
The acid character of the higher oxides RO3 of the elements of group VI. is still more clearly defined than that of the higher oxides of the preceding groups, whilst feeble basic properties only appear in the oxides RO3 of the elements of the even series, and then only for those elements having a high atomic weight—that is, under those two conditions in which, as a rule, the basic characters increase. Even the lower types RO2 and R2O3, &c., formed by the elements of group VI., are acid anhydrides in the uneven series, and only those of the elements of the even series have the properties of peroxides or even of bases.

Sulphur is the typical representative of group VI., both on account of the fact that the acid properties of the group are clearly defined in it, and also because it is more widely distributed in nature than any of the other elements belonging to this group. As an element of the uneven series of group VI., sulphur gives H2S, sulphuretted hydrogen, SO3, sulphuric anhydride, and SO2, sulphurous anhydride. And in all of them we find acid properties—SO3 and SO2 are anhydrides of acids, and H2S is an acid, although a feeble one. As an element sulphur has all the properties of a true non-metal; it has not a metallic lustre, does not conduct electricity, is a bad conductor of heat, is transparent, and combines directly with metals—in short it has all the properties of the non-metals, like oxygen and chlorine. Furthermore, sulphur exhibits a great qualitative and quantitative resemblance to oxygen, especially in the fact that, like oxygen, it combines with two atoms of hydrogen, and forms compounds resembling oxides with metals and non-metals. From this point of view sulphur is bivalent, if the halogens are univalent.[1] The chemical character of sulphur is expressed by the fact that it forms a very slightly stable and feebly energetic acid with hydrogen. The salts corresponding with this acid are the sulphides, just as the oxides correspond to water and the chlorides to hydrochloric acid. However, as we shall afterwards see more fully, the sulphides are more analogous to the former than to the latter. But although combining with metals, like oxygen, sulphur also forms chemically stable compounds with oxygen, and this fact impresses a peculiar character on all the relations of this element.[2]

Sulphur belongs to the number of those elements which are very widely distributed in nature, and occurs both free and combined in various forms. The atmosphere, however, is almost entirely free from compounds of sulphur, although a certain amount of them should be present, if only from the fact that sulphurous anhydride is emitted from the earth in volcanic eruptions, and in the air of cities, where much coal is burnt, since this always contains FeS2. Sea and river water generally contain more or less sulphur in the form of sulphates. The beds of gypsum, sodium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, and the like are formations of undoubtedly aqueous origin. The sulphates contained in the soil are the source of the sulphur found in plants, and are indispensable to their growth. Among vegetable substances, the proteÏds always contain from one to two per cent. of sulphur. From plants the albuminous substances, together with their sulphur, pass into the animal organism, and therefore the decomposition of animal matter is accompanied by the odour of sulphuretted hydrogen, as the product into which the sulphur passes in the decomposition of the albuminous substances. Thus a rotten egg emits sulphuretted hydrogen. Sulphur occurs largely in nature, as the various insoluble sulphides of the metals. Iron, copper, zinc, lead, antimony, arsenic, &c., occur in nature combined with sulphur. These sulphides frequently have a metallic lustre, and in the majority of cases occur crystallised, and also very often several sulphides occur combined or mixed together in these crystalline compounds. If they are yellow and have a metallic lustre they are called pyrites. Such are, for example, copper pyrites, CuFeS2, and iron pyrites, FeS2, which is the commonest of all. They are all also known as glances or blendes if they are greyish and have a metallic lustre—for example, zinc blende, lead glance, PbS, antimony glance, Sb2S3, &c. And, lastly, sulphur occurs native. It occurs in this form in the most recent geological formations in admixture with limestone and gypsum, and most frequently in the vicinity of active or extinct volcanoes. As the gases of volcanoes contain sulphur compounds—namely, sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphurous anhydride, which by reacting on one another may produce sulphur, which also frequently appears in the craters of volcanoes as a sublimate—it might be imagined that the sulphur was of volcanic origin. But on a nearer acquaintance with its mode of occurrence, and more especially considering its relation to gypsum, CaSO4, and limestone, the present general opinion leads to the conclusion that the ‘native’ sulphur has been formed by the reduction of the gypsum by organic matter and that its occurrence is only indirectly connected with volcanic agencies. Near Tetush, on the Volga, there are beds containing gypsum, sulphur, and asphalt (mineral tar). In Europe the most important deposits of sulphur are in the south of Sicily from Catania to Girgenti.[3] There are very rich deposits of sulphur in Daghestan near Cherkai and Cherkat in Khyut, near Mount Kanabour-bam, near Petrovsk, and in the Kira Koumski steppes in the Trans-Caspian provinces, which are able to supply the whole of Russia with this mineral. Abundant deposits of sulphur have also been found in Kamtchatka in the neighbourhood of the volcanoes. The method of separation of the sulphur from its earthy impurities is based on the fact that sulphur melts when it is heated. The fusion is carried on at the expense of a portion of the sulphur, which is burnt, so that the remainder may melt and run from the mass of the earth. This is carried on in special furnaces called calcaroni, built up of unhewn stone in the neighbourhood of the mines.[4]

see caption

Fig. 86.—Refining sulphur by sublimation.

Sulphur is purified by distillation in special retorts (see fig. 86) by passing the vapour into a chamber G built of stone. The first portions of the vapour entering into the condensing chamber are condensed straightway from the vapour into a solid state, and form a fine powder known as flowers of sulphur.[5] But when the temperature of the receiver attains the melting point of sulphur, it passes into a liquid state and is cast into moulds (like sealing wax), and is then known under the name of roll sulphur.[6]

In an uncombined state sulphur exists in several modifications, and forms a good example of the facility with which an alteration of properties can take place without a change of composition—that is, as regards the material of a substance. Common sulphur has the well-known yellow colour. This colour fades as the temperature falls, and at -50° sulphur is almost colourless. It is very brittle, so that it may be easily converted into a powder, and it presents a crystalline structure, which, by the way, shows itself in the unequal expansion of lumps of sulphur by heat. Hence when a piece of sulphur is heated by the warmth of the hand, it emits sounds and sometimes cracks, which probably also depends on the bad heat-conducting power of this substance. It is easily obtained in a crystalline form by artificial means, because although insoluble in water it dissolves in carbon bisulphide, and in certain oils.[7] Solutions of sulphur in carbon bisulphide when evaporated at the ordinary temperature yield well-formed transparent crystals of sulphur in the form of rhombic octahedra, in which form it occurs native. The specific gravity of these crystals is 2·045. Fused sulphur, cast into moulds and cooled, has, after being kept a long time, a specific gravity 2·066; almost the same as that of the crystalline sulphur of the above form, which shows that common sulphur is the same as that which crystallises in octahedra. The specific heat of octahedral sulphur is 0·17; it melts at 114°, and forms a bright yellow mobile liquid. On further heating, the fused sulphur undergoes an alteration, which we shall presently describe, first observing that the above octahedral state of sulphur is its most stable form. Sulphur may be kept at the ordinary temperature in this form for an indefinite length of time, and many other modifications of sulphur pass into this form after being left for a certain time at ordinary temperature.

If sulphur be melted and then slightly cooled, so that it forms a crust on the surface and over the sides of the crucible, while the internal mass remains liquid, then the sulphur takes another crystalline form as it solidifies. This may be seen by breaking the crust, and pouring out the remaining molten sulphur.[8] It is then found that the sides of the crucible are covered with prismatic crystals of the monoclinic system; they have a totally different appearance from the above-described crystals of rhombic sulphur. The prismatic crystals are brown, transparent, and less dense than the crystals of rhombic sulphur, their specific gravity being only 1·93, and their melting point higher—about 120°. These crystals of sulphur cannot be kept at the ordinary temperature, which is indeed evident from the fact that in time they turn yellow; the specific gravity also changes, and they pass completely into the ordinary modification. This is accompanied by a considerable development of heat, so that the temperature of the mass may rise 12°. Thus sulphur is dimorphous—that is, it exists in two crystalline forms, and in both forms it has independent physical properties. However, no chemical reactions are known which distinguish the two modifications of sulphur, just as there are none distinguishing aragonite from calcspar.[9]

If molten sulphur be heated to 158° it loses its mobility and becomes thick and very dark-coloured, so that the crucible in which it is heated may be inverted without the sulphur running out. When heated above this temperature the sulphur again becomes liquid, and at 250° it is very mobile, although it does not acquire its original colour, and at 440° it boils. These modifications in the properties of sulphur depend not only on the variations of temperature, but also on a change of structure. If sulphur, heated to about 350°, be poured in a thin stream into cold water, it does not solidify into a solid mass, but retains its brown colour and remains soft, may be stretched out into threads, and is elastic, like guttapercha. But in this soft and ductile state, also, it does not remain for a long time. After the lapse of a certain period this soft transparent sulphur hardens, becomes opaque, passes into the ordinary yellow modification of sulphur, and in so doing develops heat, just as in the conversion of the prismatic into the octahedral variety. The soft sulphur is characterised by the fact that a certain portion of it is insoluble in carbon bisulphide. When soft sulphur is immersed in this liquid, only a portion of common sulphur passes into solution, whilst a certain portion is quite insoluble and remains so for a long time. The maximum proportion of insoluble sulphur is obtained by heating slightly above 170°. It melts at 114°. An exactly similar insoluble amorphous sulphur is obtained in certain reactions in the wet way, when sulphur separates out from solutions. Thus sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3, when treated with acids, gives a precipitate of sulphur, which is insoluble in carbon bisulphide. The action of water on sulphur chloride also gives a similar modification of sulphur. Certain sulphides, when treated with nitric acid, also yield sulphur in this form.[10]

At temperatures of 440° to 700° the vapour density of sulphur is 6·6 referred to air—i.e. about 96 referred to hydrogen. Hence, at these temperatures the molecule of sulphur contains six atoms, it has the composition S6. The agreement between the observations of Dumas, Mitscherlich, Bineau, and Deville confirms the accuracy of this result. But in this respect the properties of sulphur were found to be variable. When heated to higher temperatures, that is to say, above 800°, the vapour density of sulphur is found to be one-third of this quantity, i.e. about 32 referred to hydrogen. At this temperature the molecule of sulphur, like that of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and chlorine, contains two atoms; hence the molecular formula is then S2. This variation in the vapour density of sulphur evidently corresponds with a polymeric modification, and may be likened to the transformation of ozone, O3, into oxygen, O2, or better still, of benzene, C6H6, into acetylene, C2H2.[11]

In its faculty for combination, sulphur most closely resembles oxygen and chlorine; like them, it combines with nearly all elements, with the development of heat and light, forming sulphur compounds, but as a rule this only takes place at a high temperature. At the ordinary temperature it does not enter into reactions, owing, amongst other things, to the fact that it is a solid. In a molten state it acts on most metals and on the halogens. It burns in air at about 300°, and with carbon at a red heat, but it does not combine with nitrogen.

Fine wires, or the powders of the greater number of metals, burn in the vapour of sulphur. The direct combination of hydrogen with sulphur is restricted by a limit—that is, at a given temperature and under other given conditions it does not proceed unrestrictedly; there is no explosion or recalescence. Sulphuretted hydrogen, H2S, decomposes at its temperature of combination—that is, it is easily dissociated.[12] The same phenomenon is repeated here as with water, except that the temperatures at which the attraction of hydrogen for sulphur begins and ceases are much lower than in the case of oxygen and hydrogen. The temperature at which combination takes place is here, as in many other instances, nearly the same as that at which dissociation begins. Hence sulphuretted hydrogen is formed in a small quantity by the direct ignition of a mixture of the vapour of sulphur and hydrogen. However, the temperature must not be high, because otherwise the whole of the sulphuretted hydrogen is decomposed; but at lower temperatures a small amount of sulphuretted hydrogen is formed by direct combination.[13] Sulphuretted hydrogen however, like all other hydrogen compounds, may be easily obtained by the double decomposition of its corresponding metallic compounds, the replacement of the metal by hydrogen being effected by the action of acids on the sulphides. The metallic sulphides are, as a rule, easily formed. A sulphide, when mixed with a non-volatile acid, may give, by double decomposition, a salt of the acid taken and sulphuretted hydrogen, M2S + H2SO4 = H2S + M2SO4. However, it is not all sulphides nor solutions of all acids that will evolve sulphuretted hydrogen, which fact is exceedingly characteristic, because, for example, all carbonates evolve carbonic anhydride when treated with any acid. Sulphuric acid will only evolve sulphuretted hydrogen from those sulphides which contain a metal capable of decomposing the acid with the evolution of hydrogen. Thus zinc, iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, &c., form sulphides which evolve sulphuretted hydrogen when treated with sulphuric acid, and the metals themselves evolve hydrogen with acids.[14] The sulphides of those metals which do not liberate hydrogen from acids do not generally act on acids—that is, do not form sulphuretted hydrogen with them; such are, for example, the sulphides of lead, silver, copper, mercury, tin, &c. Therefore, the modus operandi of the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen by the action of acids on metallic sulphides may be looked on as a phenomenon of the combination of hydrogen, at the moment of its evolution, with the sulphur, which is combined with the metal. Such a representation is all the more simple as all the circumstances under which sulphuretted hydrogen is formed are exactly similar to the conditions of the formation of hydrogen itself. Thus the usual mode of preparing sulphuretted hydrogen is by the action of sulphuric acid on ferrous sulphide, in which the same apparatus and method are employed as in the preparation of hydrogen, only replacing the metallic iron or zinc by ferrous sulphide or zinc sulphide. The reaction between sulphide of iron and sulphuric acid takes place at the ordinary temperature, and is accompanied by just as small a development of heat as in the liberation of hydrogen itself, FeS + H2SO4 = FeSO4 + H2S.[15]

In nature sulphuretted hydrogen is formed in many ways. The most usual mode of its formation is by the decomposition of albuminous substances containing sulphur, as mentioned above. Another method is by the reducing action of organic matter on sulphates, and by the action of water and carbonic acid on the sulphides formed by this reduction. Volcanic eruptions are a third source of sulphuretted hydrogen in nature. Although sulphuretted hydrogen is formed in small quantities everywhere, it nevertheless soon disappears from the atmosphere, owing to its being easily decomposed by oxidising agencies. Many mineral waters contain sulphuretted hydrogen, and smell of it; they are called ‘sulphur waters.’

Sulphuretted hydrogen, at the ordinary temperature, is a colourless gas, having a very unpleasant odour. It has, as its composition H2S shows, a specific gravity seventeen times greater than hydrogen, and therefore it is somewhat heavier than air. Sulphuretted hydrogen liquefies at about -74°, and at the ordinary temperature when subjected to a pressure of 10 to 15 atmospheres; at -85° it is converted into a solid crystalline mass.[15 bis] The easy liquefaction of sulphuretted hydrogen is evidently allied to its solubility. One volume of water at 0° dissolves 4·37 volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen, at 10° 3·58 volumes, and at 20° 2·9 volumes.[16] The solutions impart a very feeble red coloration to litmus paper. This gas is poisonous. One part in fifteen hundred parts of air will kill birds. Mammalia die in an atmosphere containing 1/200 of this gas.

Sulphuretted hydrogen is very easily decomposed into its component parts by the action of heat or a series of electric sparks. Hence it is not surprising that sulphuretted hydrogen undergoes change under the action of many substances having a considerable affinity for hydrogen and oxygen. Very many metals[17] evolve hydrogen with sulphuretted hydrogen, so that in this respect it presents the property of an acid; for instance, 2H2S + Sn = 2H2 + SnS2. This may be taken advantage of for determining the composition of sulphuretted hydrogen, because a given volume then leaves the same volume of hydrogen. On the other hand, oxygen,[18] chlorine,[19] and even iodine decompose sulphuretted hydrogen, removing the hydrogen from it and leaving free sulphur, so that in this reaction the sulphur is replaced by the above-named elements; for example, H2S + Br2 = 2HBr + S. In no other hydrogen compound is it so easy to show the substitution, both of hydrogen and of the element combined with it, as in hydrogen sulphide. This clearly proves the feeble union between the elements forming this gas. Compounds containing a considerable amount of oxygen, with which they easily part, can accomplish the separation of the sulphur very easily. Such are, for instance, nitrous acid, chromic acid, and even ferric oxide and the higher oxides like it. Thus, if sulphuretted hydrogen be passed into a solution of chromic acid or an acid solution of ferric oxide, water is formed, and the sulphur is separated in a free state. Thus, sulphuretted hydrogen acts as a reducing agent, in virtue of the hydrogen it contains. Salts of iodic, chlorous, chloric, and other acids are reduced by sulphuretted hydrogen, their oxygen acting mainly on its hydrogen; but in the presence of an excess of a powerful oxidising agent a portion of the sulphur may also be oxidised to sulphurous anhydride. The reducing action of sulphuretted hydrogen is frequently applied in chemical manipulations for the preparation of lower oxides, and for the conversion of certain oxygen compounds into hydrogen compounds: thus, the higher oxides of nitrogen are converted into ammonia by it, and in the presence of alkalis the nitro-compounds are converted into ammonia derivatives. The reaction of sulphuretted hydrogen on sulphurous anhydride belongs to this class of phenomena, the chief products of which are sulphur and water, 2H2S + SO2 = 2H2O + S3.

The acid character of sulphuretted hydrogen is clearly seen in its action on alkalis and salts.[19 bis] Thus lead oxide and its salts in the presence of sulphuretted hydrogen form water or an acid, and sulphide of lead: PbX2 + H2S = PbS + 2HX. This reaction takes place even in the presence of powerful acids, because lead sulphide is one of those sulphides which are unacted on by acids, and in solutions the reaction is a complete one. This reaction is taken advantage of for the preparation of many acids, by first converting into a lead salt, and then submitting this salt to the action of sulphuretted hydrogen. For example, lead formate with sulphuretted hydrogen gives formic acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen in acting on a number of metallic acid substances in solution or in an anhydrous state also forms corresponding sulphates: (1) if it does not reduce the acid; (2) if the sulphur compound corresponding with the anhydride of the acid be insoluble in water, the reaction proceeds in solutions; (3) if the sulphuretted hydrogen and the acid taken do not come in contact with an alkali, on which they would be able to act first; and (4) if the sulphur compound be not decomposed by water. Thus solutions of arsenious acid give a precipitate of arsenious sulphide, As2S3, with sulphuretted hydrogen. This reaction proceeds not only in the presence of water, but also of acids, because the latter do not decompose the resultant sulphur compounds. The type of the decomposition is the same as with bases—that is, the sulphur and oxygen change places: ROn+nH2S = RSn + nH2O. Some sulphides corresponding with acid anhydrides are decomposed by water, and therefore are not formed in the presence of water. Such, for example, are the sulphides of phosphorus.[20]

The metallic sulphides corresponding with the metallic oxides have either a feeble alkaline or a feeble acid character, according to the character of the corresponding oxide, and therefore by combining together they are able to form saline substances—that is, salts in which the oxygen is replaced by sulphur. Thus sulphuretted hydrogen having the properties of a feeble acid[21] has, at the same time, the properties of water, and forms the type of the sulphur derivatives, which may also be formed by means of sulphuretted hydrogen, just as the oxides may be formed by the aid of water. But as sulphuretted hydrogen has acid properties, it combines more easily with the basic metallic sulphides. Hence, for instance, there exists a compound of sulphuretted hydrogen with potassium sulphide, potassium hydrosulphide, 2KHS = K2S + H2S, just as there are potassium hydroxides; but there are scarcely any compounds of sulphuretted hydrogen with the sulphides corresponding with acids. Thus the sulphides of the metals may be regarded either as salts of sulphuretted hydrogen or as oxides of the metals in which the oxygen is replaced by sulphur. In general terms the sulphides exhibit the same degrees of difference with respect to their solubility in water as do the oxides. Thus the oxides of the alkali metals, and of some of the metals of the alkaline earths, are soluble in water, whilst those of nearly all the other metals are insoluble. The same may be said as to the sulphides; the sulphides of the metals of the alkalis and certain of the alkaline earths are soluble in water, whilst those of the other metals are insoluble. Those metals, like aluminium, whose oxides—for example, Al2O3—have intermediate properties and do not form compounds with feeble acids, at least in a wet way, also do not form sulphides by this method, although these may be obtained indirectly. And in general the sulphides of the metals are easily formed in a wet way, and with particular ease if they are insoluble in water. In this case their salts enter into double decomposition with sulphuretted hydrogen, or with soluble sulphides, and give an insoluble sulphide—for instance, a salt of lead gives lead sulphide with sulphuretted hydrogen. By the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on a salt of a metal, a free acid must be formed besides the metallic sulphide. Thus if a metal M be in a state of combination MX2, then by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen there will be formed, besides MS,[22] an acid 2HX. It is evident that sulphuretted hydrogen will not precipitate an insoluble sulphide from the salts of those metals whose sulphides react with free acid, such as zinc, iron, manganese, &c. The reaction FeCl2 + H2S = FeS + 2HCl, and the like, do not take place because the acid acts on the ferrous sulphide. Antimonious sulphide is not acted on by dilute hydrochloric acid, but it is decomposed by strong acid, and therefore in presence of an excess of hydrochloric acid antimonious chloride does not entirely react with hydrogen sulphide, whilst the reaction 2SbCl3 + 3H2S = Sb2S3 + 6HCl is a complete one in a dilute solution and with a small quantity of acid. Those metallic sulphides which are decomposed by acids may be obtained in a wet way by the double decomposition of the salts of the metals, not with hydrogen sulphide, but with soluble metallic sulphides, such as sulphide of ammonium or of potassium, because then no free acid is formed, but a salt of the metal (potassium or ammonium) which was taken as a soluble sulphide. So, for example, FeCl2 + K2S = FeS + 2KCl.[23]

Metallic sulphides may be obtained by many other means besides the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on salts and oxides, or by the simple combination of metals with sulphur when heated or fused. Thus they may also be formed by the reduction of sulphates by heating them with charcoal or other means. Charcoal takes up the oxygen from many sulphates, leaving corresponding sulphides. Thus sodium sulphate, Na2SO4, when heated with charcoal, forms sodium sulphide, Na2S. Besides which metallic sulphides are also obtained by heating metals or their oxides in the vapours of many sulphur compounds—for example, in the vapour of carbon bisulphide, CS2, when the carbon takes up the oxygen and the sulphur combines with the metal. The sulphides formed in this manner are often crystalline, and often appear with those properties and in that crystalline form in which they occur in nature. Besides which we must mention that many of the sulphides of the metals are oxidised in air at the ordinary, and especially at a higher, temperature, forming either SO2 and the oxide of the metal or sulphates. This oxidation proceeds with particular ease, even at the ordinary temperature, when a metallic sulphide is precipitated from its solutions, as a fine powder containing water. The sulphides of iron and manganese, &c., are very easily oxidised in this manner. But if these hydrates be ignited, they lose their water (the ignition must be carried on in a stream of hydrogen to prevent their oxidation during the process), become denser, and are no longer oxidised at the ordinary temperature. Those sulphides whose corresponding sulphates are decomposed by heat part with their sulphur in the form of sulphurous anhydride when they are ignited in air, and the metal, as a rule, remains behind as oxide. This is taken advantage of in the treatment of sulphurous ores. The process is called roasting.

Hydrogen not only forms sulphuretted hydrogen with sulphur, but it also combines with it in several other proportions, just as it combines with oxygen, forming not only water but also hydrogen peroxide. Moreover these polysulphides of hydrogen are also unstable, like hydrogen peroxide, and are also obtained from the corresponding polysulphides of the metals of the alkaline earths, just as hydrogen peroxide is obtained from barium peroxide. Thus calcium forms not only calcium sulphide, CaS, but also as bi-, tri-, and pentasulphide, CaS5, and all these compounds are soluble in water. Sodium also combines with sulphur in the same proportions, forming sulphides from Na2S to Na2S5. If an acid be added to a solution of a polysulphide, it gives sulphur, sulphuretted hydrogen, and a salt of the metal. For instance, MS5, + 2HCl = MCl2 + H2S + 4S. If we reverse the operation, and pour a solution of a polysulphide into an acid, sulphur is not precipitated, but an oily liquid is formed which is heavier than water and insoluble in it. This is the polysulphide of hydrogen: MS5 + 2HCl = MCl2 + H2S5. As Rebs showed (1888), whatever polysulphide be taken—of sodium, for instance—it always gives one and the same hydrogen pentasulphide,[24] of specific gravity 1·71 (15°). It can only be preserved in the absence of water and at low temperatures, and then not for long: for, especially in the presence of alkalis and when slightly warmed, it splits up very easily into sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphur.[25]

The soluble sulphides and polysulphides of the metals of the alkalis and alkaline earths—for example, of ammonium,[26] potassium,[27] and calcium,[28]—have the appearance and properties of salts, just as the hydrated oxides have, whilst the sulphides of the metals of the[220]
higher groups resemble their oxides and have not at all the appearance of salts, and this is more especially the case with regard to the crystalline forms in which they frequently occur in nature.[29]


As the acids derived from chlorine, phosphorus, and carbon are the oxidised hydrogen compounds of these elements, so also we can form an idea of the acid hydrates of sulphur, or of the normal acids of sulphur, by representing them as the oxidised products of sulphuretted hydrogen—

HClO H2SO(?) H3PO(?) H4CO
HClO2 H2SO2(?) H3PO2 H4CO2
HClO4 H2SO4 H3PO4 H4CO4[30]

In the case of chlorine, if not all the hydrates, at all events salts of all the normal hydrates are known, whilst in the case of sulphur only the acids H2S, H2SO3 and H2SO4 are known. But, on the other hand, the latter are obtained not only as hydrates but also as stable anhydrides, SO2 and SO3, which are formed with the evolution of heat from sulphur and oxygen; 32 parts of sulphur in combining with 32 parts of oxygen—that is, in forming SO2—evolve 71,000 heat units,[31] and if the oxidation proceeds to the formation of SO3, 103,000 heat units are evolved. These figures may be compared with those which correspond with the passage of carbon into CO and CO2, when 29,000 and 97,000 units of heat are evolved. This determines the stability of the higher oxides of sulphur, and also expresses the peculiarity of sulphur as an element which, although an analogue of oxygen, forms stable compounds with it, and thus fundamentally differs from chlorine. The higher and lower oxides of chlorine are powerful oxidising agents, whilst the higher oxide of sulphur, SO3, has but feeble oxidising powers, and the lower oxide, SO2, frequently acts as a reducing agent, and is formed by the direct combustion of sulphur, just as carbonic anhydride, CO2, proceeds from the combustion of carbon. In the combustion of sulphur, and also in the oxidation (roasting) of the sulphides and polysulphides by their ignition in air, sulphurous oxide, or sulphurous anhydride, or sulphur dioxide, SO2,[31 bis] is exclusively formed. It is prepared on a large scale by burning sulphur or roasting iron pyrites or other sulphides[32] for the manufacture of sulphuric acid (Chapter VI.), and for direct application in the manufacture of wine or for bleaching tissues and other purposes. In the latter instances its application is based on the fact that sulphurous anhydride acts on certain vegetable matters, and has the property of a reducing and feeble acid.[32 bis]

In the laboratory—that is, on a small scale—sulphurous anhydride is best prepared by deoxidising sulphuric acid by heating it with charcoal, or copper, sulphur, mercury, &c. Charcoal produces this decomposition of sulphuric acid at but moderately high temperatures; it is itself converted into carbonic anhydride,[32 tri] and therefore when sulphuric acid is heated with charcoal it evolves a mixture of sulphurous and carbonic anhydrides: C + 2H2SO4 = CO2 + 2SO2 + 2H2O. The metals which are unable to decompose water, and which do not, therefore, expel hydrogen from sulphuric acid, are frequently capable of decomposing sulphuric acid, with the evolution of sulphurous anhydride, just as they decompose nitric acid, forming the lower oxides of nitrogen. These metals are silver, mercury, copper, lead, and others. Thus, for example, the action of copper on sulphuric acid may be expressed by the following equation: Cu + 2H2SO4 = CuSO4 + SO2 + 2H2O. In the laboratory this reaction is carried on in a flask with a gas-conducting tube, and does not take place unless aided by heat.[33]

In its physical and chemical properties sulphurous anhydride presents a great resemblance to carbonic anhydride. It is a heavy gas, somewhat considerably soluble in water, very easily condensed into a liquid; it forms normal and acid salts, does not evolve oxygen under the direct action of heat,[34] although such metals as sodium and magnesium burn in it, just as in carbonic anhydride. It has a suffocating odour, which is well known owing to its being evolved when sulphur or sulphur matches are burnt. In characterising the properties of sulphurous anhydride, it is very important to remember (Chapter II.) also that it is more easily liquefied (at -10°, or at 0° under two atmospheres pressure) than carbonic anhydride (thirty-six atmospheres at 0°),[35] that it is more soluble than carbonic anhydride (Vol. I. p. 79); at 0°, 100 vols. of water dissolve 180 vols. of carbonic anhydride and 688 vols. of sulphuric anhydride), that the molecular weight of SO2 = 64 and of CO2 = 44, and that the density of liquid sulphurous anhydride at 0° = 1·43 (molecular volume = 45) and of carbonic anhydride = 0·95 (molecular volume = 49). Although sulphur dioxide is the anhydride of an acid, nevertheless, like carbonic anhydride, it does not form any stable compounds with water, but gives a solution from which it may be entirely expelled by the action of heat.[36] The acid character of sulphurous anhydride is clearly expressed by the fact that it is entirely absorbed by alkalis, with which it forms acid and normal salts easily soluble in water. With salts of barium, calcium, and the heavy metals, the normal salts of the alkalis, M2SO3, give precipitates exactly like those formed by the carbonates. In general, the salts of sulphurous acid are closely analogous to the corresponding carbonates.

Acid sodium sulphite, NaHSO3, may be obtained by passing sulphurous anhydride into a solution of sodium hydroxide. It is also formed by saturating a solution of sodium carbonate with the gas (carbonic anhydride is then given off), and as the solubility of the acid sulphite is much greater than that of the carbonate, a further quantity of the latter may be dissolved after the passage of the sulphurous anhydride, so that ultimately a very strong solution of the sulphite may be formed in this manner, from which it may be obtained in a crystalline form, either by cooling and evaporating (without heating, for then the salt would give off sulphurous anhydride) or by adding alcohol to the solution. When exposed to the air this salt loses sulphurous anhydride and attracts oxygen, which converts it into sodium sulphate. The acid sulphites of the alkali metals are able to combine not only with oxygen, but also with many other substances—for example, a solution of the sodium salt dissolves sulphur, forming sodium thiosulphate, gives crystalline compounds with the aldehydes and ketones, and dissolves many bases, converting them into double sulphites. Having the faculty of attracting or absorbing oxygen, acid sodium sulphite is also able to absorb chlorine, and is therefore employed, like sodium thiosulphate, for the removal of chloride (as an antichlor), especially in the bleaching of fabrics, when it is necessary to remove the last traces of the chlorine held in the tissues, which might otherwise have an injurious effect on them. If a solution of an alkali hydroxide be divided into two parts, and one half is saturated with sulphurous anhydride, and then the other half added to it, a normal salt will be obtained in the solution, having an alkaline reaction, like a solution of sodium carbonate. The acid salt has a neutral reaction.[36 bis] Like sodium carbonate, normal sodium sulphite has the composition Na2SO3,10H2O, and its maximum solubility is at 33°—in a word, it very closely resembles sodium carbonate. Although this salt does not give off sulphurous anhydride from its solution, it is able, like the acid salt, to absorb oxygen from the air, and is then converted into sodium sulphate.[37]

Besides the acid character we must also point out the reducing character of sulphurous anhydride. The reducing action of sulphurous acid, its anhydride and salts, is due to their faculty of passing into sulphuric acid and sulphates. The reducing action of the sulphites is particularly energetic, so that they even convert nitric oxide into nitrous oxide: K2SO3 + 2NO = K2SO4 + N2O. The salts of many of the higher oxides are converted into those of the lower—for example, FeX3 into FeX2, CuX2 into CuX, HgX2 into HgX; thus 2FeX3 + SO2 + 2H2O = 2FeX2 + H2SO4 + 2HX. In the presence of water, sulphurous anhydride is oxidised by chlorine (SO2 + 2H2O + Cl2 = H2SO4 + 2HCl), iodine, nitrous acid, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid, chloric acid, and other oxygen compounds of the halogens, chromic, manganic, and many other metallic acids and higher oxides, as well as all peroxides. Free oxygen in the presence of spongy platinum is able to oxidise sulphurous anhydride even in the absence of water, in which case sulphuric anhydride SO3 is formed, so that the latter may be prepared by passing a mixture of sulphurous anhydride and oxygen over incandescent spongy platinum, or, as it is now prepared on a large scale in chemical works, by passing this mixture over asbestos or pumice stone moistened with a solution of platinum salt and ignited. Sulphurous anhydride is completely absorbed by certain higher oxides—for instance, by barium peroxide and lead dioxide (PbO2 + SO2 = PbSO4).[38]

There are, however, cases where sulphurous anhydride acts as an oxidising agent—that is, it is deoxidised in the presence of substances which are capable of absorbing oxygen with still greater energy than the sulphurous anhydride itself. This oxidising action proceeds with the formation of sulphuretted hydrogen or of sulphides, while the reducing agent is oxidised at the expense of the oxygen of the sulphurous anhydride. In this respect, the action of stannous salts is particularly remarkable. Stannous chloride, SnCl2, in an aqueous solution gives a precipitate of stannic sulphide, SnS2, with sulphurous anhydride—that is, the latter is deoxidised to sulphuretted hydrogen, while SnX2 is oxidised into SnX4. A solution of sulphurous anhydride has also an oxidising action on zinc. The zinc passes into solution, but no hydrogen is evolved,[39] because a salt of hydrosulphurous acid, ZnS2O4, is formed. The free acid is still less stable than the salt.

The faculty of sulphurous anhydride of combining with various substances is evident from the above-cited reactions, where it combines with hydrogen and with oxygen, and this faculty also appears in the fact that, like carbonic oxide, it combines with chlorine, forming a chloranhydride of sulphuric acid, SO2Cl2, to which we shall afterwards return. The same faculty for combination also appears in the salts of sulphurous acid, in their liability to oxidation and in the exceedingly characteristic formation of a peculiar series of salts obtained by Pelouze and FrÉmy. At a temperature of -10° or below, nitric oxide NO is absorbed by alkaline solutions of the alkali sulphites, forming a peculiar series of nitrosulphates. At a higher temperature these salts are not formed but the nitric oxide is reduced to nitrous oxide. But in the cold the liquid saturated with nitric oxide after a certain time gives prismatic crystals resembling those of nitre. The composition of the potassium salt is K2SN2O3—that is, the salt contains the elements of potassium sulphite and of nitric oxide.[40]

There are also several other substances, formed by the oxides of nitrogen and sulphur, which belong to this class of complex and, under some circumstances, unstable compounds. In the manufacture of sulphuric acid, both these classes of oxides come into contact with each other in the lead chambers, and if there be insufficient water for the formation of sulphuric acid they give crystalline compounds, termed chamber crystals. As a rule, the composition of the crystals is expressed by the formula NHSO3. This is a compound of the radicles NO2 of nitric acid, and HSO3 of sulphuric acid, or nitro-sulphuric acid, NO2.SHO3, if sulphuric acid be expressed as OH.SHO3 and nitric by NO2.OH. The tabular crystals of this substance fuse at about 70°, are formed both by the direct action of nitrous anhydride or nitric peroxide (but not NO, which is not absorbed by sulphuric acid) on sulphuric acid (Weltzien and others), and especially on sulphuric acid containing an anhydride and the lower oxides of sulphur and nitric acid.[41]

Thiosulphuric acid, H2S2O3—that is, a compound of sulphurous acid and sulphur—also belongs to the products of combination of sulphurous acid. In the same way that sulphurous acid, H2SO3, gives H2SO4 with oxygen, so it gives H2S2O3 with sulphur. In a free state it is very unstable, and it is only known in the form of its salts proceeding from the direct action of sulphur on the normal sulphites; if endeavours be made to separate it in a free state, it immediately splits up into those elements from which it might be formed—that is, into sulphur and sulphurous acid. The most important of its salts is the sodium thiosulphate (known as hyposulphite), Na2S2O3,5H2O, which occurs in colourless crystals, and is unacted on by atmospheric oxygen either when in a dry state or in solution. Many other salts of this acid are easily formed by means of this salt,[41 bis] although this cannot be done with all bases, for such bases as alumina, ferric oxide, chromium oxide, and others do not give compounds with thiosulphuric acid, just as they do not form stable compounds with carbonic acid. Whenever these salts might be formed, they (like the acid) split up into sulphurous acid and sulphur, and furthermore the elements of thiosulphuric acid in many cases act in a reducing manner, forming sulphuric acid and taking up the oxygen from reducible oxides. Thus when treated with a thiosulphate the soluble ferric salts give a precipitate of sulphur and form ferrous salts. The thiosulphates of the metals of the alkalis are obtained directly by boiling a solution of their sulphites with sulphur: Na2SO3 + S = Na2S2O3. The same salts are formed by the action of sulphurous anhydride on solutions of the sulphides; thus sodium sulphide dissolved in water gives sulphur and sodium thiosulphate when a stream of sulphurous anhydride is passed through it: 2Na2S + 3SO2 = 2Na2S2O3 + S. The polysulphides of the alkali metals when left exposed to the air attract oxygen and also form thiosulphates.[42]

Although sulphur, oxidising at a high temperature, only forms a small quantity of sulphuric anhydride, SO3, and nearly all passes into sulphurous anhydride, still the latter may be converted into the higher oxide, or sulphuric anhydride, SO3, by many methods. Sulphuric anhydride is a solid crystalline substance at the ordinary temperature; it is easily fusible (15°), and volatile (46°), and rapidly attracts moisture. Although it is formed by the combination of sulphurous anhydride with oxygen, it is capable of further combination. Thus it combines with water, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, with many hydrocarbons, and even with sulphuric acid, boric and nitrous anhydrides, &c., and also with bases which burn directly in its vapour, forming sulphates in the presence of traces of moisture (see Chapter IX., Note 29). The oxidation of sulphurous anhydride, SO2, into sulphuric anhydride, SO3, is effected by passing a mixture of the former and dry oxygen or air over incandescent spongy platinum. An increase of pressure accelerates the reaction (Hanisch). If the product be passed into a cold vessel, crystalline sulphuric anhydride is deposited upon the sides of the vessel, but as it is difficult to avoid all traces of moisture it always contains compounds of its hydrates: H2S2O7 and H2S4O13, whose presence so modifies the properties of the anhydride (Weber) that formerly two modifications of the anhydride were recognised. The same sulphuric anhydride may be obtained from certain anhydrous sulphates, or those which are almost so, which are decomposed by heat, whilst an impure but perfectly anhydrous anhydride is formed by distillation over phosphoric anhydride. For instance, acid sodium sulphate, NaHSO4, and the pyro- or di-sulphate, Na2S2O7 (Chapter XII.) formed from it, when ignited evolve sulphuric anhydride. Green vitriol—that is, ferrous sulphate, FeSO4—belongs to the number of those sulphates which easily give off sulphuric anhydride under the action of heat. It contains water of crystallisation and parts with it when it is heated, but the last equivalent of water is driven off with difficulty, just as is the case with magnesium sulphate, MgSO47H2O; however, when thoroughly heated, this evolution of sulphuric anhydride does take place, although not completely, because at a high temperature a portion of it is decomposed by the ferrous oxide (SO3 + 2FeO), which is converted into ferric oxide, Fe2O3, and in consequence part of the sulphuric anhydride is converted into sulphurous anhydride. Thus the products of the decomposition of ferrous sulphate will be: ferric oxide, Fe2O3, sulphurous anhydride, SO2, and sulphuric anhydride, SO3, according to the equation: 2FeSO4 = Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3. As water still remains with the ferrous sulphate when it is heated, the result will partially consist of the hydrate H2SO4, with anhydride, SO3, dissolved in it. Sulphuric acid was for a long time prepared in this manner; the process was formerly carried on on a large scale in the neighbourhood of Nordhausen, and hence the sulphuric acid prepared from ferrous sulphate is called fuming Nordhausen acid. At the present time the fuming acid is prepared by passing the volatile products of the decomposition of ferrous sulphate through strong sulphuric acid prepared by the ordinary method. The sulphurous anhydride is insoluble in it, but it absorbs the sulphuric anhydride. Sulphuric anhydride may be prepared not only by igniting FeSO4 or sodium pyrosulphate, Na2S2O7 (the decomposition proceeds at 600°), but also by heating a mixture of the latter and MgSO4 (Walters); in the former case a stable double salt MgNa2(SO4)2 finally remains. It is also obtained by the direct combination of SO2 and O under the action of spongy platinum or asbestos coated with platinum black (C. Winkler's process). Nordhausen sulphuric acid fumes in air, owing to its containing and easily giving off sulphuric anhydride, and it is therefore also called fuming sulphuric acid; these fumes are nothing but the vapour of sulphuric anhydride combining with the moisture in the air and forming non-volatile sulphuric acid (hydrate).[43]

Nordhausen sulphuric acid contains a peculiar compound of SO3 and H2SO4, or pyrosulphuric acid; an imperfect anhydride of sulphuric acid, H2S2O7, analogous in composition with the salts Na2S2O7, K2Cr2O7, and bearing the same relation to H2SO4 that pyrophosphoric acid does to H3PO4. The bond holding the sulphuric acid and anhydride together is unstable. This is obvious from the fact that the anhydride may easily be separated from this compound, by the action of heat. In order to obtain the definite compound, the Nordhausen acid is cooled to 5°, or, better still, a portion of it is distilled until all the anhydride and a certain amount of sulphuric acid have passed over into the distillate, which will then solidify at the ordinary temperature, because the compound H2SO4,SO3 fuses at 35°. Although this substance reacts on water, bases, &c., like a mixture of SO3 + H2SO4, still since a definite compound, H2S2O7, exists in a free state and gives salts and a chloranhydride, S2O5Cl2,[44] we must admit the existence of a definite pyrosulphuric acid, like pyrophosphoric acid, only that the latter has a far greater stability and is not even converted into a perfect hydrate by water. Further, the salts M2S2O7 dissolved in water react in the same manner as the acid salts MHSO4, whilst the imperfect hydrates of phosphoric acid (for example, PHO3, H4P2O7) have independent reactions even in an aqueous solution which distinguish them and their salts from the perfect hydrates.

Fig. 87.—Concentration of sulphuric acid in glass retorts. The neck of each retort is attached to a bent glass tube, whose vertical arm is lowered into a glass or earthenware vessel acting as a receiver for the steam which comes over from the acid, as the former still contains a certain amount of acid.

Sulphuric acid, H2SO4, is formed by the combination of its anhydride, SO3, and water, with the evolution of a large amount of heat; the reaction SO3 + H2O develops 21,300 heat units. The method of its preparation on a large scale, and most of the methods employed for its formation, are dependent on the oxidation of sulphurous anhydride, and the formation of sulphuric anhydride, which forms sulphuric acid under the action of water. The technical method of its manufacture has been described in Chapter VI. The acid obtained from the lead chambers contains a considerable amount of water, and is also impure owing to the presence of oxides of nitrogen, lead compounds, and certain impurities from the burnt sulphur which have come over in a gaseous and vaporous state (for example, arsenic compounds). For practical purposes, hardly any notice is taken of the majority of these impurities, because they do not interfere with its general qualities. Most frequently endeavours are only made to remove, as far as possible, all the water which can be expelled.[45] That is, the object is to obtain the hydrate, H2SO4, from the dilute acid (60 per cent.), and this is effected by evaporation by means of heat. Every given mixture of water and sulphuric acid begins to part with a certain amount of aqueous vapour when heated to a certain definite temperature. At a low temperature either there is no evaporation of water, or there can even be an absorption of moisture from the air. As the removal of the water proceeds, the vapour tension of the residue decreases for the same temperature, and therefore the more dilute the acid the lower the temperature at which it gives up a portion of its water. In consequence of this, the removal of water from dilute solutions of sulphuric acid may be easily carried on (up to 75 p.c. H2SO4) in lead vessels, because at low temperatures dilute sulphuric acid does not attack lead. But as the acid becomes more concentrated the temperature at which the water comes over becomes higher and higher, and then the acid begins to act on lead (with the evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and conversion of the lead into sulphate), and therefore lead vessels cannot be employed for the complete removal of the water. For this purpose the evaporation is generally carried on in glass or platinum retorts, like those depicted in figs. 87 and 88.

see caption

Fig. 88.—Concentration of sulphuric acid in platinum retorts.

The concentration of sulphuric acid in glass retorts is not a continuous process, and consists of heating the dilute 75 per cent. acid until it ceases to give off aqueous vapour, and until acid containing 93–98 per cent. H2SO4 (66° BaumÉ) is obtained—and this takes place when the temperature reaches 320° and the density of the residue reaches 1·847 (66° BaumÉ).[46] The platinum vessels designed for the continuous concentration of sulphuric acid consist of a still B, furnished with a still head E, a connecting pipe E F, and a syphon tube H R, which draws off the sulphuric acid concentrated in the boiler. A stream of sulphuric acid previously concentrated in lead retorts to a density of about 60° BaumÉ—i.e. to 75 per cent. or a sp. gr. of 1·7—runs continuously into the retort through a syphon funnel E'. The apparatus is fed from above, because the acid freshly supplied is lighter than that which has already lost water, and also because the water is more easily evaporated from the freshly supplied acid at the surface. The platinum retort is heated, and the steam coming off[47] is condensed in a worm F G, whilst as fresh dilute acid is supplied to the boiler the acid already concentrated is drawn off through the syphon tube H B, which is furnished with a regulating cock by means of which the outflow of the concentrated acid from the bottom of the retort can be so regulated that it will always present one and the same specific gravity, corresponding with the strength required. For this purpose the acid flowing from the syphon is collected in a receiver R, in which a hydrometer, indicating its density, floats; if its density be less than 66° BaumÉ, the regulating cock is closed sufficiently to retard the outflow of sulphuric acid, so as to lengthen the time of its evaporation in the retort.[48]

Strictly speaking, sulphuric acid is not volatile, and at its so-called boiling-point it really decomposes into its anhydride and water; its boiling-point (338°) being nothing else but its temperature of decomposition. The products of this decomposition are substances boiling much below the temperature of the decomposition of sulphuric acid. This conclusion with regard to the process of the distillation of sulphuric acid may be deduced from Bineau's observations on the vapour-density of sulphuric acid. This density referred to hydrogen proved to be half that which sulphuric acid should have according to its molecular weight, H2SO4, in which case it should be 49, whilst the observed density was equal to 24·5. Besides which, Marignac showed that the first portions of the sulphuric acid distilling over contain less of the elements of water than the portion which remains behind, or which distils over towards the end. This is explained by the fact that on distillation the sulphuric acid is decomposed, but a portion of the water proceeding from its decomposition is retained by the remaining mass of sulphuric acid, and therefore at first a mixture of sulphuric acid and sulphuric anhydride—i.e. fuming sulphuric acid—is obtained in the distillate. It is possible by repeating the distillation several times and only collecting the first portions of the distillate, to obtain a distinctly fuming acid. To obtain the definite hydrate H2SO4 it is necessary to refrigerate a highly concentrated acid, of as great a purity as possible, to which a small quantity of sulphuric anhydride has been previously added. Sulphuric acid containing a small quantity (a fraction of a per cent. by weight) of water only freezes at a very low temperature, while the pure normal acid, H2SO4, solidifies when it is cooled below 0°, and therefore the normal acid first crystallises out from the concentrated sulphuric acid. By repeating the refrigeration several times, and pouring off the unsolidified portion, it is possible to obtain a pure normal hydrate, H2SO4, which melts at 10°·4. Even at 40° it gives off distinct fumes—that is, it begins to evolve sulphuric anhydride, which volatilises, and therefore even in a dry atmosphere the hydrate H2SO4 becomes weaker, until it contains 1½ p.c. of water.[49]

In a concentrated form sulphuric acid is commercially known as oil of vitriol, because for a long time it was obtained from green vitriol and because it has an oily appearance and flows from one vessel into another in a thick and somewhat sluggish stream, like the majority of oily substances, and in this clearly differs from such liquids as water, spirit, ether, and the like, which exhibit a far greater mobility. Among its reactions the first to be remarked is its faculty for the formation of many compounds. We already know that it combines with its anhydride, and with the sulphates of the alkali metals; that it is soluble in water, with which it forms more or less stable compounds. Sulphuric acid, when mixed with water, develops a very considerable amount of heat.[50]

Besides the normal hydrate H2SO4, another definite hydrate, H2SO4,H2O (84·48 per cent. of the normal hydrate, and 15·52 per cent. of water) is known; it crystallises[50 bis] extremely easily in large six-sided prisms, which form above 0°—namely, at about +8°·5; when heated to 210° it loses water.[51] If the hydrates H2SO4 and H2SO4,H2O exist at low temperatures as definite crystalline compounds, and if pyrosulphuric acid, H2SO4SO3, has the same property, and if they all decompose with more or less ease on a rise of temperature, with the disengagement of either SO3 or H2O, and in their ordinary form present all the properties of simple solutions, it follows that between sulphuric anhydride, SO3, and water, H2O, there exists a consecutive series of homogeneous liquids or solutions, among which we must distinguish definite compounds, and therefore it is quite justifiable to look for other definite compounds between SO3 and H2O, beyond the conditions for a change of state. In this respect we may be guided by the variation of properties of any kind, proceeding concurrently with a variation in the composition of a solution.

But only a few properties have been determined with sufficient accuracy. In those properties which have been determined for many solutions of sulphuric acid, it is actually seen that the above-mentioned definite compounds are distinguished by distinctive marks of change. As an example we may cite the variation of the specific gravity with a variation of temperature (namely K = ds/dt, if s be the sp. gr. and t the temperature). For the normal hydrate, H2SO4, this factor is easily determined from the fact that—

s = 18528 - 10·65t + 0·013t2,

where s is the specific gravity at t (degrees Celsius) if the sp. gr. of water at 4° = 10,000. Therefore K = 10·65 - 0·026t. This means that at 0° the sp. gr. of the acid H2SO4 decreases by 10·65 for every rise of a degree of temperature, at 10° by 10·39, at 20° by 10·13, at 30° by 9·87.[52] And for solutions containing slightly more anhydride than the acid H2SO4 (i.e. for fuming sulphuric acid), as well as for solutions containing more water, K is greater than for the acid H2SO4. Thus for the solution SO3,2H2SO4, at 10° K = 11·0. On diluting the acid H2SO4 K again increases until the formation of the solution H2SO4,H2O (K = 11·1 at 10°), and then, on further dilution with water, it again decreases. Consequently both hydrates H2SO4 and H2SO4,H2O are here expressed by an alteration of the magnitude of K.

see caption

Fig. 89.—Diagram showing the variation of the factor (ds/dp) of the specific gravity of solutions of sulphuric acid. The percentage quantities of the acid, H2SO4, are laid out on the axes of abscissÆ. The ordinates are the factors or rises in sp. gr. (water at 4 = 10,000) with the increase in the quantity of H2SO4.

This shows that in liquid solutions it is possible by studying the variation of their properties (without a change of physical state) to recognise the presence or formation of definite hydrate compounds, and therefore an exact investigation of the properties of solutions, of their specific gravity for instance, should give direct indications of such compounds.[53] The mean result of the most trustworthy determinations of this nature is given in the following tables. The first of these tables gives the specific gravities (in vacuo, taking the sp. gr. of water at 4° = 1), at 0° (column 3), 15° (column 4), and 30° (column 5),[53 bis] for solutions having the composition H2SO4 + nH2O (the value of n is given in the first column), and containing p (column 2) per cent. (by weight in vacuo) of H2SO4.[53 tri]

n p 15° 30°
100 5·16 1·0374 1·0341 1·0292
50 9·82 1·0717 1·0666 1·0603
25 17·88 1·1337 1·1257 1·1173
15 26·63 1·2040 1·1939 1·1837
10 35·25 1·2758 1·2649 1·2540
8 40·50 1·3110 1·2649 1·2998
6 47·57 1·3865 1·3748 1·3622
5 52·13 1·4301 1·4180 1·4062
4 57·65 1·4881 1·4755 1·4631
3 64·47 1·5635 1·5501 1·5370
2 73·13 1·6648 1·6500 1·6359
1 84·48 1·7940 1·7772 1·7608
0·5 91·59 1·8445 1·8284 1·8128
H2SO4 100 1·8529 1·8372 1·8221

In the second table the first column gives the percentage amount p (by weight) of H2SO4, the second column the weight in grams (S15) of a litre of the solution at 15° (at 4° the weight of a litre of water = 1,000 grams), the third column, the variation (dS/dt) of this weight for a rise of 1°, the fourth column, the variation dS/dp of this weight (at 15°) for a rise of 1 per cent. of H2SO4, the fifth column, the difference between the weight of a litre at 0° and 15° (S0 - S15), and the sixth column, the difference between the weight of a litre at 15° and 30° (S15 - S30).

p S15 dS15/dt dS15/dp S0-S15 S15-S15
0 999·15 0·148 7·0 0·7 3·4
5 1033·0 0·27 6·8 3·1 5·0
10 1067·7 0·28 7·1 5·2 6·4
20 1141·9 0·58 7·7 8·6 8·9
30 1221·3 0·69 8·2 10·4 10·4
40 1306·6 0·75 8·8 11·3 11·2
50 1397·9 0·79 9·9 11·9 11·8
60 1501·2 0·86 10·8 13·0 12·7
70 1613·1 0·93 11·6 14·1 13·8
80 1731·4 1·04 11·0 15·8 15·4
90 1819·9 1·08 5·4 16·4 16·0
95 1837·6 1·03 +1·7 15·8 15·1
100 1837·2 1·03 -1·9[54] 15·7 15·1

The figures in these tables give the means of finding the amount of H2SO4 contained in a solution from its specific gravity,[55] and also show that ‘special points’ in the lines of variation of the specific gravity with the temperature and percentage composition correspond to certain definite compounds of H2SO4 with OH2. This is best seen in the variation of the factors (dS/dt and dS/dp) with the temperature and composition (columns 3, 4, second table). We have already mentioned how the factor of temperature points to the existence of hydrates, H2SO4 and H2SO4,H2O. As regards the factor dS/dp (giving the increase of sp. gr. with an increase of 1 per cent. H2SO4) the following are the three most salient points: (1) In passing from 98 per cent. to 100 per cent. the factor is negative, and at 100 per cent. about -0·0019 (i.e. at 99 per cent. the sp. gr. is about 1·8391, and at 100 per cent. about 1·8372, at 15°, the amount of H2SO4 has increased whilst the sp. gr. has decreased), but as soon as a certain amount of SO3 is added to the definite compound H2SO4 (and ‘fuming’ acid formed) the specific gravity rises (for example, for H2SO4 0·136 SO3 the sp. gr. at 15° = 1·866), that is the factor becomes positive (and, in fact, greater by +0·01), so that the formation of the definite hydrate H2SO4 is accompanied by a distinct and considerable break in the continuity of the factor[55 bis]; (2) The factor (dS/dp) in increasing in its passage from dilute to concentrated solutions, attains a maximum value (at 15° about 0·012) about H2SO42H2O, i.e. at about the hydrate corresponding to the form SX6; proper to the compounds of sulphur, for S(OH)6 = H2SO42H2O; the same hydrate corresponds to the composition of gypsum CaSO42H2O, and to it also corresponds the greatest contraction and rise of temperature in mixing H2SO4 with H2O (see Chapter I., Note 28); (3) The variation of the factor (dS/dp) under certain variations in the composition proceeds so uniformly and regularly, and is so different from the variation given under other proportions of H2SO4 and H2O, that the sum of the variations of dS/dp is expressed by a series of straight lines, if the values of p be laid along the axis of abscissÆ and those of dS/dp along the ordinates.[56] Thus, for instance, for 15°, at 10 per cent. dS/dp = 0·0071, at 20 per cent. = 0·0077, at 30 per cent. = 0·0082, at 40 per cent. = 0·0088, that is, for each 10 per cent. the factor increases by about 0·0006 for the whole of the above range, but beyond this it becomes larger, and then, after passing H2SO42H2O, it begins to fall rapidly. Such changes in the variation of the factor take place apparently about definite hydrates,[56 bis] and especially about H2SO44H2O, H2SO42H2O and H2SO4H2O. All this indicating as it does the special chemical affinity of sulphuric acid for water, although of no small significance for comprehending the nature of solutions (see Chapter I. and Chapter VII.), contains many special points which require detailed investigation, the chief difficulty being that it requires great accuracy in a large number of experimental data.

The great affinity of sulphuric acid for water is also seen from the fact that when the strong acid acts on the majority of organic substances containing hydrogen and oxygen (especially on heating) it very frequently takes up these elements in the form of water. Thus strong sulphuric acid acting on alcohol, C2H6O, removes the elements of water from it, and converts it into olefiant gas, C2H4. It acts in a similar manner on wood and other vegetable tissues, which it chars. If a piece of wood be immersed in strong sulphuric acid it turns black. This is owing to the fact that the wood contains carbohydrates which give up hydrogen and oxygen as water to the sulphuric acid, leaving charcoal, or a black mass very rich in it. For example, cellulose, C6H10O5, acts in this manner.[57]

We have already had frequent occasion to notice the very energetic acid properties of sulphuric acid, and therefore we will now only consider a few of their aspects. First of all we must remember that, with calcium, strontium, and especially with barium and lead, sulphuric acid forms very slightly soluble salts, whilst with the majority of other metals it gives more easily soluble salts, which in the majority of cases are able, like sulphuric acid itself, to combine with water to form crystallo-hydrates. Normal sulphuric acid, containing two atoms of hydrogen in its molecule, is able for this reason alone to form two classes of salts, normal and acid, which it does with great facility with the alkali metals. The metals of the alkaline earths and the majority of other metals, if they do form acid sulphates, do so under exceptional conditions (with an excess of strong sulphuric acid), and these salts when formed are decomposable by water—that is, although having a certain degree of physical stability they have no chemical stability. Besides the acid salts RHSO4, sulphuric acid also gives other forms of acid salts. An entire series of salts having the composition RHSO4,H2SO4, or for bivalent metals RSO4,3H2SO4,[58] has been prepared. Such salts have been obtained for potassium, sodium, nickel, calcium, silver, magnesium, manganese. They are prepared by dissolving the sulphates in an excess of sulphuric acid and heating the solution until the excess of sulphuric acid is driven off; on cooling, the mass solidifies to a crystalline salt. Besides which, Rose obtained a salt having the composition Na2SO4,NaHSO4, and if HNaSO4 be heated it easily forms a salt Na2S2O7 = Na2SO4,SO3; hence it is clear that sulphuric anhydride combines with various proportions of bases, just as it combines with various proportions of water.

We have already learned that sulphuric acid displaces the acid from the salts of nitric, carbonic, and many other volatile acids. Berthollet's laws (Chapter X.) explain this by the small volatility of sulphuric acid; and, indeed, in an aqueous solution sulphuric acid displaces the much less soluble boric acid from its compounds—for instance, from borax, and it also displaces silica from its compounds with bases; but both boric anhydride and silica, when fused with sulphates, decompose them, displacing sulphuric anhydride, SO3, because they are less volatile than sulphuric anhydride. It is also well known that with metals, sulphuric acid forms salts giving off hydrogen (Fe, Zn, &c.), or sulphur dioxide (Cu, Hg, &c.).[58 bis]

The reactions of sulphuric acid with respect to organic substances are generally determined by its acid character, when the direct extraction of water, or oxidation at the expense of the oxygen of the sulphuric acid,[59] or disintegration does not take place. Thus the majority of the saturated hydrocarbons, CnH2m, form with sulphuric acid a special class of sulphonic acids, CnH2m-1(HSO3); for example, benzene, C6H6, forms benzenesulphonic acid, C6H5.SO3H, water being separated, for the formation of which oxygen is taken up from the sulphuric acid, for the product contains less oxygen than the sulphuric acid. It is evident from the existence of these acids that the hydrogen in organic compounds is replaceable by the group SO3H, just as it may be replaced by the radicles Cl, NO2, CO2H and others. As the radicle of sulphuric acid or sulphoxyl, SO2OH or SHO3, contains, like carboxyl (Vol. I., p. 395), one hydrogen (hydroxyl) of sulphuric acid, the resultant substances are acids whose basicity is equal to the number of hydrogens replaced by sulphoxyl. Since also sulphoxyl takes the place of hydrogen, and itself contains hydrogen, the sulpho-acids are equal to a hydrocarbon + SO3, just as every organic (carboxylic) acid is equal to a hydrocarbon + CO2. Moreover, here this relation corresponds with actual fact, because many sulphonic acids are obtained by the direct combination of sulphuric anhydride: C6H5,(SO3H) = C6H6 + SO3. The sulphonic acids give soluble barium salts, and are therefore easily distinguished from sulphuric acid. They are soluble in water, are not volatile, and when distilled give sulphurous anhydride (whilst the hydroxyl previously in combination with the sulphurous anhydride remains in the hydrocarbon group; thus phenol, C6H5.OH, is obtained from benzenesulphonic acid), and they are very energetic, because the hydrogen acting in them is of the same nature as in sulphuric acid itself.[60]

Sulphuric acid, as containing a large proportion of oxygen, is a substance which frequently acts as an oxidising agent: in which case it is deoxidised, forming sulphurous anhydride and water (or even, although more rarely, sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphur). Sulphuric acid acts in this manner on charcoal, copper, mercury, silver, organic and other substances, which are unable to evolve hydrogen from it directly, as we saw in describing sulphurous anhydride.

Although the hydrate of a higher saline form of oxidation (Chapter XV.), sulphuric anhydride is capable of further oxidation, and forms a kind of peroxide, just as hydrogen gives hydrogen peroxide in addition to water, or as sodium and potassium, besides the oxides Na2O and K2O, give their peroxides, compounds which are in a chemical sense unstable, powerfully oxidising, and not directly able to enter into saline combinations. If the oxides of potassium, barium, &c., be compared to water, then their peroxides must in like manner correspond to hydrogen peroxide,[61] not only because the oxygen contained in them is very mobile and easily liberated, and because their reactions are similar, but also because they can be mutually transformed into each other, and are able to form compounds with each other, with bases and with water, and indeed form a kind of peroxide salts.[62] This is also the character of persulphuric acid, discovered in 1878 by Berthelot, and its corresponding anhydride or peroxide of sulphur S2O7. It is formed from 2SO3 + O with the absorption of heat (-27 thousand heat units), like ozone from O2 + O (-29 thousand units of heat), or hydrogen peroxide from H2O + O (-21 thousand heat units).

Peroxide of sulphur is produced by the action of a silent discharge upon a mixture of oxygen and sulphurous anhydride.[63] With water S2O7 gives persulphuric acid, H2S2O8. The latter is obtained more simply by mixing strong sulphuric acid (not weaker than H2SO4,2H2O) directly with hydrogen peroxide, or by the action of a galvanic current on sulphuric acid mixed with a certain amount of water, and cooled, the electrodes being platinum wires, when persulphuric acid naturally appears at the positive pole.[64] When an acid of the strength H2SO4,6H2O is taken, at first the hydrate of the sulphuric peroxide, S2O7,H2O only is formed; but when the concentration about the positive pole reaches H2SO4,3H2O, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and the hydrate of sulphuric peroxide begins to be formed. Dilute solutions of sulphuric peroxide can be kept better than more concentrated solutions, but the latter may be obtained containing as much as 123 grams of the peroxide to a litre. It is a very instructive fact that hydrogen peroxide is always formed when strong solutions of persulphuric acid break up on keeping. So that the bond between the two peroxides is established both by analysis and synthesis: hydrogen peroxide is able to produce S2H2O8, and the latter to produce hydrogen peroxide. A mixture of sulphuric peroxide with sulphuric acid or water is immediately decomposed, with the evolution of oxygen, either when heated or under the action of spongy platinum. The same thing takes place with a solution of baryta, although at first no precipitate is formed and the decomposition of the barium salt, BaS2O8, with the formation of BaSO4, only proceeds slowly, so that the solution may be filtered (the barium salt of persulphuric acid is soluble in water). Mercury, ferrous oxide, and the stannous salts, are oxidised by S2H2O8. These are all distinct signs of true peroxides. The same common properties (capacity for oxidising, property of forming peroxide of hydrogen, &c.) are possessed by the alkali salts of persulphuric acid, which are obtained by the action of an electric current upon certain sulphates, for instance ammonium or potassium sulphate. The ammonium salt of persulphuric acid, (NH4)2S2O8, is especially easily formed by this means, and is now prepared on a large scale and used (like Na2O2 and H2O2) for bleaching tissues and fibres.[65]

In order to understand the relation of sulphuric peroxide to sulphuric acid we must first remark that hydrogen peroxide is to be considered, in accordance with the law of substitution, as water, H(OH), in which H is replaced by (OH). Now the relation of H2S2O8 to H2SO4 is exactly similar. The radicle of sulphuric acid, equivalent to hydrogen, is HSO4;[65 bis] it corresponds with the (OH) of water, and therefore sulphuric acid, H(SHO4), gives (SHO4)2 or S2H2O8, in exactly the same manner as water gives (HO)2i.e. H2O2.[66]

The largest part of the sulphuric acid made is used for reacting on sodium chloride in the manufacture of sodium carbonate; for the manufacture of the volatile acids, like nitric, hydrochloric, &c., from their corresponding salts; for the preparation of ammonium sulphate, alums, vitriols (copper and iron), artificial manures, superphosphate (Chapter XIX., Note 18) and other salts of sulphuric acid; in the treatment of bone ash for the preparation of phosphorus, and for the solution of metals—for example, of silver in its separation from gold—for cleaning metals from rust, &c. A large amount of oil of vitriol is also used in treatment of organic substances; it is used for the extraction of stearin, or stearic acid, from tallow, for refining petroleum and various vegetable oils, in the preparation of nitro-glycerine (Chapter VI., Notes 37 and 37 bis), for dissolving indigo and other colouring matters, for the conversion of paper into vegetable parchment, for the preparation of ether from alcohol, for the preparation of various artificial scents from fusel oil, for the preparation of vegetable acids, such as oxalic, tartaric, citric, for the conversion of non-fermentable starchy substances into fermentable glucose, and in a number of other processes. It would be difficult to find another artificially-prepared substance which is so frequently applied in the arts as sulphuric acid. Where there are not works for its manufacture, the economical production of many other substances of great technical importance is impossible. In those localities which have arrived at a high technical activity the amount of sulphuric acid consumed is proportionally large; sulphuric acid, sodium carbonate, and lime are the most important of the artificially-prepared agents employed in factories.

Besides the normal acids of sulphur, H2SO3, H2SO3S, and H2SO4, corresponding with sulphuretted hydrogen, H2S, in the same way that the oxy-acids of chlorine correspond with hydrochloric acid, HCl, there exists a peculiar series of acids which are termed thionic acids. Their general composition is SnH2O6, where n varies from 2 to 5. If n = 2, the acid is called dithionic acid. The others are distinguished as trithionic, tetrathionic, and pentathionic acids. Their composition, existence, and reactions are very easily understood if they be referred to the class of the sulphonic acids—that is, if their relation to sulphuric acid be expressed in just the same manner as the relation of the organic acids to carbonic acid. The organic acids, as we saw (Chapter IX.), proceed from the hydrocarbons by the substitution of their hydrogen by carboxyl—that is, by the radicle of carbonic acid, CH2O3 - HO = CHO2. The formation of the acids of sulphur by means of sulphoxyl may be represented in the same manner, HSO3 = H2SO4 - HO. Therefore to hydrogen H2, there should correspond the acids H.SHO3, sulphurous, and SHO3.SHO3 = S2H2O6, or dithionic; to SH2 there should correspond the acids SH(SHO3) = H2S2O3 (thiosulphuric), and S(SHO3)2 = H2S3O6 (trithionic); to S2H2 the acids S2H(SHO3) = H2S3O2 (unknown), and S2(SHO3)2 = H2S4O6 (tetrathionic); to S3H2 the acids S3H(SHO3) and S3(SHO3)2 = H2S5O6 (pentathionic). We know that iodine reacts directly with the hydrogen of sulphuretted hydrogen and combines with it, and if thiosulphuric acid contains the radicle of sulphuretted hydrogen (or hydrogen united with sulphur) of the same nature as in sulphuretted hydrogen, it is not surprising that iodine reacts with sodium thiosulphate and forms sodium tetrathionate. Thus, thiosulphuric acid, HS(SHO3), when deprived of H, gives a radicle which immediately combines with another similar radicle, forming the tetrathionate S2(SO2HO)2. On this view[67] of the structure of the thionic acids and salts, it is also clear how all the thionic acids, like thiosulphuric acid, easily give sulphur and sulphides, with the exception only of dithionic acid, H2S2O6, which, judging from the above, stands apart from the series of the other thionic acids. Dithionic acid stands in the same relation to sulphuric acid as oxalic acid does to carbonic acid. Oxalic acid is dicarboxyl, (CHO2)2 = C2H2O4, and so also dithionic acid is disulphoxyl, (SHO3)2 = S2H2O6. Oxalic acid when ignited decomposes into carbonic anhydride and carbonic oxide, CO, and dithionic acid when heated decomposes into sulphuric anhydride and sulphurous anhydride, SO2, and SO2 stands in the same relation to SO3 as CO to CO2. This also explains the peculiarity of the calcium, barium, and lead, &c. salts of the thionic acids being easily soluble (although the corresponding salts of H2SO3, H2SO4, and H2S dissolve with difficulty), because the former are similar to the salts of the sulphonic acids, which are also soluble in water. Thus the thionic acids are disulphonic acids, just as many dicarboxylic acids are known—for example, CH2(CO2H)2, C6H4(CO2H)2.[68]


Sulphur exhibits an acid character, not only in its compounds with hydrogen and oxygen, but also in those with other elements. The compound of sulphur and carbon has been particularly well investigated. It presents a great analogy to carbonic anhydride, both in its elementary composition and chemical character. This substance is the so-called carbon bisulphide, CS2, and corresponds with CO2.

The first endeavours to obtain a compound of sulphur with carbon were unsuccessful, for although sulphur does combine directly with carbon, yet the formation of this compound requires distinctly definite conditions. If sulphur be mixed with charcoal and heated, it is simply driven off from the latter, and not the smallest trace of carbon bisulphide is obtained. The formation of this compound requires that the charcoal should be first heated to a red heat, but not above, and then either the vapour of sulphur passed over it or lumps of sulphur thrown on to the red-hot charcoal, but in small quantities, so as not to lower the temperature of the latter. If the charcoal be heated to a white heat, the amount of carbon bisulphide formed is less. This depends, in the first place, on the carbon bisulphide dissociating at a high temperature.[69] In the second place, Favre and Silberman showed that in the combustion of one gram of carbon bisulphide (the products will be CO2 + 2SO2) 3,400 heat units are evolved—that is, the combustion of a molecular quantity of carbon bisulphide evolves 258,400 heat units (according to Berthelot, 246,000). From a molecule of carbon bisulphide in grams we may obtain 12 grams of carbon, whose combustion evolves 96,000 heat units, and 64 grams of sulphur, evolving by combustion (into SO2) 140,800 heat units. Hence we see that the component elements separately evolve less heat by their combustion (237,000 heat units) than carbon bisulphide itself—that is, that heat should be evolved (at the ordinary temperature) and not absorbed in its decomposition, and therefore that the formation of carbon bisulphide from charcoal and sulphur is in all probability accompanied by an absorption of heat.[70] It is therefore not surprising that, like other compounds produced with an absorption of heat (ozone, nitrous oxide, hydrogen peroxide, &c.), carbon bisulphide is unstable and easily converted into the original substances from which it is obtained. And indeed if the vapour of carbon bisulphide be passed through a red-hot tube, it is decomposed—that is, it dissociates—into sulphur and carbon. And this takes place at the temperature at which this substance is formed, just as water decomposes into hydrogen and oxygen at the temperature of its formation. In this absorption of heat in the formation of carbon bisulphide is explained the facility with which it suffers reactions of decomposition, which we shall see in the sequel, and its main difference from the closely analogous carbonic anhydride.

Fig. 90.—Apparatus for the manufacture of carbon bisulphide.

In the laboratory carbon bisulphide is prepared as follows: A porcelain tube is luted into a furnace in an inclined position, the upper extremity of the tube being closed by a cork, and the lower end connected with a condenser. The tube contains charcoal, which is raised to a red heat, and then pieces of sulphur are placed in the upper end. The sulphur melts, and its vapour comes into contact with the red-hot charcoal, when combination takes place; the vapours condense in the condenser, carbon bisulphide being a liquid boiling at 48°. On a large scale the apparatus depicted in fig. 90 is employed. A cast-iron cylinder rests on a stand in a furnace. Wood charcoal is charged into the cylinder through the upper tube closed by a clay stopper, whilst the sulphur is introduced through a tube reaching to the bottom of the cylinder. Pieces of sulphur thrown into this tube fall on to the bottom of the cylinder, and are converted into vapour, which passes through the entire layer of charcoal in the cylinder. The vapour of carbon bisulphide thus formed passes through the exit tube first into a Woulfe's bottle (where the sulphur which has not entered into the reaction is condensed), and then into a strongly-cooled condenser or worm.[71]

Pure carbon bisulphide is a colourless liquid, which refracts light strongly, and has a pure ethereal smell; at 0° its specific gravity is 1·293, and at 15° 1·271. If kept for a long time it seems to undergo a change, especially when it is kept under water, in which it is insoluble. It boils at 48°, and the tension of its vapour is so great that it evaporates very easily, producing cold,[72] and therefore it has to be kept in well-stoppered vessels; it is generally kept under a layer of water, which hinders its evaporation and does not dissolve it.[73]

Carbon bisulphide enters into many combinations, which are frequently closely analogous to the compounds of carbonic anhydride. In this respect it is a thio-anhydridei.e. it has the character of the acid anhydrides,[73 bis] like carbonic anhydride, with the difference that the oxygen of the latter is replaced by sulphur. By thio-compounds in general are understood those compounds of sulphur which differ from the compounds of oxygen as carbon bisulphide does from carbonic anhydride—that is, which correspond with the oxygen compounds, but with substitution of sulphur for oxygen. Thus thiosulphuric acid is monothiosulphuric acid—that is, sulphuric acid in which one atom of sulphur replaces one atom of oxygen. With the sulphides of the alkalis and alkaline earths, it forms saline substances corresponding with the carbonates, and these compounds may be termed thiocarbonates. For example, the composition of the sodium salt Na2CS3 is exactly like that of sodium carbonate. They are formed by the direct solution of carbon bisulphide in aqueous solutions of the sulphides; but they are difficult to obtain in a crystalline form, because they are easily decomposable. When the solutions of these salts are highly concentrated they begin to decompose, with the evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen and the formation of a carbonate, water taking part in the reaction—for example, K2CS3 + 3H2O = K2CO3 + 3H2S.[74]

A remarkable example[74 bis] of the thio-compounds is found in thiocyanic acidi.e. cyanic acid in which the oxygen is replaced by sulphur, HCNS. We know (Chapter IX.) that with oxygen the cyanides of the alkaline metals RCN give cyanates RCNO; but they also combine with sulphur, and therefore if yellow prussiate of potash be treated as in the preparation of potassium cyanide, and sulphur be added to the mass, potassium thiocyanate, KNCS, is obtained in solution. This salt is much more stable than potassium cyanate; it dissolves without change in water and alcohol, forming colourless solutions from which it easily crystallises on evaporation. It may be kept exposed to air even when in solution; in dissolving in water it absorbs a considerable amount of heat, and forms a starting-point for the preparation of all the thiocyanates, RCNS, and organic compounds in which the metals are replaced by hydrocarbon groups. Such, for example, is volatile mustard oil, C3H5CSN (allyl thiocyanate),[75] which gives to mustard its caustic properties. With ferric salts the thiocyanates give an exceedingly brilliant red coloration, which serves for detecting the smallest traces of ferric salts in solution. Thiocyanic acid, HCNS, may be obtained by a method of double decomposition, by distilling potassium thiocyanate with dilute sulphuric acid. It is a volatile colourless liquid, having a smell recalling that of vinegar, is soluble in water, and may be kept in solution without change.[75 bis]

The sulphur compounds of chlorine Cl2S and Cl2S2 may be regarded on the one hand as products of the metalepsis of the sulphides of hydrogen, H2S and H2S2; and on the other hand of the oxygen compounds of chlorine, because chloride of sulphur, Cl2S, resembles chlorine oxide, Cl2O, whilst Cl2S2 corresponds with the higher oxide of chlorine; or thirdly, we may see in these compounds the type of the acid chloranhydrides, because they are all decomposed by water, forming hydrochloric acid, and sulphur tetrachloride, SCl4, is decomposed with the formation of sulphurous anhydride.[76]

see caption

Fig. 91.—Apparatus for the preparation of sulphur chloride, and similar volatile compounds prepared by combustion in a stream of chlorine.

The compounds of sulphur with chlorine are prepared in the apparatus depicted in fig. 91. As sulphur chloride is decomposed by water, the chlorine evolved in the flask C must be dried before coming into contact with the sulphur. It is therefore first passed through a Woulfe's bottle, B, containing sulphuric acid, and then through the cylinder D containing pumice stone moistened with sulphuric acid, and then led into the retort E, in which the sulphur is heated. The compound which is formed distils over into the receiver R. A certain amount of sulphur passes over with the sulphur chloride, but if the resultant distillate be re-saturated with chlorine and distilled no free sulphur remains, the boiling-point rises to 144°, and pure sulphur chloride, S2Cl2, is obtained. It has this formula because its vapour density referred to hydrogen is 68. It is also obtained by heating certain metallic chlorides (stannous, mercuric) with sulphur; both the metal and chlorine then combine with the sulphur. Sulphur chloride is a yellowish-brown liquid, which boils at 144°, and has a specific gravity of 1·70 at 0°. It fumes strongly in the air, reacting on the moisture contained therein, and has a heavy chloranhydrous odour. It dissolves sulphur, is miscible with carbon bisulphide, and falls to the bottom of a vessel containing water, by which it is decomposed, forming sulphurous anhydride and hydrochloric acid; but it first forms various lower stages of oxidation of sulphur, because the addition of silver nitrate to the solution gives a black precipitate. With hydrogen sulphide it gives sulphur and hydrochloric acid, and it reacts directly with metals—especially arsenic, antimony, and tin—forming sulphides and chlorides. In the cold, it absorbs chlorine and gives sulphur dichloride, SCl2. The entire conversion into this substance requires the prolonged passage of dry chlorine through sulphur chloride surrounded by a freezing mixture. The distillation of the dichloride must be conducted in a stream of chlorine, as otherwise it partially decomposes into sulphur chloride and chlorine. Pure sulphur dichloride is a reddish-brown liquid, which resembles the lower chloride in many respects; its specific gravity is 1·62; its odour is more suffocating than that of sulphur chloride; it volatilises at 64°.[77]

Thionyl chloride, SOCl2, may be regarded as oxidised sulphur dichloride; it corresponds with sulphur chloride, S2Cl2, in which one atom of sulphur is replaced by oxygen. At the same time it is chlorine oxide (hypochlorous anhydride, Cl2O) combined with sulphur, and also the chloranhydride of sulphurous acid—that is, SO(HO)2, in which the two hydroxyl groups are replaced by two atoms of chlorine, or sulphurous anhydride, SO2, in which one atom of oxygen is replaced by two atoms of chlorine. All these representations are confirmed by reactions of formation, or decompositions; they all agree with our notions of the other compounds of sulphur, oxygen, and chlorine; hence these definitions are not contradictory to each other. Thus, for instance, thionyl chloride was first obtained by Schiff, by the action of dry sulphurous anhydride on phosphorus pentachloride. On distilling the resultant liquid, thionyl chloride comes over first at 80°, and on continuing the distillation phosphorus oxychloride distils over at above 100°, PCl5 + SO2 = POCl3 + SOCl2. This mode of preparation is direct evidence of the oxychloride character of SOCl2. WÜrtz obtained the same substance by passing a stream of chlorine oxide through a cold solution of sulphur in sulphur chloride; the chlorine oxide then combined directly with the sulphur, S + Cl2O = SOCl2, whilst the sulphur chloride remained unchanged (sulphur cannot be combined directly with chlorine oxide, as an explosion takes place). Thionyl chloride is a colourless liquid, with a suffocating acrid smell; it has a specific gravity at 0° of 1·675, and boils at 78°. It sinks in water, by which it is immediately decomposed, like all chloranhydrides—for example, like carbonyl chloride, which corresponds with it: SOCl2 + H2O = SO2 + 2HCl.[77 bis]

Normal sulphuric acid has two corresponding chloranhydrides; the first, SO2(OH)Cl, is sulphuric acid, SO2(HO)2, in which one equivalent of HO is replaced by chlorine; the second has the composition SO2Cl2—that is, two HO groups are substituted by two of chlorine. The second chloranhydride, or the compound SO2Cl2, is called sulphuryl chloride, and the first chloranhydride, SO2HOCl, may be called chlorosulphonic acid, because it is really an acid; it still retains one hydroxyl of sulphuric acid, and its corresponding salts are known. Thus, potassium chloride absorbs the vapour of sulphuric anhydride, forming a salt, SO3KCl, corresponding with SO3HCl as acid. In acting on sodium chloride it forms hydrochloric acid and the salt NaSO3Cl. This first chloranhydride of sulphuric acid, SO2HOCl, discovered by Williamson, is obtained either by the action of phosphorus pentachloride on sulphuric acid (PCl5 + H2SO4 = POCl3 + HCl + HSO3Cl), or directly by the action of dry hydrochloric acid on sulphuric anhydride, SO3 + HCl = HSO3Cl. The most easy and rapid method of its formation is by direct saturation of cold Nordhausen acid with dry hydrochloric acid gas (SO3 + HCl = HSO3Cl), and distillation of the resultant solution; the distillate then contains HSO3Cl. It is a colourless fuming liquid, having an acrid odour; it boils at 153° (according to my determination, confirmed by Konovaloff), and its specific gravity at 19° is 1·776. It is immediately decomposed by water, forming hydrochloric and sulphuric acids, as should be the case with a true chloranhydride. In the reactions of this chloranhydride we find the easiest means of introducing the sulphonic group HSO3 into other compounds, because it is here combined with chlorine. The second chloranhydride of sulphuric acid, or sulphuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, was obtained by Regnault by the direct action of the sun's ray on a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine and sulphurous oxide. The gases gradually condense into a liquid, combining together as carbonic oxide does with chlorine. It is also obtained when a mixture of the two gases in acetic acid is allowed to stand for some time. The first chloranhydride, SO3HCl, decomposes when heated at 200° in a closed tube into sulphuric acid and sulphuryl chloride. It boils at 70°, its specific gravity is 1·7, it gives hydrochloric and sulphuric acids with water, fumes in the air, and, judging by its vapour density, does not decompose when distilled.[78]

In the group of the halogens we saw four closely analogous elements—fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine—and we meet with the same number of closely allied analogues in the oxygen group; for besides[270]
sulphur this group also includes selenium and tellurium: O, S, Se, Te. These two groups are very closely allied, both in respect to the magnitudes of their atomic weights and also in the faculty of the elements of both groups for combining with metals. The distinct analogy and definite degree of variance known to us for the halogens, also repeat themselves in the same degree for the elements of the oxygen group. Amongst the halogens fluorine has many peculiarities compared to Cl, Br and I which are more closely analogous, whilst oxygen differs in many respects from S, Se, Te, which possess greater similarities. The analogy in a quantitative respect is perfect in both cases. Thus the halogens combine with H, and the elements of the oxygen group with H2, forming H2O, H2S, H2Se, H2Te. The hydrogen compounds of selenium and tellurium are acids like hydrogen sulphide. Selenium, by simple heating in a stream of hydrogen, partially combines with it directly, but seleniuretted hydrogen is more readily decomposable by heat than sulphuretted hydrogen, and this property is still more developed in telluretted hydrogen. Hydrogen selenide and telluride are gases like sulphuretted hydrogen, and, like it, are soluble in water, form saline compounds with alkalis, precipitate metallic salts, are obtained by the action of acids on their compounds with metals, &c. Selenium and tellurium, like sulphur, give two normal grades of combination with oxygen, both of an acid character, of which only the forms corresponding to sulphurous anhydride—namely, selenious anhydride, SeO2, and tellurous anhydride, TeO2[79]—are formed directly. These are both solids, obtained by the combustion of the elements themselves and by the action of oxidising agents on them. They form feebly energetic acids, having distinct bibasic properties; however, a characteristic difference from SO2 is observable both in the physical properties of these compounds and in their stability and capacity for further oxidation, just as in the series of the halogens already known to us, only in an inverse order; in the latter we saw that iodine combines more easily than bromine or chlorine with oxygen, forming more stable oxygen compounds, whereas here, on the contrary, sulphurous anhydride, as we know, is difficultly decomposed, parts with its sulphur with difficulty, and is easily oxidised and especially in its salts, while selenious and tellurous anhydrides are oxidised with difficulty and easily reduced, even by means of sulphurous acid.

Selenium was obtained in 1817 by Berzelius from the sublimate which collects in the first chamber in the preparation of sulphuric acid from Fahlun pyrites. Certain other pyrites also contain small quantities of selenium. Some native selenides, especially those of lead, mercury, and copper, have been found in the Hartz Mountains, but only in small quantities. Pyrites and blendes, in which the sulphur is partially replaced by selenium, still remain the chief source for its extraction. When these pyrites are roasted they evolve selenious anhydride, which condenses in the cooler portions of the apparatus in which the pyrites are roasted, and is partially or wholly reduced by the sulphurous anhydride simultaneously formed. The presence of selenium in ores and sublimates is most simply tested by heating them before the blowpipe, when they evolve the characteristic odour of garlic. Selenium exhibits two modifications, like sulphur: one amorphous and insoluble in carbon bisulphide, the other crystalline and slightly soluble in carbon bisulphide (in 1,000 parts at 45° and 6,000 at 0°), and separating from its solutions in monoclinic prisms. If the red precipitate obtained by the action of sulphurous anhydride on selenious anhydride be dried, it gives a brown powder, having a specific gravity of 4·26, which when heated changes colour and fuses to a metallic mass, which gains lustre as it cools. The selenium acquires different properties according to the rate at which it is cooled from a fused state; if rapidly cooled, it remains amorphous and has the same specific gravity (4·28) as the powder, but if slowly cooled it becomes crystalline and opaque, soluble in carbon bisulphide, and has a specific gravity of 4·80. In this form it fuses at 214° and remains unchanged, whilst the amorphous form, especially above 80°, gradually passes into the crystalline variety. The transition is accompanied by the evolution of heat, as in the case of sulphur; thus the analogy between sulphur and selenium is clearly shown here. In the fused amorphous form selenium presents a brown mass, slightly translucent, with a vitreous fracture, whilst in the crystalline form it has the appearance of a grey metal, with a feeble lustre and a crystalline fracture.[79 bis] Selenium boils at 700°, forming a vapour whose density is only constant at a temperature of about 1,400°, when it is equal to 79·4 (referred to hydrogen)—that is, the molecular formula is then Se2, like sulphur at an equally high temperature.

Tellurium is met with still more rarely than selenium (it is known in Saxony) in combination with gold, silver, lead, and antimony in the so-called foliated tellurium ore. Bismuth telluride and silver telluride have been found in Hungary and in the Altai. Tellurium is extracted from bismuth telluride by mixing the finely-powdered ore with potassium and charcoal in as intimate a mixture as possible, and then heating in a covered crucible. Potassium telluride, K2Te, is then formed, because the charcoal reduces potassium tellurite. As potassium telluride is soluble in water, forming a red-brown solution which is decomposed by the oxygen of the atmosphere (K2Te + O + H2O = 2KHO + Te), the mass formed in the crucible is treated with boiling water and filtered as rapidly as possible, and the resultant solution exposed to the air, by which means the tellurium is precipitated.[80] In a free state tellurium has a perfectly metallic appearance; it is of a silver-white colour, crystallises very easily in long brilliant needles; is very brittle, so that it can be easily reduced to powder; but it is a bad conductor of heat and electricity, and in this respect, as in many others, it forms a transition from the metals to the non-metals. Its specific gravity is 6·18, it melts at an incipient red heat, and takes fire when heated in air, like selenium and sulphur, burning with a blue flame, evolving white fumes of tellurous anhydride, TeO2, and emitting an acrid smell if no selenium be present; but if it be, the odour of the latter preponderates. Alkalis dissolve tellurium when boiled with it, potassium telluride, K2Te, and potassium tellurite, K2TeO3, being formed. The solution is of a red colour, owing to the presence of the telluride, K2Te; but the colour disappears when the solution is cooled or diluted, the tellurium being all precipitated: 2K2Te + K2TeO3 + 3H2O = 6KHO + 3Te.[81]


[1] The character of sulphur is very clearly defined in the organo-metallic compounds. Not to dwell on this vast subject, which belongs to the province of organic chemistry, I think it will be sufficient for our purpose to compare the physical properties of the ethyl compounds of mercury, zinc, sulphur and oxygen. The composition of all of them is expressed by the general formula (C2H5)2R, where R = Hg, Zn, S, or O. They are all volatile: mercury ethyl, Hg(C2H5)2, boils at 159°, its sp. gr. is 2·444, molecular volume = 106; zinc ethyl boils at 118°, sp. gr. 1·882, volume 101; ethyl sulphide, S(C2H5)2, boils at 90°, sp. gr. 0·825, volume 107; common ether, or ethyl oxide, O(C2H5)2, boils at 35°, sp. gr. 0·736, volume 101, in addition to which diethyl itself, (C2H5)2 = C4H10, boils about 0°, sp. gr. about 0·62, volume about 94. Thus the substitution of Hg, S, and O scarcely changes the volume, notwithstanding the difference of the weights; the physical influence, if one may so express oneself, of these elements, which are so very different in their atomic weights, is almost alike.

[2] Therefore in former times sulphur was known as an amphid element. Although the analogy between the compounds of sulphur and oxygen has been recognised from the very birth of modern chemistry (owing, amongst other things, to the fact that the oxides and sulphides are the most widely spread metallic ores in nature), still it has only been clearly expressed by the periodic system, which places both these elements in group VI. Here, moreover, stands out that parallelism which exists between SO2 and ozone OO2, between K2SO3 and peroxide of potassium K2O4 (Volkovitch in 1893 again drew attention to this parallelism).

[3] When in Sicily, I found, near Caltanisetta, a specimen of sulphur with mineral tar. In the same neighbourhood there are naphtha springs and mud volcanoes. It may be that these substances have reduced the sulphur from gypsum.

The chief proof in favour of the origin of sulphur from gypsum is that in treating the deposits for the extraction of the sulphur it is found that the proportion of sulphur to calcium carbonate never exceeds that which it would be had they both been derived from calcium sulphate.

[4] Naturally only those ores of sulphur which contain a considerable amount of sulphur can be treated by this method. With poor ores it is necessary to have recourse to distillation or mechanical treatment in order to separate the sulphur, but its price is so low that this method in most cases is not profitable.

The sulphur obtained by the above-described method still contains some impurities, but it is frequently made use of in this form for many purposes, and especially in considerable quantities for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, and for strewing over grapes. For other purposes, and especially in the preparation of gunpowder, a purer sulphur is required. Sulphur may be purified by distillation. The crude sulphur is called rough, and the distilled sulphur refined. The arrangement given in fig. 86 is employed for refining sulphur. The rough sulphur is melted in the boiler d, and as it melts it is run through the tube F into an iron retort B heated by the naked flame of the furnace. Here the sulphur is converted into vapour, which passes through a wide tube into the chamber G, surrounded by stone walls and furnished with a safety-valve S.

[5] Flowers of sulphur always contain a certain amount of the oxides of sulphur.

[6] Sulphur may be extracted by various other means. It may be extracted from iron pyrites, FeS2, which is very widely distributed in nature. From 100 parts of iron pyrites about half the sulphur contained, namely, about 25 parts, may be extracted by heating without the access of air, a lower sulphide of iron, which is more stable under the action of heat, being left behind. Alkali waste (Chapter XII.), containing calcium sulphide and gypsum, CaSO4, may be used for the same purpose, but native sulphur is so cheap that recourse can only be had to these sources when the calcium sulphide appears as a worthless by-product. The most simple process for the extraction of sulphur from alkali waste, in a chemical sense, consists in evolving sulphuretted hydrogen from the calcium sulphide by the action of hydrochloric acid. The sulphuretted hydrogen when burnt gives water and sulphurous anhydride, which reacts on fresh sulphuretted hydrogen with the separation of sulphur. The combustion of the sulphuretted hydrogen may be so conducted that a mixture of 2H2S and SO2 is straightway formed, and this mixture will deposit sulphur (Chapter XII., Note 14). Gossage and Chance treat alkali waste with carbonic anhydride, and subject the sulphuretted hydrogen evolved to incomplete combustion (this is best done by passing a mixture of sulphuretted hydrogen and air, taken in the requisite proportions, over red-hot ferric oxide), by which means water and the vapour of sulphur are formed: H2S + O = H2O + S.

[7] One hundred parts of liquid carbon bisulphide, CS2, dissolve 16·5 parts of sulphur at -11°, 24 parts at 0°, 37 parts at 15°, 46 parts at 22°, and 181 parts at 55°. The saturated solution boils at 55°, whilst pure carbon bisulphide boils at 47°. The solution of sulphur in carbon bisulphide reduces the temperature, just as in the solution of salts in water. Thus the solution of 20 parts of sulphur in 50 parts of carbon bisulphide at 22° lowers the temperature by 5°; 100 parts of benzene, C6H6, dissolves 0·965 part of sulphur at 26°, and 4·377 parts at 71°; chloroform, CHCl3, dissolves 1·2 part of sulphur at 22°, and 16·35 parts at 174°.

[8] If the experiment be made in a vessel with a narrow capillary tube, the sulphur fuses at a lower temperature (occurs, as it were, in a supersaturated state), and solidifying at 90°, appears in a rhombic form (SchÜtzenberger).

[9] If sulphur be cautiously melted in a U tube immersed in a salt bath, and then gradually cooled, it is possible for all the sulphur to remain liquid at 100°. It will now be in a state of superfusion; thus also by careful refrigeration water may be obtained in a liquid state at -10°, and a lump of ice then causes such water to form ice, and the temperature rises to 0°. If a prismatic crystal of sulphur be thrown into one branch of the U tube containing the liquid sulphur at 100°, and an octahedral crystal be thrown into the other branch, then, as Gernez showed, the sulphur in each branch will crystallise in the corresponding form, and both forms are obtained at the same temperature; therefore it is not the influence of temperature only which causes the molecules of sulphur to distribute themselves in one or another form, but also the influence of the crystalline parts already formed. This phenomenon is essentially analogous to the phenomena of supersaturated solutions.

[10] A certain amount of insoluble sulphur remains for a long time in the mass of soft sulphur, changing into the ordinary variety. Freshly-cooled soft sulphur contains about one-third of insoluble sulphur, and after the lapse of two years it still contains about 15 p.c. Flowers of sulphur, obtained by the rapid condensation of sulphur from a state of vapour, also contains a certain amount of insoluble sulphur. Rapidly distilled and condensed sulphur also contains some insoluble sulphur. Hence a certain amount of insoluble sulphur is frequently found in roll sulphur. The action of light on a solution of sulphur converts a certain portion into the insoluble modification. Insoluble sulphur is of a lighter colour than the ordinary variety. It is best prepared by vaporising sulphur in a stream of carbonic anhydride, hydrochloric acid, &c., and collecting the vapour in cold water. When condensed in this manner it is nearly all insoluble in carbon bisulphide. It then has the form of hollow spheroids, and is therefore lighter than the common variety: sp. gr. 1·82. An idea of the modifications taking place in sulphur between 110° and 250° may be formed from the fact that at 150° liquid sulphur has a coefficient of expansion of about 0·0005, whilst between 150° and 250° it is less than 0·0003.

Engel (1891), by decomposing a saturated solution of hyposulphite of sodium (Note 29) with HCl in the cold (the sulphur is not precipitated directly in this case), obtained, after shaking up with chloroform and evaporation, crystals of sulphur (sp. gr. 2·135), which, after several hours, passed into the insoluble (in CS2) state, and in so doing became opaque, and increased in volume. But if a mixture of solution of Na2S2O3 and HCl be allowed to stand, it deposits sulphur, which, after sufficient washing, is able to dissolve in water (like the colloid varieties of the metallic sulphides, alumina, boron, and silver), but this colloid solution of sulphur soon deposits sulphur insoluble in CS2.

When a solution of sulphuretted hydrogen in water is decomposed by an electric current the sulphur is deposited on the positive pole, and has therefore an electro-negative character, and this sulphur is soluble in carbon bisulphide. When a solution of sulphurous acid is decomposed in the same manner, the sulphur is deposited on the negative pole, and is therefore electro-positive, and the sulphur so deposited is insoluble in carbon bisulphide. The sulphur which is combined with metals must have the properties of the sulphur contained in sulphuretted hydrogen, whilst the sulphur combined with chlorine is like that which is combined with oxygen in sulphurous anhydride. Hence Berthelot recognises the presence of soluble sulphur in metallic sulphides, and of the insoluble modification of amorphous sulphur in sulphur chloride. Cloez showed that the sulphur precipitated from solutions is either soluble or insoluble, according to whether it separates from an alkaline or acid solution. If sulphur be melted with a small quantity of iodine or bromine, then on pouring out the molten mass it forms amorphous sulphur, which keeps so for a very long time, and is insoluble, or nearly so, in carbon bisulphide. This is taken advantage of in casting certain articles in sulphur, which by this means retain their tenacity for a long time; for example, the discs of electrical machines.

[11] Here, however, it is very important to remark that both benzene and acetylene can exist at the ordinary temperature, whilst the sulphur molecule S2 only exists at high temperatures; and if this sulphur be allowed to cool, it passes first into S6 and then into a liquid state. Were it possible to have sulphur at the ordinary temperature in both the above modifications, then in all probability the sulphur in the state S2 would present totally different properties from those which it has in the form S6, just as the properties of gaseous acetylene are far from being similar to those of liquid benzene. Sulphur, in the form of S2, is probably a substance which boils at a much lower temperature than the variety with which we are now dealing. Paterno and Nasini (1888), following the method of depression or fall of the freezing-point in a benzene solution, found that the molecule of sulphur in solution contains S6.

One must here call attention to the fact that sulphur, with all its analogy to oxygen (which also shows itself in its faculty to give the modification S2), is also able to give a series of compounds containing more atoms of sulphur than the analogous oxygen compounds do of oxygen. Thus, for instance, compounds of 5 atoms of sulphur with 1 atom of barium, BaS5, are known, whereas with oxygen only BaO2 is known. On every side one cannot but see in sulphur a faculty for the union of a greater number of atoms than with oxygen. With oxygen the form of ozone, O3, is very unstable, the stable form is O2; whilst with sulphur S6 is the stable form, and S2 is exceedingly unstable. Furthermore, it is remarkable that sulphur gives a higher degree of oxidation, H2SO4, corresponding, as it were, with its complex composition, if we suppose that in S6 four atoms of sulphur are replaced by oxygen and one by two atoms of hydrogen. The formulÆ of its compounds, K2SO4, K2S2O3, K2S5, BaS5, and many others, have no analogues among the compounds of oxygen. They all correspond with the form S6 (one portion of the sulphur being replaced by oxygen and another by metals), which is not attained by oxygen. In this faculty of sulphur to hold many atoms of other substances the same forces appear which cause many atoms of sulphur to form one complex molecule.

[12] In the formation of potassium sulphide, K2S (that is, in the combination of 32 parts of sulphur with 78 parts of potassium), about 100 thousand heat units are developed. Nearly as much heat is developed in the combination of an equivalent quantity of sodium; about 90 thousand heat units in the formation of calcium or strontium sulphide; about 40 thousand for zinc or cadmium sulphide, and about 20 thousand for iron, cobalt, or nickel sulphide. Less heat is evolved in the combination of sulphur with copper, lead, and silver. According to Thomsen, sulphur develops heat with hydrogen in solutions. The reaction I2,Aq,H2S = 21,830 calories. But, as the reaction I2 + H2 + Aq develops 26,842 calories, it follows that the reaction H2 + S develops 4,512 calories.

[13] If sulphur be melted in a flask and heated nearly to its boiling point, as Lidoff showed, the addition, drop by drop (from a funnel with a stopcock) of heavy (0·9) naphtha oil (of lubricating oleonaphtha), &c., is followed by a regular evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen. This is analogous to the action of bromine or iodine on paraffin and other oils, because hydrobromic or hydriodic acid is then formed (Chapter XI.) A certain amount of hydrogen sulphide is even formed when sulphur is boiled with water.

[14] However, the matter is really much more complicated. Thus zinc sulphide evolves sulphuretted hydrogen with sulphuric or hydrochloric acids, but does not react with acetic acid and is oxidised by nitric acid. Ferrous sulphide evolves sulphuretted hydrogen with acids, whilst the bisulphide, FeS2, does not react with acids of ordinary strength. This absence of action depends, among other things, on the form in which the native iron pyrites occurs; it is a crystalline, compact, and very dense substance; and acids in general react with great difficulty on such metallic sulphides. This is seen very clearly in the case of zinc sulphide; if this substance is obtained by double decomposition, it separates as a white precipitate, which evolves sulphuretted hydrogen with great ease when treated with acids. Zinc sulphide is obtained in the same form when zinc is fused with sulphur, but native zinc sulphide—which occurs in compact masses of zinc blende, and has a metallic lustre—is not decomposed or scarcely decomposed by sulphuric acid.

Another source of complication in the behaviour of the metallic sulphides towards acids depends on the action of water, and is shown in the fact that the action varies with different degrees of dilution or proportion of water present. The best known example of this is antimonious sulphide, Sb2S3, for strong hydrochloric acid, containing not more water than corresponds with HCl,6H2O, even decomposes native antimony glance, with evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen, whilst dilute acid has no action, and in the presence of an excess of water the reaction 2SbCl3 + 3H2S = Sb2S3 + 6HCl occurs, whilst in the presence of a small amount of water the reaction proceeds in exactly the opposite direction. Here the participation of water in the reaction and its affinity are evident.

The facts that lead sulphide is insoluble in acids, that zinc sulphide is soluble in hydrochloric acid but insoluble in acetic acid, that calcium sulphide is even decomposed by carbonic acid, &c.—all these peculiarities of the sulphides are in correlation with the amount of heat evolved in the reaction of the oxides with hydrogen sulphide and with acids, as is seen from the observations of Favre and Silberman, and from the comparisons made by Berthelot in the Proceedings of the Paris Academy of Sciences, 1870, to which we refer the reader for further details.

[15] Ferrous sulphide is formed by heating a piece of iron to an incipient white heat, and then removing it from the furnace and bringing it into contact with a piece of sulphur. Combination then proceeds, accompanied by the development of heat, and the ferrous sulphide formed fuses. The sulphide of iron thus formed is a black, easily-fusible substance, insoluble in water. When damp it attracts oxygen from the air, and is converted into green vitriol, FeSO4. If all the iron does not combine with the sulphur in the method described above, the action of sulphuric acid will evolve hydrogen as well as hydrogen sulphide.

We will not describe the details of the preparation of sulphuretted hydrogen employed as a reagent in the laboratory, because, in the first place, the methods are essentially the same as in the preparation of hydrogen, and, in the second place, because the apparatus and methods employed are always described in text-books of analytical chemistry. Ferrous sulphide may be advantageously replaced by calcium sulphide or a mixture of calcium and magnesium sulphides. A solution of magnesium hydrosulphide, MgS,H2S, is very convenient, as at 60° it evolves a stream of pure hydrogen sulphide. A paste, consisting of CuS with crystals of MgCl2 and water, may also be employed, since it only evolves H2S when heated (Habermann).

[15 bis] Liquid sulphuretted hydrogen is most easily obtained by the decomposition of hydrogen polysulphide, which we shall presently describe, by the action of heat, and in the presence of a small amount of water. If poured into a bent tube, like that described for the liquefaction of ammonia (Chapter VI.), the hydrogen polysulphide is decomposed by heat, in the presence of water, into sulphur and sulphuretted hydrogen, which condenses in the cold end of the tube into a colourless liquid.

[16] Sulphuretted hydrogen is still more soluble in alcohol than in water; one volume at the ordinary temperature dissolves as much as eight volumes of the gas. The solutions in water and alcohol undergo change, especially in open vessels, owing to the fact that the water and alcohol dissolve oxygen from the atmosphere, which, acting on the sulphuretted hydrogen, forms water and sulphur. The solution may be so altered in this manner that every trace of sulphuretted hydrogen disappears. Solutions of sulphuretted hydrogen in glycerine change much more slowly, and may therefore be kept for a long time as reagents. De Forcrand obtained a hydrate, H2S,16H2O, resembling the hydrates given by many gases.

[17] Some metals evolve hydrogen from sulphuretted hydrogen at the ordinary temperature. For example, the light metals, and copper and silver (especially with the access of air?) among the heavy metals. Hence articles made of silver turn black in the presence of vapours containing sulphuretted hydrogen, because silver sulphide is black. Zinc and cadmium act at a red heat, but not completely.

[18] If sulphuretted hydrogen escapes from a fine orifice into the air, it will burn when lighted, and be transformed into sulphurous anhydride and water. But if it burns in a limited supply of air—for instance, when a cylinder is filled with it and lighted—then only the hydrogen burns, which has, judging from the amount of heat developed in its combustion and from all its properties, a greater affinity for oxygen than sulphur. In this respect the combustion of sulphuretted hydrogen resembles that of hydrocarbons.

[19] Hence bleaching powder and chlorine destroy the disagreeable smell of sulphuretted hydrogen. (For the reaction of hydrogen sulphide and iodine, see Chapter XI. p. 504.)

[19 bis] Perfectly dry H2S (Hughes 1892) has no action upon perfectly dry salts, just as dry HCl does not react with dry NH3 or metals (Chapter IX., Note 29).

[20] The sulphide P4S is obtained by cautiously fusing the requisite proportions of common phosphorus and sulphur under water; it is a liquid which solidifies at 0°, and may be distilled without undergoing change, but it fumes in air and easily takes fire. The higher sulphide, P2S, has similar properties. But little heat is evolved in the formation of these compounds, and it may be supposed that they are formed by the direct conjunction of whole molecules of phosphorus and sulphur; but if the proportion of sulphur be increased, the reaction is accompanied by so considerable a rise of temperature that an explosion takes place, and for the sake of safety red phosphorus must be used, mixed as intimately as possible with powdered sulphur and heated in an atmosphere of carbonic anhydride. The higher compounds are decomposed by water. By increasing the proportion of sulphur, the following compounds have been obtained: P4S3 as prisms (fuses at 165°, Rebs), soluble in carbon bisulphide, and unaltered by air and water; phosphorus trisulphide, P2S3, is the analogue of P2O3; it is a light yellow crystalline compound only slightly soluble in carbon bisulphide, fusible and volatile, decomposed into hydrogen sulphide and phosphorous acid by water, and, like the highest compound of sulphur and phosphorus, P2S5, it forms thio-salts with potassium sulphide, &c. This phosphorus pentasulphide corresponds with phosphoric anhydride; like the trisulphide it gives hydrogen sulphide and phosphoric acid with an excess of water. It reacts in many respects like phosphoric chloride. The sulphide PS2 is also known; the vapour density of this compound seems to indicate a molecule P3S6.

Phosphorus sulphochloride, PSCl3, corresponds with phosphorus oxychloride. It is a colourless, pleasant-smelling liquid, boiling at 124°, and of sp. gr. 1·63; it fumes in air and is decomposed by water: PSCl3 + 4H2O = PH3O4 + H2S + 3HCl. It is obtained when phosphoric chloride is treated with hydrogen sulphide, hydrochloric acid being also formed; it is also produced by the action of phosphoric chloride on certain sulphides—for example, on antimonious sulphide, also by the (cautious) action of phosphorus on sulphur chloride: 2P + 3S2Cl2 = 2PSCl3 + 4S, by the action of PCl5 upon certain sulphides, for example, Sb2S3, by the reaction: 3MCl + P2S5 = PSCl3 + M3PS4 (Glatzel, 1893), and in the reaction 3PCl3 + SOCl2 = PCl5 + POCl3 + PSCl3, showing the reducing action of phosphorus trichloride, which is especially clear in the reaction SO3 + PCl3 = SO2 + POCl3. Thorpe and Rodger (1889), by heating 3PbF2 or BiF3 with phosphorus pentasulphide (and also by heating AsF3 and PSCl3 to 150°), obtained thiophosphoryl fluoride as a colourless, spontaneously inflammable gas (see further on, Note 74 bis, and Chapter XIX., Note 25). The action of PSCl3 upon NaHO gives a salt of monothiophosphoric acid (WÜrtz, Kubierschky), H3PSO3, which gives soluble salts of the alkalis.

[21] Sulphuretted hydrogen does not saturate the alkaline properties of alkali hydroxides, so that a solution of potassium hydroxide will not under any circumstances give a neutral liquid with sulphuretted hydrogen. In this case the sulphuretted hydrogen forms in solution only an acid salt with the potassium: KHO + H2S = KHS + H2O. It must be supposed that the normal salt is not formed in the solution—that is, that the reaction 2KHO + H2S = K2S + 2H2O does not take place. This is seen from the fact that a development of heat, depending on the formation of potassium hydrosulphide, KHS, is remarked when as much hydrogen sulphide is passed into a solution of potassium hydroxide as it will absorb. But if a further quantity of potassium hydroxide be added to the resultant solution, heat is not developed, whilst if alkali be added to potassium acid sulphate or sodium acid carbonate, heat is developed. It must not be concluded from this that H2S is a monobasic acid, for here there is a question of the decomposing action of water upon K2S; K2S and H2O in reacting on each other should absorb heat if the reaction of KHS upon KHO evolves heat. Furthermore, it must be taken into account that potassium oxide, K2O, and the anhydrous oxides like it, also do not exist in solutions, for whenever they are formed they immediately react with the water, forming caustic potash, KHO, &c. In the same way, directly potassium sulphide, K2S, is formed in water it is decomposed into potassium hydroxide and hydrosulphide: K2S + H2O = KHO + KHS. Potassium sulphide, K2S, in a solid state corresponds with K2O, although neither can exist in solution.

[22] During recent years (beginning with Schulze, 1882) it has been found that many metallic sulphides which were considered totally insoluble do, under certain circumstances, form very unstable solutions in water, as already mentioned in Chapter I., Note 5757. Arsenic sulphide is very easily obtained in the form of a solution (hydrosol). Solutions of copper and cadmium sulphides may also be easily obtained by precipitating their salts CuX2, or CdX2, with ammonium sulphide, and washing the precipitate; but they are re-precipitated by the addition of foreign salts.

[23] In reality the preceding reaction should be expressed thus: FeCl2 + 2KHS = FeS + 2KCl + H2S (Note 21), because in the presence of water not K2S but KHS reacts. But as the sulphuretted hydrogen takes no part in the reaction, it is usual to express the formation of such sulphides without taking the hydrogen sulphide proceeding from the potassium or ammonium hydrosulphides into account. It is not usual to employ potassium sulphide but ammonium sulphide—or, to speak more accurately, ammonium hydrosulphide—in order to avoid the formation of a non-volatile salt of potassium and to have, together with the formation of the sulphide, a salt of ammonium which can always be driven off by evaporating the solution and igniting the residue—for instance: FeCl2 + (NH4)2S = FeS + 2NH4Cl. Thus the metallic sulphides may be divided into three chief classes: (1) those soluble in water, (2) those insoluble in water but reacting with acids, and (3) those insoluble both in water and acids. The third class may be easily subdivided into two groups; to the first group belong those sulphides which correspond with bases or basic oxides, and are therefore unable to play the part of an acid with the sulphides of the alkalis, and are insoluble in NH4HS, whilst the sulphides of the second group are of an acid character, and give soluble thio-salts with the sulphides of the alkaline metals, in which they play the part of an acid. To this group belong those metals whose corresponding oxides have acid properties. It must be observed, however, that not all metallic acids have corresponding sulphides, partly owing to the fact that certain acids are reducible by sulphuretted hydrogen, especially when their lower degrees of oxidation are of a basic character. Such are, for instance, the acids of chromium, manganese, &c. Sulphuretted hydrogen converts them into lower oxides, having the properties of bases. Those bases which do not combine with feeble acids, such as carbonic acid and hydrogen sulphide, give a precipitate of hydroxide with ammonium sulphide—for example, aluminium salts react in this manner. This difference of the metals in their behaviour towards sulphuretted hydrogen gives a very valuable means of separating them from each other, and is taken advantage of in analytical chemistry. If, for instance, the metals of the first and third groups occur together, it is only necessary to convert them into soluble salts, and to act on the solution of the salts with sulphuretted hydrogen; this will precipitate the metals of the third group in the form of sulphides, whilst the metals of the first group will not be in the least acted on. Such a method of separating the metals is considered more fully in analytical chemistry, and we will therefore limit ourselves here to pointing out to which groups the most common metals belong, and the colour which is proper to the sulphide precipitated.

Metals which are precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen, as sulphides from a solution of their salts, even in the presence of free acid:

The precipitate is soluble in ammonium sulphide:

Platinum (dark brown) Antimony (orange)
Gold (dark brown) Arsenic (yellow)
Tin (yellow and brown)

The precipitate is insoluble in ammonium sulphide:

Copper (black) Mercury (black)
Silver (black) Lead (black)
Cadmium (yellow)

Metals which are precipitated by ammonium sulphide from neutral solutions, but not precipitated from acid solutions by sulphuretted hydrogen:

The sulphide precipitated is soluble in hydrochloric acid:

Zinc (white) Manganese (rose colour) Iron (black)

The sulphide precipitated is not soluble in dilute hydrochloric acid:

Nickel (black) Cobalt (black)

A hydroxide, and not a sulphide, is precipitated:

Chromium (green) Aluminium (white)

The metals of the alkalis and of the alkaline earths are not precipitated either by sulphuretted hydrogen or ammonium sulphide. The metals of the alkaline earths when in acid solutions in the form of phosphates and many other salts are precipitated by ammonium sulphide, because the latter neutralises the free acid, with formation of an ammonium salt of the acid and evolution of sulphuretted hydrogen.

[24] Rebs took di-, tri-, tetra-, and pentasulphides of sodium, potassium, and barium, which he prepared by dissolving sulphur in solutions of the normal sulphides; on adding hydrochloric acid he always obtained hydrogen pentasulphide, whence it is evident that 4H2Sn = (n - 1)H2S5 + (5 - n)H2S. For example, if H2S2 were formed, it would decompose according to the equation 4H2S2 = H2S5 + 3H2S. The hydrogen pentasulphide formed breaks up into hydrogen sulphide and sulphur when brought into contact with water. Previous to Rebs' researches many chemists stated that all polysulphides gave the bisulphide H2S2, and Hofmann recognised only hydrogen trisulphide, H2S3.

[25] The formation of the polysulphides of hydrogen, H2Sn is easily understood from the law of substitution, like that of the saturated hydrocarbons, CnH2n + 2, knowing that sulphur gives H2S, because the molecule of sulphuretted hydrogen may be divided into H and HS. This radicle, HS, is equivalent to H. By substituting this radicle for hydrogen in H2S we obtain (HS)HS = H2S2, (HS)(HS)S = H2S3, &c., in general H2Sn. The homologues of CH4, CnH2n + 2 are formed in this manner from CH4, and consequently the polysulphides H2Sn are the homologues of H2S. The question arises why in H2Sn the apparent limit of n is 5—that is, why does the substitution end with the formation of H2S5? The answer appears to me to be clearly because in the molecule of sulphur, S6, there are six atoms of sulphur (Note 11). The forces in one and the other case are the same. In the one case they hold S6 together, in the other S5 and H2; and, judging from H2S, the two atoms of hydrogen are equal in power and significance to the atom of sulphur. Just as hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, expresses the composition of ozone, O3, in which O is replaced by H2, so also H2S5 corresponds with S6.

[26] Ammonium sulphide, (NH4)2S, may be prepared by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into a vessel full of dry ammonia, or by passing both dry gases together into a very cold receiver. In the latter case it is necessary to prevent the access of air, and to have an excess of ammonia. Under these circumstances, two volumes of ammonia combine with one volume of sulphuretted hydrogen, and form a colourless, very volatile, crystalline substance, having a very unpleasant odour, which is very poisonous and exceedingly unstable. When exposed to the air it absorbs oxygen and acquires a yellow colour, and then contains oxygen and polysulphide compounds (because a portion of the hydrogen sulphide gives water and sulphur). It is soluble in water and forms a colourless solution, which, however, in all probability contains free ammonia and the acid salt—that is, ammonium hydrosulphide, NH4HS, or (NH4)2,S,H2S. This salt is formed when dry ammonia is mixed with an excess of dry sulphuretted hydrogen. The compound contains equal volumes of the components NH3 + H2S = (NH4)HS. It crystallises in an anhydrous state in colourless plates, and may be easily volatilised (dissociating like ammonium chloride), even at the ordinary temperature; it has an alkaline reaction, absorbs oxygen from the air, is soluble in water, and its solution is usually prepared by saturating an aqueous solution of ammonia with sulphuretted hydrogen. According to the ordinary rule, these salts, like other ammonium salts, split up into ammonia and sulphuretted hydrogen when they are distilled.

A solution of ammonium sulphide is able to dissolve sulphur, and it then contains compounds of hydrogen polysulphide and ammonia. Some of these compounds may be obtained in a crystalline form. Thus Fritzsche obtained a compound of ammonia with hydrogen pentasulphide, or ammonium pentasulphide, (NH4)2S5, in the following manner: He saturated an aqueous solution of ammonia with sulphuretted hydrogen, added powdered sulphur to it, and passed ammonia gas into the solution, which then absorbed a fresh amount. After this he again passed sulphuretted hydrogen into the solution, and then added sulphur, and then again ammonia. After repeating this several times, orange-yellow crystals of (NH4)2S5 separated out from the liquid. These crystals melted at 40° to 50°, and were very unstable.

When a solution of ammonium hydrosulphide, prepared by saturating a solution of ammonia with sulphuretted hydrogen, is exposed to the air, it turns yellow, owing to the presence of an ammonium polysulphide, whose formation is due to the sulphuretted hydrogen being oxidised by the air and converted into water and sulphur, which is dissolved by the ammonium sulphide. In certain analytical reactions it is usual to employ a solution of ammonium sulphide which has been kept for some time and acquired a yellow colour. This yellow sulphide of ammonium deposits sulphur when saturated with acids, whilst a freshly-prepared solution only evolves sulphuretted hydrogen. The yellow solution furthermore contains ammonium thiosulphate, which is derived not only from the oxidation of the ammonium sulphide, but also from the action of the liberated sulphur on the ammonia, just as an alkaline salt of thiosulphuric acid and a sulphide are formed by the action of sulphur on a solution of a caustic alkali.

[27] Potassium sulphide, K2S, is obtained by heating a mixture of potassium sulphate and charcoal to a bright-red heat. It may be prepared in solution by taking a solution of potassium hydroxide, dividing it into two equal parts, and saturating one portion with sulphuretted hydrogen so long as it is absorbed. This portion will then contain the acid salt KHS (Note 21). The two portions are then mixed together, and potassium sulphide will then be obtained in the solution. This solution has a strongly alkaline reaction, and is colourless when freshly prepared, but it very easily undergoes change when exposed to the air, forming potassium thiosulphate and polysulphides. When the solution is evaporated at low temperatures under the receiver of an air-pump, it yields crystals containing K2S,5H2O (heated at 150°, they part with 3 mol. H2O, and at higher temperatures they lose nearly all their water without evolving sulphuretted hydrogen). When they are ignited in glass vessels they corrode the glass. When a solution of caustic potash, completely saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, is evaporated under the receiver of an air-pump it forms colourless rhombohedra of potassium hydrosulphide, 2(KHS),H2O,K2S,H2S,H2O. These crystals are deliquescent in the air, but do not change in a vacuum when heated up to 170°, and at higher temperatures they lose water but do not evolve sulphuretted hydrogen. The anhydrous compound, KHS, fuses at a dark-red heat into a very mobile yellow liquid, which gradually becomes darker in colour and solidifies to a red mass. It is remarkable that when a solution of the compound KHS is boiled it somewhat easily evolves half its sulphuretted hydrogen, leaving potassium sulphide, K2S, in solution; and a solution of the latter in water is also able to evolve sulphuretted hydrogen on prolonged boiling, but the evolution cannot be rendered complete, and, therefore, at a certain temperature, a solution of potassium sulphide will not be capable of absorbing sulphuretted hydrogen at all. From this we must conclude that potassium hydroxide, water, and sulphuretted hydrogen form a system whose complex equilibrium is subject to the laws of dissociation, depends on the relative mass of each substance, on the temperature, and the dissociation pressure of the component elements. Potassium sulphide is not only soluble in water, but also in alcohol.

Berzelius showed that in addition to potassium sulphide there also exist potassium bisulphide, K2S2; trisulphide, K2S3; tetrasulphide, K2S4; and pentasulphide, K2S5. According to the researches of SchÖne, the last three are the most stable. These different compounds of potassium and sulphur may be prepared by fusing potassium hydroxide or carbonate with an excess of sulphur in a porcelain crucible in a stream of carbonic anhydride. At about 600° potassium pentasulphide is formed; this is the highest sulphur compound of potassium. When heated to 800° it loses one-fifth of its sulphur and gives the tetrasulphide, which at this temperature is stable. At a bright-red heat—namely, at about 900°—the trisulphide is formed. This compound may be also formed by igniting potassium carbonate in a stream of carbon bisulphide, in which case a compound, K2CS3, is first formed corresponding to potassium carbonate, and carbonic anhydride is evolved. On further ignition this compound splits up into carbon and potassium trisulphide, K2S3. The tetrasulphide may also be obtained in solution if a solution of potassium sulphide be boiled with the requisite amount of sulphur without access of air. This solution yields red crystals of the composition K2S4,2H2O when it is evaporated in a vacuum. These crystals are very hygroscopic, easily soluble in water, but very sparingly in alcohol; when ignited they give off water, sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphur. If a solution of potassium sulphide be boiled with an excess of sulphur it forms the pentasulphide, which, however, is decomposed on prolonged boiling into sulphuretted hydrogen and potassium thiosulphate: K2S5 + 3H2O = K2S2O3 + 3H2S. A substance called liver of sulphur was formerly frequently used in chemistry and medicine. Under this name is known the substance which is formed by boiling a solution of caustic potash with an excess of flowers of sulphur. This solution contains a mixture of potassium pentasulphide and thiosulphate, 6KHO + 12S = 2K2S5 + K2S2O3 + 3H2O. The substance obtained by fusing potassium carbonate with an excess of sulphur was also known as liver of sulphur. If this mixture be heated to an incipient dark-red heat it will contain potassium thiosulphate, but at higher temperatures potassium sulphate is formed. In either case a polysulphide of potassium is also present. The sulphides of sodium, for example Na2S, NaHS, &c., in many respects closely resemble the corresponding potassium compounds.

[28] The metals of the alkaline earths, like those of the alkalis, form several compounds with sulphur; thus calcium forms compounds with one and with five atoms of sulphur. There are doubtless also intermediate sulphides. If sulphuretted hydrogen be passed over ignited lime it forms water and calcium sulphide, which may also be formed by heating calcium sulphate with charcoal, whilst if sulphur be heated with lime or with calcium carbonate, then naturally oxygen compounds (calcium thiosulphate and sulphate) are formed at the same time as calcium sulphide. The prolonged action of the vapour of carbon bisulphide, especially when mixed with carbonic anhydride, on strongly ignited calcium carbonate entirely converts it into sulphide. Calcium sulphide is generally obtained as an almost colourless, opaque, brittle mass, which is infusible at a white heat, and is soluble in water. The act of solution (as with K2S, Note 21) is partly accompanied by a double decomposition with the water. When heated, dry calcium sulphide does not absorb oxygen from the air. An excess of water decomposes it, like many other metallic sulphides, precipitating lime (as a product of the decomposition the lime hinders the action of the water upon the CaS; see soda refuse, Chapter XII., Note 12), and forming a hydrosulphide, CaH2S2, in solution. This compound is also formed by passing sulphuretted hydrogen through an aqueous solution of calcium sulphide or lime. Its solution, like that of calcium sulphide, has an alkaline reaction. It decomposes when evaporated, and absorbs oxygen from the air. Calcium pentasulphide, CaS5, is not known in a pure state, but may be obtained in admixture with calcium thiosulphate by boiling a solution of lime or calcium sulphide with sulphur: 3CaH2O2 + 12S = 2CaS5 + CaS2O3 + 3H2O. A similar compound in an impure form is formed by the action of air on alkali waste, and is used for the preparation of thiosulphates.

Many of the sulphides of the metals of the alkaline earths are phosphorescent—that is, they have the faculty of emitting light, after having been subjected to the action of sunlight, or of any bright source of light (Canton phosphorus, &c.). The luminosity lasts some time, but it is not permanent, and gradually disappears. This phosphorescent property is inherent, in a greater or less degree, to nearly all substances (Becquerel), but for a very short time, whilst with calcium sulphide it is comparatively durable, lasting for several hours, and Dewar (1894) showed that it is far more intense at very low temperatures (for instance, in bodies cooled in liquid oxygen to -182°). It is due to the excitation of the surfaces of substances by the action of light, and is determined by those rays which exhibit a chemical action. Hence daylight or the light of burning magnesium, &c., acts more powerfully than the light of a lamp, &c. Warnerke has shown that a small quantity of magnesium lighted near the surface of a phosphorescent substance rapidly excites the greatest possible intensity of luminosity; this enabled him to found a method of measuring the intensity of light—i.e. to obtain a constant unit of light—and to apply it to photography. The nature of the change which is accomplished on the surface of the luminous substance is at present unknown, but in any case it is a renewable one, because the experiment may be repeated for an infinite number of times and takes place in a vacuum. The intensity and tint of the light emitted depend on the method of preparation of the calcium sulphide, and on the degree of ignition and purity of the calcium carbonate taken. According to the observations of Becquerel, the presence of compounds of manganese, bismuth, &c., sodium sulphide (but not potassium sulphide), &c., although in minute traces, is perfectly indispensable. This gives reason for thinking that the formation (in the dark) and decomposition (in light) of double salts like MnS,Na2S perhaps form the chemical cause of the phenomena. Compounds of strontium and barium have this property to even a greater extent than calcium sulphide. These compounds may be prepared as in the following example: A mixture of sodium thiosulphate and strontium chloride is prepared; a double decomposition takes place between the salts, and, on the addition of alcohol, strontium thiosulphate, SrS2O3, is precipitated, which, when ignited, leaves strontium sulphide behind. The strontium sulphide thus prepared emits (when dry) a greenish yellow light. It contains a certain amount of sulphur, sodium sulphide, and strontium sulphate. By ignition at various temperatures, and by different methods of preparation, it is possible to obtain mixtures which emit different coloured lights.

[29] As examples, we will describe the sulphides of arsenic, antimony, and mercury. Arsenic trisulphide, or orpiment, As2S3, occurs native, and is obtained pure when a solution of arsenious anhydride in the presence of hydrochloric acid comes into contact with sulphuretted hydrogen (there is no precipitate in the absence of free acid). A beautiful yellow precipitate is then obtained: As2O3 + 3H2S = 3H2O + As2S3; it fuses when heated, and volatilises without decomposition. As2S3 is easily obtained in a colloid form (Chapter I., Note 57). When fused it forms a semi-transparent, yellow mass, and it is thus that it enters the market. The specific gravity of native orpiment is 3·4, and that of the artificially-fused mass is 2·7. It is used as a yellow pigment, and owing to its insolubility in water and acids it is less injurious than the other compounds corresponding to arsenious acid. According to the type AsX2, realgar, AsS, is known, but it is probable that the true composition of this compound is As4S4—that is, it presents the same relation to orpiment as liquid phosphuretted hydrogen does to gaseous. Realgar (Sandaraca) occurs native as brilliant red crystals of specific gravity 3·59, and may be prepared artificially by fusing arsenic and sulphur in the proportions indicated by its formulÆ. It is prepared in large quantities by distilling a mixture of sulphur and arsenical pyrites. Like orpiment it dissolves in calcium sulphide, and even in caustic potash. It is used for signal lights and fireworks, because it deflagrates and gives a large and very brilliant white flame with nitre.

With antimony, sulphur gives a tri- and a pentasulphide. The former, Sb2S3, which corresponds with antimonious oxide, occurs native (Chapter XIX.) in a crystalline form; its sp. gr. is then 4·9, and it presents brilliant rhombic crystals of a grey colour, which fuse when heated. A substance of the same composition is obtained as an amorphous orange powder by passing sulphuretted hydrogen into an acid solution of antimonious oxide. In this respect antimonious oxide again reacts like arsenious acid, and the sulphides of both are soluble in ammonium and potassium sulphides, and, especially in the case of arsenious sulphide, are easily obtained in colloidal solutions. By prolonged boiling with water, antimonious sulphide may be entirely converted into the oxide, hydrogen sulphide being evolved (Elbers). Native antimony sulphide, or the orange precipitated trisulphide when fused with dry, or boiled with dissolved, alkalis, forms a dark-coloured mass (Kermes mineral) formerly much used in medicine, which contains a mixture of antimonious sulphide and oxide. There are also compounds of these substances. A so-called antimony vermilion is much used as a dye; it is prepared by boiling sodium thiosulphate (six parts) with antimony trichloride (five parts) and water (fifty parts). This substance probably contains an oxysulphide of antimony—that is, a portion of the oxygen in the oxide of antimony in it is replaced by sulphur. Red antimony ore, and antimony glass, which is obtained by fusing the trisulphide with antimonious oxide, have a similar composition, Sb2OS2. In the arts, the antimony pentasulphide, Sb2S5, is the most frequently used of the sulphur compounds of antimony. It is formed by the action of acids on the so-called Schlippe's salt, which is a sodium thiorthantimonate, SbS(NaS)3, corresponding with (Chapter XIX., Note 41 bis) orthantimonic acid, SbO(OH)3, with the replacement of oxygen by sulphur. It is obtained by boiling finely-powdered native antimony trisulphide with twice its weight of sodium carbonate, and half its weight of sulphur and lime, in the presence of a considerable quantity of water. The processes taking place are as follows:—The sodium carbonate is converted into hydroxide by the lime, and then forms sodium sulphide with the sulphur; the sodium sulphide then dissolves the antimony sulphide, which in this form already combines with the greatest amount of sulphur, so that a compound is formed corresponding with antimony pentasulphide dissolved in sodium sulphide. The solution is filtered and crystallised, care being taken to prevent access of air, which oxidises the sodium sulphide. This salt crystallises in large, yellowish crystals, which are easily soluble in water and have the composition Na3SbS4,9H2O. When heated they lose their water of crystallisation and then fuse without alteration; but when in solution, and even in crystalline form, this salt turns brown in air, owing to the oxidation of the sulphur and the breaking up of the compound. As it is used in medicine, especially in the preparation of antimony pentasulphide, it is kept under a layer of alcohol, in which it is insoluble. Acids precipitate antimony pentasulphide from a solution of this salt, as an orange powder, insoluble in acids and very frequently used in medicine (sulfur auratum antimonii). This substance when heated evolves vapours of sulphur, and leaves antimony trisulphide behind.

Mercury forms compounds with sulphur of the same types as it does with oxygen. Mercurous sulphide, Hg2S, easily splits up into mercury and mercuric sulphide. It is obtained by the action of potassium sulphide on mercurous chloride, and also by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen on solutions of salts of the type HgX. Mercuric sulphide, HgS, corresponding with the oxide, is cinnabar; it is obtained as a black precipitate by the action of an excess of sulphuretted hydrogen on solutions of mercuric salts. It is insoluble in acids, and is therefore precipitated in their presence. If a certain amount of water containing sulphuretted hydrogen be added to a solution of mercuric chloride, it first gives a white precipitate of the composition Hg3S2Cl2—that is, a compound HgCl,2HgS, a sulphochloride of mercury like the oxychloride. But in the presence of an excess of sulphuretted hydrogen, the black precipitate of mercuric sulphide is formed. In this state it is not crystalline (the red variety is formed by the prolonged action of polysulphides of ammonium upon the black HgS), but if it be heated to its temperature of volatilisation it forms a red crystalline sublimate which is identical with native cinnabar. In this form its specific gravity is 8·0, and it forms a red powder, owing to which it is used as a red pigment (vermilion) in oil, pastel, and other paints. It is so little attacked by reagents that even nitric acid has no action on it, and the gastric juices do not dissolve it, so that it is not poisonous. When heated in air, the sulphur burns away and leaves metallic mercury. On a large scale cinnabar is usually prepared in the following manner: 300 parts of mercury and 115 parts of sulphur are mixed together as intimately as possible and poured into a solution of 75 parts of caustic potash in 425 parts of water, and the mixture is heated at 50° for several hours. Red mercury sulphide is thus formed, and separates out from the solution. The reaction which takes place is as follows: A soluble compound, K2HgS2, is first formed; this compound is able to separate in colourless silky needles, which are soluble in the caustic potash, but are decomposed by water, and at 50°; this solution (perhaps by attracting oxygen from the air) slowly deposits HgS in a crystalline form.

Spring conducted an interesting research (at LiÈge, 1894) upon the conversion of the black amorphous sulphide of mercury, HgS, into red crystalline cinnabar. This research formed a sequel to Spring's classical researches on the influence of high pressures upon the properties of solids and their capacity for mutual combination. He showed, among other things, that ordinary solids and even metals (for instance, Pb), after being considerably compressed under a pressure of 20,000 atmospheres, return on removal of the pressure to their original density like gases. But this is only true when the compressed solid is not liable to an allotropic variation, and does not give a denser variety. Thus prismatic sulphur (sp. gr. 1·9) passes under pressure into the octahedral (sp. gr. 2·05) variety. Black HgS (precipitated from solution) has a sp. gr. 7·6, while that of the red variety is 8·2, and therefore it might be expected that the former would pass into the latter under pressure, but experiments both at the ordinary and a higher temperature did not give the looked-for result, because even at a pressure of 20,000 atmospheres the black sulphide was not compressed to the density of cinnabar (a pressure of as much as 35,000 atmospheres was necessary, which could not be attained in the experiment). But Spring prepared a black HgS, which had a sp. gr. of 8·0, and this, under a pressure of 2,500 atmospheres, passed into cinnabar. He obtained this peculiar black variety of HgS (sp. gr. 8·0) by distilling cinnabar in an atmosphere of CO2, when the greater portion of the HgS is redeposited in the form of cinnabar. Under the action of a solution of polysulphide of ammonium, this variety of HgS passes more slowly into the red variety than the precipitated variety does, while under pressure the conversion is comparatively easy.

It is worthy of remark, that Linder and Picton obtained complex compounds of many of the sulphides of the heavy metals (Ca, Hg, Sb, Zn, Cd, Ag, Au) with H2S, for example H2S,7CuS (by the action of H2S upon the hydrate of oxide of copper), H2S,9CuS (in the presence of acetic acid and with an excess of H2S), &c. Probably we have here a sort of ‘solid’ solution of H2S in the metallic sulphides.

[30] CH4 gives CH4O or CH3(OH), wood spirit; CH4O2 or CH2(OH)2, which decomposes into water and CH2O—that is, methylene oxide or formaldehyde; CH4O3 = CH(OH)3 = H2O + CHO(OH), or formic acid; and CH4O4 = C(OH)4 = 2H2O + CO2. There are four typical hydrogen compounds, RH, RH2, RH3, and RH4, and each of them has its typical oxide. Beyond H4 and O4 combination does not proceed.

[31] Rhombic sulphur, 71,080 heat units; monoclinic sulphur, 71,720 units, according to Thomsen.

[31 bis] However, when sulphur or metallic sulphides burn in an excess of air, there is always formed a certain, although small, amount of SO3, which gives sulphuric acid with the moisture of the air.

[32] The enormous amount of sulphuric acid now manufactured is chiefly prepared by roasting native pyrites, but a considerable amount of the SO2 for this purpose is obtained by roasting zinc blende (ZnS) and copper and lead sulphides. A certain amount is also procured from soda refuse (Note 6) and the residues obtained from the purification of coal gas.

[32 bis] Sulphurous anhydride is also obtained by the decomposition of many sulphates, especially of the heavy metals, by the action of heat; but this requires a very powerful heat. This formation of sulphurous anhydride from sulphates is based on the decomposition proper to sulphuric acid itself. When sulphuric acid is strongly heated (for instance, by dropping it upon an incandescent surface) it is decomposed into water, oxygen, and sulphurous anhydride—that is, into those compounds from which it is formed. A similar decomposition proceeds during the ignition of many sulphates. Even so stable a sulphate as gypsum does not resist the action of very high temperatures, but is decomposed in the same manner, lime being left behind. The decomposition of sulphates by heat is accomplished with still greater facility in the presence of sulphur, because in this case the liberated oxygen combines with the sulphur and the metal is able to form a sulphide. Thus when ferrous sulphate (green vitriol) is ignited with sulphur, it gives ferrous sulphide and sulphurous anhydride: FeSO4 + 2S = FeS + 2SO2, and this reaction may even be used for the preparation of this gas. At 400° sulphuric acid and sulphur give an extremely uniform stream of pure sulphurous anhydride, so that it is best prepared on a manufacturing scale by this method. Iron pyrites, FeS2, when heated to 150° with sulphuric acid (sp. gr. 1·75) in cast-iron vessels also gives an abundant and uniform supply of sulphurous anhydride.

[32 tri] Mellitic acid is formed at the same time (Verneuille).

[33] The thermochemical data connected with this reaction are as follows: A molecule of hydrogen H2, in combining with oxygen (O = 16) develops about 69,000 heat units, whilst the molecule of SO2, in combining with oxygen only develops about 32,000 heat units—that is, about half as much—and therefore those metals which cannot decompose water may still be able to deoxidise sulphuric into sulphurous acid. Those metals which decompose water and sulphuric acid with the evolution of hydrogen, evolve in combining with sixteen parts by weight of oxygen more heat than hydrogen does—for example, K2, Na2, Ca develop about or more than 100,000 heat units; Fe, Zn, Mn about 70,000 to 80,000 heat units; whilst those metals which neither decompose water nor evolve hydrogen from sulphuric acid, but are still capable of evolving sulphurous anhydride from it, develop less heat with oxygen than hydrogen, but nearly the same amount, if not more than, sulphurous anhydride develops—for example, Cu and Hg develop about 40,000 and Pb about 50,000 heat units.

[34] That is, it only dissociates and re-forms the original product on cooling.

[35] At a given temperature the pressure of this gas evolved from any salt will be less than that of carbonic anhydride, if we compare the separation of a gas from its salts with the phenomenon of evaporation, as was done in discussing the decomposition of calcium carbonate.

Liquid sulphurous anhydride is used on a large scale (Pictet) for the production of cold.

[36] De la Rive, Pierre, and more especially Roozeboom, have investigated the crystallo-hydrate which is formed by sulphurous anhydride and water at temperatures below 7° under the ordinary pressure, and in closed vessels (at temperatures below 12°). Its composition is SO2,7H2O, and density 1·2. This hydrate corresponds with the similar hydrate CO2,8H2O obtained by Wroblewsky.

[36 bis] Schwicker (1889) by saturating NaHSO3 with potash, or KHSO3 with soda, obtained NaKSO3, in the first instance with H2O, and in the second instance with 2H2O, probably owing to the different media in which the crystals are formed. In general sulphurous acid easily forms double salts.

[37] The normal salts of calcium and magnesium are slightly, and the acid salts easily, soluble in water. These acid sulphites are much used in practice; thus calcium bisulphite is employed in the manufacture of cellulose from sawdust, for mixing with fibrous matter in the manufacture of paper.

[38] This reaction is taken advantage of in removing sulphurous anhydride from a mixture of gases. Lead dioxide, PbO2, is brown, and when combined with sulphurous anhydride it forms lead sulphate, PbSO4, which is white, so that the reaction is evident both from the change in colour and development of heat. Sulphurous anhydride is slowly decomposed by the action of light, with the separation of sulphur and formation of sulphuric anhydride. This explains the fact that sulphurous anhydride prepared in the dark gives a white precipitate of silver sulphite, Ag2SO3, with silver chlorate, AgClO4, but when prepared in the light, even in diffused light, it gives a dark precipitate. This naturally depends on the fact that the sulphur liberated then forms silver sulphide, which is black.

[39] SchÖnebein observed that the liquid turns yellow, and acquires the faculty of decolorising litmus and indigo. SchÜtzenberger showed that this depends on the formation of a zinc salt of a peculiar and very powerfully-reducing acid, for with cupric salts the yellow solution gives a red precipitate of cuprous hydrate or metallic copper, and it reduces salts of silver and mercury entirely. An exactly similar solution is obtained by the action of zinc on sodium bisulphite without access of air and in the cold. The yellow liquid absorbs oxygen from the air with great avidity, and forms a sulphate. If the solution be mixed with alcohol, it deposits a double sulphite of zinc and sodium, ZnNa2(SO3)2, which does not decolorise litmus or indigo. The remaining alcoholic solution deposits colourless crystals in the cold, which absorb oxygen with great energy in the presence of water, but are tolerably stable when dried under the receiver of an air-pump. The solution of these crystals has the above-mentioned decolorising and reducing properties. These crystals contain a sodium salt of a lower acid; their composition was at first supposed to be HNaSO2, but it was afterwards proved that they do not contain hydrogen, and present the composition Na2S2O4 (Bernthsen). The same salt is formed by the action of a galvanic current on a solution of sodium bisulphite, owing to the action of the hydrogen at the moment of its liberation. If SO2 resembles CO2 in its composition, then hyposulphurous acid H2S2O4 resembles oxalic acid H2C2O4. Perhaps an analogue of formic acid SH2O2 will be discovered.

[40] The instability of this salt is very great, and may be compared to that of the compound of ferrous sulphate with nitric oxide, for when heated under the contact influence of spongy platinum, charcoal, &c., it splits up into potassium sulphate and nitrous oxide. At 130° the dry salt gives off nitric oxide, and re-forms potassium sulphite. The free acid has not yet been obtained. These salts resemble the series of sulphonitrites discovered by FrÉmy in 1845. They are obtained by passing sulphurous anhydride through a concentrated and strongly alkaline aqueous solution of potassium nitrite. They are soluble in water, but are precipitated by an excess of alkali. The first product of the action has the composition K3NS3HO9. It is then converted by the further action of sulphurous anhydride, cold water, and other reagents into a series of similar complex salts, many of which give well-formed crystals. One must suppose that the chief cause of the formation of these very complex compounds is that they contain unsaturated compounds, NO, KNO2, and KHSO3, all of which are subject to oxidation and further combination, and therefore easily combine among each other. The decomposition of these compounds, with the evolution of ammonia, when their solutions are heated is due to the fact that the molecule contains the deoxidant, sulphurous anhydride, which reduces the nitrous acid, NO(OH), to ammonia. In my opinion the composition of the sulphonitrites may be very simply referred to the composition of ammonia, in which the hydrogen is partly replaced by the radicle of the sulphates. If we represent the composition of potassium sulphate as KO.KSO3, the group KSO3 will be equivalent (according to the law of substitution) to HO and to hydrogen. It combines with hydrogen, forming the potassium acid sulphite, KHSO3. Hence the group KSO3 may also replace the hydrogen in ammonia. Judging by my analysis (1870) the extreme limit of this substitution, N(HSO3)3, agrees with that of the sulphonitrite, which is easily formed, simultaneously with alkali, by the action of potassium sulphite on potassium nitrite, according to the equation 3K(KSO3) + KNO2 + 2H2O = N(KSO3)3 + 4HKO. The researches of Berglund, and especially of Raschig (1887), fully verified my conclusions, and showed that we must distinguish the following types of salts, corresponding with ammonia, where X stands for the sulphonic group, HSO3, in which the hydrogen is replaced by potassium; hence X = KSO3: (1) NH2X, (2) NHX2, (3) NH3, (4) N(OH)XH, (5) N(OH)X2, (6) N(OH)2X, just as NH2(OH) is hydroxylamine, NH(OH)2, is the hydrate of nitrous oxide, and N(OH)3 is orthonitrous acid, as follows from the law of substitution. This class of compounds is in most intimate relation with the series of sulphonitrous compounds, corresponding with ‘chamber crystals’ and their acids, which we shall consider later.

[41] In the sulphuric acid chambers the lower oxides of nitrogen and sulphur take part in the reaction. They are oxidised by the oxygen of the air, and form nitro-sulphuric acid—for example, 2SO2 + N2O3 + O2 + H2O = 2NHSO5. This compound dissolves in strong sulphuric acid without changing, and when this solution is diluted (when the sp. gr. falls to 1·5), it splits up into sulphuric acid and nitrous anhydride, and by the action of sulphurous anhydride is converted into nitric oxide, which by itself (in the absence of nitric acid or oxygen) is insoluble in sulphuric acid. These reactions are taken advantage of in retaining the oxides of nitrogen in the Gay-Lussac coke-towers, and for extracting the absorbed oxides of nitrogen from the resultant solution in the Glover tower. Although nitric oxide is not absorbed by sulphuric acid, it reacts (Rose, BrÜning) on its anhydride, and forms sulphurous anhydride and a crystalline substance, N2S2O9 = 2NO + 3SO3 - SO2 = N2O32SO3. This may be regarded as the anhydride of nitro-sulphuric acid, because N2S2O9 = 2NHSO5 - H2O; like nitro-sulphuric acid, it is decomposed by water into nitro-sulphuric acid and nitrous anhydride. Since boric and arsenious anhydrides, alumina and other oxides of the form R2O3 are able to combine with sulphuric anhydride to form similar compounds decomposable by water, the above compound does not present any exceptional phenomenon. The substance NOClSO3 obtained by Weber by the action of nitrosyl chloride upon sulphuric anhydride belongs to this class of compounds.

[41 bis] Many double salts of thiosulphuric acid are known, for instance, PbS2O3,3Na2S2O3,12H2O; CaS2O3,3K2S2O3,5H2O, &c. (Fortman, Schwicker, Fock, and others).

[42] Thus when alkali waste, which contains calcium sulphide, undergoes oxidation in the air it first forms a calcium polysulphide, and then calcium thiosulphate, CaS2O3. When iron or zinc acts on a solution of sulphurous acid, besides the hyposulphurous acid first formed, a mixture of sulphite and thiosulphate is obtained (Note 39), 3SO2 + Zn2 = ZnSO3 + ZnS2O3. In this case, as in the formation of hyposulphurous acid, there is no hydrogen liberated. One of the most common methods for preparing thiosulphates consists in the action of sulphur on the alkalis. The reaction is accomplished by the formation of sulphides and thiosulphates, just as the reaction of chlorine on alkalis is accompanied by the formation of hypochlorites and chlorides; hence in this respect the thiosulphates hold the same position in the order of the compounds of sulphur as the hypochlorites do among the chlorine compounds. The reaction of caustic soda on an excess of sulphur may be expressed thus: 6NaHO + 12S = 2Na2S5 + Na2S2O3 + 3H2O. Thus sulphur is soluble in alkalis. On a large scale sodium thiosulphate, Na2S2O3, is prepared by first heating sodium sulphate with charcoal, to form sodium sulphide, which is then dissolved in water and treated with sulphurous anhydride. The reaction is complete when the solution has become slightly acid. A certain amount of caustic alkali is added to the slightly acid solution; a portion of the sulphur is thus precipitated, and the solution is then boiled and evaporated when the salt crystallises out. The saturation of the solution of sodium sulphide by sulphurous anhydride is carried on in different ways—for example, by means of coke-towers, by causing the solution of sulphide to trickle over the coke, and the sulphurous anhydride, obtained by burning sulphur, to pass up the coke-tower from below. An excess of sulphurous anhydride must be avoided, as otherwise sodium trithionate is formed. Sodium thiophosphate is also prepared by the double decomposition of the soluble calcium thiosulphate with sodium sulphate or carbonate, in which case calcium sulphate or carbonate is precipitated. The calcium thiosulphate is prepared by the action of sulphurous anhydride on either calcium sulphide or alkali waste. A dilute solution of calcium thiosulphate may be obtained by treating alkali waste which has been exposed to the action of air with water. On evaporation, this solution gives crystals of the salt containing CaS2O3,5H2O. A solution of calcium thiosulphate must be evaporated with great care, because otherwise the salt breaks up into sulphur and calcium sulphide. Even the crystallised salt sometimes undergoes this change.

The crystals of sodium thiosulphate are stable, do not effloresce and at 0° dissolve in one part of water, and at 20° in 0·6 part. The solution of this salt does not undergo any change when boiled for a short time, but after prolonged boiling it deposits sulphur. The crystals fuse at 56°, and lose all their water at 100°. When the dry salt is ignited it gives sodium sulphide and sulphate. With acids, a solution of the thiosulphate soon becomes cloudy and deposits an exceedingly fine powder of sulphur (Note 10). If the amount of acid added be considerable, it also evolves sulphurous anhydride: H2S2O3 = H2O + S + SO2. Sodium thiosulphate has many practical uses; it is used in photography for dissolving silver chloride and bromide. Its solvent action on silver chloride may be taken advantage of in extracting this metal as chloride from its ores. In dissolving, it forms a double salt of silver and sodium: AgCl + Na2S2O3 = NaCl + AgNaS2O3. Sodium thiosulphate is an antichlor—that is, a substance which hinders the destructive action of free chlorine owing to its being very easily oxidised by chlorine into sulphuric acid and sodium chloride. The reaction with iodine is different, and is remarkable for the accuracy with which it proceeds. The iodine takes up half the sodium from the salt and converts it into a tetrathionate; 2Na2S2O3 + I2 = 2NaI + Na2S4O6, and hence this reaction is employed for the determination of free iodine. As iodine is expelled from potassium iodide by chlorine, it is possible also to determine the amount of chlorine by this method if potassium iodide be added to a solution containing chlorine. And as many of the higher oxides are able to evolve iodine from potassium iodide, or chlorine from hydrochloric acid (for example, the higher oxides of manganese, chromium, &c.), it is also possible to determine the amounts of these higher oxides by means of sodium thiosulphate and liberated iodine. This forms the basis of the iodometric method of volumetric analysis. The details of these methods will be found in works on analytical chemistry.

On adding a solution of a lead salt gradually to a solution of sodium thiosulphate a white precipitate of lead thiosulphate, PbS2O3, is formed (a soluble double salt is first formed, and if the action be rapid, lead sulphide). When this substance is heated at 200°, it undergoes a change and takes fire. Sodium thiosulphate in solution rapidly reduces cupric salts to cuprous salts by means of the sulphurous acid contained in the thiosulphate, but the resultant cuprous oxide is not precipitated, because it passes into the state of a thiosulphate and forms a double salt. These double cuprous salts are excellent reducing agents. The solution when heated gives a black precipitate of copper sulphide.

The following formulÆ sufficiently explain the position held by thiosulphuric acid among the other acids of sulphur:

Sulphurous acid SO2H(OH)
Sulphuric acid SO2OH(OH)
Thiosulphuric acid SO2SH(OH)
Hyposulphurous acid SO2H(SO2H)
Dithionic acid SO2OH(SO2OH)

At one time it was thought that all the salts of thiosulphuric acid only existed in combination with water, and it was then supposed that their composition was H4S2O4, or H2SO2, but Popp obtained the anhydrous salts.

[43] Nordhausen sulphuric acid may serve as a very simple means for the preparation of sulphuric anhydride. For this purpose the Nordhausen acid is heated in a glass retort, whose neck is firmly fixed in the mouth of a well-cooled flask. The access of moisture is prevented by connecting the receiver with a drying-tube. On heating the retort the vapours of sulphuric anhydride will pass over into the receiver, where they condense; the crystals of anhydride thus prepared will, however, contain traces of sulphuric acid—that is, of the hydrate. By repeatedly distilling over phosphoric anhydride, it is possible to obtain the pure anhydride, SO3, especially if the process be carried on without access of air in a closed vessel.

The ordinary sulphuric anhydride, which is imperfectly freed from the hydrate, is a snow-white, exceedingly volatile substance, which crystallises (generally by sublimation) in long silky prisms, and only gives the pure anhydride when carefully distilled over P2O5. Freshly prepared crystals of almost pure anhydride fuse at 16° into a colourless liquid having a specific gravity at 26° = 1·91, and at 47° = 1·81; it volatilises at 46°. After being kept for some time the anhydride, even containing only small traces of water, undergoes a change of the following nature: A small quantity of sulphuric acid combines by degrees with a large proportion of the anhydride, forming polysulphuric acids, H2SO4,nSO3, which fuse with difficulty (even at 100°, Marignac), but decompose when heated. In the entire absence of water this rise in the fusing point does not occur (Weber), and then the anhydride long remains liquid, and solidifies at about +15°, volatilises at 40°, and has a specific gravity 1·94 at 16°. We may add that Weber (1881), by treating sulphuric anhydride with sulphur, obtained a blue lower oxide of sulphur, S2O3. Selenium and tellurium also give similar products with SO3, SeSO3, and TeSO3. Water does not act upon them.

[44] Pyrosulphuric chloranhydride, or pyrosulphuryl chloride, S2O5Cl2, corresponds to pyrosulphuric acid, in the same way that sulphuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, corresponds to sulphuric acid. The composition S2O5Cl2 = SO2Cl2 + SO3. It is obtained by the action of the vapour of sulphuric anhydride on sulphur chloride: S2Cl2 + 5SO3 = 5SO2 + S2O5Cl2. It is also formed (and not sulphuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, Michaelis) by the action of phosphorus pentachloride in excess on sulphuric acid (or its first chloranhydride, SHO3Cl). It is an oily liquid, boiling at about 150°, and of sp. gr. 1·8. According to Konovaloff (Chapter VII.), its vapour density is normal. It should be noticed that the same substance is obtained by the action of sulphuric anhydride on sulphur tetrachloride, and also on carbon tetrachloride, and this substance is the last product of the metalepsis of CH4, and therefore the comparison of SCl2 and S2Cl2 with products of metalepsis (see later) also finds confirmation in particular reactions. Rose, who obtained pyrosulphuryl chloride, S2O5Cl2, regarded it as SCl6,5SO3, for at that time an endeavour was always made to find two component parts of opposite polarity, and this substance was cited as a proof of the existence of a hexachloride, SCl6. Pyrosulphuryl chloride is decomposed by cold water, but more slowly than chlorosulphuric acid and the other chloranhydrides.

The relation between pyrosulphuric acid and the normal acid will be obvious if we express the latter by the formula OH(SO3H), because the sulphonic group (SO3H) is then evidently equivalent to OH, and consequently to H, and if we replace both the hydrogens in water by this radicle we shall obtain (SO3H)2O—that is, pyrosulphuric acid.

[45] The removal of the water, or concentration to almost the real acid, H2SO4, is effected for two reasons: in the first place to avoid the expense of transit (it is cheaper to remove the water than to pay for its transit), and in the second place because many processes—for instance, the refining of petroleum—require a strong acid free from an excess of water, the weak acid having no action. When in the manufacture of chamber acid, both the Gay-Lussac tower (cold, situated at the end of the chambers) and the Glover tower (hot, situated at the beginning of the plant, between the chambers and ovens for the production of SO2) are employed, a mixture of nitrose (i.e. the product of the Gay-Lussac tower) and chamber acid containing about 60 p.c. H2SO4, is poured into the Glover tower, where under the action of the hot furnace gases containing SO2, and the water held in the chamber acid (1) N2O3 is evolved from the nitrose; (2) water is expelled from the chamber acid; (3) a portion of the SO2 is converted into H2SO4; and (4) the furnace gases are cooled. Thus, amongst other things, the Glover tower facilitates the concentration of the chamber acid (removal of H2O), but the product generally contains many impurities.

[46] The difficulty with which the last portions of water are removed is seen from the fact that the boiling becomes very irregular, totally ceasing at one moment, then suddenly starting again, with the rapid formation of a considerable amount of steam, and at the same time bumping and even overturning the vessel in which it is held. Hence it is not a rare occurrence for the glass retorts to break during the distillation; this causes platinum retorts to be preferred, as the boiling then proceeds quite uniformly.

[47] According to Regnault, the vapour tensions (in millimetres of mercury) of the water given off by the hydrates of sulphuric acid, H2SO4,nH2O, are—

t=5° 15° 30°
n=1 0·1 0·1 0·2
2 0·4 0·7 1·5
3 0·9 1·6 4·1
4 1·3 2·8 7·0
5 2·1 4·2 10·7
7 3·2 6·2 15·6
9 4·1 8·0 19·6
11 4·4 9·0 22·2
17 5·5 10·6 26·1

According to Lunge, the vapour tension of the aqueous vapour given off from solutions of sulphuric acid containing p per cent. H2SO4, at t°, equals the barometric pressure 720 to 730 mm.

p = 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95
t = 102° 105° 108° 114° 124° 141° 170° 207° 233° 262° 295°

The latter figures give the temperature at which water is easily expelled from solutions of sulphuric acid of different strengths. But the evaporation begins sooner, and concentration may be carried on at lower temperatures if a stream of air be passed through the acid. Kessler's process is based upon this (Note 48).

[48] The greatest part of the sulphuric acid is used in the soda manufacture, in the conversion of the common salt into sulphate. For this purpose an acid having a density of 60° BaumÉ is amply sufficient. Chamber acid has a density up to 1·57 = 50° to 51° BaumÉ; it contains about 35 per cent. of water. About 15 per cent. of this water can be removed in leaden stills, and nearly all the remainder may be expelled in glass or platinum vessels. Acid of 66° BaumÉ, = 1·847, contains about 96 per cent. of the hydrate H2SO4. The density falls with a greater or less proportion of water, the maximum density corresponding with 97½ per cent. of the hydrate H2SO4. The concentration of H2SO4 in platinum retorts has the disadvantage that sulphuric acid, upwards of 90 per cent. in strength, does corrode platinum, although but slightly (a few grams per tens of tons of acid). The retorts therefore require repairing, and the cost of the platinum exceeds the price obtained for concentrating the acid from 90 per cent. to 98 per cent. (in factories the acid is not concentrated beyond this by evaporation in the air). This inconvenience has lately (1891, by Mathey) been eliminated by coating the inside of the platinum retorts with a thin (0·1 to 0·02 mm.) layer of gold which is 40 times less corroded by sulphuric acid than platinum. NÉgrier (1890) carries on the distillation in porcelain dishes, Blond by heating a thin platinum wire immersed in the acid by means of an electric current, but the most promising method is that of Kessler (1891), which consists in passing hot air over sulphuric acid flowing in a thin stream in stone vessels, so that there is no boiling but only evaporation at moderate temperatures: the transference of the heat is direct (and not through the sides of the vessels), which economises the fuel and prevents the distilling vessels being damaged.

When, by evaporation of the water, sulphuric acid attains a density of 66° BaumÉ (sp. gr. 1·84), it is impossible to concentrate it further, because it then distils over unchanged. The distillation of sulphuric acid is not generally carried on on a large scale, but forms a laboratory process, employed when particularly pure acid is required. The distillation is effected either in platinum retorts furnished with corresponding condensers and receivers, or in glass retorts. In the latter case, great caution is necessary, because the boiling of sulphuric acid itself is accompanied by still more violent jerks and greater irregularity than even the evaporation of the last portions of water contained in the acid. If the glass retort which holds the strong sulphuric acid to be distilled be heated directly from below, it frequently jerks and breaks. For greater safety the heating is not effected from below, but at the sides of the retort. The evaporation then does not proceed in the whole mass, but only from the upper portions of the liquid, and therefore goes on much more quietly. The acid may be made to boil quietly also by surrounding the retort with good conductors of heat—for example, iron filings, or by immersing a bunch of platinum wires in the acid, as the bubbles of sulphuric acid vapour then form on the extremities of the wires.

[49] Thus it appears that so common, and apparently so stable, a compound as sulphuric acid decomposes even at a low temperature with separation of the anhydride, but this decomposition is restricted by a limit, corresponding to the presence of about 1½ p.c. of water, or to a composition of nearly H2O,12H2SO4.

Now there is no reason for thinking that this substance is a definite compound; it is an equilibrated system which does not decompose under ordinary circumstances below 338°. Dittmar carried on the distillation under pressures varying between 30 and 2,140 millimetres (of mercury), and he found that the composition of the residue hardly varies, and contains from 99·2 to 98·2 per cent. of the normal hydrate, although at 30 mm. the temperature of distillation is about 210° and at 2,140 mm. it is 382°. Furthermore, it is a fact of practical importance that under a pressure of two atmospheres the distillation of sulphuric acid proceeds very quietly.

Sulphuric acid may be purified from the majority of its impurities by distillation, if the first and last portions of the distillate be rejected. The first portions will contain the oxides of nitrogen, hydrochloric acid, &c., and the last portions the less volatile impurities. The oxides of nitrogen may be removed by heating the acid with charcoal, which converts them into volatile gases. Sulphuric acid may be freed from arsenic by heating it with manganese dioxide and then distilling. This oxidises all the arsenic into non-volatile arsenic acid. Without a preliminary oxidation it would partially remain as volatile arsenious acid, and might pass over into the distillate. The arsenic may also be driven off by first reducing it to arsenious acid, and then passing hydrochloric acid gas through the heated acid. It is then converted into arsenious chloride, which volatilises.

[50] The amount of heat developed by the mixture of sulphuric acid with water is expressed in the diagram on p. 77, Volume I., by the middle curve, whose abscissÆ are the percentage amounts of acid (H2SO4) in the resultant solution, and ordinates the number of units of heat corresponding with the formation of 100 cubic centimetres of the solution (at 18°). The calculations on which the curve is designed are based on Thomsen's determinations, which show that 98 grams or a molecular amount of sulphuric acid, in combining with m molecules of water (that is, with m=18 grams of water), develop the following number of units of heat, R:—

m = 1 2 3 5 9 19 49 100 200
R = 6379 9418 11137 13108 14952 16256 16684 16859 17066
c = 0·432 0·470 0·500 0·576 0·701 0·821 0·914 0·954 0·975
T = 127° 149° 146° 121° 82° 45° 19°

c stands for the specific heat of H2SO4mH2O (according to Marignac and Pfaundler), and T for the rise in temperature which proceeds from the mixture of H2SO4 with mH2O. The diagram shows that contraction and rise of temperature proceed almost parallel with each other.

[50 bis] Pickering (1890) showed (a) that dilute solutions of sulphuric acid containing up to H2SO4 + 10H2O deposit ice (at -0°·12 when there is 2,000H2O per H2SO4, at -0°·23 when there is 1,000H2O, at -1°·04 when there is 200H2O, at -2°·12 when there is 100H2O, at -4°·5 when there is 50H2O, at -15°·7 when there is 20H2O, and at -61° when the composition of the solution is H2SO4 + 10H2O); (b) that for higher concentrations crystals separate out at a considerable degree of cold, having the composition H2SO44H2O, which melt at -24°·5, and if either water or H2SO4 be added to this compound the temperature of crystallisation falls, so that a solution of the composition 12H2SO4 + 100H2O gives crystals of the above hydrate at -70°, 15H2SO4 + 100H2O at -47°, 30H2SO4 + 100H2O at -32°, 40H2SO4 + 100H2O at -52°; (c) that if the amount of H2SO4 be still greater, then a hydrate H2SO4H2O separates out and melts at +8°·5, while the addition of water or sulphuric acid to it lowers the temperature of crystallisation so that the crystallisation of H2SO4H2O from a solution of the composition H2SO4 + 1·73H2O takes place at -22°, H2SO4 + 1·5H2O at -6°·5, H2SO4 + 1·2H2O at +3°·7, H2SO4 + 0·75H2O at +2°·8, H2SO4 + 0·5H2O at -16°; (d) that when there is less than 40H2O per 100H2SO4, refrigeration separates out the normal hydrate H2SO4, which melts at +10°·35, and that a solution of the composition H2SO4 + 0·35H2O deposits crystals of this hydrate at -34°, H2SO4 + 0·1H2O at -4°·1, H2SO4 + 0·05H2O at +4°·9, while fuming acid of the composition H2SO4 + 0·05SO3 deposits H2SO4 at about +7°. Thus the temperature of the separation of crystals clearly distinguishes the above four regions of solutions, and in the space between H2SO4 + H2O and +25H2O a particular hydrate H2SO44H2O separates out, discovered by Pickering, the isolation of which deserves full attention and further research. I may add here that the existence of a hydrate H2SO44H2O was pointed out in my work, The Investigation of Aqueous Solutions, p. 120 (1887), upon the basis that it has at all temperatures a smaller value for the coefficient of expansion k in the formula St = S0/(1 - kt) than the adjacent (in composition) solutions of sulphuric acid. And for solutions approximating to H2SO410H2O in their composition, k is constant at all temperatures (for more dilute solutions the value of k increases with t and for more concentrated solutions it decreases). This solution (with 10H2O) forms the point of transition between more dilute solutions which deposit ice (water) when refrigerated and those which give crystals of H2SO44H2O. According to R. Pictet (1894) the solution H2SO410H2O freezes at -88° (but no reference is made as to what separates out), i.e. at a lower temperature than all the other solutions of sulphuric acid. However, in respect to these last researches of R. Pictet (for 88·88 p.c. H2SO4 -55°, for H2SO4H2O +3·5°, for H2SO42H2O -70°, for H2SO44H2O -40°, &c.) it should be remarked that they offer some quite improbable data; for example, for H2SO475H2O they give the freezing point as 0°, for H2SO4300H2O +4°·5, and even for H2SO41000H2O +0°·5, although it is well known that a small amount of sulphuric acid lowers the temperature of the formation of ice. I have found by direct experiment that a frozen solidified solution of H2SO4 + 300H2O melted completely at 0°.

[51] With an excess of snow, the hydrate H2SO4,H2O, like the normal hydrate, gives a freezing mixture, owing to the absorption of a large amount of heat (the latent heat of fusion). In melting, the molecule H2SO4 absorbs 960 heat units, and the molecule H2SO4H2O 3,680 heat units. If therefore we mix one gram molecule of this hydrate with seventeen gram molecules of snow, there is an absorption of 18,080 heat units, because 17H2O absorbs 17 × 1,430 heat units, and the combination of the monohydrate with water evolves 9,800 heat units. As the specific heat of the resultant compound H2SO4,18H2O = 0·813, the fall of temperature will be -52°·6. And, in fact, a very low temperature may be obtained by means of sulphuric acid.

[52] For example, if it be taken that at 19° the sp. gr. of pure sulphuric acid is 1·8330, then at 20° it is 1·8330 - (20 - 19)10·13 = 1·8320.

[53] Unfortunately, notwithstanding the great number of fragmentary and systematic researches which have been made (by Parks, Ure, Bineau, Kolbe, Lunge, Marignac, Kremers, Thomsen, Perkin, and others) for determining the relation between the sp. gr. and composition of solutions of sulphuric acid, they contain discrepancies which amount to, and even exceed, 0·002 in the sp. gr. For instance, at 15°·4 the solution of composition H2SO43H2O has a sp. gr. 1·5493 according to Perkin (1886), 1·5501 according to Pickering (1890), and 1·5525 according to Lunge (1890). The cause of these discrepancies must be looked for in the methods employed for determining the composition of the solutions—i.e. in the inaccuracy with which the percentage amount of H2SO4 is determined, for a difference of 1 p.c. corresponds to a difference of from 0·0070 (for very weak solutions) to 0·0118 (for a solution containing about 73 p.c.) in the specific gravity (that is the factor ds/dp) at 15°. As it is possible to determine the specific gravity with an accuracy even exceeding 0·0002, the specific gravities given in the adjoining tables are only averages and most probable data in which the error, especially for the 30–80 p.c. solutions cannot be less than 0·0010 (taking water at 4° as 1).

[53 bis] Judging from the best existing determinations (of Marignac, Kremers, and Pickering) for solutions of sulphuric acid (especially those containing more than 5 p.c. H2SO4) within the limits of 0° and 30° (and even to 40°), the variation of the sp. gr. with the temperature t may (within the accuracy of the existing determinations) be perfectly expressed by the equation St = S0 + At + Bt2. It must be added that (1) three specific gravities fully determine the variation of the density with t; (2) ds/dt = A + 2Bti.e. the factor of the temperature is expressed by a straight line; (3) the value of A (if p be greater than 5 p.c.) is negative, and numerically much greater than B; (4) the value of B for dilute solutions containing less than 25 p.c. is negative; for solutions approximating to H2SO43H2O in their composition it is equal to 0, and for solutions of greater concentration B is positive; (5) the factor ds/dp for all temperatures attains a maximum value about H2SO4H2O; (6) on dividing ds/dt by S0, and so obtaining the coefficient of expansion k (see Note 53), a minimum is obtained near H2SO4 and H2SO44H2O, and a maximum at H2SO4H2O for all temperatures.

[53 tri] These data (as well as those in the following table) have been recalculated by me chiefly upon the basis of Kremer's, Pickering's, Perkin's, and my own determinations; all the requisite corrections have been introduced, and I have reason for thinking that in each of them the probable error (or difference from the true figures, now unknown) of the specific gravity does not exceed ±0·0007 (if water at 4° = 1) for the 25–80 p.c. solutions, and ±0·0002 for the more dilute or concentrated solutions.

[54] The factor dS/dp passes through 0, that is, the specific gravity attains a maximum value at about 98 p.c. This was discovered by Kohlrausch, and confirmed by Chertel, Pickering, and others.

[55] Naturally under the condition that there is no other ingredient besides water, which is sufficiently true. For commercial acid, whose specific gravity is usually expressed in degrees of BaumÉ's hydrometer, we may add that at 15°

Specific gravity 1 1·1 1·2 1·3 1·4 1·5 1·6 1·7 1·8
Degree BaumÉ 0 13 24 33·3 41·2 48·1 54·1 59·5 64·2

66° BaumÉ (the strongest commercial acid or oil of vitriol) corresponds to a sp. gr. 1·84.

By employing the second table (by the method of interpolation) the specific gravity, at a given temperature (from 0° to 30°) can be found for any percentage amount of H2SO4, and therefore conversely the percentage of H2SO4 can be found from the specific gravity.

[55 bis] Whether similar (even small) breaks in the continuity of the factor dS/dp exist or not, for other hydrates (for instance, for H2SO4H2O and H2SO44H2O) cannot as yet be affirmed owing to the want of accurate data (Note 53). In my investigation of this subject (1887) I admit their possibility, but only conditionally; and now, without insisting upon a similar opinion, I only hold to the existence of a distinct break in the factor at H2SO4, being guided by C. Winkler's observations ond the specific gravities of fuming sulphuric acid.

[56] In 1887, on considering all the existent observations for a temperature 0°, I gave the accompanying scheme (p. 243) of the variation of the factor ds/dp at 0°.

I did not then (1887) give this scheme an absolute value, and now after the appearance of two series of new determinations (Lunge and Pickering in 1890), which disagree in many points, I think it well to state quite clearly: (1) that Lunge's and Pickering's new determinations have not added to the accuracy of our data respecting the variation of the specific gravity of solutions of sulphuric acid; (2) that the sum total of existing data does not negative (within the limit of experimental accuracy) the possibility of a rectilinear and broken form for the factors ds/dp; (3) that the supposition of ‘special points’ in ds/dp, indicating definite hydrates, finds confirmation in all the latest determinations; (4) that the supposition respecting the existence of hydrates determining a break of the factor ds/dp is in in way altered if, instead of a series of broken straight lines, there be a continuous series of curves, nearly approaching straight lines; and (5) that this subject deserves (as I mentioned in 1887) new and careful elaboration, because it concerns that foremost problem in our science—solutions—and introduces a special method into it—that is, the study of differential variations in a property which is so easily observed as the specific gravity of a liquid.

[56 bis] These hydrates are: (a) H2SO4 = SO3H2O (melts at + 10°·4); (b) H2SO4H2O = SO32H2O (crystallo-hydrate, melts at +8°·5); (c) H2SO42H2O (is apparently not crystallisable); (d) one of the hydrates between H2SO46H2O and H2SO43H2O, most probably H2SO44H2O = SO35H2O, for it crystallises at -24°·5 (Note 50 bis); and (e) a certain hydrate with a large proportion of water, about H2SO4150H2O. The existence of the last is inferred from the fact that the factor ds/dp first falls, starting from water, and then rises, and this change takes place when p is less than 5 p.c. Certainly a change in the variation of ds/dp or ds/dt does take place in the neighbourhood of these five hydrates (Pickering, 1890, recognised a far greater number of hydrates). I think it well to add that if the composition of the solutions be expressed by the percentage amount of molecules—r1SO3 + (100 - r1)H2O we find that for H2SO4, r1 = 50, for H2SO42H2O r1 = 25 = 50/2, for H2SO4H2O, r1 = 33·333 = 50·?, while for H2SO44H2O, r1 = 16·666 = 50·?—i.e. that the chief hydrates are distributed symmetrically between H2O and H2SO4. Besides which I may mention that my researches (1887) upon the abrupt changes in the factor for solutions of sulphuric acid, and upon the correspondence of the breaks of ds/dp with definite hydrates, received an indirect confirmation not only in the solutions of HNO3, HCl, C2H6O, C3H8O, &c., which I investigated (in my work cited in Chapter I., Note 19), but also in the careful observations made by Professor Cheltzoff on the solutions of FeCl3 and ZnCl2 (Chapter XVI., Note 4) which showed the existence in these solutions of an almost similar change in ds/dp as is found in sulphuric acid. The detailed researches (1893) made by Tourbaba on the solutions of many organic substances are of a similar nature. Besides which, H. Crompton (1888), in his researches on the electrical conductivity of solutions of sulphuric acid, and Tammann, in his observations on their vapour tension, found a correlation with the hydrates indicated as above by the investigation of their specific gravities. The influence of mixtures of a definite composition upon the chemical relations of solutions is even exhibited in such a complex process as electrolysis. V. Kouriloff (1891) showed that mixtures containing about 3 p.c., 47 p.c. and 73 p.c. of sulphuric acid—i.e. whose composition approaches that of the hydrates H2SO4150H2O, H2SO46H2O and H2SO42H2O—exhibit certain peculiarities in respect to the amount of peroxide of hydrogen formed during electrolysis. Thus a 3 p.c. solution gives a maximum amount of peroxide of hydrogen at the negative pole, as compared with that given by other neighbouring concentrations. Starting from 3 p.c., the formation of peroxide of hydrogen ceases until a concentration of 47 p.c. is reached.

[57] Cellulose, for instance unsized paper or calico, is dissolved by strong sulphuric acid. Acid diluted with about half its volume of water converts it (if the action be of short duration) into vegetable parchment (Chapter I., Note 18). The action of dilute solutions of sulphuric acid converts it into hydro-cellulose, and the fibre loses its coherent quality and becomes brittle. The prolonged action of strong sulphuric acid chars the cellulose while dilute acid converts it into glucose. If sulphuric acid be kept in an open vessel, the organic matter of the dust held in the atmosphere falls into it and blackens the acid. The same thing happens if sulphuric acid be kept in a bottle closed by a cork; the cork becomes charred, and the acid turns black. However, the chemical properties of the acid undergo only a very slight change when it turns black. Sulphuric acid which is considerably diluted with water does not produce the above effects, which clearly shows their dependence on the affinity of the sulphuric acid for water. It is evident from the preceding that strong sulphuric acid will act as a powerful poison; whilst, on the other hand, when very dilute it is employed in certain medicines and as a fertiliser for plants.

[58] Weber (1884) obtained a series of salts R2O,8SO3nH2O for K, Rb, Cs, and Tl.

[58 bis] Ditte (1890) divides all the metals into two groups with respect to sulphuric acid; the first group includes silver, mercury, copper, lead, and bismuth, which are only acted upon by hot concentrated acid. In this case sulphurous anhydride is evolved without any by-reactions. The second group contains manganese, nickel, cobalt, iron, zinc, cadmium, aluminium, tin, thallium, and the alkali metals. They react with sulphuric acid of any concentration at any temperature. At a low temperature hydrogen is disengaged, and at higher temperatures (and with very concentrated acid) hydrogen and sulphurous anhydride are simultaneously evolved.

[59] For example, the action of hot sulphuric acid on nitrogenous compounds, as applied in Kjeldahl's method for the estimation of nitrogen (Volume I. p. 249). It is obvious that when sulphuric acid acts as an oxidising agent it forms sulphurous anhydride.

The action of sulphuric acid on the alcohols is exactly similar to its action on alkalis, because the alcohols, like alkalis, react on acids; a molecule of alcohol with a molecule of sulphuric acid separates water and forms an acid ethereal salt—that is there is produced an ethereal compound corresponding with acid salts. Thus, for example, the action of sulphuric acid, H2SO4, on ordinary alcohol, C2H5OH, gives water and sulphovinic acid, C2H5HSO4—that is, sulphuric acid in which one atom of hydrogen is replaced by the radicle C2H5 of ethyl alcohol, SO2(OH)(OC2H5), or, what is the same thing, the hydrogen in alcohol is replaced by the radicle (sulphoxyl) of sulphuric acid, C2H5O.SO2(OH).

[60] We will mention the following difference between the sulphonic acids and the ethereal acid sulphates (Note 59): the former re-form sulphuric acid with difficulty and the latter easily. Thus sulphovinic acid when heated with an excess of water is reconverted into alcohol and sulphuric acid. This is explained in the following manner. Both these classes of acids are produced by the substitution of hydrogen by SO3H, or the univalent radicle of sulphuric acid, but in the formation of ethereal acid sulphates the SO3H replaces the hydrogen of the hydroxyl in the alcohol, whilst in the formation of the sulphonic acids the SO3H replaces the hydrogen of a hydrocarbon. This difference is clearly evidenced in the existence of two acids of the composition SO4C2H6. The one, mentioned above, is sulphovinic acid or alcohol, C2H5.OH, in which the hydrogen of the hydroxyl is replaced by sulphoxyl = C2H5.OSO3H, whilst the other is alcohol, in which one atom of the hydrogen in ethyl, C2H5, is replaced by the sulphonic group—that is = (C2H4)SO3H·OH. The latter is called isethionic acid. It is more stable than sulphovinic acid. The details as to these interesting compounds must be looked for in works on organic chemistry, but I think it necessary to note one of the general methods of formation of these acids. The sulphites of the alkalis—for example, K2SO3—when heated with the halogen products of metalepsis, give a halogen salt and a salt of a sulphonic acid. Thus methyl iodide, CH3I, derived from marsh gas, CH4, when heated to 100° with a solution of potassium sulphite, K2SO3, gives potassium iodide, KI, and potassium methylsulphonate, CH3SO3K—that is a salt of the sulphonic acid. This shows that the sulphonic acid may be referred to sulphurous acid, and that there is a resemblance between sulphuric and sulphurous acid, which clearly reveals itself here in the formation of one product from them both.

[61] The reaction BaO + O develops 12,000 heat units, whilst the reaction H2O + O absorbs 21,000 heat units.

[62] SchÖne obtained a compound of peroxide of barium with peroxide of hydrogen. If barium peroxide be dissolved in hydrochloric (or acetic) acid, or if a solution of hydrogen peroxide be diluted with a solution of barium hydroxide, a pure hydrate is precipitated having the composition BaO2,8H2O (sometimes the composition is taken as BaO2,6H2O). This fact was already known to ThÉnard. SchÖne showed that if hydrogen peroxide be in excess, a crystalline compound of the two peroxides, BaO2H2O2, is precipitated. SchÖne also obtained small well-formed crystals of the same composition by adding a solution of ammonia to an acid solution of barium peroxide (containing a barium salt and hydrogen peroxide or a compound of BaO2 with the acid). Thus barium peroxide combines with both water and hydrogen peroxide. This is a very important fact for the comprehension of the composition of other peroxides. Moreover, if the peroxides are able to give hydrates they can also form corresponding salts, i.e. they can combine with bases and acids, as was afterwards found to be the case on further research into this subject.

[63] Anhydrous sulphuric peroxide, S2O7, is obtained by the prolonged (8 to 10 hours) action of a silent discharge of considerable intensity on a mixture of oxygen and sulphurous anhydride; the vapour of sulphuric peroxide, S2O7, condenses as liquid drops, or after being cooled to 0° in the form of long prismatic crystals, resembling those of sulphuric anhydride. The anhydrous compound S2O7 (and also the hydrated compound) cannot be preserved long, as it splits up into oxygen and sulphuric anhydride. Direct experiment shows that a mixture of equal volumes of sulphurous anhydride and oxygen leaves a residue of a quarter of the oxygen taken, or half of the whole volume, which indicates the formula S2O7. This substance is soluble in water, and it then gives a hydrate, probably having the composition S2O7,H2O = 2SHO4. This solution oxidises the salts SnX2, potassium iodide, and others, which renders it possible to prove that the solution actually contains one atom of oxygen capable of effecting oxidation to two molecules of sulphuric anhydride.

In order to fully demonstrate the reality of a peroxide form for acids, it should be mentioned that some years ago Brodie obtained the so-called acetic peroxide, (C2H2O)2O2, by the action of barium peroxide on acetic anhydride, (C2H3O)2O. Its corresponding hydrate is also known. This shows that true peroxides and their hydrates, with reactions similar to those of hydrogen peroxide, are possible for acids. A similar higher oxide has long been known for chromium, and Berthelot obtained a like compound for nitric acid (Chapter VI., Note 26).

[64] When an acid of the strength H2SO46H2O is taken, at first only the hydrate of the sulphuric peroxide, S2O7H2O, is formed, but when the concentration at the positive pole reaches H2SO43H2O, a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and the hydrate of sulphuric peroxide begins to be formed. A state of equilibrium is ultimately arrived at when the amounts of these substances correspond to the proportion S2O7 : 2H2O2, which, as it were, answers to a new hydrate, S2O92H2O. But its existence cannot be admitted because the sulphuric peroxide can be easily distinguished from the hydrogen peroxide in the solution owing to the fact that the former does not act on an acid solution of potassium permanganate, whilst the hydrogen peroxide disengages both its own oxygen and that of the permanganic acid, converting it into manganous oxide. Their common property of liberating iodine from an acid solution of the potassium iodide enables the sum of the active oxygen in them both to be determined.

[65] If a solution of sulphuric acid which has been first subjected to electrolysis be neutralised with potash or baryta, the salt which is formed begins to decompose rapidly with the evolution of oxygen (Berthelot, 1890). On saturating with caustic baryta, the solution of the salt formed may be separated from the sulphate of barium, and then the composition of the resultant compound, BaS2O8, may be determined from the amount of oxygen disengaged. Marshall (1891) studied the formation of this class of compounds more fully; he subjected a saturated solution of bisulphate of potassium to electrolysis with a current of 3–3½ ampÈres; before electrolysis dilute sulphuric acid is added to the liquid surrounding the negative pole, and during electrolysis the solution at the anode is cooled. The electrolysis is continued without interruption for two days, and a white crystalline deposit separates at the anode. To avoid decomposition, the latter is not filtered through paper, but through a perforated platinum plate, and dried on a porous tile. The mother liquor, with the addition of a fresh solution of bisulphate of potassium, is again subjected to electrolysis and the crystals formed at the anode are again collected, &c. The salt so obtained may be recrystallised by dissolving it in hot water and rapidly cooling the solution after filtration; a small proportion of the salt is decomposed by this treatment. Rapid cooling is followed by the formation of small columnar crystals; slow cooling gives large prismatic crystals. The composition of the salt is determined either by igniting it, when it forms sulphate of potassium, or else by titrating the active oxygen with permanganate: its composition was found to correspond to the salt of persulphuric acid, K2S2O8. The solution of the salt has a neutral reaction, and does not give a precipitate with salts of other metals. K2S2O8 is the most insoluble of the salts of persulphuric acid. With nitrate of silver it forms persulphate of silver, which gives peroxide of silver under the action of water according to the equation Ag2S2O8 + 2H2O = Ag2O2 + 2H2SO4. With an alkaline solution of a cupric salt (Fehling's solution) it forms a red precipitate of peroxide of copper. Manganese and cobalt salts give precipitates of MnO2 and Co2O3. Ferrous salts are rapidly oxidised, potassium iodide slowly disengages iodine at the ordinary temperature. All these reactions indicate the powerful oxidising properties of K2S2O8. In oxidising in the presence of water it gives a residue of KHSO4. The decomposition of the dry salt begins at 100° but is not complete even at 250°. The freshly prepared salt is inodorous, but after being kept in a closed vessel it evolves a peculiar smell different from that of ozone. The ammonium salt of persulphuric acid, (NH4)2S2O8, is obtained in a similar manner. It is soluble to the extent of 58 parts per 100 parts by weight of water. The decomposition of the ammonium salt by the hydrated oxide of barium gives the barium salt, BaS2O84H2O, which is soluble to the extent of 52·2 parts in 100 parts of water at 0°. The crystals do not deliquesce in the air and decompose in the course of several days; they decompose most rapidly in perfectly dry air. Solutions of the pure salt decompose slowly at the ordinary temperature; on boiling barium sulphate is gradually precipitated, oxygen being liberated simultaneously. To completely decompose this salt it is necessary to boil its solution for a long time. Alcohol dissolves the solid salt; the anhydrous salt does not separate from the alcoholic solution, but a hydrate containing one molecule of water, BaS2O8H2O, which is soluble in water but insoluble in absolute alcohol. Solid barium persulphate decomposes even when slightly heated. The free acid, which may serve for the preparation of other salts, is obtained by treating the barium salt with sulphuric acid. The lead salt, PbS2O8, has been obtained from the free acid; it crystallises with two or three molecules of water. It is soluble in water, deliquesces in the air, and with alkalis gives a precipitate of the hydrated oxide which rapidly oxidises into the binoxide.

Traube, before Marshall's researches, thought that the electrolysis of solutions of sulphuric acid did not give persulphuric acid but a persulphuric oxide having the composition SO4. On repeating his former researches (1892) Traube obtained a persulphuric oxide by the electrolysis of a 70 per cent. solution of sulphuric acid, and he separated it from the solution by means of barium phosphate. Analysis showed that this substance corresponded to the above composition SO4, and therefore Traube considers it very likely that the salts obtained by Marshall corresponded to an acid H2SO4 + SO4, i.e. that the indifferent oxide, SO4, can combine with sulphuric acid and form peculiar saline compounds.

[65 bis] Or one of those supposed ions which appear at the positive pole in the decomposition of sulphuric acid by the action of a galvanic current.

[66] If this be true one would expect the following peroxide hydrates: for phosphoric acid, (H2PO4)2 = H4P2O8 = 2H2O + 2PO3; for carbonic acid, (HCO3)2 = H2C2O6 = H2O + C2O5; and for lead the true peroxide will be also Pb2O5, &c. Judging from the example of barium peroxide (Note 62), these peroxide forms will probably combine together. It seems to me that the compounds obtained by Fairley for uranium are very instructive as elucidating the peroxides. In the action of hydrogen peroxide in an acid solution on uranium oxide, UO3, there is formed a uranium peroxide, UO4,4H2O (U = 240), but hydrogen peroxide acts on uranium oxide in the presence of caustic soda; on the addition of alcohol a crystalline compound containing Na4UO8,4H2O is precipitated, which is doubtless a compound of the peroxides of sodium, Na2O2, and uranium, UO4. It is very possible that the first peroxide, UO4,4H2O, contains the elements of hydrogen peroxide and uranium peroxide, U2O7, or even U(OH)6,H2O2, just as the peroxide form lately discovered by Spring for tin perhaps contains Sn2O3,H2O2.

[67] This view was communicated by me in 1870 to the Russian Chemical Society.

[68] Dithionic acid, H2S2O6, is distinguished among the thionic acids as containing the least proportion of sulphur. It is also called hyposulphuric acid, because its supposed anhydride, S2O5, contains more O than sulphurous oxide, SO2 or S2O4, and less than sulphuric anhydride, SO3 or S2O6. Dithionic acid, discovered by Gay-Lussac and Welter, is known as a hydrate and as salts, but not as anhydride. The method for preparing dithionic acid usually employed is by the action of finely-powdered manganese dioxide on a solution of sulphurous anhydride. On shaking, the smell of the latter disappears, and the manganese salt of the acid in question passes into solution; MnO2 + 2SO2 = MnS2O6. If the temperature be raised, the dithionate splits up into sulphurous anhydride and manganese sulphate, MnSO4. Generally owing to this a mixture of manganese sulphate and dithionate is obtained in the solution. They may be separated by mixing the solution of the manganese salts with a solution of barium hydroxide, when a precipitate of manganese hydroxide and barium sulphate is obtained. In this manner barium dithionate only is obtained in solution. It is purified by crystallisation, and separates as BaS2O6,2H2O; this is then dissolved in water, and decomposed with the requisite amount of sulphuric acid. Dithionic acid, H2S2O6, then remains in solution. By concentrating the resultant solution under the receiver of an air-pump it is possible to obtain a liquid of sp. gr. 1·347, but it still contains water, and on further evaporation the acid decomposes into sulphuric acid and sulphurous anhydride: H2S2O6 = H2SO4 + SO2. The same decomposition takes place if the solution be slightly heated. Like all the thionic acids, dithionic acid is readily attacked by oxidising agents, and passes into sulphurous acid. No dithionate is able to withstand the action of heat, even when very slight, without giving off sulphurous anhydride: K2S2O6 = K2SO4 + SO2. The alkali dithionates have a neutral reaction (which indicates the energetic nature of the acid) are soluble in water, and in this respect present a certain resemblance to the salts of nitric acid (their anhydrides are: N2O5 and S2O5). KlÜss (1888) described many of the salts of dithionic acid.

Langlois, about 1840, obtained a peculiar thionic acid by heating a strong solution of acid potassium sulphite with flowers of sulphur to about 60°, until the disappearance of the yellow coloration first produced by the solution of the sulphur. On cooling, a portion of the sulphur was precipitated, and crystals of a salt of trithionic acid, K2S3O6 (partly mixed with potassium sulphate), separated out. Plessy afterwards showed that the action of sulphurous acid on a thiosulphate also gives sulphur and trithionic acid: 2K2S2O3 + 3SO2 = 2K2S3O6 + S. A mixture of potassium acid sulphite and thiosulphate also gives a trithionate. It is very possible that a reaction of the same kind occurs in the formation of trithionic acid by Langloid's method, because potassium sulphite and sulphur yield potassium thiosulphate. The potassium thiosulphate may also be replaced by potassium sulphide, and on passing sulphurous anhydride through the solution thiosulphate is first formed and then trithionate: 4KHSO3 + K2S + 4SO2 = 3K2S3O6 + 2H2O. The sodium salt is not formed under the same circumstances as the corresponding potassium salt. The sodium salt does not crystallise and is very unstable: the barium salt is, however, more stable. The barium and potassium salts are anhydrous, they give neutral solutions and decompose when ignited, with the evolution of sulphur and sulphurous anhydride, a sulphate being left behind, K2S3O6 = K2SO4 + SO2 + S. If a solution of the potassium salt be decomposed by means of hydrofluosilicic or chloric acid, the insoluble salts of these acids are precipitated and trithionic acid is obtained in solution, which however very easily breaks up on concentration. The addition of salts of copper, mercury, silver, &c., to a solution of a trithionate is followed, either immediately or after a certain time, by the formation of a black precipitate of the sulphides whose formation is due to the decomposition of the trithionic acid with the transference of its sulphur to the metal.

Tetrathionic acid, H2S4O6, in contradistinction to the preceding acids, is much more stable in the free state than in the form of salts. In the latter form it is easily converted into trithionate, with liberation of sulphur. Sodium tetrathionate was obtained by Fordos and GÉlis, by the action of iodine on a solution of sodium thiosulphate. The reaction essentially consists in the iodine taking up half the sodium of the thiosulphate, inasmuch as the latter contains Na2S2O3, whilst the tetrathionate contains NaS2O3 or Na2S4O6, so that the reaction is as follows: 2Na2S2O3 + I2 = 2NaI + Na2S4O6. It is evident that tetrathionic acid stands to thiosulphuric acid in exactly the same relation as dithionic acid does to sulphurous acid; for the same amount of the other elements in dithionate, KSO3, and tetrathionate, KS2O3, there is half as much metal as in sulphite, K2SO3, and thiosulphate, K2S2O3. If in the above reaction the sodium thiosulphate be replaced by the lead salt PbS2O3, the sparingly-soluble lead iodide PbI2 and the soluble salt PbS4O6 are obtained. Moreover the lead salt easily gives tetrathionic acid itself (PbSO4 is precipitated). The solution of tetrathionic acid may be evaporated over a water-bath, and afterwards in a vacuum, when it gives a colourless liquid, which has no smell and a very acid reaction. When dilute it may be heated to its boiling-point, but in a concentrated form it decomposes into sulphuric acid, sulphurous anhydride, and sulphur: H2S4O6 = H2SO4 + SO2 + S2.

Pentathionic acid, H2S5O6, also belongs to this series of acids. But little is known concerning it, either as hydrate or in salts. It is formed, together with tetrathionic acid, by the direct action of sulphurous acid on sulphuretted hydrogen in an aqueous solution; a large proportion of sulphur being precipitated at the same time: 5SO2 + 5H2S = H2S5O6 + 5S + 4H2O.

If, as was shown above, the thionic acids are disulphonic acids, they may be obtained, like other sulphonic acids, by means of potassium sulphite and sulphur chloride. Thus Spring demonstrated the formation of potassium trithionate by the action of sulphur dichloride on a strong solution of potassium sulphite: 2KSO3K + SCl2 = S(SO3K)2 + 2KCl. If sulphur chloride be taken, sulphur also is precipitated. The same trithionate is formed by heating a solution of double thiosulphates; for example, of AgKS2O3. Two molecules of the salts then form silver sulphide and potassium trithionate. If the thiosulphate be the potassium silver salt SO3K(AgS), then the structure of the trithionate must necessarily be (SO3K)2S. Previous to Spring's researches, the action of iodine on sodium thiosulphate was an isolated accidentally discovered reaction; he, however, showed its general significance by testing the action of iodine on mixtures of different sulphur compounds. Thus with iodine, I2, the mixture Na2S + Na2SO3 forms 2NaI + Na2S2O3, whilst the mixture Na2S2O3 + Na2SO3 + I2 gives 2NaI + Na2S3O6—that is, trithionic acid stands in the same relation to thiosulphuric acid as the latter does to sulphuretted hydrogen. We adopt the same mode of representation: by replacing one hydrogen in H2S by sulphuryl we obtain thiosulphuric acid, HSO3.HS, and by replacing a second hydrogen in the latter again by sulphuryl we obtain trithionic acid, (HSO3)2S. Furthermore, Spring showed that the action of sodium amalgam on the thionic acids causes reverse reactions to those above indicated for iodine. Thus sodium thiosulphate with Na2 gives Na2S + Na2SO3, and Spring showed that the sodium here is not a simple element taking up sulphur, but itself enters into double decomposition, replacing sulphur; for on taking a potassium salt and acting on it with sodium, KSO3(SK) + NaNa = KSO3Na + (SK)Na. In a similar way sodium dithionate with sodium gives sodium sulphite: (NaSO3)2 + Na2 = 2NaSO3Na; sodium trithionate forms NaSO3Na and NaSO3.SNa, and tetrathionate forms sodium thiosulphate, (NaSO3)S2(NaSO3) + Na2 = 2(NaSO3)(NaS).

In all the oxidised compounds of sulphur we may note the presence of the elements of sulphurous anhydride, SO2, the only product of the combustion of sulphur, and in this sense the compounds of sulphur containing one SO2 are—


while, according to this mode of representation, the thionic acids are—


Hence it is evident that SO2 has (whilst CO2 has not) the faculty for combination, and aims at forming SO2X2. These X2 can = O, and the question naturally suggests itself as to whether the O2 which occurs in SO2 is not of the same nature as this oxygen which adds itself to SO2—that is, whether SO2 does not correspond with the more general type SX4, and its compounds with the type SX6? To this we may answer ‘Yes’ and ‘No’—‘Yes’ in the general sense which proceeds from the investigation of the majority of compounds, especially metals, where RO corresponds with RCl2, RX2; ‘No’ in the sense that sulphur does not give either SH4, SH6, or SCl6, and therefore the stages SX4 and SX6 are only observable in oxygen compounds. With reference to the type SX6 a hydrate, S(HO)6, might be expected, if not SCl6. And we must recognise this hydrate from a study of the compounds of sulphuric acid with water. In addition to what has been already said respecting the complex acids formed by sulphur, I think it well to mention that, according to the above view, still more complex oxygen acids and salts of sulphur may be looked for. For instance, the salt Na2S4O8 obtained by Villiers (1888) is of this kind. It is formed together with sodium trithionate and sulphur, when SO2 is passed through a cold solution of Na2S2O3, which is then allowed to stand for several days at the ordinary temperature: 2Na2S2O3 + 4SO2 = Na2S4O8 + Na2S3O6 + S. It may be assumed here, as in the thionic acids, that there are two sulphoxyls, bound together not only by S, but also by SO2, or what is almost the same thing, that the sulphoxyl is combined with the residue of trithionic acid, i.e. replaces one aqueous residue in trithionic acid.

[69] Even light decomposes carbon bisulphide, but not to the extent of separating carbon; under the action of the sun's rays it is decomposed into sulphur and solid substance which is considered to be carbon monosulphide; it is of a red colour, and its sp. gr. is 1·66. (The formation of a red liquid compound C3S2 has also been remarked.) Thorpe (1889) observed a complete decomposition of carbon bisulphide under the action of a liquid alloy of potassium and sodium; it is accompanied by an explosion and the deposition of carbon and sulphur. A similar complete decomposition of carbon bisulphide is also accomplished by the action of mercury fulminate (Chapter XVI., Note 26), and is due to the fact that at the ordinary temperature (at which carbon bisulphide is not produced) the decomposition of carbon bisulphide takes place with the development of heat—that is, it presents an exothermal reaction, like the decomposition of all explosives. It is very possible that at a higher temperature, when carbon bisulphide is formed, the combination of carbon with sulphur is also an exothermal reaction—that is, heat is developed. If this should be the case, carbon bisulphide would present a most instructive example in thermochemistry.

[70] The fact should not be lost sight of that sulphur and charcoal are solids at the ordinary temperature, whilst carbon bisulphide is a very volatile liquid, and consequently, in the act of combination, referred to the ordinary temperature (Note 69), there is, as it were, a passage into a liquid state, and this requires the absorption of heat. And furthermore, the molecule of sulphur contains at least six atoms, and the molecule of carbon in all probability (Chapter VIII.) a very considerable number of atoms; thus the reaction of sulphur on charcoal may be expressed in the following manner: 3Cn + nS6 = 3nCS2—that is, from n + 3 molecules there proceed 3n molecules, and as n must be very considerable, 3n must be greater than 3 + n, which indicates a decomposition in the formation of carbon bisulphide, although the reaction at first sight appears as one of combination. This decomposition is seen also from the volumes in the solid and liquid states. Carbon bisulphide has a sp. gr. of 1·29; hence its molecular volume is 59. But the volume of carbon, even in the form of charcoal, is not more than 6, and the volume of S2 is 30; hence 36 volumes after combination give 59 volumes—an expansion takes place, as in decompositions.

[71] Carbon bisulphide, as prepared on a large scale, is generally very impure, and contains not only sulphur, but, more especially, other impurities which give it a very disagreeable odour. The best method of purifying this malodorous carbon bisulphide is to shake it up with a certain amount of mercuric chloride, or even simply with mercury, until the surface of the metal ceases to turn black. After this the carbon bisulphide must be poured off and distilled over a water-bath, after mixing with some oil to retain the impurities.

[72] If carbon bisulphide be evaporated under the receiver of an air-pump, or by means of a current of air, it is possible to obtain a temperature as low as -60°, and the carbon bisulphide does not solidify at this temperature. However, if a series of air-bubbles be passed through it by means of bellows, a crystalline white substance remains which volatilises below 0°: this a hydrate, H2O,2CS2; it easily decomposes into water and carbon bisulphide. It is formed in the above experiment by the moisture held in the air passed through the carbon bisulphide, and the fall of temperature.

[73] Strong alcohol is miscible in all proportions with carbon bisulphide, but dilute alcohol only in a definite amount, owing to its diminished solubility from the presence of the water in it. Ether, hydrocarbons, fatty oils, and many other organic substances are soluble with great ease in carbon bisulphide. This is taken advantage of in practice for extracting the fatty oils from vegetable seeds, such as linseed, palm-nuts, or from bones, &c. The preparation of vegetable oils is usually done by pressing the seeds under a press, but the residue always contains a certain amount of oil. These traces of oil can, however, be removed by treatment with carbon bisulphide. In this manner a solution is obtained which when heated easily parts with all the carbon bisulphide, leaving the non-volatile fatty oil behind, so that the same carbon bisulphide may be condensed and used over again for the same purpose. It also dissolves iodine, bromine, indiarubber, sulphur, and tars.

Carbon bisulphide, especially at high temperatures, very often acts by its elements in a manner in which carbon and sulphur alone are not able to react, which will be understood from what has been said above respecting its endothermal origin. If it be passed over red-hot metals—even over copper, for instance, not to mention sodium, &c.—it forms a sulphide of the metal and deposits charcoal, and if the vapour be passed over incandescent metallic oxides it forms metallic sulphides and carbonic anhydride (and sometimes a certain amount of sulphurous anhydride). Lime and similar oxides give under these circumstances a carbonate and a sulphide—for example, CS2 +3CaO = 2CaS + CaCO3. The sulphides obtained by this means are often well crystallised, like those found in nature—for example, lead and antimony sulphides.

[73 bis] And just as COCl2 corresponds to CO2, so also the chloranhydride, CSCl2, or thiophosgene, corresponds to CS2.

[74] If instead of a sulphide we take an alkali hydroxide, a thiocarbonate is also formed, together with a carbonate—thus, 3BaH2O2 + 3CS2 = 2BaCS3 + BaCO3 + 3H2O. From the instability of the thiocarbonates of the alkaline metals we can clearly see the reason of the difficulty with which the salts of the heavier metals are formed, whose basic properties are incomparably weaker than those of the alkali metals. However, these salts may be obtained by double decomposition. Ammonia in reacting on carbon bisulphide gives, besides products like those formed by other alkalis, a whole series of products of as complex a structure as those substances which are produced by the action of carbonic anhydride on ammonia. In the ninth chapter we examined the formation of the ammonium carbonates, and saw the transition from them into the cyanides. It is not surprising after this that the action of carbon bisulphide on ammonia not only produces the above-mentioned salts, but also amidic compounds corresponding with them, in which the oxygen is wholly or partially replaced by sulphur. Thus ammonium dithiocarbamate is very easily obtained if carbon bisulphide be added to an alcoholic solution of ammonia, and the mixture cooled in a closed vessel. The salt then separates out in minute yellow crystals, CN2H6S2.

Carbon bisulphide not only forms compounds with the metallic sulphides, but also with sulphuretted hydrogen—that is, it forms thiocarbonic acid, H2CS3. This is obtained by carefully mixing solutions of thiocarbonates with dilute hydrochloric acid. It then separates in an oily layer, which easily decomposes in the presence of water into sulphuretted hydrogen and carbon bisulphide, just as the corresponding carbonic acid (hydrate) decomposes into water and carbonic anhydride. Carbon bisulphide combines not only with sodium sulphide, but also with the bisulphide, Na2S2, not, however, with the trisulphide, Na2S3.

The relation of carbon bisulphide to the other carbon compounds presents many most interesting features which are considered in organic chemistry. We will here only turn our attention to one of the compounds of this class. Ethyl sulphide, (C2H5)2S, combines with ethyl iodide, C2H5I, forming a new molecule, S(C2H5)3I. If we designate the hydrocarbon group, for instance ethyl, C2H5, by Et, the reaction would be expressed by the following equation : Et2S + EtI = SEt3I. This compound is of a saline character, corresponds with salts of the alkalis, and is closely analogous to ammonium chloride. It is soluble in water; when heated it again splits up into its components EtI and Et2S, and with silver hydroxide gives a hydroxide, Et3S·OH, having the property of a distinct and energetic alkali, resembling caustic ammonia. Thus the compound group SEt3 combines, like potassium or ammonium, with iodine, hydroxyl, chlorine, &c. The hydroxide SEt3·OH is soluble in water, precipitates metallic salts, saturates acids, &c. Hence sulphur here enters into a relation towards other elements similar to that of nitrogen in ammonia and ammonium salts, with only this difference, that nitrogen retains, besides iodine, hydroxyl, and other groups, also H4 or Et4 (for example, NH4Cl, NEt3HI, NEt4I), whilst sulphur only retains Et3. Compounds of the formula SH3X are however unknown, only the products of substitution SEt3X, &c. are known. The distinctly alkaline properties of the hydroxide, triethylsulphine hydroxide, SEt3OH, and also the sharply-defined properties of the corresponding hydroxide, tetraethylammonium hydroxide, NEt4OH, depend naturally not only on the properties of the nitrogen and sulphur entering into their composition, but also on the large proportion of hydrocarbon groups they contain. Judging from the existence of the ethylsulphine compounds, it might be imagined that sulphur forms a compound, SH4, with hydrogen; but no such compound is known, just as NH5 is unknown, although NH4Cl exists.

[74 bis] Thorpe and Rodger (1889), by heating a mixture of lead fluoride and phosphorus pentasulphide to 250° in an atmosphere of dry nitrogen, obtained gaseous phosphorus fluosulphide, or thiophosphoryl fluoride, PSF3, corresponding with POCl3. This colourless gas is converted into a colourless liquid by a pressure of eleven atmospheres; it does not act on dry mercury, and takes fire spontaneously in air or oxygen, forming phosphorus pentafluoride, phosphoric anhydride, and sulphurous anhydride. It is soluble in ether, but is decomposed by water: PSF3 + 4H2O = H2S + H3PO4 + 3HF (Note 20).

[75] Although mustard oil may be obtained from the thiocyanates, it is only an isomer of allyl thiocyanate proper, as is explained in Organic Chemistry.

[75 bis] Sulphur can only replace half the oxygen in CO2, as is seen in carbon oxysulphide, or monothiocarbonic anhydride COS. This substance was obtained by Than, and is formed in many reactions. A certain amount is obtained if a mixture of carbonic oxide and the vapour of sulphur be passed through a red-hot tube. When carbon tetrachloride is heated with sulphurous anhydride, this substance is also formed; but it is best obtained in a pure form by decomposing potassium thiocyanate with a mixture of equal volumes of water and sulphuric acid. A gas is then evolved containing a certain amount of hydrocyanic acid, from which it may be freed by passing it over wool containing moistened mercuric oxide, which retains the hydrocyanic acid. The reaction is expressed by the equation: 2KCNS + 2H2SO4 + 2H2O = K2SO4 + (NH4)2SO4 + 2COS. It is also formed by passing the vapour of carbon bisulphide over alumina or clay heated to redness (Gautier; silicon sulphide is then formed). COS is also formed by passing phosgene over a long layer of asbestos mixed with cadmium sulphide at 270°; CdS + COCl3 = CdCl2 + COS (NuricsÁn, 1892). The pure gas has an aromatic odour, is soluble in an equal volume of water, which, however, acts on it, so that it must be collected over mercury. When slightly heated, carbon oxysulphide decomposes into sulphur and carbonic oxide. It burns in air with a pale blue flame, explodes with oxygen, and yields potassium sulphide and carbonate with potassium hydroxide: COS + 4KHO = K2CO3 + K2S + 2H2O.

[76] There is no reason for seeing any contradiction or mutual incompatibility in these three views, because every analogy is more or less modified by a change of elements. Thus, for instance, it cannot be expected that the product of the metalepsis of hydrogen sulphide would resemble the corresponding products of water in all respects, because water has not the acid properties of hydrogen sulphide. In the days of dualism and electrical polarity it was supposed that the sulphur varied in its nature: in hydrogen sulphide or potassium sulphide it was considered to be negative, and in sulphurous anhydride or sulphur dichloride positive. It then appeared evident that sulphur dichloride would have no point of analogy with potassium sulphide. But metalepsis, or its expression in the law of substitution, necessitates such opinions being laid aside. If we can compare CO2, CH4, CCl4, CHCl3, CH3(OH) with each other, we cannot recognise any difference in the sulphur in SH2, SCl2, SK2, or in general SX2, for otherwise we should have to acknowledge as many different states of sulphur, carbon, or hydrogen as there are compounds of sulphur, carbon, or hydrogen. The essential truth of the matter is that all the elements in a molecule play their part in the reactions into which it enters. Often this appears to be contradicted in the result—for example, hydrogen alone may be replaced; but it is not this hydrogen alone that has determined the reaction; all the elements present have participated in it. This may be made clearer by the following rough illustration. Supposing two regiments of soldiers were fighting against each other, and that several men were lost by one of the regiments; no one could say that it was only these men who took part in the engagement. The other men fired and the bullets flew over the heads of their opponents. It was not only those who fell who fought, although they only were removed from the field of battle; the fighting proceeded among the masses, but only those few were disabled who went forward and were more conspicuous &c.; not that the remainder did not take part in the action; they also fought and were an object of attack, only they remained sound and unhurt. Hydrogen is lighter than other elements and its atoms more mobile; it subjects itself more frequently and easily to reactions; but it is not it alone which reacts, it is even less liable to attack than other elements. It participates in exceedingly diverse reactions, not indeed because the hydrogen itself varies, but because one atom of it puts itself forward, another is hidden, one is united with carbon, another feebly held by sulphur, one stands or moves in the neighbourhood of oxygen, another is joined to a hydrocarbon. All hydrogen atoms are equal, and equally serve as an object of attack for the atoms of molecules encountering them, but those only are removed from the sphere of action which are nearer the surface of a molecule, which are more mobile, or held by a less sum of forces. So also sulphur is one and the same in sulphur dichloride, in sulphurous or sulphuric anhydride, in hydrogen sulphide, in potassium sulphide, but it reacts differently, and those elements which are with it also vary in their reactions because they are with it, and it varies its reactions because it is with them. It is possible to seize on a character common to substances quantitatively and qualitatively analogous to each other. It may be admitted that an element in certain forms is not able to enter into reactions into which in other forms it enters willingly, if only the requisite conditions are encountered; but it must not therefore be concluded that an element changes its essential quality in these different cases. The preceding remarks touch on questions which are subject to much argument among chemists, and I mention them here in order to show the treatment of those most important problems of chemistry which lie at the basis of this treatise.

[77] The observed vapour density of sulphur dichloride referred to hydrogen is 53·3, and that given by the formula is 51·5. The smaller molecular weight explains its boiling point being lower than that of sulphur chloride, S2Cl2. The reactions of both these compounds are very similar. Sulphur converts the dichloride, SCl2, into the monochloride, S2Cl2. In one point the dichloride differs distinctly from the monochloride—that is, in its capacity for easily giving up chlorine and decomposing. Even light decomposes it into chlorine and the monochloride. Hence it acts on many substances in the same manner as chlorine, or substances which easily part with the latter, such as phosphoric or antimonic chloride. In distinction to these, however, sulphur dichloride would appear to distil without any considerable decomposition, judging by the vapour density. But this is not a valid conclusion, for if there be a decomposition, then 2SCl2 = S2Cl2 + Cl2; now the density of sulphur chloride = 67·5, and of chlorine = 35·5, and consequently a mixture of equal volumes of the two = 51·5, just the same as an equal volume of sulphur dichloride. Therefore the distillation of sulphur dichloride is probably nothing but its decomposition. Hence the compound SCl2, which is stable at the ordinary temperature, decomposes at 64°. In the cold it absorbs a further amount of chlorine, corresponding to SCl4, but even at -10° a portion of the absorbed chlorine is given off—that is, dissociation takes place. Thus the tetrachloride is even less stable than the dichloride.

[77 bis] Hartog and Sims (1893) obtained thionyl bromide, SOBr2, by treating SOCl2 with sodium bromide; it is a red liquid, sp. gr. 2·62, and decomposes at 150°.

[78] Pyrosulphuryl chloride, S2O5Cl2. See Note 44. Thorpe and Kirman, by treating SO3 with HF, obtained SO2(OH)F, as a liquid boiling at 163°, but which decomposed with greater facility and then gave SO2F2.

The acids of sulphur naturally have their corresponding ammonium salts, and the latter their amides and nitriles. It will be readily understood how vast a field for research is presented by the series of compounds of sulphur and nitrogen, if we only remember that to carbonic and formic acids there corresponds, as we saw (Chapter IX.), a vast series of derivatives corresponding with their ammonium salts. To sulphuric acid there correspond two ammonium salts, SO2(HO)(NH4O) and SO2(NH4O)2; three amides: the acid amide SO2(HO)(NH2), or sulphamic acid, the normal saline compound SO2(NH4O)(NH2), or ammonium sulphamate, and the normal amide SO2(NH2)2, or sulphamide (the analogue of urea); then the acid nitrile, SON(HO), and two neutral nitriles, SON(NH2) and SN2. There are similar compounds corresponding with sulphurous acid, and therefore its nitriles will be, an acid, SN(HO), its salt, and the normal compound, SN(NH2). Dithionic and the other acids of sulphur should also have their corresponding amides and nitriles. Only a few examples are known, which we will briefly describe. Sulphuric acid forms salts of very great stability with ammonia, and ammonium sulphate is one of the commonest ammoniacal compounds. It is obtained by the direct action of ammonia on sulphuric acid, or by the action of the latter on ammonium carbonate; it separates from its solutions in an anhydrous state, like potassium sulphate, with which it is isomorphous. Hence, the composition of crystals of ammonium sulphate is (NH4)2SO4. This salt fuses at 140°, and does not undergo any change when heated up to 180°. At higher temperatures it does not lose water, but parts with half its ammonia, and is converted into the acid salt, HNH4SO4; and this acid salt, on further heating, undergoes a further decomposition, and splits up into nitrogen, water, and acid ammonium sulphite, HNH4SO3. At the ordinary temperature the normal salt is soluble in twice its weight of water and at the boiling-point of water in an equal weight. In its faculty for combinations this salt exhibits a great resemblance to potassium sulphate, and, like it, easily forms a number of double salts; the most remarkable of which are the ammonia alums, NH4AlS2O8,12H2O, and the double salts formed by the metals of the magnesium group, having, for example, the composition (NH4)2MgS2O8,6H2O. Ammonium sulphate does not give an amide when heated, perhaps owing to the faculty of sulphuric anhydride to retain the water combined with it with great force. But the amides of sulphuric acid may be very conveniently prepared from sulphuric anhydride. Their formation by this method is very easily understood because an amide is equal to an ammonium salt less water, and if the anhydride be taken it will give an amide directly with ammonia. Thus, if dry ammonia be passed into a vessel surrounded by a freezing mixture and containing sulphuric anhydride, it forms a white powdery mass called sulphatammon, having the composition SO3,2H3N, and resembling the similar compound of carbonic acid, CO2,2NH3. This substance is naturally the ammonium salt of sulphamic acid, SO2(NH4O)NH2. It is slowly acted on by water, and may therefore be obtained in solution, in which it slowly reacts with barium chloride, which proves that with water it still forms ammonium sulphate. If this substance be carefully dissolved in water and evaporated, it yields well-formed crystals, whose solution no longer gives a precipitate with barium chloride. This is not due to the presence of impurities, but to a change in the nature of the substance, and therefore Rose calls the crystalline modification parasulphatammon. Platinum chloride only precipitates half the nitrogen as platinochloride from solutions of sulphat- and parasulphatammon, which shows that they are ammonium salts, SO2(NH4O)(NH2). It may be that the reason of the difference in the two modifications is connected with the fact that two different substances of the composition N2H4SO2 are possible: one is the amide SO2(NH2)2 corresponding with the normal salt, and the other is the salt of the nitrile acid corresponding with acid ammonium sulphate—that is, SON(ONH4) corresponds with the acid SON(OH) = SO2(NH4O)OH - 2H2O. Hence there may here be a difference of the same nature as between urea and ammonium cyanate. Up to the present, the isomerism indicated above has been but little investigated, and might be the subject of interesting researches.

If in the preceding experiment the ammonia, and not the sulphuric anhydride, be taken in excess, a soluble substance of the composition 2SO2,3NH3 is formed. This compound, obtained by Jacqueline and investigated by Voronin, doubtless also contains a salt of sulphamic acid—that is, of the amide corresponding with the acid ammonium sulphate = HNH4SO4 - H2O = (NH2)SO2(OH). Probably it is a compound of sulphatammon with sulphamic acid. Thus it has an acid reaction, and does not give a precipitate with barium chloride.

With normal sulphate of ammonium, an amide of the composition N2H4SO2 should correspond, which should bear the same relation to sulphuric acid as urea bears to carbonic acid. This amide, known as sulphamide, is obtained by the action of dry ammonia on the sulphuryl chloride, SO2Cl2, just as urea is obtained by the action of ammonia on carbonyl chloride, SO2Cl2 + 4NH3 = N2H4SO2 + 2NH4Cl. The ammonium chloride is separated from the resultant sulphamide with great difficulty. Cold water, acting on the mixture, dissolves them both; the cold solution does not gives precipitate with barium chloride. Alkalis act on it slowly, as they do on urea; but on boiling, especially in the presence of alkalis or acids, it easily recombines with water, and gives an ammonium salt. V. Traube (1892) obtained sulphamide by the reaction of sulphuryl, dissolved in chloroform, upon ammonia. The resultant precipitate dissolves when shaken up with water, and the solution (after boiling with the oxides or lead or silver) is evaporated, when a syrupy liquid remains. With nitrate of silver the latter gives a solid compound, which, when decomposed by hydrochloric acid, gives free sulphamide in large colourless crystals, having the composition SO2(NH2)2. This substance fuses at 81°, begins to decompose below 100°, and is entirely decomposed above 250°; it is soluble in water, and the solution has a neutral reaction and bitter taste. When heated with acids, sulphamide gradually decomposes, forming sulphuric acid and ammonia. If the silver compound obtained by the action of sulphamide on nitrate of silver be heated at 170°-180° until ammonia is no longer evolved, and the residue be extracted with water acidulated with nitric acid, a salt separates out from the solution, answering in its composition to sulphamide, SO2NAg, which = the amide - NH3 = SO2N2H4 - NH3 = SO2NH. The action of sulphuryl chloride (and of the other chloranhydrides of sulphur) on ammonium carbonate always, as Mente showed (1888), results in the formation of the salt NH(SO3NH4)2.

The nitriles corresponding with sulphuric acid are not as yet known with any certainty. The most simple nitrile corresponding with sulphuric acid should have the composition N2H8SO4 - 4H2O = N2S. This would be a kind of cyanogen corresponding with sulphuric acid. On comparing sulphurous acid with carbonic acid, we saw that they present a great analogy in many respects, and therefore it might be expected that nitrile compounds having the composition NHS and N2S2 would be found. The latter of these compounds is well known, and was obtained by Soubeiron, by the action of dry ammonia on sulphur chloride. This substance corresponds with cyanogen (paracyanogen), and is known as nitrogen sulphide, N2S2. It is formed according to the equation 3SCl2 + 8NH3 = N2S2 + S + 6NH4Cl. The free sulphur and nitrogen sulphide are dissolved by acting on the product with carbon bisulphide, the nitrogen sulphide being much less soluble than the sulphur. It is a yellow substance, which is excessively irritating to the eyes and nostrils. It explodes when rubbed with a hard substance, being naturally decomposed with the evolution of nitrogen; but when heated it fuses without decomposing, and only decomposes with explosion at 157°. It is insoluble in water, and only slightly so in alcohol, ether, and carbon bisulphide; 100 parts of the latter dissolve 1·5 part of nitrogen sulphide at the boiling point. This solution on cooling deposits it in minute transparent prisms of a golden yellow colour.

[79] Selenious anhydride, SeO2, is a volatile solid, which crystallises in prisms soluble in water. It is best procured by the action of nitric acid on selenium. The well-known researches of Nilson (1874) showed that the salts of selenious acid easily form acid salts, and are so characteristic in many respects that they may even serve for judging the analogy of types of oxides. Thus the oxides of the composition RO give normal salts of the composition RSeO3,2H2O, where R = Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn. The salts of magnesium, barium, and calcium contain a different quantity of water, as do also the salts of the oxides R2O3. We here turn attention to the fact that beryllium gives a normal salt, BeSeO3,2H2O, and not a salt analogous to those of aluminium, scandium, Sc2(SeO3)3,H2O, yttrium, Y2(SeO3)2,12H2O, and other oxides of the form R2O3, which speaks in favour of the formula BeO.

Tellurous anhydride is also a colourless solid, which crystallises in octahedra; it also, when heated, first fuses and then volatilises. It is insoluble in water, and the decomposition of its salts gives a hydrate, H2TeO3, which is insoluble.

It is a very characteristic circumstance that selenious and tellurous anhydrides are very easily reduced to selenium and tellurium. This is not only effected by metals like zinc, or by sulphuretted hydrogen, which are powerful deoxidisers, but even by sulphurous anhydride, which is able to precipitate selenium and tellurium from solutions of the selenites and tellurites, and even of the acids themselves, which is taken advantage of in obtaining these elements and separating them from sulphur.

Sulphuric acid, as we know, rarely acts as an oxidising agent. It is otherwise with selenic and telluric acids, H2SeO4 and H2TeO4, which are powerful oxidising agents—that is, are easily reduced in many circumstances either into the lower oxide or even to selenium and tellurium. A powerful oxidising agent is required in order to convert selenious and tellurous anhydrides into selenic and telluric anhydrides, and, moreover, it must be employed in excess. If chlorine be passed through a solution of potassium selenide, K2Se, telluride, K2Te, selenite, K2SeO3, or tellurite, K2TeO3, it acts as an oxidiser in the presence of the water, forming potassium selenate, K2SeO4, or tellurate, K2TeO4. The same salts are formed by fusing the lower oxides with nitre. These salts are isomorphous with the corresponding sulphates, and cannot therefore be separated from them by crystallisation. The salts of potassium, sodium, magnesium, copper, cadmium, &c. are soluble like the sulphates, but those of barium and calcium are insoluble, in perfect analogy with the sulphates. When copper selenate, CuSeO4, is treated with sulphuretted hydrogen (CuS is precipitated), selenic acid remains in solution. On evaporation and drying in vacuo at 180° it gives a syrupy liquid, which may be concentrated to almost the pure acid, H2SeO4, having a specific gravity of 2·6. Cameron and Macallan (1891) showed that pure H2SeO4 only remains liquid in a state of superfusion whilst the solidified acid melts at +58°, the solid acid crystallises well, its sp. gr. is then 2·95. The hydrate H2SeO4,H2O melts at +25°. The acid in a superfused state has a sp. gr. 2·36 and the solid 2·63. Like sulphuric acid strong selenic acid attracts moisture from the atmosphere; it is not decomposed by sulphurous acid, but oxidises hydrochloric acid (like nitric, chromic, and manganic acids), evolving chlorine and forming selenious acid, H2SeO4 + 2HCl = H2SeO3 + H2O + Cl2. Telluric acid, H2TeO4, is obtained by fusing tellurous anhydride with potassium hydroxide and chlorate; the solution, containing potassium tellurate, is then precipitated with barium chloride, and the barium tellurate, BaTeO4 obtained in the precipitate is decomposed by sulphuric acid. A solution of telluric acid is thus obtained, which on evaporation yields colourless prisms, soluble in water, and containing TeH2O4,2H2O. Two equivalents of water are driven off at 160°; on further heating the last equivalent of water is expelled, and then oxygen is given off. It also gives chlorine with hydrochloric acid, like selenic acid. Its salts also correspond with those of sulphuric acid. It must, however, be remarked that telluric and selenic acids are able to give poly-acid salts with much greater ease than sulphuric acid. Thus, for example, there are known for telluric acid not only K2TeO4,5H2O and KHTeO4,3H2O, but also KHTeO4,H2TeO4,H2O = K2TeO4,3H2TeO4,2H2O. This salt is easily obtained from acid solutions of the preceding salts and is less soluble in water. As selenious anhydride is volatile and gives similar poly-salts, it may be surmised that selenious, tellurous, selenic, and telluric anhydrides are polymeric as compared with sulphurous and sulphuric anhydrides, for which reason it would be desirable to determine the vapour density of selenious anhydride. It would probably correspond with Se2O4 or Se3O6.

In order to show the very close analogy of selenium to sulphur, I will quote two examples. Potassium cyanide dissolves selenium, as it does sulphur, forming potassium selenocyanate, KCNSe, corresponding with potassium thiocyanate. Acids precipitate selenium from this solution, because selenocyanic acid, H2CNSe, when in a free state is immediately decomposed. A boiling solution of sodium sulphite dissolves selenium, just as it would sulphur, forming a salt analogous to thiosulphate of sodium, namely, sodium selenosulphate, Na2SSeO3. Selenium is separated from a solution of this salt by the action of acid.

[79 bis] Muthmann, in his researches upon the allotropic forms of selenium, pointed out (1889) a peculiar modification, which appears, as it were, as a transition between crystalline and amorphous selenium. It is obtained together with the crystalline variety by slowly evaporating a solution of selenium in bisulphide of carbon, and differs from the crystalline variety in the form of its crystals; it passes into the latter modification when heated. Schultz also obtained selenium (like Ag, see Chapter XXIV.) in a soluble form, but these researches are not so conclusive as those upon soluble silver, and we shall therefore not consider them more fully.

[80] The tellurium thus prepared is impure, and contains a large amount of selenium. The latter may be removed by converting the mixture into the salts of potassium, and treating this with nitric acid and barium nitrate, when barium selenate only is precipitated, whilst the barium tellurate remains in solution. This method does not, however, give a pure product, and it appears to be best to separate the selenium from the tellurium in a metallic form; this is done by boiling the impure potassium tellurate with hydrochloric acid, which converts it into potassium tellurite, from which the tellurium is reduced by sulphurous anhydride. The metal thus obtained is then fused and distilled in a stream of hydrogen; the selenium volatilises first, and then the tellurium, owing to its being much less volatile than the former. Nevertheless, tellurium is also volatile, and may be separated in this manner from less volatile metals, such as antimony. Brauner determined the atomic weight of pure tellurium, and found it to be 125, but showed (1889) that tellurium purified by the usual method, even after distillation, contains a large amount of impurities.

[81] The decomposition proceeds in the above order in the cold, but in a hot solution with an excess of potassium hydroxide it proceeds inversely. A similar phenomenon takes place when tellurium is fused with alkalis, and it is therefore necessary in order to obtain potassium telluride to add charcoal.

Selenium and tellurium form higher compounds with chlorine with comparative ease. For selenium, SeCl2 and SeCl4 are known, and for tellurium TeCl2 and TeCl4. The tetrachlorides of selenium and tellurium are formed by passing chlorine over these elements. Selenium tetrachloride, SeCl4, is a crystalline, volatile mass which gives selenious anhydride and hydrochloric acid with water. Tellurium tetrachloride is much less volatile, fuses easily, and is also decomposed by water. Both elements form similar compounds with bromine. Tellurium tetrabromide is red, fuses to a brown liquid, volatilises, and gives a crystalline salt, K2TeBr6,3H2O, with an aqueous solution of potassium bromide.


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