Acton’s Cookery-Book, 23
Afternoon of Life, 16
Agassiz on Classification, 12
Alcock’s Japan, 1
Arago’s Scientific Biographies, 4
Arago’s Meteorological Essays, 4
Arago’s Popular Astronomy, 4
Arago’s Treatise on Comets, 4
Arbuthnot’s Herzegovina, 9
Arnold’s Manual of English Literature, 7
Arnold’s Poems, 21
Arnold’s Merope, 21
Arnold on Translating Homer, 8
Arnott on Progress, 21
Autobiography of Charles V, 1
Ayre’s Treasury of Bible Knowledge, 20
Bacon’s Life, by Spedding, 3
Bacon’s Works, 3
Bayldon’s Rents and Tillages, 25
Beard’s Port-Royal, 6
Berlepsch’s Alps, 8
Black on Brewing, 23
Blaine’s EncyclopÆdia of Rural Sports, 14
Blight’s Land’s End, 10
Boner’s Forest Creatures, 13
Bourne on the Steam Engine, 25
Bourne’s Catechism of ditto, 25
Bowdler’s Family Shakspeare, 20
Boyd’s Naval Cadet’s Manual, 24
Brande’s Dictionary of Science, 12
BrÉhaut on Cordon-Training, 27
Brodie’s Psychological Inquiries, 10
Brinton on Food, 23
Bristow’s Glossary of Mineralogy, 12
Bromfield’s Brittany and the Bible, 10
Brunel’s Life, by Beamish, 3
Bull’s Hints to Mothers, 24
Bull on Management of Children, 24
Bunsen’s Hippolytus, 6
Bunsen’s Outlines of Universal History, 6
Bunsen’s Analecta Ante-NicÆna, 6
Bunsen’s Ancient Egypt, 6
Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress illustrated, 19
Burke’s Vicissitudes of Families, 4
Burn’s Agricultural Tour in Belgium, 10
Burton’s Lake Regions of Central Africa, 9
Burton’s Footsteps in East Africa, 9
Burton’s Medina and Mecca, 9
Burton’s City of the Saints, 9
Cabinet Lawyer (The), 26
Calderon’s Dramas, by MacCarthy, 21
Calvert’s Wife’s Manual, 20
Cats’ and Farlie’s Emblems, 19
Chorale-Book (The) for England, 19
Clark’s Comparative Grammar, 7
Clough’s Lives from Plutarch, 4
Colenso on the Pentateuch, 1
Coltyns on Stag-Hunting, 15
Comyn’s Ellice, a Tale, 16
Conington’s Chemical Analysis, 12
Contanseau’s French Dictionary, 7
Conybeare and Howson’s St. Paul, 6
Copland’s Dictionary of Medicine, 11
Cotton’s Instructions in Christianity, 20
Cox’s Tales from Greek Mythology, 5
Cox’s Tale of the Great Persian War, 5
Cox’s Tales of the Gods and Heroes, 5
Cresy’s EncyclopÆdia of Civil Engineering, 22
Cricket Field (The), 16
Cricket Tutor (The), 16
Crowe’s History of France, 2
D’Aubigne’s Calvin, 1
Dead Shot (The), 14
De la Rive’s Reminiscences of Cavour, 1
De la Rive’s Electricity, 12
De Tocqueville on Democracy, 1
De Witt’s Jefferson, 1
DÖllinger’s Gentile and Jew, 6
Dove’s Law of Storms, 13
Eastlake on Oil Painting, 3
Eclipse of Faith (The), 17
Defence of ditto, 17
Essays and Reviews, 18
Fairbairn’s Information for Engineers, 23
Fairbairn’s Treatise on Millwork, 23
FitzRoy’s Weather Book, 13
Folkard’s Sailing Boat, 15
Forster’s Life of Eliot, 1
Fowler’s Collieries, 24
Freshfield’s Alpine Byways, 8
Freshfield’s Tour in the Grisons, 8
Garratt’s Marvels of Instinct, 14
Goldsmith’s Poems, illustrated, 20
Goodeve’s Elements of Mechanism, 23
Green’s English Princesses, 3
Greene’s Manual of Coelenterata, 13
Greene’s Manual of Protozoa, 13
Greyson’s Correspondence, 17
Grove on Physical Forces, 12
Gwilt’s EncyclopÆdia of Architecture, 23
Hartwig’s Sea, 13
Hartwig’s Tropical World, 13
Hassall’s Freshwater AlgÆ, 26
Hassall’s Adulterations Detected, 26
Havelock’s Life, by Marshman, 4
Hawker on Guns and Shooting, 14
Herschel’s Outlines of Astronomy, 13
Herschel’s Essays, 13
Hind’s American Exploring Expeditions, 9
Hind’s Labrador, 9
Hints on Etiquette, 15
Hole’s Gardeners’ Annual, 27
Holland’s Essays, 10
Holland’s Medical Notes, 10
Holland on Mental Physiology, 10
Hooker’s British Flora, 26
Hopkins’s Hawaii, 9
Horne’s Introduction to the Scriptures, 20
Horne’s Compendium of ditto, 20
Hoskyns’ Talpa, 15
Howard’s Athletic Exercises, 15
Howitt’s History of the Supernatural, 18
Howitt’s Remarkable Places, 10
Howitt’s Rural Life of England, 10
Howson’s Deaconesses, 16
Hudson’s Directions for Making Wills, 26
Hudson’s Executor’s Guide, 26
Hughes’s Geography of History, 22
Hughes’s Manual of Geography, 22
Jameson’s Saints and Martyrs, 19
Jameson’s Monastic Orders, 19
Jameson’s Legends of the Madonna, 19
Jameson’s Legends of the Saviour, 19
Johnson’s Dictionary by Latham, 7
Johnson’s Patentee’s Manual, 24
Johnson’s Book of Industrial Designs, 24
Johnston’s Geographical Dictionary, 22
Kennedy’s Hymnologia, 20
Kirby and Spence’s Entomology, 14
L. E. L’s. Poetical Works, 21
Lady’s Tour round Monte Rosa, 8
Latham’s Comparative Philology, 7
Latham’s English Language, 7
Latham’s Handbook of ditto, 7
Laurie’s Entertaining Library, 29
Laurie’s Graduated Reading Books, 28
Lempriere’s Notes on Mexico, 9
Liddell and Scott’s Greek Lexicons, 6
Lindley’s Horticulture, 27
Lindley’s Introduction to Botany, 27
Lindley’s Treasury of Botany, 27
Lister’s Physico-Prophetical Essays, 18
Lewin’s Jerusalem, 8
Loudon’s EncyclopÆdia of Cottage Architecture, 23
Loudon’s EncyclopÆdia of Agriculture, 26
Loudon’s EncyclopÆdia of Gardening, 26
Loudon’s EncyclopÆdia of Trees and Shrubs, 26
Loudon’s EncyclopÆdia of Plants, 26
Lowndes’s Engineer’s Handbook, 22
Lyra Domestica, 20
Lyra Germanica, 19
Lyra Sacra, 20
Macaulay’s England, 2
Macaulay’s Essays, 17
Macaulay’s Miscellaneous Writings, 17
Macaulay’s Laws of Ancient Rome, 21
Macaulay’s Speeches, 5
MacBrair’s Africans, 10
MacDougall’s Theory of War, 24
M’Culloch’s Commercial Dictionary, 22
M’Culloch’s Geographical Dictionary, 22
Marcet’s Land and Water, 25
Marcet’s Political Economy, 25
Marcet’s Conversations on Natural Philosophy, 25
Marcet’s Conversations on Chemistry, 25
Maunder’s Biographical Treasury, 27
Maunder’s Geographical Treasury, 27
Maunder’s Historical Treasury, 27
Maunder’s Natural History, 27
Maunder’s Scientific and Literary Treasury, 27
Maunder’s Treasury of Knowledge, 27
May’s England, 2
Memoir of Sydney Smith, 5
Memoirs, &c. of Thomas Moore, 5
Mendelssohn’s Letters, 8
Merivale’s Romans under the Empire, 2
Merivale’s Fall of the Roman Republic, 2
Merivale’s (H.) Lectures on Colonisation, 21
Meryon’s History of Medicine, 3
Miles on Horse’s Foot, 15
Miles on Shoeing Horses, 15
Moore’s Lalla Rookh, 21
Moore’s Irish Melodies, 21
Moore’s Poetical Works, 21
Morell’s Mental Philosophy, 11
Morell’s Elements of Psychology, 11
Morning Clouds, 16
Morton’s Royal Farms, 2
Morton’s Dairy Husbandry, 25
Morton’s Farm Labour, 25
Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History, 18
MÜller’s Lectures on Language, 7
Munk’s College of Physicians, 3
Mure’s Language and Literature of Greece, 2
My Life, and What shall I do with it?, 16
Neale’s Sunsets and Sunshine, 16
Odling’s Chemistry, 11
Owen’s Anatomy, 11
Packe’s Guide to the Pyrenees, 9
Parry’s Memoirs, 4
Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers, 8
Pereira’s Materia Medica, 12
Peschel’s Elements of Physics, 12
Phillips’s Guide to Geology, 13
Phillips’s Introduction to Mineralogy, 12
Piesse’s Art of Perfumery, 15
Piesse’s Chemical Wonders, 15
Piesse’s Chemical and Natural Magic, 15
Pictrowski’s Siberian Exile, 1
Porson’s Life by Watson, 4
Practical Mechanic’s Journal, 24
Problems in Human Nature, 16
Pycroft’s English Reading, 19
Ranken’s Canada and the Crimea, 9
Record of International Exhibition, 24
Rhind’s Thebes, 8
Rich’s Roman and Greek Antiquities, 5
Rivers’s Rose Amateur’s Guide, 27
Rogers’s Essays, 17
Roget’s English Thesaurus, 7
Romance of a Dull Life, 16
Ronald’s Fly-Fisher, 15
Rowton’s Debater, 7
Sandford’s Bampton Lectures, 18
Savile on Revelation and Science, 18
Saxby on Projection of Sphere, 25
Saxby on Study of Steam, 25
Scoffern on Projectiles, 24
Scott’s Lectures on the Fine Arts, 4
Scott’s Volumetrical Analysis, 12
Scrope on Volcanos, 11
Senior’s Biographical Sketches, 3
Sewell’s Ancient History, 5
Sewell’s Early Church, 5
Sewell’s Passing Thoughts on Religion, 18
Sewell’s Self-Examination for Confirmation, 18
Sewell’s Readings for Confirmation, 18
Sewell’s Readings for Lent, 18
Sewell’s Impressions of Rome, &c., 10
Sewell’s Stories and Tales, 16
Sharp’s British Gazetteer, 22
Short Whist, 15
Sidney’s (Sir P.) Life, by Lloyd, 3
Smith’s (J.) St. Paul’s Shipwreck, 5
Smith’s (G.) Wesleyan Methodism, 1
Social Life in Australia, 10
Southey’s Poetical Works, 21
Southey’s Doctor, 21
Stephen’s Essays, 17
Stephen’s Lectures on the History of France, 17
Stephenson’s Life, by Jeaffreson and Pole, 3
‘Stonehenge’ on the Dog, 14
‘Stonehenge’ on the Greyhound, 14
Strickland’s Queens of England, 3
Sydney Smith’s Works, 17
Sydney Smith’s Moral Philosophy, 17
Tate on Strength of Materials, 13
Taylor’s (Jeremy) Works, 18
Tennent’s Ceylon, 14
Tennent’s Natural History of Ceylon, 14
Theologia Germanica, 19
Thirlwall’s Greece, 2
Thomson’s Interest Tables, 22
Thomson’s Laws of Thought, 11
Thrupp’s Anglo-Saxon Home, 3
Todd’s CyclopÆdia of Anatomy and Physiology, 11
Trollope’s Warden, 16
Trollope’s Barchester Towers, 16
Twiss’s Law of Nations, 2
Tyndall on Heat, 11
Tyndall’s Mountaineering, 8
Ure’s Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines, 23
Van Der Hoeven’s Handbook of Zoology, 11
Villari’s History of Savonarola, 4
Warburton’s Life, by Watson, 4
Warter’s Last of the Old Squires, 16
Watts’s Dictionary of Chemistry, 12
Webb’s Celestial Objects, 13
Webster and Parkes’s Domestic Economy, 23
Wellington’s Life, by Gleig, 4
Wesley’s Life, by Southey, 5
West on Children’s Diseases, 24
White and Riddle’s Latin Dictionary, 6
Wilson’s Bryologia Britannica, 26
Willich’s Popular Tables, 22
Wit and Wisdom of Sydney Smith, 17
Woodward’s Chronological and Historical EncyclopÆdia, 2
Worms on the Earth’s Motion, 11
Wyndham’s Norway, 9
Yonge’s English-Greek Lexicon, 7
Youatt’s work on the Horse, 14
Youatt’s work on the Dog, 14
[January 1863.