Leipzig, June 12th, 1843. Sir, Herr Herrmann, some time since, inquired of you once, in my name, about the printed score of the “ZauberflÖte;” but I now apply to yourself to know whether any copy of it still exists in the original German, or if any ever did exist? And if neither be the case, I should like to know whether you are disposed to allow the original correct text to be substituted in your plates of this opera, and some proofs to be taken? It appears to me almost a positive duty, that such a work should descend to posterity in its unvitiated form; we indeed all know perfectly well, for instance, the aria beginning, with the words “Dies Bildniss ist bezaubernd schÖn,” but if in the course of a few years the younger musicians always see it printed thus, “So reizend hold, so zaub’risch schÖn,” they will acquire a false idea of Mozart’s thoughts; and I go so far as to assert, that even the most undeniably bad passages in such a text deserve to be retained, as Mozart composed music for them, and they have thus become household words all through Germany. If improvements are to be proposed, it is all very well, but in that event they ought to stand side by side with the original words; in no case must they be entirely banished, otherwise fidelity towards the great deceased master is not properly observed. I beg you will say a few words on this point when you write to Herr Herrmann; and if you resolve to alter your plates, then I shall be the first, but certainly not the last, of your customers to thank you for it.—Your obedient Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy.