



Nature, inert to the eyes of the ancients, has been revealed to us as full of life and activity. The conviction that motion pervaded all things, which was first realised with respect to the stellar universe, has now extended to the unseen world of atoms. No sooner had the human understanding denied to the earth a fixed position and launched it along its path in space, than it was sought to fix immovably the sun and the stars. But astronomy has demonstrated that the sun moves with unswerving regularity through the star-set universe at the rate of about 50 kilometres per second. Among the so-called fixed stars are now discerned manifold changes and various orders of movement. Light, heat, electricity—like sound—have been proved to be modes of motion; to the realisation of this fact modern science is indebted for powers which have been used with such brilliant success, and which have been expounded so clearly at this lecture table by Faraday and by his successors. As, in the imagination of Dante, the invisible air became peopled with spiritual beings, so before the eyes of earnest investigators, and especially before those of Clerk Maxwell, the invisible mass of gases became peopled with particles: their rapid movements, their collisions, and impacts became so manifest that it seemed almost possible to count the impacts and determine many of the peculiarities or laws of their collisions. The fact of the existence of these invisible motions may at once be made apparent by demonstrating the difference in the rate of diffusion through porous bodies of the light and rapidly moving atoms of hydrogen and the heavier and more sluggish particles of air. Within the masses of liquid and of solid bodies we have been forced to acknowledge the existence of persistent though limited motion of their ultimate particles, for otherwise it would be impossible to explain, for example, the celebrated experiments of Graham on diffusion through liquid and colloidal substances. If there were, in our times, no belief in the molecular motion in solid bodies, could the famous Spring have hoped to attain any result by mixing carefully-dried powders of potash, saltpetre and sodium acetate, in order to produce, by pressure, a chemical reaction between these substances through the interchange of their metals, and have derived, for the conviction of the incredulous, a mixture of two hygroscopic though solid salts—sodium nitrate and potassium acetate?

In these invisible and apparently chaotic movements, reaching from the stars to the minutest atoms, there reigns, however, a harmonious order which is commonly mistaken for complete rest, but which is really a consequence of the conservation of that dynamic equilibrium which was first discerned by the genius of Newton, and which has been traced by his successors in the detailed analysis of the particular consequences of the great generalisation, namely, relative immovability in the midst of universal and active movement.

But the unseen world of chemical changes is closely analogous to the visible world of the heavenly bodies, since our atoms form distinct portions of an invisible world, as planets, satellites, and comets form distinct portions of the astronomer's universe; our atoms may therefore be compared to the solar systems, or to the systems of double or of single stars: for example, ammonia (NH3) may be represented in the simplest manner by supposing the sun, nitrogen, surrounded by its planets of hydrogen; and common salt (NaCl) may be looked on as a double star formed of sodium and chlorine. Besides, now that the indestructibility of the elements has been acknowledged, chemical changes cannot otherwise be explained than as changes of motion, and the production by chemical reactions of galvanic currents, of light, of heat, of pressure, or of steam power, demonstrates visibly that the processes of chemical reaction are inevitably connected with enormous though unseen displacements, originating in the movements of atoms in molecules. Astronomers and natural philosophers, in studying the visible motions of the heavenly bodies and of matter on the earth, have understood and have estimated the value of this store of energy. But the chemist has had to pursue a contrary course. Observing in the physical and mechanical phenomena which accompany chemical reactions the quantity of energy manifested by the atoms and molecules, he is constrained to acknowledge that within the molecules there exist atoms in motion, endowed with an energy which, like matter itself, is neither being created nor capable of being destroyed. Therefore, in chemistry, we must seek dynamic equilibrium not only between the molecules, but also in their midst among their component atoms. Many conditions of such equilibrium have been determined, but much remains to be done, and it is not uncommon, even in these days, to find that some chemists forget that there is the possibility of motion in the interior of molecules, and therefore represent them as being in a condition of death-like inactivity.

Chemical combinations take place with so much ease and rapidity, possess so many special characteristics, and are so numerous, that their simplicity and order were for a long time hidden from investigators. Sympathy, relationship, all the caprices or all the fancifulness of human intercourse, seemed to have found complete analogies in chemical combinations, but with this difference, that the characteristics of the material substances—such as silver, for example, or of any other body—remain unchanged in every subdivision from the largest masses to the smallest particles, and consequently these characteristics must be properties of the particles. But the world of heavenly luminaries appeared equally fanciful at man's first acquaintance with it, so much so, that the astrologers imagined a connection between the individualities of men and the conjunctions of planets. Thanks to the genius of Lavoisier and of Dalton, man has been able, in the unseen world of chemical combinations, to recognise laws of the same simple order as those which Copernicus and Kepler proved to exist in the planetary universe. Man discovered, and continues every hour to discover, what remains unchanged in chemical evolution, and how changes take place in combinations of the unchangeable. He has learned to predict, not only what possible combinations may take place, but also the very existence of atoms of unknown elementary substances, and has besides succeeded in making innumerable practical applications of his knowledge to the great advantage of his race, and has accomplished this notwithstanding that notions of sympathy and affinity still preserve a strong vitality in science. At present we cannot apply Newton's principles to chemistry, because the soil is only being now prepared. The invisible world of chemical atoms is still waiting for the creator of chemical mechanics. For him our age is collecting a mass of materials, the inductions of well-digested facts, and many-sided inferences similar to those which existed for Astronomy and Mechanics in the days of Newton. It is well also to remember that Newton devoted much time to chemical experiments, and while considering questions of celestial mechanics, persistently kept in view the mutual action of those infinitely small worlds which are concerned in chemical evolutions. For this reason, and also to maintain the unity of laws, it seems to me that we must, in the first instance, seek to harmonise the various phases of contemporary chemical theories with the immortal principles of the Newtonian natural philosophy, and so hasten the advent of true chemical mechanics. Let the above considerations serve as my justification for the attempt which I propose to make to act as a champion of the universality of the Newtonian principles, which I believe are competent to embrace every phenomenon in the universe, from the rotation of the fixed stars to the interchanges of chemical atoms.

In the first place I consider it indispensable to bear in mind that, up to quite recent times, only a one-sided affinity has been recognised in chemical reactions. Thus, for example, from the circumstance that red-hot iron decomposes water with the evolution of hydrogen, it was concluded that oxygen had a greater affinity for iron than for hydrogen. But hydrogen, in presence of red-hot iron scale, appropriates its oxygen and forms water, whence an exactly opposite conclusion may be formed.

During the last ten years a gradual, scarcely perceptible, but most important change has taken place in the views, and consequently in the researches, of chemists. They have sought everywhere, and have always found, systems of conservation or dynamic equilibrium substantially similar to those which natural philosophers have long since discovered in the visible world, and in virtue of which the position of the heavenly bodies in the universe is determined. There where one-sided affinities only were at first detected, not only secondary or lateral ones have been found, but even those which are diametrically opposite; yet among these, dynamical equilibrium establishes itself not by excluding one or other of the forces, but regulating them all. So the chemist finds in the flame of the blast furnace, in the formation of every salt, and, with especial clearness, in double salts and in the crystallisation of solutions, not a fight ending in the victory of one side, as used to be supposed, but the conjunction of forces; the peace of dynamic equilibrium resulting from the action of many forces and affinities. Carbonaceous matters, for example, burn at the expense of the oxygen of the air, yielding a quantity of heat, and forming products of combustion, in which it was thought that the affinities of the oxygen with the combustible elements were satisfied. But it appeared that the heat of combustion was competent to decompose these products, to dissociate the oxygen from the combustible elements, and therefore to explain combustion fully it is necessary to take into account the equilibrium between opposite reactions, between those which evolve and those which absorb heat.

In the same way, in the case of the solution of common salt in water, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the formation of compound particles generated by the combination of salt with water, and, on the other, the disintegration or scattering of the new particles formed, as well as of these originally contained. At present we find two currents of thought, apparently antagonistic to each other, dominating the study of solutions: according to the one, solution seems a mere act of building up or association; according to the other, it is only dissociation or disintegration. The truth lies, evidently, between these views; it lies, as I have endeavoured to prove by my investigations into aqueous solutions, in the dynamic equilibrium of particles tending to combine and also to fall asunder. The large majority of chemical reactions which appeared to act victoriously along one line have been proved capable of acting as victoriously even along an exactly opposite line. Elements which utterly decline to combine directly may often be formed into comparatively stable compounds by indirect means, as, for example, in the case of chlorine and carbon; and consequently the sympathies and antipathies which it was thought to transfer from human relations to those of atoms should be laid aside until the mechanism of chemical relations is explained. Let us remember, however, that chlorine, which does not form with carbon the chloride of carbon, is strongly absorbed, or, as it were, dissolved, by carbon, which leads us to suspect incipient chemical action even in an external and purely surface contact, and involuntarily gives rise to conceptions of that unity of the forces of nature which has been so energetically insisted on by Sir William Grove and formulated in his famous paradox. Grove noticed that platinum, when fused in the oxyhydrogen flame, during which operation water is formed, when allowed to drop into water decomposes the latter and produces the explosive oxyhydrogen mixture. The explanation of this paradox, as of many others which arose during the period of chemical renaissance, has led, in our time, to the promulgation by Henri Sainte-Claire Deville of the conception of dissociation and of equilibrium, and has recalled the teaching of Berthollet, which, notwithstanding its brilliant confirmation by Heinrich Rose and Dr. Gladstone, had not, up to that period, been included in received chemical views.

Chemical equilibrium in general, and dissociation in particular, are now being so fully worked out in detail, and supplied in such various ways, that I do not allude to them to develop, but only use them as examples by which to indicate the correctness of a tendency to regard chemical combinations from points of view differing from those expressed by the term hitherto appropriated to define chemical forces, namely, ‘affinity.’ Chemical equilibria, dissociation, the speed of chemical reactions, thermochemistry, spectroscopy, and, more than all, the determination of the influence of masses and the search for a connection between the properties and weights of atoms and molecules—in one word, the vast mass of the most important chemical researches of the present day—clearly indicate the near approach of the time when chemical doctrines will submit fully and completely to the doctrine which was first announced in the Principia of Newton.

In order that the application of these principles may bear fruit it is evidently insufficient to assume that statical equilibrium reigns alone in chemical systems or chemical molecules: it is necessary to grasp the conditions of possible states of dynamical equilibria, and to apply to them kinetic principles. Numerous considerations compel us to renounce the idea of statical equilibrium in molecules, and the recent yet strongly-supported appeals to dynamic principles constitute, in my opinion, the foundation of the modern teaching relating to atomicity, or the valency of the elements, which usually forms the basis of investigations into organic or carbon compounds.

This teaching has led to brilliant explanations of very many chemical relations and to cases of isomerism, or the difference in the properties of substances having the same composition. It has been so fruitful in its many applications and in the foreshadowing of remote consequences, especially respecting carbon compounds, that it is impossible to deny its claims to be ranked as a great achievement of chemical science. Its practical application to the synthesis of many substances of the most complicated composition entering into the structure of organised bodies, and to the creation of an unlimited number of carbon compounds, among which the colours derived from coal tar stand prominently forward, surpass the synthetical powers of Nature itself. Yet this teaching, as applied to the structure of carbon compounds, is not on the face of it directly applicable to the investigation of other elements, because in examining the first it is possible to assume that the atoms of carbon have always a definite and equal number of affinities, whilst in the combinations of other elements this is evidently inadmissible. Thus, for example, an atom of carbon yields only one compound with four atoms of hydrogen and one with four atoms of chlorine in the molecule, whilst the atoms of chlorine and hydrogen unite only in the proportions of one to one. Simplicity is here evident, and forms a point of departure from which it is easy to move forward with firm and secure tread. Other elements are of a different nature. Phosphorus unites with three and with five atoms of chlorine, and consequently the simplicity and sharpness of the application of structural conceptions are lost. Sulphur unites only with two atoms of hydrogen, but with oxygen it enters into higher orders of combination. The periodic relationship which exists among all the properties of the elements—such, for example, as their ability to enter into various combinations—and their atomic weights, indicate that this variation in atomicity is subject to one perfectly exact and general law, and it is only carbon and its near analogues which constitute cases of permanently preserved atomicity. It is impossible to recognise as constant and fundamental properties of atoms, powers which, in substance, have proved to be variable. But by abandoning the idea of permanence, and of the constant saturation of affinities—that is to say, by acknowledging the possibility of free affinities—many retain a comprehension of the atomicity of the elements ‘under given conditions;’ and on this frail foundation they build up structures composed of chemical molecules, evidently only because the conception of manifold affinities gives, at once, a simple statical method of estimating the composition of the most complicated molecules.

I shall enter neither into details, nor into the various consequences following from these views, nor into the disputes which have sprung up respecting them (and relating especially to the number of isomerides possible on the assumption of free affinities), because the foundation or origin of theories of this nature suffers from the radical defect of being in opposition to dynamics. The molecule, as even Laurent expressed himself, is represented as an architectural structure, the style of which is determined by the fundamental arrangement of a few atoms, whilst the decorative details, which are capable of being varied by the same forces, are formed by the elements entering into the combination. It is on this account that the term ‘structural’ is so appropriate to the contemporary views of the above order, and that the ‘structuralists’ seek to justify the tetrahedric, plane, or prismatic disposition of the atoms of carbon in benzene. It is evident that the consideration relates to the statical position of atoms and molecules and not to their kinetic relations. The atoms of the structural type are like the lifeless pieces on a chess board: they are endowed but with the voices of living beings, and are not those living beings themselves; acting, indeed, according to laws, yet each possessed of a store of energy which, in the present state of our knowledge, must be taken into account.

In the days of HaÜy, crystals were considered in the same statical and structural light, but modern crystallographers, having become more thoroughly acquainted with their physical properties and their actual formation, have abandoned the earlier views, and have made their doctrines dependent on dynamics.

The immediate object of this lecture is to show that, starting with Newton's third law of motion, it is possible to preserve to chemistry all the advantages arising from structural teaching, without being obliged to build up molecules in solid and motionless figures, or to ascribe to atoms definite limited valencies, directions of cohesion, or affinities. The wide extent of the subject obliges me to treat only a small portion of it, namely of substitutions, without specially considering combinations and decompositions, and even then limiting myself to the simplest examples, which, however, will throw open prospects embracing all the natural complexity of chemical relations. For this reason, if it should prove possible to form groups similar, for example, to H4 or CH6 as the remnants of molecules CH4 or C2H7 we shall not pause to consider them, because, as far as we know, they fall asunder into two parts, H2 + H2 or CH4 + H2, as soon as they are even temporarily formed, and are incapable of separate existence, and therefore can take no part in the elementary act of substitution. With respect to the simplest molecules which we shall select—that is to say, those of which the parts have no separate existence, and therefore cannot appear in substitutions—we shall consider them according to the periodic law, arranging them in direct dependence on the atomic weight of the elements.

Thus, for example, the molecules of the simplest hydrogen compounds—

hydrofluoric acid water ammonia Hmethane

correspond with elements the atomic weights of which decrease consecutively

F = 19, O = 16, N = 14, C = 12.

Neither the arithmetical order (1, 2, 3, 4 atoms of hydrogen) nor the total information we possess respecting the elements will permit us to interpolate into this typical series one more additional element; and therefore we have here, for hydrogen compounds, a natural base on which are built up those simple chemical combinations which we take as typical. But even they are competent to unite with each other, as we see, for instance, in the property which hydrofluoric acid has of forming a hydrate—that is, of combining with water; and a similar attribute of ammonia, resulting in the formation of a caustic alkali, NH3,H2O, or NH4OH.

Having made these indispensable preliminary observations, I may now attack the problem itself and attempt to explain the so-called structure or rather construction, of molecules—that is to say, their constitution and transformations—without having recourse to the teaching of ‘structuralists,’ but on Newton's dynamical principles.

Of Newton's three laws of motion, only the third can be applied directly to chemical molecules when regarded as systems of atoms among which it must be supposed that there exist common influences or forces, and resulting compounded relative motions. Chemical reactions of every kind are undoubtedly accomplished by changes in these internal movements, respecting the nature of which nothing is known at present, but the existence of which the mass of evidence collected in modern times forces us to acknowledge as forming part of the common motion of the universe, and as a fact further established by the circumstance that chemical reactions are always characterised by changes of volume or the relations between the atoms or the molecules. Newton's third law, which is applicable to every system, declares that, ‘action is also associated with reaction, and is equal to it.’ The brevity of conciseness of this axiom was, however, qualified by Newton in a more expanded statement, ‘the action of bodies one upon another are always equal, and in opposite directions.’ This simple fact constitutes the point of departure for explaining dynamic equilibrium—that is to say, systems of conservancy. It is capable of satisfying even the dualists, and of explaining, without additional assumptions, the preservation of those chemical types which Dumas, Laurent, and Gerhardt created unit types, and those views of atomic combinations which the structuralists express by atomicity or the valency of the elements, and, in connection with them, the various numbers of affinities. In reality, if a system of atoms or a molecule be given, then in it, according to the third law of Newton, each portion of atoms acts on the remaining portion in the same manner, and with the same force as the second set of atoms acts on the first. We infer directly from this consideration that both sets of atoms, forming a molecule, are not only equivalent with regard to themselves, as they must be according to Dalton's law, but also that they may, if united, replace each other. Let there be a molecule containing atoms A B C, it is clear that, according to Newton's law, the action of A on B C must be equal to the action of B C on A, and if the first action is directed on B C, then the second must be directed on A, and consequently then, where A can exist in dynamic equilibrium, B C may take its place and act in a like manner. In the same way the action of C is equal to the action of A B. In one word every two sets of atoms forming a molecule are equivalent to each other, and may take each other's place in other molecules, or, having the power of balancing each other, the atoms or their complements are endowed with the power of replacing each other. Let us call this consequence of an evident axiom ‘the principle of substitution,’ and let us apply it to those typical forms of hydrogen compounds which we have already discussed, and which, on account of their simplicity, and regularity, have served as starting-points of chemical argument long before the appearance of the doctrine of structure.

In the type of hydrofluoric acid, HF, or in systems of double stars, are included a multitude of the simplest molecules. It will be sufficient for our purpose to recall a few: for example, the molecules of chlorine, Cl2, and of hydrogen, H2, and hydrochloric acid, HCl, which is familiar to all in aqueous solution as spirits of salt, and which has many points of resemblance with HF, HBr, HI. In these cases division into two parts can only be made in one way, and therefore the principle of substitution renders it probable that exchanges between the chlorine and the hydrogen can take place, if they are competent to unite with each other. There was a time when no chemist would even admit the idea of any such action; it was then thought that the power of combination indicated a polar difference of the molecules in combination, and this thought set aside all idea of the substitution of one component element by another.

Thanks to the observations and experiments of Dumas and Laurent fifty years ago, such fallacies were dispelled, and in this manner the principle of substitution was exhibited. Chlorine and bromine acting on many hydrogen compounds, occupy immediately the place of their hydrogen, and the displaced hydrogen, with another atom of chlorine or bromine, forms hydrochloric acid or bromide of hydrogen. This takes place in all typical hydrogen compounds. Thus chlorine acts on this principle on gaseous hydrogen—reaction, under the influence of light, resulting in the formation of hydrochloric acid. Chlorine acting on the alkalis, constituted similarly to water, and even on water itself—only, however, under the influence of light and only partially because of the instability of HClO—forms by this principle bleaching salts, which are the same as the alkalis, but with their hydrogen replaced by chlorine. In ammonia and in methane, chlorine can also replace the hydrogen. From ammonia is formed in this manner the so-called chloride of nitrogen, NCl3, which decomposes very readily with violent explosion on account of the evolved gases, and falls asunder as chlorine and nitrogen. Out of marsh gas, or methane, CH4, may be obtained consecutively, by this method, every possible substitution, of which chloroform, CHCl3, is the best known, and carbon tetrachloride, CCl4, the most instructive. But by virtue of the fact that chlorine and bromine act, in the manner shown, on the simplest typical hydrogen compounds, their action on the more complicated ones may be assumed to be the same. This can be easily demonstrated. The hydrogen of benzene, C6H6, reacts feebly under the influence of light on liquid bromine, but Gustavson has shown that the addition of the smallest quantity of metallic aluminium causes energetic action and the evolution of large volumes of hydrogen bromide.

If we pass on to the second typical hydrogen compound—that is to say, water—its molecule, HOH, may be split up in two ways: either into an atom of hydrogen and a semi-molecule of hydrogen peroxide, HO, or into oxygen, O, and two atoms of hydrogen, H; and therefore, according to the principle of substitution, it is evident that one atom of hydrogen can exchange with hydrogen oxide, HO, and two atoms of hydrogen, H, with one atom of oxygen, O.

Both these forms of substitution will constitute methods of oxidation—that is to say, of the entrance of oxygen into the compound—a reaction which is so common in nature as well as in the arts, taking place at the expense of the oxygen of the air or by the aid of various oxidising substances or bodies which part easily with their oxygen. There is no occasion to reckon up the unlimited number of cases of such oxidising reactions. It is sufficient to state that in the first of these oxygen is directly transferred, and the position, the chemical function, which hydrogen originally occupied, is, after the substitution, occupied by the hydroxyl. Thus ammonia, NH3, yields hydroxylamine, NH2(OH), a substance which retains many of the properties of ammonia.

Methane and a number of other hydrocarbons yield, by substitution of the hydrogen by its oxide, methyl alcohol, CH3(OH), and other alcohols. The substitution of one atom of oxygen for two atoms of hydrogen is equally common with hydrogen compounds. By this means alcoholic liquids containing ethyl alcohol, or spirits of wine, C2H5(OH), are oxidised until they become vinegar, or acetic acid, C2H3O(OH). In the same way caustic ammonia, or the combination of ammonia with water, NH3,H2O, or NH4(OH), which contains a great deal of hydrogen, by oxidation exchanges four atoms of hydrogen for two atoms of oxygen, and becomes converted into nitric acid, NO2(OH). This process of conversion of ammonium salts into saltpetre goes on in the fields every summer, and with especial rapidity in tropical countries. The method by which this is accomplished, though complex, though involving the agency of all-permeating micro-organisms, is, in substance, the same as that by which alcohol is converted into acetic acid, or glycol, C2H4(OH)2, into oxalic acid, if we view the process of oxidation in the light of the Newtonian principles.

But while speaking of the application of the principle of substitution to water, we need not multiply instances, but must turn our attention to two special circumstances which are closely connected with the very mechanism of substitutions.

In the first place, the replacement of two atoms of hydrogen by one atom of oxygen may take place in two ways, because the hydrogen molecule is composed of two atoms, and therefore, under the influence of oxygen, the molecule forming water may separate before the oxygen has time to take its place. It is for this reason that we find, during the conversion of alcohol into acetic acid, that there is an interval during which is formed aldehyde, C2H4O, which, as its very name implies, is ‘alcohol dehydrogenatum,’ or alcohol deprived of hydrogen. Hence aldehyde combined with hydrogen yields alcohol; and united to oxygen, acetic acid.

For the same reason there should be, and there actually are, intermediate products between ammonia and nitric acid, NO2(HO), containing either less hydrogen than ammonia, less oxygen than nitric acid, or less water than caustic ammonia. Accordingly we find, among the products of the deoxidation of nitric acid and the oxidation of ammonia, not only hydroxylamine, but also nitrous oxide, nitrous and nitric anhydrides. Thus, the production of nitrous acid results from the removal of two atoms of hydrogen from caustic ammonia and the substitution of the oxygen for the hydrogen, NO(OH); or by the substitution, in ammonia, of three atoms of hydrogen by hydroxyl, N(OH)3, and by the removal of water: N(OH)3 - H2O = NO(OH). The peculiarities and properties of nitrous acid—as, for instance, its action on ammonia and its conversion, by oxidation, into nitric acid—are thus clearly revealed.

On the other hand, in speaking of the principle of substitution as applied to water, it is necessary to observe that hydrogen and hydroxyl, H and OH, are not only competent to unite, but also to form combinations with themselves, and thus become H2 and H2O2; and such are hydrogen and the peroxide thereof. In general, if a molecule A B exists, then molecules A A and B B can exist also. A direct reaction of this kind does not, however, take place in water, therefore undoubtedly, at the moment of formation, hydrogen reacts on hydrogen peroxide, as we can show at once by experiment; and further because hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, exhibits a structure containing a molecule of hydrogen, H2, and one of oxygen, O2, either of which is capable of separate existence. The fact, however, may now be taken as thoroughly established, that, at the moment of combustion of hydrogen or of the hydrogen compounds, hydrogen peroxide is always formed, and not only so, but in all probability its formation invariably precedes the formation of water. This was to be expected as a consequence of the law of Avogadro and Gerhardt, which leads us to expect this sequence in the case of equal interactions of volumes of vapours and gases; and in hydrogen peroxide we actually have such equal volumes of the elementary gases.

The instability of hydrogen peroxide—that is to say, the ease with which it decomposes into water and oxygen, even at the mere contact of porous substances—accounts for the circumstance that it does not form a permanent product of combustion, and is not produced during the decomposition of water. I may mention this additional consideration that, with respect to hydrogen peroxide, we may look for its effecting still further substitutions of hydrogen by means of which we may expect to obtain still more highly oxidised water compounds, such as H2O3 and H2O4. These SchÖnbein and Bunsen have long been seeking, and Berthelot is investigating them at present. It is probable, however, that the reaction will stop at the last compound, because we find that, in a number of cases, the addition of four atoms of oxygen seems to form a limit. Thus, OsO4, KClO4, KMnO4, K2SO4, Na3PO4, and such like, represent the highest grades of oxidation.[1]

As for the last forty years, from the times of Berzelius, Dumas, Liebig, Gerhardt, Williamson, Frankland, Kolbe, KekulÉ, and Butleroff, most theoretical generalisations have centred round organic or carbon compounds, we will, for the sake of brevity, leave out the discussion of ammonia derivatives, notwithstanding their simplicity with respect to the doctrine of substitutions; we will dwell more especially on its application to carbon compounds, starting from methane, CH4, as the simplest of the hydrocarbons, containing in its molecule one atom of carbon. According to the principles enumerated we may derive from CH4 every combination of the form CH3X, CH2X2, CHX3, and CX4, in which X is an element, or radicle, equivalent to hydrogen—that is to say, competent to take its place or to combine with it. Such are the chlorine substitutes already mentioned, such is wood-spirit, CH3(OH), in which X is represented by the residue of water, and such are numerous other carbon derivatives. If we continue, with the aid of hydroxyl, further substitutions of the hydrogen of methane we shall obtain successively CH2(OH)2, CH(OH)3, and C(OH)4. But if, in proceeding thus, we bear in mind that CH2(OH)2 contains two hydroxyls in the same form as hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 or (OH)2, contains them—and moreover not only in one molecule, but together, attached to one and the same atom of carbon—so here we must look for the same decomposition as that which we find in hydrogen peroxide, and accompanied also by the formation of water as an independently existing molecule; therefore CH2(OH)2 should yield, as it actually does, immediately water and the oxide of methylene, CH2O, which is methane with oxygen substituted for two atoms of hydrogen. Exactly in the same manner out of CH(OH)3 are formed water and formic acid, CHO(OH), and out of C(OH)4 is produced water and carbonic acid, or directly carbonic anhydride, CO2, which will therefore be nothing else than methane with the double replacement of pairs of hydrogen by oxygen. As nothing leads to the supposition that the four atoms of hydrogen in methane differ one from the other, so it does not matter by what means we obtain any one of the combinations indicated—they will be identical; that is to say, there will be no case of actual isomerism, although there may easily be such cases of isomerism as have been distinguished by the term metamerism.

Formic acid, for example, has two atoms of hydrogen, one attached to the carbon left from the methane, and the other attached to the oxygen which has entered in the form of hydroxyl, and if one of them be replaced by some substance X it is evident that we shall obtain substances of the same composition, but of different construction, or of different orders of movement among the molecules, and therefore endowed with other properties and reactions. If X be methyl, CH4—that is to say, a group capable of replacing hydrogen because it is actually contained with hydrogen in methane itself—then by substituting this group for the original hydrogen we obtain acetic acid, CCH3O(OH), out of formic, and by substitution of the hydrogen in its oxide or hydroxyl we obtain methyl formate, CHO(OCH3). These substances differ so much from each other physically and chemically that at first sight it is hardly possible to admit that they contain the same atoms in identically the same proportions. Acetic acid, for example, boils at a higher temperature than water, and has a higher specific gravity than it, whilst its metameride, methyl formate, is lighter than water, and boils at 30°—that is to say, it evaporates very easily.

Let us now turn to carbon compounds containing two atoms of carbon to the molecule, as in acetic acid, and proceed to evolve them from methane by the principle of substitution. This principle declares at once that methane can only be split up in the four following ways:—

1. Into a group CH3 equivalent with H. Let us call changes of this nature methylation.

2. Into a group CH2 and H2. We will call this order of substitutions methylenation.

3. Into CH and H3, which commutations we will call acetylenation.

4. Into C and H4, which may be called carbonation.

It is evident that hydrocarbon compounds containing two atoms of carbon can only proceed from methane, CH4, which contains four atoms of hydrogen by the first three methods of substitution; carbonation would yield free carbon if it could take place directly, and if the molecule of free carbon—which is in reality very complex, that is to say strongly polyatomic, as I have long since been proving by various means—could contain only C2 like the molecules O2, H2, N2, and so on.

By methylation we should evidently obtain from marsh gas, ethane, CH3CH3 = C2H6.

By methylenation—that is, by substituting group CH2 for H2—methane forms ethylene, CH2CH2 = C2H4.

By acetylenation—that is, by substituting three atoms of hydrogen, H3, in methane—by the remnant CH, we get acetylene, CHCH = C2H2.

If we have applied the principles of Newton correctly, there should not be any other hydrocarbons containing two atoms of carbon in the molecule. All these combinations have long been known, and in each of them we can not only produce those substitutions of which an example has been given in the case of methane, but also all the phases of other substitutions, as we shall find from a few more instances, by the aid of which I trust that I shall be able to show the great complexity of those derivatives which, on the principle of substitution, can be obtained from each hydrocarbon. Let us content ourselves with the case of ethane, CH3CH3, and the substitution of the hydrogen by hydroxyl. The following are the possible changes:—

1. CH3CH2(OH): this is nothing more than spirit of wine, or ethyl alcohol, C2H5(OH) or C2H6O.

2. CH2(OH)CH2(OH): this is the glycol of WÜrtz, which has shed so much light on the history of alcohol. Its isomeride may be CH3CH(OH)2, but as we have seen in the case of CH(OH)2, it decomposes, giving off water, and forming aldehyde, CH3CHO, a substance capable of yielding alcohol by uniting with hydrogen, and of yielding acetic acid by uniting with oxygen.

If glycol, CH2(OH)CH2(OH), loses its water, it may be seen at once that it will not now yield aldehyde, CH3CHO, but its isomeride, CH2CH2/O, the oxide of ethylene. I have here indicated in a special manner the oxygen which has taken the place of two atoms of the hydrogen of ethane taken from different atoms of the carbon.

3. CH3C(OH)3 decomposed as CH(OH)3, forming water and acetic acid, CH3CO(OH). It is evident that this acid is nothing else than formic acid, CHO(OH), with its hydrogen replaced by methyl. Without examining further the vast number of possible derivatives, I will direct your attention to the circumstance that in dissolving acetic acid in water we obtain the maximum contraction and the greatest viscosity when to the molecule CH3CO(OH) is added a molecule of water, which is the proportion which would form the hydrate CH3C(OH)3. It is probable that the doubling of the molecule of acetic acid at temperatures approaching its boiling-point has some connection with this power of uniting with one molecule of water.

4. CH2(OH)C(OH)3 is evidently an alcoholic acid, and indeed this compound, after losing water, answers to glycolic acid, CH2(OH)CO(OH). Without investigating all the possible isomerides, we will note only that the hydrate CH(OH)2CH(OH)2 has the same composition as CH2(OH)C(OH)3, and although corresponding to glycol, and being a symmetrical substance, it becomes, on parting with its water, the aldehyde of oxalic acid, or the glyoxal of Debus, CHOCHO.

5. CH(OH)2C(OH3), from the tendency of all the preceding, corresponds with glyoxylic acid, an aldehyde acid, CHOCO(OH), because the group CO(OH), or carboxyl, enters into the compositions of organic acids, and the group CHO defines the aldehyde function.

6. C(OH)3C(OH)3 through the loss of 2H2O yields the bibasic oxalic acid CO(OH)CO(OH), which generally crystallises with 2H2O, following thus the normal type of hydration characteristic of ethane.[2]

Thus, by applying the principle of substitution, we can, in the simplest manner, derive not only every kind of hydrocarbon compound, such as the alcohols, the aldehyde-alcohols, aldehydes, alcohol-acids, and the acids, but also combinations analogous to hydrated crystals which usually are disregarded.

But even those unsaturated substances, of which ethylene, CH2CH2, and acetylene, CHCH, are types, may be evolved with equal simplicity. With respect to the phenomena of isomerism, there are many possibilities among the hydrocarbon compounds containing two atoms of carbon, and without going into details it will be sufficient to indicate that the following formulÆ, though not identical, will be isomeric substantially among themselves:—CH3CHX2 and CH2XCH2X, although both contain C2H4X2; or CH2CX2 and CHXCHX, although both contain C2H2X2, if by X we indicate chlorine or generally an element capable of replacing one atom of hydrogen, or capable of uniting with it. To isomerism of this kind belongs the case of aldehyde and the oxide of ethylene, to which we have already referred, because both have the composition C2H4O.

What I have said appears to me sufficient to show that the principle of substitution adequately explains the composition, the isomerism, and all the diversity of combination of the hydrocarbons, and I shall limit the further development of these views to preparing a complete list of every possible hydrocarbon compound containing three atoms of carbon in the molecule. There are eight in all, of which only five are known at present.[3]

Among those possible for C3H6 there should be two isomerides, propylene and trimethylene, and they are both already known. For C3H4 there should be three isomerides: allylene and allene are known, but the third has not yet been discovered; and for C3H2 there should be two isomerides, though neither of them is known as yet. Their composition and structure are easily deduced from ethane, ethylene, and acetylene, by methylation, by methylenation, by acetylenation and by carbonation.

1. C3H8 = CH3CH2CH3 out of CH3CH3 by methylation. This hydrocarbon is named propane.

2. C3H6 = CH3CHCH2 out of CH3CH3 by methylenation. This substance is propylene.

3. C3H6 = CH2CH2CH2 out of CH3CH3 by methylenation. This substance is trimethylene.

4. C3H4 = CH3CCH out of CH3CH3 by acetylenation or from CHCH by methylation. This hydrocarbon is named allylene.

5. C3H4 = CHCH CH2 out of CH3CH3 by acetylenation, or from CH2CH2 by methylenation, because CH2CH CH = CHCH CH2 . This body is as yet unknown.

6. C3H4 = CH2CCH2 out of CH2CH2 by methylenation. This hydrocarbon is named allene, or iso-allylene.

7. C3H2 = CHCH C out of CH3CH3 by symmetrical carbonation, or out of CH2CH2 by acetylenation. This compound is unknown.

8. C3H2 = CC CH2 out of CH3CH3 by carbonation, or out of CHCH by methylenation. This compound is unknown.

If we bear in mind that for each hydrocarbon serving as a type in the above tables there are a number of corresponding derivatives, and that every compound obtained may, by further methylation, methylenation, acetylenation, and carbonation, produce new hydrocarbons, and these may be followed by a numerous suite of derivatives and an immense number of isomeric substances, it is possible to understand the limitless number of carbon compounds, although they all have the one substance, methane, for their origin. The number of substances is so enormous that it is no longer a question of enlarging the possibilities of discovery, but rather of finding some means of testing them analogous to the well-known two which for a long time have served as gauges for all carbon compounds.

I refer to the law of even numbers and to that of limits, the first enunciated by Gerhardt some forty years ago, with respect to hydrocarbons, namely, that their molecules always contain an even number of atoms of hydrogen. But by the method which I have used of deriving all the hydrocarbons from methane, CH4, this law may be deduced as a direct consequence of the principle of substitutions. Accordingly, in methylation, CH3 takes the place of H, and therefore CH2 is added. In methylenation the number of atoms of hydrogen remains unchanged, and at each acetylenation it is reduced by two, and in carbonation by four, atoms—that is to say, an even number of atoms of hydrogen is always added or removed. And because the fundamental hydrocarbon, methane, CH4, contains an even number of atoms of hydrogen, all its derivative hydrocarbons will also contain even numbers of hydrogen, and this constitutes the law of even numbers.

The principle of substitutions explains with equal simplicity the conception of the limiting compositions of hydrocarbons CnH2n+2, which I derived, in 1861,[4] in an empirical manner from accumulated materials available at that time, and on the basis of the limits to combinations worked out by Dr. Frankland for other elements.

Of all the various substitutions the highest proportion of hydrogen is yielded by methylation, because in that operation alone does the quantity of hydrogen increase; hence, taking methane as a point of departure, if we imagine methylation effected (n - 1) times we obtain hydrocarbon compounds containing the highest quantities of hydrogen. It is evident that they will contain CH4 + (n - 1)CH2, or CnH2n+2, because methylation leads to the addition of CH2 to the compound.

It will thus be seen that by the principle of substitution—that is to say, by the third law of Newton—we are able to deduce, in the simplest manner, not only the individual composition, the isomerism, and relations of substances, but also the general laws which govern their most complex combinations without having recourse either to statical constructions, to the definition of atomicities, to the exclusion of free affinities, or to the recognition of those single, double or treble bonds which are so indispensable to structuralists in the explanation of the composition and construction of hydrocarbon compounds. And yet, by the application of the dynamical principles of Newton, we can attain to that chief and fundamental object, the comprehension of isomerism in hydrocarbon compounds, and the forecasting of the existence of combinations as yet unknown, by which the edifice raised by structural teaching is strengthened and supported. Besides—and I count this for a circumstance of special importance—the process which I advocate will make no difference in those special cases which have been already so well worked out, such as, for example, the isomerism of the hydrocarbons and alcohols, even to the extent of not interfering with the nomenclature which has been adopted, and the structural system will retain all the glory of having worked up, in a thoroughly scientific manner, the store of information which Gerhardt had accumulated about the middle of the fifties, and the still higher glory of establishing the rational synthesis of organic substances. Nothing will be lost to the structural doctrine except its statical origin; and as soon as it will embrace the dynamic principles of Newton, and suffer itself to be guided by them, I believe that we shall attain for chemistry that unity of principle which is now wanting. Many an adept will be attracted to that brilliant and fascinating enterprise, the penetration into the unseen world of the kinetic relations of atoms, to the study of which the last twenty-five years have contributed so much labour and such high inventive faculties.

D'Alembert found in mechanics that if inertia be taken to represent force, dynamic equations may be applied to statical questions, which are thereby rendered more simple and more easily understood.

The structural doctrine in chemistry has unconsciously followed the same course, and therefore its terms are easily adopted; they may retain their present forms provided that a truly dynamical—that is to say, Newtonian—meaning be ascribed to them.

Before finishing my task and demonstrating the possibility of adapting structural doctrines to the dynamics of Newton, I consider it indispensable to touch on one question which naturally arises, and which I have heard discussed more than once. If bromine, the atom of which is eighty times heavier than that of hydrogen, takes the place of hydrogen, it would seem that the whole system of dynamic equilibrium must be destroyed.

Without entering into the minute analysis of this question, I think it will be sufficient to examine it by the light of two well-known phenomena, one of which will be found in the department of chemistry and the other in that of celestial mechanics, and both will serve to demonstrate the existence of that unity in the plan of creation which is a consequence of the Newtonian doctrines. Experiments demonstrate that when a heavy element is substituted for a light one in a chemical compound—for example, for magnesium, in the oxide of that metal, an atom of mercury, which is 8? times heavier—the chief chemical characteristics or properties are generally, though not always, preserved.

The substitution of silver for hydrogen, than which it is 108 times heavier, does not affect all the properties of the substance, though it does some. Therefore chemical substitutions of this kind—the substitution of light for heavy atoms—need not necessarily entail changes in the original equilibrium; and this point is still further elucidated by the consideration that the periodic law indicates the degree of influence of an increment of weight in the atom as affecting the possible equilibria, and also what degree of increase in the weight of the atoms reproduces some, though not all, of the properties of the substance.

This tendency to repetition—these periods—may be likened to those annual or diurnal periods with which we are so familiar on the earth. Days and years follow each other, but, as they do so, many things change; and in like manner chemical evolutions, changes in the masses of the elements, permit of much remaining undisturbed, though many properties undergo alteration. The system is maintained according to the laws of conservation in nature, but the motions are altered in consequence of the change of parts.

Next, let us take an astronomical case—such, for example, as the earth and the moon—and let us imagine that the mass of the latter is constantly increasing. The question is, what will then occur? The path of the moon in space is a wave-line similar to that which geometricians have named epicycloidal, or the locus of a point in a circle rolling round another circle. But in consequence of the influence of the moon it is evident that the path of the earth itself cannot be a geometric ellipse, even supposing the sun to be immovably fixed; it must be an epicycloidal curve, though not very far removed from the true ellipse—that is to say, it will be impressed with but faint undulations. It is only the common centre of gravity of the earth and the moon which describes a true ellipse round the sun. If the moon were to increase, the relative undulations of the earth's path would increase in amplitude, those of the moon would also change, and when the mass of the moon had increased to an equality with that of the earth, the path would consist of epicycloidal curves crossing each other, and having opposite phases. But a similar relation exists between the sun and the earth, because the former is also moving in space. We may apply these views to the world of atoms, and suppose that in their movements, when heavy ones take the place of those that are lighter, similar changes take place, provided that the system or the molecule is preserved throughout the change.

It seems probable that in the heavenly systems, during incalculable astronomical periods, changes have taken place and are still going on similar to those which pass rapidly before our eyes during the chemical reaction of molecules, and the progress of molecular mechanics may—we hope will—in course of time permit us to explain those changes in the stellar world which have more than once been noticed by astronomers, and which are now so carefully studied. A coming Newton will discover the laws of these changes. Those laws, when applied to chemistry, may exhibit peculiarities, but these will certainly be mere variations on the grand harmonious theme which reigns in nature. The discovery of the laws which produce this harmony in chemical evolution will only be possible, it seems to me, under the banner of Newtonian dynamics, which has so long waved over the domains of mechanics, astronomy, and physics. In calling chemists to take their stand under its peaceful and catholic shadow I imagine that I am aiding in establishing that scientific union which the managers of the Royal Institution wish to effect, who have shown their desire to do so by the flattering invitation which has given me—a Russian—the opportunity of laying before the countrymen of Newton an attempt to apply to chemistry one of his immortal principles.


[1] Because more than four atoms of hydrogen never unite with one atom of the elements, and because the hydrogen compounds (e.g. HCl, H2S, H3P, H4Si) always form their highest oxides with four atoms of oxygen, and as the highest forms of oxides (OsO4, RuO4) also contain four of oxygen, and eight groups of the periodic system, corresponding to the highest basic oxides R2O, RO, R2O3, RO2, R2O5, RO3, R2O7, and RO4, imply the above relationship, and because of the nearest analogues among the elements—such as Mg, Zn, Cd, and Hg; or Cr, Mo, W, and U; or Si, Ge, Sn, and Pt; or F, Cl, Br, and I, and so forth—not more than four are known, it seems to me that in these relationships there lies a deep interest and meaning with regard to chemical mechanics. But because, to my imagination, the idea of unity of design in Nature, either acting in complex celestial systems or among chemical molecules, is very attractive, especially because the atomic teaching at once acquires its true meaning, I will recall the following facts relating to the solar system. There are eight major planets, of which the four inner ones are not only separated from the four outer by asteroids, but differ from them in many respects, as, for example, in the smallness of their diameters and their greater density. Saturn with his ring has eight satellites, Jupiter and Uranus have each four. It is evident that in the solar systems also we meet with these higher numbers four and eight which appear in the combination of chemical molecules.

[2] One more isomeride, CH2CH(OH), is possible—that is, secondary vinyl alcohol, which is related to ethylene, CH2CH2, but derived by the principle of substitution from CH4. Other isomerides, of the composition C2H4O, such, for example, as CCH3(OH), are impossible, because it would correspond with the hydrocarbon CHCH3 = C2H4, which is isomeric with ethylene, and it cannot be derived from methane. If such an isomeride existed it would be derived from CH2, but such products are, up to the present, unknown. In such cases the insufficiency of the points of departure of the statical structural teaching is shown. It first admits constant atomicity and then rejects it, the facts serving to establish either one or the other view; and therefore it seems to me that we must come to the conclusion that the structural method of reasoning, having done a service to science, has outlived the age, and must be regenerated, as in their time was the teaching of the electro-chemists, the radicalists, and the adherents of the doctrine of types. As we cannot now lean on the views above stated, it is time to abandon the structural theory. They will all be united in chemical mechanics, and the principle of substitution must be looked on only as a preparation for the coming epoch in chemistry, where such cases as the isomerism of fumaric and maleic acids, when explained dynamically, as proposed by Le Bel and Van't Hoff, may yield points of departure.

[3] Conceding variable atomicity, the structuralists must expect an incomparably larger number of isomerides, and they cannot now decline to acknowledge the change of atomicity, were it only for the examples HgCl and HgCl2, CO and CO2, PCl3 and PCl5.

[4] ‘Essai d'une thÉorie sur les limites des combinaisons organiques,’ par D. MendelÉeff, 2/11 aoÛt 1861, Bulletin de l'AcadÉmie i. d. Sc. de St. PÉtersbourg, t. v


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