt. Helgoland, Neue Folge, 15ter Band, Heft 3, No. 17, Lipsius & Tischer, Kiel und Leipzig, pp. 1-73. Wolfson, A. 1954. Weight and fat deposition in relation to spring migration in transient White-throated Sparrows. Auk, 71(4):413-434. Transmitted June 30, 1955.