It is necessary to clearly distinguish between the two closely-allied terms, charcoal and carbon. Charcoal is well known to everybody, although it is no easy matter to obtain it in a chemically pure state. Pure charcoal is a simple, insoluble, infusible, combustible substance produced by heating organic matter, and has the familiar aspect of a black mass, devoid of any crystalline structure, and completely insoluble. Charcoal is a substance possessing a peculiar combination of physical and chemical properties. This substance, whilst in a state of ignition, combines directly with oxygen; in organic substances it is found in combination with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur. But in all these combinations there is no real charcoal, as in the same sense there is no ice in steam. What is found in such combinations is termed ‘carbon’—that is, an element common to charcoal, to those substances which can be formed from it, and also to those substances from which it can be obtained. Carbon may take the form of charcoal, but occurs also as diamond and as graphite. Truly no other element has such a wide terminology. Oxygen is always called ‘oxygen,’ whether it is in a free gaseous state, or in the form of ozone, or oxygen in water, or in nitric acid or in carbonic anhydride. But here there is some confusion. In water it is evident that there is no oxygen in a gaseous form, such as can be obtained in a free state, no oxygen in the form of ozone, but a substance which is capable of producing both oxygen, ozone, and water. As an element, oxygen possesses a known chemical individuality, and an influence on the properties of those combinations into which it enters. Hydrogen gas is a substance which reacts with difficulty, but the element hydrogen represents in its combinations an easily displaceable component part. Carbon may be considered as an atom of carbon matter, and charcoal as a collection of such atoms forming a whole substance, or mass of molecules of the substance. The accepted atomic weight of carbon is 12, because that is the least quantity of carbon which enters The variety of the substances of which the structure of plants and animals is built up is familiar to all. Wax, oil, turpentine, and tar, cotton and albumin, the tissue of plants and the muscular fibre of animals, vinegar and starch, are all vegetable and animal matters, and all carbon compounds. If any one of these organic compounds be strongly heated without free access of air—or, better still, in a vacuum—it decomposes with more or less facility. If the supply of air be insufficient, or the temperature be too low for combustion (see Chapter III.), and if the first volatile products of transformation of the organic matter are subjected to condensation (for example, if the door of a stove be opened), an imperfect combustion takes place, and smoke, with charcoal or soot, is formed. Wood charcoal is prepared in large quantities in a similar manner—that is, by the partial combustion of wood. During the imperfect combustion of volatile substances containing By means of intense heat charcoal may be transformed into graphite. If a charcoal rod 4 mm. in diameter and 5 mm. long be enclosed in an exhausted receiver and the current from 600 Bunsen's elements, placed in parallel series of 100, be passed through it, the charcoal The diamond is a crystalline and transparent form of carbon. It is Moissan (Paris, 1893) produced diamonds artificially by means of the high temperature attained in the electrical furnace Judging from the fact that carbon forms a number of gaseous bodies (carbonic oxide, carbonic anhydride, methane, ethylene, acetylene, &c.) and volatile substances (for example, many hydrocarbons and their most simple derivatives), and considering that the atomic weight of carbon, C = 12, approaches that of nitrogen, N = 14, and that of oxygen, O = 16, and that the compounds CO (carbonic oxide) and N2C2 (cyanogen) are gases, it may be argued that if carbon formed the molecule C2, like N2 and O2, it would be a gas. And as through polymerism or the combination of like molecules (as O2 passes into O3 or NO2 into N2O4) the temperatures of ebullition and fusion rise (which is particularly clearly proved with the hydrocarbons of the CnH2n series), it ought to be considered that the molecules of charcoal, graphite, and the diamond are very complex, seeing that they are insoluble, non-volatile, and infusible. The aptitude which the atoms of carbon show for combining together and forming complex molecules appears in all carbon compounds. Among the volatile compounds of carbon many are well known the molecules of which contain C5 ... C10 ... C20 ... C30, &c., in general Cn where n may be very large, and in none of the other elements is this faculty of complexity so developed as in carbon. No other two elements are capable of combining together in such variety as carbon and hydrogen. The hydrocarbons of the CnH2m series in many cases differ widely from each other, although they have some properties in common. All hydrocarbons, whether gaseous, liquid or solid, are combustible substances sparingly soluble or insoluble in water. The liquefied gaseous hydrocarbons, as well as those which are liquid at ordinary temperatures, and those solid hydrocarbons which have been liquefied by fusion, have the appearance and property of oily liquors, more or less viscid, or fluid. Some of the hydrocarbons are capable of combination, whilst others do not show that power. Those which contain less hydrogen belong to the former category, and those which, for a given quantity of carbon, contain the maximum amount of hydrogen, belong to the latter. The composition of those last mentioned is expressed by the general formula CnH2n + 2. These so-called saturated hydrocarbons are incapable of combination. Many of the hydrocarbons met with in nature are the products of organisms, and do not belong to the mineral kingdom. A still greater number are produced artificially. These are formed by what is termed There is one substance known among the saturated hydrocarbons composed of 1 atom of carbon and 4 atoms of hydrogen; this is a compound containing the highest percentage of hydrogen (CH4 contains 25 per cent. of hydrogen), and at the same time it is the only hydrocarbon whose molecule contains but a single atom of carbon. This saturated hydrocarbon, CH4, is called marsh gas or methane. If vegetable or animal refuse suffers decomposition in a space where the air has not free access, or no access at all, then the decomposition is accompanied with the formation of marsh gas, and this either at the ordinary temperature, or at a comparatively much higher one. On this account plants, when decomposing under water in marshes, give out this gas. An alkali—for instance, NaHO—gives with acetic acid a salt, C2H3NaO2, which on decomposition retains carbonic anhydride, forming a carbonate, Na2CO3, and marsh gas is given off: C2H3NaO2 + NaHO = Na2CO3 + CH4 Marsh gas is difficult to liquefy; it is almost insoluble in water, and is without taste or smell. The most important point in connection with its chemical reactions is that it does not combine directly with anything, whilst the other hydrocarbons which contain less hydrogen than expressed by the formula CnH2n + 2 are capable of combining with hydrogen, chlorine, certain acids, &c. If the law of substitution gives a very simple explanation of the formation of hydrogen peroxide as a compound containing two aqueous residues (OH)(OH), then on the basis of this law all hydrocarbons ought to be derived from methane, CH4, as being the simplest hydrocarbon. Cases of isomerism in the restricted sense of the word—that is, when with an identity of composition and of molecular weight, the properties of the substances are different—are very numerous among the hydrocarbons and their derivatives. Such cases are particularly important for the comprehension of molecular structure and they also, like the polymerides, may be predicted from the above-mentioned conceptions, expressing the principles of the structure of the carbon compounds Olefiant gas, almost free from other gases, Like other unsaturated hydrocarbons, olefiant gas readily enters into combination with certain substances, such as chlorine, bromine, iodine, fuming sulphuric acid, or sulphuric anhydride, &c. If olefiant gas be sealed up with a small quantity of sulphuric acid in a glass vessel, and constantly agitated (as, for instance, by attaching it to the moving part of a machine), the prolonged contact and repeated mixing causes the olefiant gas, little by little, to combine with the sulphuric acid, forming C2H4H2SO4. If, after this absorption, the sulphuric acid be diluted with water and distilled, alcohol separates, which is produced in this case by the olefiant gas combining with the elements of water, C2H4 + H2O = C2H6O. In this reaction (Berthelot) we see an excellent example of the fact that if a given substance, like olefiant gas, is produced by the decomposition of another, then in the reverse way this substance, entering into combination, is capable of forming the original substance—in our example, alcohol. In combination with various molecules, X2, ethylene gives saturated compounds, C2H4X2 or CH2XCH2X (for example, C2H4Cl2), which correspond with ethane, CH3CH3 or C2H6. Acetylene, C2H2 = CHCH, is a gas; it was first prepared by Berthelot (1857). It has a very pungent smell, is characterised by its great stability under the action of heat, and is obtained as the only product of the direct combination of carbon with hydrogen when a luminous arc (voltaic) is formed between carbon electrodes. This arc contains particles of carbon passing from one pole to the other. If the carbons be surrounded with an atmosphere of hydrogen, the carbon in part combines with the hydrogen, forming C2H2. Acetylene is also produced in all those cases where organic substances are decomposed by the action of a high temperature—for example, by dry distillation. On this account a certain quantity is always found in coal gas, and gives to it, at all events in part, its peculiar smell, but the quantity of acetylene in coal gas is very small. If the vapour of alcohol be passed through a heated tube a certain quantity of acetylene is formed. It is also produced by the imperfect combustion of olefiant and marsh gas—for example, if the flame of coal gas has not free access to air. Acetylene, being further removed than ethylene from the limit CnH2n+2 of hydrocarbon compounds, has a still greater faculty of combination than is shown by olefiant gas, and therefore can be more readily separated from any mixture containing it. Actually, acetylene not only combines with one and two molecules of I2, HI, H2SO4, Cl2, Br2, &c.... (many other unsaturated hydrocarbons combine with them), but also with cuprous chloride, CuCl, forming a red precipitate. If a gaseous mixture containing acetylene be passed through an ammoniacal solution of cuprous chloride (or silver nitrate), the other gases do not combine, but the acetylene gives a red precipitate (or grey with silver), which detonates when struck with a hammer. This red precipitate gives off acetylene under the action of acids. In this manner pure acetylene may be obtained. Acetylene and its homologues also readily react with corrosive sublimate, HgCl2 (Koucheroff, Favorsky). Acetylene burns with a very brilliant flame, which is accounted for by the comparatively large amount of carbon it contains. The formation and existence in nature of large masses of petroleum or a mixture of liquid hydrocarbons, principally of the series CnH2n+2 and CnH2n is in many respects remarkable. Footnotes: see caption Fig. 57.—Apparatus for the dry distillation of wood. The retort a containing the wood is heated by the flues c e. The steam and volatile products of distillation pass along the tube g through the condenser m, where they are condensed. The form, distribution, and dimensions of the apparatus vary. The composition of the growing parts of plants, the leaves, young branches, shoots, &c., differs from the composition of the wood in that these vital parts contain a considerable quantity of sap which contains much nitrogenous matter (in the wood itself there is very little), mineral salts, and a large amount of water. Taking, for example, the composition of clover and pasture hay in the green and dry state; in 100 parts of green clover there is about 80 p.c. of water and 20 p.c. of dry matter, in which there are about 3·5 parts of nitrogenous albuminous matter, about 9·5 parts of soluble and about 5 parts of insoluble non-nitrogenous matter, and about 2 p.c. of ash. In dry clover or clover-hay there is about 15 p.c. of water, 13 p.c. of nitrogenous matter, and 7 p.c. of ash. This composition of grassy substances shows that they are capable of forming the same sort of charcoal as wood itself. It also shows the difference of nutritive properties existing between wood and the substances mentioned. These latter serve as food for animals, because they contain those substances which are capable of being dissolved (entering into the blood) and forming the body of animals; such substances are proteids, starch, &c. Let us remark here that with a good harvest an acre of land gives in the form of grass as much organic substance as it yields in the form of wood. One hundred parts of dry wood are capable of giving, on dry distillation, besides 25 p.c. of charcoal and 10 p.c. or more of tar, 40 p.c. of watery liquid, containing acetic acid and wood spirit, and about 25 p.c. of gases, which may be used for heating or lighting purposes, because they do not differ from ordinary illuminating gas, which can indeed be obtained from wood. As wood-charcoal and tar are valuable products, in some cases the dry distillation of wood is carried on principally for producing them. For this purpose those kinds of woods are particularly advantageous which contain resinous substances, especially coniferous trees, such as fir, pine, &c.; birch, oak, and ash give much less tar, but on the other hand they yield more aqueous liquor. The latter is used for the manufacture of wood spirit, CH4O, and acetic acid, C2H4O2. In such cases, the dry distillation is carried on in stills. The stills are nothing more than horizontal or vertical cylindrical retorts, made of boiler plate, heated with fuel and having apertures at the top and sometimes also at the bottom for the exit of the light and heavy products of distillation. The dry distillation of wood in stoves is carried on in two ways, either by burning a portion of the wood inside the stove in order to submit the remainder to dry distillation by means of the heat obtained in this manner, or by placing the wood in a stove the thin sides of which are surrounded with a flue leading from the fuel, placed in a space below. The first method does not give such a large amount of liquid products of the dry distillation as the latter. In the latter process there is generally an outlet below for emptying out the charcoal at the close of the operation. For the dry distillation of 100 parts of wood from forty to twenty parts of fuel are used. In the north of Russia wood is so plentiful and cheap that this locality is admirably fitted to become the centre of a general trade in the products of its dry distillation. Coal (Note 6), sea-weed, turf, animal substances (Chapter VI.), &c., are also submitted to the process of dry distillation. However, water and carbonic anhydride are not the only products separated from organic substances. Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen are capable of giving a multitude of compounds; some of these are volatile compounds, gaseous, soluble in water—they are carried off from organic matter, undergoing change without access of air. Others, on the contrary, are non-volatile, rich in carbon, unaffected by heat and other agents. The latter remain in admixture with charcoal in the place where the decomposition takes place; such, for example, are tarry substances. The quantity of those bodies which are found mixed with the charcoal is very varied, and depends on the energy and duration of the decomposing agent. The annexed table shows, according to the data of Violette, those changes which wood undergoes at various temperatures when submitted to dry distillation by means of superheated steam:—
The origin and extent of black earth soil are treated in detail in Professor Dokouchaeff's works. If those substances which produce humus undergo decomposition under water, less carbonic anhydride is formed, a quantity of marsh gas, CH4, is evolved, and the solid residue forms an acid humus found in great quantities in marshy places and called peat. Peat is especially abundant in the lowlands of Holland, North Germany, Ireland, and Bavaria. In Russia it is likewise found in large quantities, especially in the North-West districts. The old hard forms of peat resemble in composition and properties brown coal; the newest formations, as yet unhardened by pressure, form very porous masses which retain traces of the vegetable matter from which they have been formed. Dried (and sometimes pressed) peat is used as fuel. The composition of peat varies considerably with the locality in which it is found. When dried in air it does not contain less than 15 p.c. of water and 8 p.c. of ash; the remainder consists of 45 p.c. of carbon, 4 p.c. of hydrogen, 1 p.c. of nitrogen, and 28 p.c. of oxygen. Its heating power is about equivalent to that of wood. The brown earthy varieties of coal were probably formed from peat. In other cases they have a marked woody structure, and are then known as lignites. The composition of the brown sorts of coal resembles in a marked degree that of peat—namely, in a dried state brown coal contains on an average 60 p.c. of carbon, 5 p.c. of hydrogen, 26 p.c. of oxygen and nitrogen, and 9 p.c. of ash. In Russia brown coal is met with in many districts near Moscow, in the Governments of Toula and Tver and the neighbourhood; it is very usually used as fuel, particularly when found in thick seams. The brown coals usually burn with a flame like wood and peat, and are akin to them in heating power, which is half or a third that of the best coal. In order to explain the formation of coal from vegetable matter, Cagniard de la Tour enclosed pieces of dried wood in a tube and heated them to the boiling point of mercury, when the wood was changed into a semi-liquid black mass from which a substance exceedingly like coal separated. In this manner some kinds of wood formed coal which on being heated left caking coke, others non-caking; precisely as we find with the natural varieties of coal. Violette repeated these experiments with wood dried at 150°, and showed that when wood is decomposed in this way, a gas, an aqueous liquor, and a residue are formed. The latter at a temperature of 200° has the properties of wood charcoal incompletely burnt; at 300° and higher a homogeneous mass like coal is formed which at 340° is dense and without cavities. At 400° the residue resembles anthracite. In nature probably the decomposition was in rare cases effected by heat alone; more generally it was effected by means of water and heat, but in either case the result ought to be almost the same. The average composition of coal compiled from many analyses, disregarding the ash, is as follows: 84 parts of carbon, 5 parts of hydrogen, 1 part of nitrogen, 8 parts of oxygen, 2 of sulphur. The quantity of ash is on an average 5 p.c., but there are coals which contain a larger quantity, and naturally they are not so advantageous for use as fuel. The amount of water does not usually exceed more than 10 p.c. The anthracites form a remarkable variety of coals, they do not give any volatile products, or but a very small amount, as they contain but little hydrogen compared to oxygen. In the average composition of coal we saw that for 5 parts of hydrogen there were 8 parts of oxygen; therefore 4 parts by weight of hydrogen are capable of forming hydrocarbons, because 1 part of hydrogen is necessary in order to form water with the 8 parts of oxygen. These 4 parts by weight of hydrogen can convert 48 parts of carbon into volatile products, because 1 part of hydrogen by weight in these substances combines with 12 parts of carbon. The anthracites differ essentially from this: neglecting the ash, their average composition is as follows: 94 parts of carbon, 3 of hydrogen, and 3 of oxygen and nitrogen. According to the analyses of A. A. Voskresensky, the Grousheffsky anthracite (Don district) contains: C = 93·8, H = 1·7, ash = 1·5. Therefore the anthracites contain but little hydrogen capable of combining with the carbon to form hydrocarbons which burn with a flame. Anthracites are the oldest forms of coal. The newest and least transformed coals, which resemble some of the brown varieties, are the dry coals. They burn with a flame like wood, and leave a coke having the appearance of lumps of coal, half their component parts being absorbed by the flame (they contain much hydrogen and oxygen). The remaining varieties of coal (gas coal, smithy coal, coking, and anthracite) according to GrÜner in all respects form connecting links between the dry coals and the anthracites. These coals burn with a very smoky flame, and on being heated leave coke, which bears the same relation to coal that charcoal does to wood. The quantity and quality of coke vary considerably with the different sorts of coal from which it is formed. In practice coals are most often distinguished by the properties and quantity of the coke which they give. In this particular the so-called bituminous coals are especially valuable, as even the slack of this kind gives on dry distillation large spongy masses of coke. If large pieces of these kinds of coal are subjected to dry distillation, they, as it were, melt, flow together, and form caking masses of coke. The best coking coals give 65 p.c. of dense caking coke. Such coal is very valuable for metallurgical purposes (see Note 8). Besides coke, the dry distillation of coal produces gas (see further, illuminating gas, p. 361), coal-tar (which gives benzene, carbolic acid, naphthalene, tar for artificial asphalt, &c.) and also an aqueous alkaline liquor (with wood and lignites the liquid is acid from acetic acid) which contains ammonium carbonate (see Note 6).
The quantity of gas absorbed by the charcoal increases with the pressure, and is approximately proportional to it. The quantity of heat given out by the absorption nearly approaches that set free on dissolving, or passing into a liquid condition. Charcoal absorbs not only gases, but a number of other substances. For instance, alcohol which contains disagreeably smelling fusel oil, on being mixed with charcoal or filtered through it, loses most of the fusel oil. The practice of filtering substances through charcoal in order to get rid of foreign matters is often applied in chemical and manufacturing processes. Oils, spirits, various extracts, and vegetable and other solutions are filtered through charcoal in order to purify them. The bleaching power of charcoal may be tested by using various coloured solutions—such as aniline dyes, litmus, &c. Charcoal, which has absorbed one substance to saturation is still capable of absorbing certain other substances. Animal charcoal, produced in a very finely-divided state, especially by heating bones, makes the best sort for the purposes of absorption. Bone charcoal is used in large quantities in sugar works for filtering syrups and all saccharine solutions, in order to purify them, not only from colouring and odorous matter, but also from the lime which is mixed with the syrups in order to render them less unstable during boiling. The absorption of lime by animal charcoal depends, in all probability, in a great degree on the mineral component parts of bone charcoal. BaC2 + 2H2O = C2H2 + Ba(OH)2 Maquenne proposes the barium carbide as a source of acetylene. He obtained this compound by heating carbonate of barium, magnesium powder, and retort carbon in a Perreau furnace (BaCO3 + 3Mg + C = 3MgO + BaC2). One hundred grams of BaC2 evolve 5,200 to 5,400 c.c. of acetylene, mixed with about 2–3 p.c. of hydrogen. The relation of acetylene, C2H2, to these metallic carbides is evident from the fact that these metals (Ca, Sr, Ba) replace 2 atoms of hydrogen, and therefore C2Ba corresponds to C2H2, so that they may be regarded as metallic derivatives of acetylene. Moissan (1893) obtained similar carbides directly from the oxides by subjecting them to the action of the voltaic arc, in the presence of carbon, for instance, BaO + 3C = CO + C2Ba, although at a furnace heat carbon has no action on the oxides CaO, BaO, SrO. Concerning Al4C5, see Chapter XVII. Note 38. Graphite, like most forms of charcoal, still contains a certain quantity of hydrogen, oxygen, and ash, so that in its natural state it does not contain more than 98 p.c. of carbon. In practice, graphite is purified simply by washing it when in a finely-ground state, by which means the bulk of the earthy matter may be separated. The following process, proposed by Brodie, consists in mixing the powdered graphite with 1/14 part of its weight of potassium chlorate. The mixture is then heated with twice its weight of strong sulphuric acid until no more odoriferous gases are emitted; on cooling, the mixture is thrown into water and washed; the graphite is then dried and heated to a red heat; after this it shrinks considerably in volume and forms a very fine powder, which is then washed. By acting on graphite several times with a mixture of potassium chlorate and nitric acid heated up to 60°, Brodie transformed it into a yellow insoluble acid substance which he called graphitic acid, C11H4O5. The diamond remains unchanged when subjected to this treatment, whilst amorphous charcoal is completely oxidised. Availing himself of this possibility of distinguishing graphite from the diamond or amorphous charcoal, Berthelot showed that when compounds of carbon and hydrogen are decomposed by heat, amorphous charcoal is mainly formed, whilst when compounds of carbon with chlorine, sulphur, and boron are decomposed, graphite is principally deposited. As the complexity of the molecules of hydrocarbons and their derivatives increases by the addition of carbon (or CH2), so does the degree of viscosity also rise. The extensive series of investigations referring to this subject still await the necessary generalisation. That connection which (already partly observed) ought to exist between the viscosity and the other physical and chemical properties, forces us to conclude that the magnitude of internal friction plays an important part in molecular mechanics. In investigating organic compounds and solutions, similar researches ought to stand foremost. Many observations have already been made, but not much has yet been done with them; the bare facts and some mechanical data exist, but their relation to molecular mechanics has not been cleared up in the requisite degree. It has already been seen from existing data that the viscosity at the temperature of the absolute boiling point becomes as small as in gases.
For considerations relative to the combustion of carbon compounds, we will first enumerate the quantity of heat separated by the combustion of definite chemical carbon compounds, and then give a few figures bearing on the kinds of fuel used in practice. For molecular quantities in perfect combustion the following amounts of heat are given out (when gaseous carbonic anhydride and liquid water are formed), according to Thomsen's data (1) for gaseous CnH2n+2: 52·8 + 158·8n thousand calories; (2) for CnH2n: 17·7 + 158·1n thousand calories; (3) according to Stohmann (1888) for liquid saturated alcohols, CnH2n+2O: 11·8 + 156·3n, and as the latent heat of evaporation = about 8·2 + 0·6n, in a gaseous state, 20·0 + 156·9n; (4) for monobasic saturated liquid acids, CnH2nO2:—95·3 + 154·3n, and as their latent heat of evaporation is about 5·0 + 1·2n, in a gaseous form, about—90 + 155n; (5) for solid saturated bibasic acids, CnH2n-2O4:—253·8 + 152·6n, if they are expressed as CnH2nC2H2O4, then 51·4 + 152·6n; (6) for benzene and its liquid homologues (still according to Stohmann) CnH2n-6:—158·6 + 156·3n, and in a gaseous form about—155 + 157n; (7) for the gaseous homologues of acetylene, CnH2n-2 (according to Thomsen)—5 + 157n. It is evident from the preceding figures that the group CH2, or CH3 substituted for H, on burning gives out from 152 to 159 thousand calories. This is less than that given out by C + H2, which is 97 + 69 or 166 thousand; the reason for this difference (it would be still greater if carbon were gaseous) is the amount of heat separated during the formation of CH2. According to Stohmann, for dextroglucose, C6H12O6, it is 673·7; for common sugar, C12H22O11, 1325·7; for cellulose, C6H10O5, 678·0; starch, 677·5; dextrin, 666·2; glycol, C2H6O2, 281·7; glycerine, 397·2, &c. The heat of combustion of the following solids (determined by Stohmann) is expressed per unit of weight: naphthalene, C10H8, 9,621; urea, CN2H4O, 2,465; white of egg, 5,579; dry rye bread, 4,421; wheaten bread, 4,302; tallow, 9,365; butter, 9,192; linseed oil, 9,323. The most complete collection of arithmetical data for the heats of combustion will be found in V. F. Longinin's work, ‘Description of the Various Methods of Determining the Heats of Combustion of Organic Compounds’ (Moscow, 1894). The number of units of heat given out by unit weight during the complete combustion and cooling of the following ordinary kinds of fuel in their usual state of dryness and purity are:—(1) for wood charcoal, anthracite, semi-anthracite, bituminous coal and coke, from 7,200 to 8,200; (2) dry, long flaming coals, and the best brown coals, from 6,200 to 6,800; (3) perfectly dry wood, 3,500; hardly dry, 2,500; (4) perfectly dry peat, best kind, 4,500; compressed and dried, 3,000; (5) petroleum refuse and similar liquid hydrocarbons, about 11,000; (6) illuminating gas of the ordinary composition (about 45 vols. H, 40 vols. CH4, 5 vols. CO, and 5 vols. N), about 12,000; (7) producer gas (see next Chapter), containing 2 vols. carbonic anhydride, 30 vols. carbonic oxide, and 68 vols. nitrogen for one part by weight of the whole carbon burnt, 5,300, and for one part by weight of the gas, 910, units of heat; and (8) water gas (see next chapter) containing 4 vols. carbonic anhydride, 8 vols. N2, 24 vols. carbonic oxide, and 46 vols. H2, for one part by weight of the carbon consumed in the generator 10,900, and for one part by weight of the gas, 3,600 units of heat. In these figures, as in all calorimetric observations, the water produced by the combustion of the fuel is supposed to be liquid. As regards the temperature reached by the fuel, it is important to remark that for solid fuel it is indispensable to admit (to ensure complete combustion) twice the amount of air required, but liquid, or pulverised fuel, and especially gaseous fuel, does not require an excess of air; therefore, a kilogram of charcoal, giving 8,000 units of heat, requires about 24 kilograms of air (3 kilograms of air per thousand calories) and a kilogram of producer gas requires only 0·77 kilogram of air (0·85 kilo. of air per 1,000 calories), 1 kilogram of water gas about 4·5 of air (1·25 kilo. of air per 1,000 calories). see caption Fig. 58.—General view of gas works. B, retorts; f, hydraulic main; H and I, tar well; i, condensers; L, purifiers; P, gasholder. see caption Fig. 59.—Blowpipe. Air is blown in at the trumpet-shaped mouthpiece, and escapes in a fine stream from the platinum jet placed at the extremity of the side tube. see caption Fig. 60.—Davy safety-lamp. [Modern form.] Illuminating gas is generally prepared by heating gas coal (see Note 6) in oval cylindrical horizontal cast-iron or clay retorts. Several such retorts BB (fig. 58) are disposed in the furnace A, and heated together. When the retorts are heated to a red heat, lumps of coal are thrown into them, and they are then closed with a closely fitting cover. The illustration shows the furnace, with five retorts. Coke (see Note 1, dry distillation) remains in the retorts, and the volatile products in the form of vapours and gases travel along the pipe d, rising from each retort. These pipes branch above the stove, and communicate with the receiver f (hydraulic main) placed above the furnace. Those products of the dry distillation which most easily pass from the gaseous into the liquid and solid states collect in the hydraulic main. From the hydraulic main the vapours and gases travel along the pipe g and the series of vertical pipes j (which are sometimes cooled by water trickling over the surface), where the vapours and gases cool from the contact of the colder surface, and a fresh quantity of vapour condenses. The condensed liquids pass from the pipes g and j and into the troughs H. These troughs always contain liquid at a constant level (the excess flowing away) so that the gas cannot escape, and thus they form, as it is termed, a hydraulic joint. In the state in which it leaves the condensers the gas consists principally of the following vapours and gases: (1) vapour of water, (2) ammonium carbonate, (3) liquid hydrocarbons, (4) hydrogen sulphide, H2S, (5) carbonic anhydride, CO2, (6) carbonic oxide, CO, (7) sulphurous anhydride, SO2, but a great part of the illuminating gas consists of (8) hydrogen, (9) marsh gas, (10) olefiant gas, C2H4, and other gaseous hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons (3, 9, and 10), the hydrogen, and carbonic oxide are capable of combustion, and are useful component parts, but the carbonic anhydride, the hydrogen sulphide, and sulphurous anhydride, as well as the vapours of ammonium carbonate, form an injurious admixture, because they do not burn (CO2, SO2) and lower the temperature and brilliancy of the flame, or else, although capable of burning (for example, H2S, CS2, and others), they give out during combustion sulphurous anhydride which has a disagreeable smell, is injurious when inhaled, and spoils many surrounding objects. In order to separate the injurious products, the gas is washed with water, a cylinder (not shown in the illustration) filled with coke continually moistened with water serving for this purpose. The water coming into contact with the gas dissolves the ammonium carbonate; hydrogen sulphide, carbonic anhydride, and sulphurous anhydride, being only partly soluble in water, have to be got rid of by a special means. For this purpose the gas is passed through moist lime or other alkaline liquid, as the above-mentioned gases have acid properties and are therefore retained by the alkali. In the case of lime, calcium carbonate, sulphite and sulphide, all solid substances, are formed. It is necessary to renew the purifying material as its absorbing power decreases. A mixture of lime and sulphate of iron, FeSO4, acts still better, because the latter, with lime, Ca(HO)2, forms ferrous hydroxide, Fe(HO)2 and gypsum, CaSO4. The suboxide (partly turning into oxide) of iron absorbs H2S, forming FeS and H2O, and the gypsum retains the remainder of the ammonia, the excess of lime absorbing carbonic anhydride and sulphuric anhydride. [In English works a native hydrated ferric hydroxide is used for removing hydrogen sulphide.] This purification of the gas takes place in the apparatus L, where the gas passes through perforated trays m, covered with sawdust mixed with lime and sulphate of iron. It is necessary to remark that in the manufacture of gas it is indispensable to draw off the vapours from the retorts, so that they should not remain there long (otherwise the hydrocarbons would in a considerable degree be resolved into charcoal and hydrogen), and also to avoid a great pressure of gas in the apparatus, otherwise a quantity of gas would escape at all cracks such as must inevitably exist in such a complicated arrangement. For this purpose there are special pumps (exhausters) so regulated that they only pump off the quantity of gas formed (the pump is not shown in the illustration). The purified gas passes through the pipe n into the gasometer (gasholder) P, a dome made of iron plate. The edges of the dome dip into water poured into a ring-shaped channel g, in which the sides of the dome rise and fall. The gas is collected in this holder, and distributed to its destination by pipes communicating with the pipe o, issuing from the dome. The pressure of the dome on the gas enables it, on issuing from a long pipe, to penetrate through the small aperture of the burner. A hundred kilograms of coal give about 20 to 30 cubic metres of gas, having a density from four to nine times greater than that of hydrogen. A cubic metre (1,000 litres) of hydrogen weighs about 87 grams; therefore 100 kilograms of coal give about 18 kilograms of gas, or about one-sixth of its weight. Illuminating gas is generally lighter than marsh gas, as it contains a considerable amount of hydrogen, and is only heavier than marsh gas when it contains much of the heavier hydrocarbons. Thus olefiant gas, C2H4, is fourteen times, and the vapours of benzene thirty-nine times, heavier than hydrogen, and illuminating gas sometimes contains 15 p.c. of its volume of them. The brilliancy of the flame of the gas increases with the quantity of olefiant gas and similar heavy hydrocarbons, as it then contains more carbon for a given volume and a greater number of carbon particles are separated. Gas usually contains from 35 to 60 p.c. of its volume of marsh gas, from 30 to 50 p.c. of hydrogen, from 3 to 5 p.c. of carbonic oxide, from 2 to 10 p.c. heavy hydrocarbons, and from 3 to 10 p.c. of nitrogen. Wood gives almost the same sort of gas as coal and almost the same quantity, but the wood gas contains a great deal of carbonic anhydride, although on the other hand there is an almost complete absence of sulphur compounds. Tar, oils, naphtha, and such materials furnish a large quantity of good illuminating gas. An ordinary burner of 8 to 12 candle-power burns 5 to 6 cubic feet of coal gas per hour, but only 1 cubic foot of naphtha gas. One pood (36 lbs. Eng.) of naphtha gives 500 cubic feet of gas—that is, one kilogram of naphtha produces about one cubic metre of gas. The formation of combustible gas by heating coal was discovered in the beginning of the last century, but only put into practice towards the end by Le-Bon in France and Murdoch in England. In England, Murdoch, together with the renowned Watt, built the first gas works in 1805. In practice illuminating gas is not only used for lighting (electricity and kerosene are cheaper in Russia), but also as the motive power for gas engines (see p. 175), which consume about half a cubic metre per horse-power per hour; gas is also used in laboratories for heating purposes. When it is necessary to concentrate the heat, either the ordinary blowpipe (fig. 59) is applied, placing the end in the flame and blowing through the mouthpiece; or, in other forms, gas is passed through the blowpipe; when a large, hot, smokeless flame is required for heating crucibles or glass-blowing, a foot-blower is used. High temperatures, which are often required for laboratory and manufacturing purposes, are most easily attained by the use of gaseous fuel (illuminating gas, producer gas, and water gas, which will be treated of in the following chapter), because complete combustion may be effected without an access of air. It is evident that in order to obtain high temperatures means must be taken to diminish the loss of heat by radiation, and to ensure perfect combustion. Zn(CH3)2 + 2HOH = Zn(HO)2 + 2CH3H. CH3Cl + CH3Na = NaCl + C2H6. This is the most simple example of the formation of a complex hydrocarbon from these radicles. The cause of the reaction must be sought for in the property which the haloid (chlorine) and sodium have of entering into mutual combination. This was shown in the year 1860, or thereabout, by many methods, and is the fundamental conception of the structure of hydrocarbon compounds. If the atoms of hydrogen in methyl were not absolutely identical in value and position (as they are not, for instance, in CH3CH2CH3 or CH3CH2X), then there would be as many different forms of CH3X as there were diversities in the atoms of hydrogen in CH4. The scope of this work does not permit of a more detailed account of this matter. It is given in works on organic chemistry. Another fundamental reason is the consideration of the mean density of the earth. Cavendish, Airy, Cornu, Boys, and many others who have investigated the subject by various methods, found that, taking water = 1, the mean density of the earth is nearly 5·5. As at the surface water and all rocks (sand, clay, limestone, granite, &c.) have a density less than 3, it is evident (as solid substances are but slightly compressible even under the greatest pressure) that inside the earth there are substances of a greater density—indeed, not less than 7 or 8. What conclusion, then, can be arrived at? Anything heavy contained in the bosom of the earth must be distributed not only on its surface, but throughout the whole solar system, for everything tends to show that the sun and planets are formed from the same material, and according to the hypothesis of Laplace and Kant it is most probable, and indeed must necessarily be held, that the earth and planets are but fragments of the solar atmosphere, which have had time to cool considerably and become masses semi-liquid inside and solid outside, forming both planets and satellites. The sun amongst other heavy elements contains a great deal of iron, as shown by spectrum analysis. There is also much of it in an oxidised condition on the surface of the earth. Meteoric stones, carried as fragmentary planets in the solar system and sometimes falling upon the earth, consisting of siliceous rocks similar to terrestrial ones, often contain either dense masses of iron (for example, the Pallosovo iron preserved in the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences) or granular masses (for instance, the Okhansk meteorite of 1886). It is therefore possible that the interior of the earth contains much iron in a metallic state. This might be anticipated from the hypothesis of Laplace, for the iron must have been compressed into a liquid at that period when the other component parts of the earth were still strongly heated, and oxides of iron could not then have been formed. The iron was covered with slags (mixtures of silicates like glass fused with rocky matter) which did not allow it to burn at the expense of the oxygen of the atmosphere or of water, just at that time when the temperature of the earth was very high. Carbon was in the same state; its oxides were also capable of dissociation (Deville); it is also but slightly volatile, and has an affinity for iron, and iron carbide is found in meteoric stones (as well as carbon and even the diamond). Thus the supposition of the existence of iron carbides in the interior of the earth was derived by me from many indications, which are to some extent confirmed by the fact that granular pieces of iron have been found in some basalts (ancient lava) as well as in meteoric stones. The occurrence of iron in contact with carbon during the formation of the earth is all the more probable because those elements predominate in nature which have small atomic weights, and among them the most widely diffused, the most difficultly fusible, and therefore the most easily condensed (Chapter XV.) are carbon and iron. They passed into the liquid state when all compounds were at a temperature of dissociation. 3FemCn + 4mH2O = mFe3O4 (magnetic oxide) + C5nH8m (see Chapter XVII., Note 38). As the naphtha treasures of the Caucasus have hardly been exploited (near Baku and near Kouban and Grosnyi), and as naphtha finds numerous uses, the subject presents most interesting features to chemists and geologists, and is worthy of the close attention of practical men. |