
Gaseous nitrogen forms about four-fifths (by volume) of the atmosphere; consequently the air contains an exceedingly large mass of it. Whilst entering in so considerable a quantity into the composition of air, nitrogen does not seem to play any active part in the atmosphere, the chemical action of which is mainly dependent on the oxygen it contains. But this is not an entirely correct idea, because animal life cannot exist in pure oxygen, in which animals pass into an abnormal state and die; and the nitrogen of the air, although slowly, forms diverse compounds, many of which play a most important part in nature, especially in the life of organisms. However, neither plants[1] nor animals directly absorb the nitrogen of the air, but take it up from already prepared nitrogenous compounds; further, plants are nourished by the nitrogenous substances contained in the soil and water, and animals by the nitrogenous substances contained in plants and in other animals. Atmospheric electricity is capable of aiding the passage of gaseous nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds, as we shall afterwards see, and the resultant substances are carried to the soil by rain, where they serve for the nourishment of plants. Plentiful harvests, fine crops of hay, vigorous growth of trees—other conditions being equal—are only obtained when the soil contains ready prepared nitrogenous compounds, consisting either of those which occur in air and water, or of the residues of the decomposition of other plants or animals (as in manure). The nitrogenous substances contained in animals have their origin in those substances which are formed in plants. Thus the nitrogen of the atmosphere is the origin of all the nitrogenous substances occurring in animals and plants, although not directly so, but after first combining with the other elements of air.

The nitrogenous compounds which enter into the composition of plants and animals are of primary importance; no vegetable or animal cell—that is, the elementary form of organism—exists without containing a nitrogenous substance, and moreover organic life manifests itself primarily in these nitrogenous substances. The germs, seeds, and those parts by which cells multiply themselves abound in nitrogenous substances; the sum total of the phenomena which are proper to organisms depend primarily on the chemical properties of the nitrogenous substances which enter into their composition. It will be sufficient, for instance, to point out the fact that vegetable and animal organisms, clearly distinguishable as such, are characterised by a different degree of energy in their nature, and at the same time by a difference in the amount of nitrogenous substances they contain. In plants, which compared with animals possess but little activity, being incapable of independent movement, &c., the amount of nitrogen is very much less than in animals, whose tissues are almost exclusively formed of nitrogenous substances. It is remarkable that the nitrogenous parts of plants, chiefly of the lower orders, sometimes present both forms and properties which approach to those of animal organisms; for example, the zoospores of sea-weeds, or those parts by means of which the latter multiply themselves. These zoospores on leaving the sea-weed in many respects resemble the lower orders of animal life, having, like the latter, the property of moving. They also approach the animal kingdom in their composition, their outer coating containing nitrogenous matter. Directly the zoospore becomes covered with that non-nitrogenous or cellular coating which is proper to all the ordinary cells of plants, it loses all resemblance to an animal organism and becomes a small plant. It may be thought from this that the cause of the difference in the vital processes of animals and plants is the different amount of nitrogenous substances they contain. The nitrogenous substances which occur in plants and animals appertain to a series of exceedingly complex and very changeable chemical compounds; their elementary composition alone shows this; besides nitrogen, they contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulphur. Being distinguished by a very great instability under many conditions in which other compounds remain unchanged, these substances are fitted for those perpetual changes which form the first condition of vital activity. These complex and changeable nitrogenous substances of the organism are called proteÏd substances. The white of eggs is a familiar example of such a substance. They are also contained in the flesh of animals, the curdy elements of milk, the glutinous matter of wheaten flour, or so-called gluten, which forms the chief component of macaroni, &c.

Nitrogen occurs in the earth's crust, in compounds either forming the remains of plants and animals, or derived from the nitrogen of the atmosphere as a consequence of its combination with the other component parts of the air. It is not found in other forms in the earth's crust; so that nitrogen must be considered, in contradistinction to oxygen, as an element which is purely superficial, and does not extend to the depths of the earth.[1 bis]

Nitrogen is liberated in a free state in the decomposition of the nitrogenous organic substances entering into the composition of organisms—for instance, on their combustion. All organic substances burn when heated to redness with oxygen (or substances readily yielding it, such as oxide of copper); the oxygen combines with the carbon, sulphur, and hydrogen, and the nitrogen is evolved in a free state, because at a high temperature it does not form any stable compound, but remains uncombined. Carbonic anhydride and water are formed from the carbon and hydrogen respectively, and therefore to obtain pure nitrogen it is necessary to remove the carbonic anhydride from the gaseous products obtained. This may be done very easily by the action of alkalis—for instance, caustic soda. The amount of nitrogen in organic substances is determined by a method founded on this.

It is also very easy to obtain nitrogen from air, because oxygen combines with many substances. Either phosphorus or metallic copper is usually employed for removing the oxygen from air, but, naturally, a number of other substances may also be used. If a small saucer on which a piece of phosphorus is laid be placed on a cork floating on water, and the phosphorus be lighted, and the whole covered with a glass bell jar, then the air under the jar will be deprived of its oxygen, and nitrogen only will remain, owing to which, on cooling, the water will rise to a certain extent in the bell jar. The same object (procuring nitrogen from air) is attained much more conveniently and perfectly by passing air through a red-hot tube containing copper filings. At a red heat, metallic copper combines with oxygen and gives a black powder of copper oxide. If the layer of copper be sufficiently long and the current of air slow, all the oxygen will be absorbed, and nitrogen alone will pass from the tube.[2]

Nitrogen may also be procured from many of its compounds with oxygen[3] and hydrogen,[4] but the best fitted for this purpose is a saline mixture containing, on the one hand, a compound of nitrogen with oxygen, termed nitrous anhydride, N2O3, and on the other hand, ammonia, NH3—that is, a compound of nitrogen with hydrogen. By heating such a mixture, the oxygen of the nitrous anhydride combines with the hydrogen of the ammonia, forming water, and gaseous nitrogen is evolved, 2NH3 + N2O3 = 3H2O + N4. Nitrogen is procured by this method in the following manner:—A solution of caustic potash is saturated with nitrous anhydride, by which means potassium nitrite is formed. On the other hand, a solution of hydrochloric acid saturated with ammonia is prepared; a saline substance called sal-ammoniac, NH4Cl, is thus formed in the solution. The two solutions thus prepared are mixed together and heated. Reaction takes place according to the equation KNO2 + NH4Cl = KCl + 2H2O + N2. This reaction proceeds in virtue of the fact that potassium nitrite and ammonium chloride are salts which, on interchanging their metals, give potassium chloride and ammonium nitrite, NH4NO2, which breaks up into water and nitrogen. This reaction does not take place without the aid of heat, but it proceeds very easily at a moderate temperature. Of the resultant substances, the nitrogen only is gaseous. Pure nitrogen may be obtained by drying the resultant gas and passing it through a solution of sulphuric acid (to absorb a certain quantity of ammonia which is evolved in the reaction).[4 bis]

Nitrogen is a gaseous substance which does not differ much in physical properties from air; its density, referred to hydrogen, is approximately equal to 14—that is, it is slightly lighter than air, its density referred to air being 0·972; one litre of nitrogen weighs 1·257 gram. Nitrogen mixed with oxygen, which is slightly heavier than air, forms air. It is a gas which, like oxygen and hydrogen, is liquefied with difficulty, and is but little soluble in water and other liquids. Its absolute boiling point[5] is about -140°; above this temperature it is not liquefiable by pressure, and at lower temperatures it remains a gas at a pressure of 50 atmospheres. Liquid nitrogen boils at -193°, so that it may be employed as a source of great cold. At about -203°, in vaporising under a decrease of pressure, nitrogen solidifies into a colourless snow-like mass. Nitrogen does not burn,[5 bis] does not support combustion, is not absorbed by any of the reagents used in gas analysis, at least at the ordinary temperature—in a word, it presents a whole series of negative chemical properties; this is expressed by saying that this element has no energy for combination. Although it is capable of forming compounds both with oxygen and hydrogen as well as with carbon, yet these compounds are only formed under particular circumstances, to which we will directly turn our attention. At a red heat nitrogen combines with boron, titanium, and silicon, barium, magnesium, &c., forming very stable nitrogenous compounds,[6] whose properties are entirely different from those of nitrogen with hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. However, the combination of nitrogen with carbon, although it does not take place directly between the elements at a red heat, yet proceeds with comparative ease by heating a mixture of charcoal with an alkaline carbonate, especially potassium carbonate or barium carbonate, to redness, carbo-nitrides or cyanides of the metals being formed; for instance, K2CO3 + 4C + N2 = 2KCN + 3CO.[7]

Nitrogen is found with oxygen in the air, but they do not readily combine. Cavendish, however, in the last century, showed that nitrogen combines with oxygen under the influence of a series of electric sparks. Electric sparks in passing through a moist[8] mixture of nitrogen and oxygen cause these elements to combine, forming reddish-brown fumes of oxides of nitrogen,[9] which form nitric acid,[10] NHO3. The presence of the latter is easily recognised, not only from its reddening litmus paper, but also from its acting as a powerful oxidiser even of mercury. Conditions similar to these occur in nature, during a thunderstorm or in other electrical discharges which take place in the atmosphere; whence it may be taken for granted that air and rain-water always contain traces of nitric and nitrous acids.[11] Besides which Crookes (1892) showed that under certain circumstances and when electricity of high potential[11 bis] passes through the air, the combination of nitrogen with oxygen is accompanied by the formation of a true flame. This was also observed previously (1880) during the passage of electrical discharges through the air.

Further observations showed that under the influence of electrical discharges,[12] silent as well as with sparks, nitrogen is able to enter into many reactions with hydrogen and with many hydrocarbons; although these reactions cannot be effected by exposure to a red heat. Thus, for instance, a series of electric sparks passed through a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen causes them to combine and form ammonia[13] or nitrogen hydride, NH3, composed of one volume of nitrogen and three volumes of hydrogen. This combination is limited to the formation of 6 per cent. of ammonia, because ammonia is decomposed, although not entirely ( 94 / 100 ) by electric sparks. This signifies that under the influence of an electrical discharge the reaction NH3 = N + 3H is reversible, consequently it is a dissociation, and in it a state of equilibrium is arrived at. The equilibrium may be destroyed by the addition of gaseous hydrochloric acid, HCl, because with ammonia it forms a solid saline compound, sal-ammoniac, NH4Cl, which (being formed from a gaseous mixture of 3H, N, and HCl) fixes the ammonia. The remaining mass of nitrogen and hydrogen, under the action of the sparks, again forms ammonia, and in this manner solid sal-ammoniac is obtained to the end by the action of a series of electric sparks on a mixture of gaseous N, H3, and HCl.[14] Berthelot (1876) showed that under the action of a silent discharge many non-nitrogenous organic substances (benzene, C6H6, cellulose in the form of paper, resin, glucose, C6H10O5, and others) absorb nitrogen and form complex nitrogenous compounds, which are capable, like albuminous substances, of evolving their nitrogen as ammonia when heated with alkalis.[15]

By such indirect methods does the gaseous nitrogen of the atmosphere yield its primary compounds, in which form it enters into plants, and is elaborated in them into complex albuminous substances.[15 bis] But, starting from a given compound of nitrogen with hydrogen or oxygen, we may, without the aid of organisms, obtain, as will afterwards be partially indicated, most diverse and complex nitrogenous substances, which cannot by any means be formed directly from gaseous nitrogen. In this we see an example not only of the difference between an element in the free state and an intrinsic element, but also of those circuitous or indirect methods by which substances are formed in nature. The discovery, prognostication, and, in general, the study of such indirect methods of the preparation and formation of substances forms one of the existing problems of chemistry. From the fact that A does not act at all on B, it must not be concluded that a compound AB is not to be formed. The substances A and B contain atoms which occur in AB, but their state or the nature of their motion may not be at all that which is required for the formation of AB, and in this substance the chemical state of the elements may be as different as the state of the atoms of oxygen in ozone and in water. Thus free nitrogen is inactive; but in its compounds it very easily enters into changes and is distinguished by great activity. An acquaintance with the compounds of nitrogen confirms this. But, before entering on this subject, let us consider air as a mass containing free nitrogen.

Judging from what has been already stated, it will be evident that atmospheric air[16] contains a mixture of several gases and vapours. Some of them are met with in it in nearly constant proportions, whilst others, on the contrary, are very variable in their amount. The chief component parts of air, placed in the order of their relative amounts, are the following: nitrogen,[16 bis] oxygen, aqueous vapour, carbonic anhydride, nitric acid, salts of ammonia, oxides of nitrogen, and also ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and complex organic nitrogenous substances. Besides these, air generally contains water, as spray, drops, and snow, and particles of solids, perhaps of cosmic origin in certain instances, but in the majority of cases proceeding from the mechanical translation of solid particles from one locality to another by the wind. These small solid and liquid particles (having a large surface in proportion to their weight) are suspended in air as solid matter is suspended in turbid water; they often settle on the surface of the earth, but the air is never entirely free from them because they are never in a state of complete rest. Then, air not unfrequently contains incidental traces of various substances as everyone knows by experience. These incidental substances sometimes belong to the order of those which act injuriously, the germs of lower organisms—for instance of moulds—and the class of carriers of infectious diseases.

In the air of the various countries of the earth, at different longitudes and at different altitudes above its surface, on the ocean or on the dry land—in a word, in the air of most diverse localities of the earth—the oxygen and nitrogen are found everywhere to be in a constant ratio. This is, moreover, self-evident from the fact that the air constantly diffuses (intermixes by virtue of the internal motion of the gaseous particles) and is also put into motion and intermixed by the wind, by which processes it is equalised in its composition over the entire surface of the earth. In those localities where the air is subject to change, and is in a more or less enclosed space, or, at any rate, in an unventilated space, it may alter very considerably in its composition. For this reason the air in dwellings, cellars, and wells, in which there are substances absorbing oxygen, contains less of this gas, whilst the air on the surface of standing water, which abounds in the lower orders of plant life evolving oxygen, contains an excess of this gas.[17] The constant composition of air over the whole surface of the earth has been proved by a number of most careful researches.[18]

The analysis of air is effected by converting the oxygen into a non-gaseous compound, so as to separate it from the air. The original volume of the air is first measured, and then the volume of the remaining nitrogen. The quantity of oxygen is calculated either from the difference between these volumes or by the weight of the oxygen compound formed. All the volumetric measurements have to be corrected for pressure, temperature, and moisture (Chapters I. and II.) The medium employed for converting the oxygen into a non-gaseous substance should enable it to be taken up from the nitrogen to the very end without evolving any gaseous substance. So, for instance,[19] a mixture of pyrogallol, C6H6O3, with a solution of a caustic alkali absorbs oxygen with great ease at the ordinary temperature (the solution turns black), but it is unsuited for accurate analysis because it requires an aqueous solution of an alkali, and it alters the composition of the air by acting on it as a solvent.[20] However, for approximate determinations this simple method gives results which are entirely satisfactory.

The determinations in a eudiometer (Chapter III.) give more exact results, if all the necessary corrections for changes of pressure, temperature, and moisture be taken into account. This determination is carried out essentially as follows:—A certain amount of air is introduced into the eudiometer, and its volume is determined. About an equal volume of dry hydrogen is then passed into the eudiometer, and the volume again determined. The mixture is then exploded, in the way described for the determination of the composition of water. The remaining volume of the gaseous mixture is again measured; it will be less than the second of the previously measured volumes. Out of three volumes which have disappeared, one belonged to the oxygen and two to the hydrogen, consequently one-third of the loss of volume indicates the amount of oxygen contained in the air.[21]

The most complete method for the analysis of air, and one which is accompanied by the least amount of error, consists in the direct weighing, as far as is possible, of the oxygen, nitrogen, water, and carbonic anhydride contained in it. For this purpose the air is first passed through an apparatus for retaining the moisture and carbonic anhydride (which will be considered presently), and is then led through a tube which contains shavings of metallic copper and has been previously weighed. A long layer of such copper heated to redness absorbs all the oxygen from the air, and leaves pure nitrogen, whose weight must be determined. This is done by collecting it in a weighed and exhausted globe, while the amount by weight of oxygen is shown by the increase in weight of the tube with the copper after the experiment.

see caption

Fig. 38.—Dumas and Boussingault's apparatus for the analysis of air by weight. The globe B contains 10–15 litres. The air is first pumped out of it, and it is weighed empty. The tube T connected with it is filled with copper, and is weighed empty of air. It is heated in a charcoal furnace. When the copper has become red-hot, the stopcock r (near R) is slightly opened, and the air passes through the vessels L, containing a solution of potash, f, containing solutions and pieces of caustic potash, which remove the carbonic anhydride from the air, and then through o and t, containing sulphuric acid (which has been previously boiled to expel dissolved air) and pumice-stone, which removes the moisture from the air. The pure air then gives up its oxygen to the copper in T. When the air passes into T the stopcock R of the globe B is opened, and it becomes filled with nitrogen. When the air ceases to flow in, the stopcocks are closed, and the globe B and tube T weighed. The nitrogen is then pumped out of the tube and it is weighed again. The increase in weight of the tube shows the amount of oxygen, and the difference of the second and third weighings of the tube, with the increase in weight of the globe, gives the weight of the nitrogen.

Air free from moisture and carbonic anhydride[22] contains 20·95 to 20·88[23] parts by volume of oxygen; the mean amount of oxygen will therefore be 20·92 ± 0·05 per cent. Taking the density of air = 1 and of oxygen = 1·105 and nitrogen 0·972 the composition of air by weight will be 23·12 per cent. of oxygen and 76·88 per cent. of nitrogen.[24]

see caption

Fig. 39.—Apparatus for the absorption and washing of gases, known as Liebig's bulbs. The gas enters m, presses on the absorptive liquid, and passes from m into b, c, d, and e consecutively, and escapes through f.

see caption

Fig. 40.—Geisler's potash bulbs. The gas enters at a, and passes through a solution of potash in the lower bulbs, where the carbonic anhydride is absorbed, and the gas escapes from b. The lower bulbs are arranged in a triangle, so that the apparatus can stand without support.

see caption

Fig. 41.—Tube for the absorption of carbonic acid. A plug of cotton wool is placed in the bulb to prevent the powder of soda-lime being carried off by the gas. The tube contains soda-lime and chloride of calcium.

The possibility of the composition of air being altered by the mere action of a solvent very clearly shows that the component parts of air are in a state of mixture, in which any gases may occur; they do not in this case form a definite compound, although the composition of the atmosphere does appear constant under ordinary conditions. The fact that its composition varies under different conditions confirms the truth of this conclusion, and therefore the constancy of the composition of air must not be considered as in any way dependent on the nature of the gases entering into its composition, but only as proceeding from cosmic phenomena co-operating towards this constancy. It must be admitted, therefore, that the processes evolving oxygen, and chiefly the processes of the respiration of plants, are of equal force with those processes which absorb oxygen over the entire surface of the earth.[25]

Air always contains more or less moisture[26] and carbonic anhydride produced by the respiration of animals and the combustion of carbon and carboniferous compounds. The latter shows the properties of an acid anhydride. In order to determine the amount of carbonic anhydride in air, substances are employed which absorb it—namely, alkalis either in solution or solid. A solution of caustic potash, KHO, is poured into light glass vessels, through which the air is passed, and the amount of carbonic anhydride is determined by the increase in weight of the vessel. But it is best to take a solid porous alkaline mass such as soda-lime.[27] With a slow current of air a layer of soda-lime 20 cm. in length is sufficient to completely deprive 1 cubic metre of air of the carbonic anhydride it contains. A series of tubes containing calcium chloride for absorbing the moisture[28] is placed before the apparatus for the absorption of the carbonic anhydride, and a measured mass of air is passed through the whole apparatus by means of an aspirator. In this manner the determination of the moisture is combined with the absorption of the carbonic anhydride. The arrangement shown in fig. 38 is such a combination.

The amount of carbonic anhydride[29] in free air is incomparably more constant than the amount of moisture. The average amount in 100 volumes of dry air is approximately 0·03 volume—that is, 10,000 volumes of air contain about three volumes of carbonic anhydride, most frequently about 2·95 volumes. As the specific gravity of carbonic anhydride referred to air = 1·52, it follows that 100 parts by weight of air contain 0·045 part by weight of carbonic anhydride. This quantity varies according to the time of year (more in winter), the altitude above the level of the sea (less at high altitudes), the proximity to forests and fields (less) or cities (greater), &c. But the variation is small and rarely exceeds the limits of 2½ to 4 ten-thousandths by volume.[30] As there are many natural local influences which either increase the amount of carbonic anhydride in the air (respiration, combustion, decomposition, volcanic eruptions, &c.), or diminish it (absorption by plants and water), the reason of the great constancy in the amount of this gas in the air must be looked for, in the first place, in the fact that the wind mixes the air of various localities together, and, in the second place, in the fact that the waters of the ocean, holding carbonic acid in solution,[31] form an immense reservoir for regulating the amount of this gas in the atmosphere. Immediately the partial pressure of the carbonic anhydride in the air decreases, the water evolves it, and when the partial pressure increases, it absorbs it, and thus nature supplies the conditions for a natural state of moving equilibrium in this as in so many other instances.[32]

Besides nitrogen, oxygen, moisture, and carbonic acid, all the other substances occurring in air are found in infinitesimally small quantities by weight, and therefore the weight of a cubic measure of air depends, to a sensible degree, on the above-named components alone. We have already mentioned that at 0° and 760 mm. pressure the weight of a cubic litre of air is 1·293 gram. This weight varies with the acceleration of gravity, g, so that if g be expressed in metres the weight of a litre of air, e = g × 0·131844 gram. For St. Petersburg g is about 9·8188, and therefore e is about 1·2946,[33] the air being understood to be dry and free from carbonic anhydride. Taking the amount of the latter as 0·03 per 100 volumes, we obtain a greater weight; for example, for St. Petersburg e = 1·2948 instead of 1·2946 gram. The weight of one litre of moist air in which the tension[34] of the aqueous vapour (partial pressure) = f mm., at a pressure (total) of air of H millimetres, at a temperature t, will be (i.e., if at 0° and 760 mm. the weight of dry air = e) equal to e / 1 + 0·00367t × H - 0·38f / 760 . For instance, if H = 730 mm., t = 20°, and f = 10 mm. (the moisture is then slightly below 60 p.c.), the weight of a litre of air at St. Petersburg = 1·1527 gram.[35]

The presence of ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, in the air, is indicated by the fact that all acids exposed to the air absorb ammonia from it after a time. De Saussure observed that aluminium sulphate is converted by air into a double sulphate of ammonium and aluminium, or the so-called ammonia alum. Quantitative determinations have shown that the amount of ammonia[36] contained in air varies at different periods. However, it may be accepted that 100 cubic metres of air do not contain less than 1 or more than 5 milligrams of ammonia. It is remarkable that mountain air contains more ammonia than the air of valleys. The air in those places where animal substances undergoing change are accumulated, and especially that of stables, generally contains a much greater quantity of this gas. This is the reason of the peculiar pungent smell noticed in such places. Moreover ammonia, as we shall learn in the following chapter, combines with acids, and should therefore be found in air in the form of such combinations, since air contains carbonic and nitric acids.

The presence of nitric acid in air is proved without doubt by the fact that rain-water contains an appreciable amount of it.

Further (as already mentioned in Chapter IV.), air contains ozone and hydrogen peroxide and nitrous acid (and its ammonia salt), i.e. substances having a direct oxidising action (for instance, upon iodized starch-paper), but they are present in very small quantities.[37]

Besides substances in a gaseous or vaporous state,[38] there is always found a more or less considerable quantity of substances which are not known in a state of vapour. These substances are present in the air as dust. If a linen surface, moistened with an acid, be placed in perfectly pure air, then the washings are found to contain sodium, calcium, iron, and potassium.[39] Linen moistened with an alkali absorbs carbonic, sulphuric, phosphoric, and hydrochloric acids. Further, the presence of organic substances in air has been proved by a similar experiment. If a glass globe be filled with ice and placed in a room where are a number of people, then the presence of organic substances, like albuminous substances, may be proved in the water which condenses on the surface of the globe. It may be that the miasmas causing infection in marshy localities, hospitals, and in certain epidemic illnesses proceed from the presence of such substances in the air (and especially in water, which contains many micro-organisms), as well as from the presence of germs of lower organisms in the air as a minute dust. Pasteur proved the existence of such germs in the air by the following experiment:—He placed gun-cotton (pyroxylin), which has the appearance of ordinary cotton, in a glass tube. Gun-cotton is soluble in a mixture of ether and alcohol, forming the so-called collodion. A current of air was passed through the tube for a long period of time, and the gun-cotton was then dissolved in a mixture of ether and alcohol. An insoluble residue was thus obtained which actually contained the germs of organisms, as was shown by microscopical observations, and by their capacity to develop into organisms (mould, &c.) under favourable conditions. The presence of these germs determines the property of air of bringing about the processes of putrefaction and fermentation—that is the fundamental alteration of organic substances, which is accompanied by an entire change in their properties. The appearance of lower organisms, both vegetable and animal, is always to be remarked in these processes. Thus, for instance, in the process of fermentation, when, for example, wine is procured from the sweet juice of grapes, a sediment separates out which is known under the name of lees, and contains peculiar yeast organisms. Germs are required before these organisms can appear.[40] They are floating in the air, and fall into the sweet fermentable liquid from it. Finding themselves under favourable conditions, the germs develop into organisms; they are nourished at the expense of the organic substance, and during growth change and destroy it, and bring about fermentation and putrefaction. This is why, for instance, the juice of the grape when contained in the skin of the fruit, which allows access of the air but is impenetrable to the germs, does not ferment, does not alter so long as the skin remains intact. This is also the reason why animal substances when kept from the access of air may be preserved for a great length of time. Preserved foods for long sea voyages are kept in this way.[41] Hence it is evident that however infinitesimal the quantity of germs carried in the atmosphere may be, still they have an immense significance in nature.[42]

Thus we see that air contains a great variety of substances. The nitrogen, which is found in it in the largest quantity, has the least influence on those processes which are accomplished by the action of air. The oxygen, which is met with in a lesser quantity than the nitrogen, on the contrary takes a very important part in a number of reactions; it supports combustion and respiration, it brings about decomposition and every process of slow oxidation. The part played by the moisture of air is well known. The carbonic anhydride, which is met with in still smaller quantities, has an immense significance in nature, inasmuch as it serves for the nourishment of plants. The importance of the ammonia and nitric acid is very great, because they are the sources of the nitrogenous substances comprising an indispensable element in all living organisms. And, lastly, the infinitesimal quantity of germs also have a great significance in a number of processes. Thus it is not the quantitative but the qualitative relations of the component parts of the atmosphere which determine its importance in nature.[43]

Air, being a mixture of various substances, may suffer considerable changes in consequence of incidental circumstances. It is particularly necessary to remark those changes in the composition of air which take place in dwellings and in various localities where human beings have to remain during a lengthy period of time. The respiration of human beings and animals alters the air.[44] A similar deterioration of air is produced by the influence of decomposing organic substances, and especially of substances burning in it.[45] Hence it is necessary to have regard to the purification of the air of dwellings. The renewal of air, the replacing of respired by fresh air, is termed ‘ventilation,’[46] and the removal of foreign and injurious admixtures from the air is called ‘disinfection.’[47] The accumulation of all kinds of impurities in the air of dwellings and cities is the reason why the air of mountains, forests, seas, and non-marshy localities, covered with vegetation or snow, is distinguished for its freshness, and, in all respects, beneficial action.


[1] See Note 15 bis.

[1 bis] The reason why there are no other nitrogenous substances within the earth's mass beyond those which have come there with the remains of organisms, and from the air with rain-water, must be looked for in two circumstances. In the first place, in the instability of many nitrogenous compounds, which are liable to break up with the formation of gaseous nitrogen; and in the second place in the fact that the salts of nitric acid, forming the product of the action of air on many nitrogenous and especially organic compounds, are very soluble in water, and on penetrating into the depths of the earth (with water) give up their oxygen. The result of the changes of the nitrogenous organic substances which fall into the earth is without doubt frequently, if not invariably, the formation of gaseous nitrogen. Thus the gas evolved from coal always contains much nitrogen (together with marsh gas, carbonic anhydride, and other gases).

[2] Copper (best as turnings, which present a large surface) absorbs oxygen, forming CuO, at the ordinary temperature in the presence of solutions of acids, or, better still, in the presence of a solution of ammonia, when it forms a bluish-violet solution of oxide of copper in ammonia. Nitrogen is very easily procured by this method. A flask filled with copper turnings is closed with a cork furnished with a funnel and stopcock. A solution of ammonia is poured into the funnel, and caused to drop slowly upon the copper. If at the same time a current of air be slowly passed through the flask (from a gasholder), then all the oxygen will be absorbed from it and the nitrogen will pass from the flask. It should be washed with water to retain any ammonia that may be carried off with it.

[3] The oxygen compounds of nitrogen (for example, N2O, NO, NO2) are decomposed at a red heat by themselves, and under the action of red-hot copper, iron, sodium, &c., they give up their oxygen to the metals, leaving the nitrogen free. According to Meyer and Langer (1885), nitrous oxide, N2O, decomposes below 900°, although not completely.

[4] Chlorine and bromine (in excess), as well as bleaching powder (hypochlorites), take up the hydrogen from ammonia, NH3, leaving nitrogen. Nitrogen is best procured from ammonia by the action of a solution of sodium hypobromite on solid sal-ammoniac.

[4 bis] Lord Rayleigh in 1894, when determining the weight of a volume of carefully purified nitrogen by weighing it in one and the same globe, found that the gas obtained from air, by the action of incandescent copper (or iron or by removing the oxygen by ferrous oxide) was always 1/200 heavier than the nitrogen obtained from its compounds, for instance, from the oxide or suboxide of nitrogen, decomposed by incandescent pulverulent iron or from the ammonia salt of nitrous acid. For the nitrogen procured from air, he obtained, at 0° and 760·4 mm. pressure, a weight = 2·310 grms., while for the nitrogen obtained from its compounds, 2·299 grms. This difference of about 1/200 could not be explained by the nitrogen not having been well purified, or by inaccuracy of experiment, and was the means for the remarkable discovery of the presence of a heavy gas in air, which will be mentioned in Note 16 bis.

[5] See Chapter II. Note 29.

[5 bis] See Note 11 bis.

[6] The combination of boron with nitrogen is accompanied by the evolution of sufficient heat to raise the mass to redness; titanium combines so easily with nitrogen that it is difficult to obtain it free from that element; magnesium easily absorbs nitrogen at a red heat. It is a remarkable and instructive fact that these compounds of nitrogen are very stable and non-volatile. Carbon (C = 12) with nitrogen gives cyanogen, C2N2, which is gaseous and very unstable, and whose molecule is not large, whilst boron (B = 11) forms a nitrogenous compound which is solid, non-volatile, and very stable. Its composition, BN, is similar to that of cyanogen, but its molecular weight, BnNn, is probably greater. Its composition, like that of N2Mg3, NNa3, N2Hg3 and of many of the metallic nitrides, corresponds to ammonia with the substitution of all its hydrogen by a metal. In my opinion, a detailed study of the transformations of the nitrides now known, should lead to the discovery of many facts in the history of nitrogen.

[7] This reaction, so far as is known, does not proceed beyond a certain limit, probably because cyanogen, CN, itself breaks up into carbon and nitrogen.

[8] FrÉmy and Becquerel took dry air, and observed the formation of brown vapours of oxides of nitrogen on the passage of sparks.

[9] If a mixture of one volume of nitrogen and fourteen volumes of hydrogen be burnt, then water and a considerable quantity of nitric acid are formed. It may be partly due to this that a certain quantity of nitric acid is produced in the slow oxidation of nitrogenous substances in an excess of air. This is especially facilitated by the presence of an alkali with which the nitric acid formed can combine. If a galvanic current be passed through water containing the nitrogen and oxygen of the air in solution, then the hydrogen and oxygen set free combine with the nitrogen, forming ammonia and nitric acid.

When copper is oxidised at the expense of the air at the ordinary temperature in the presence of ammonia, oxygen is absorbed, not only for combination with the copper, but also for the formation of nitric acid.

The combination of nitrogen with oxygen, even, for example, by the action of electric sparks, is not accompanied by an explosion or rapid combination, as in the action of a spark on a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This is explained by the fact that heat is not evolved in the combination of nitrogen with oxygen, but is absorbed—an expenditure of energy is required, there is no evolution of energy. In fact, there will not be the transmission of heat from particle to particle which occurs in the explosion of detonating gas. Each spark will aid the formation of a certain quantity of the compound of oxygen and nitrogen, but will not excite the same in the neighbouring particles. In other words, the combination of hydrogen with oxygen is an exothermal reaction, and the combination of nitrogen with oxygen an endothermal reaction.

A condition particularly favourable for the oxidation of nitrogen is the explosion of detonating gas and air if the former be in excess. If a mixture of two volumes of detonating gas and one volume of air be exploded, then one-tenth of the air is converted into nitric acid, and consequently after the explosion has taken place there remain only nine-tenths of the volume of air originally taken. If a large proportion of air be taken—for instance, four volumes of air to two volumes of detonating gas—then the temperature of the explosion is lowered, the volume of air taken remains unchanged, and no nitric acid is formed. This gives a rule to be observed in making use of the eudiometer—namely that to weaken the force of the explosion not less than an equal volume of air should be added to the explosive mixture. On the other hand a large excess must not be taken as no explosion would then ensue (see Chapter III. Note 34). Probably in the future means will be found for obtaining compounds of nitrogen on a large industrial scale by the aid of electric discharges, and by making use of the inexhaustible mass of nitrogen in the atmosphere.

[10] In reality nitric oxide, NO, is first formed, but with oxygen and water it gives (brown fumes) nitrous anhydride, which, as we shall afterwards learn, in the presence of water and oxygen gives nitric acid.

[11] The nitric acid contained in the soil, river water (Chapter I., Note 2), wells, &c., proceeds (like carbonic anhydride) from the oxidation of organic compounds which have fallen into water, soil, &c.

[11 bis] Crookes employed a current of 15 ampÈres and 65 volts, and passed it through an induction coil with 330 vibrations per second, and obtained a flame between the poles placed at a distance of 46 mm. which after the appearance of the arc and flame could be increased to 200 mm. A platinum wire fused in the flame.

[12] This property of nitrogen, which under normal conditions is inactive, leads to the idea that under the influence of an electric discharge gaseous nitrogen changes in its properties; if not permanently like oxygen (electrolysed oxygen or ozone does not react on nitrogen, according to Berthelot), it may be temporarily at the moment of the action of the discharge, just as some substances under the action of heat are permanently affected (that is, when once changed remain so—for instance, white phosphorus passes into red, &c.), whilst others are only temporarily altered (the dissociation of S6 into S2 or of sal-ammoniac into ammonia and hydrochloric acid). Such a proposition is favoured by the fact that nitrogen gives two kinds of spectra, with which we shall afterwards become acquainted. It may be that the molecules N2 then give less complex molecules, N containing one atom, or form a complex molecule N3, like oxygen in passing into ozone. Probably under a silent discharge the molecules of oxygen, O2, are partly decomposed and the individual atoms O combine with O2, forming ozone, O3.

[13] This reaction, discovered by ChabriÉ and investigated by ThÉnard, was only rightly understood when Deville applied the principles of dissociation to it.

[14] The action of nitrogen on acetylene (Berthelot) resembles this reaction. A mixture of these gases under the influence of a silent discharge gives hydrocyanic acid, C2H2 + N2 = 2CNH. This reaction cannot proceed beyond a certain limit because it is reversible.

[15] Berthelot successfully employed electricity of even feeble potential in these experiments, which fact led him to think that in nature, where the action of electricity takes place very frequently, a part of the complex nitrogenous substances may proceed from the gaseous nitrogen of the air by this method.

As the nitrogenous substances of organisms play a very important part in them (organic life cannot exist without them), and as the nitrogenous substances introduced into the soil are capable of invigorating its crops (of course in the presence of the other nourishing principles required by plants), the question of the means of converting the atmospheric nitrogen into the nitrogenous compounds of the soil, or into assimilable nitrogen capable of being absorbed by plants and of forming complex (albuminous) substances in them, is one of great theoretical and practical interest. The artificial (technical) conversion of the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds, notwithstanding repeated attempts, cannot yet be considered as fulfilled in a practical remunerative manner although its possibility is already evident. Electricity will probably aid in solving this very important practical problem. When the theoretical side of the question is further advanced, then without doubt an advantageous means will be found for the manufacture of nitrogenous substances from the nitrogen of the air; and this is needed, before all, for the agriculturist, to whom nitrogenous fertilisers form an expensive item, and are more important than all other manures.

One thousand tons of farmyard manure do not generally contain more than four tons of nitrogen in the form of complex nitrogenous substances, and this amount of nitrogen is contained in twenty tons of ammonium sulphate, therefore the effect of a mass of farmyard manure in respect to the introduction of nitrogen may be produced by small quantities of artificial nitrogenous fertilisers (see Note 15 bis).

[15 bis] Although the numerous, and as far as possible accurate and varied researches made in the physiology of plants have proved that the higher forms of plants are not capable of directly absorbing the nitrogen of the atmosphere and converting it into complex albuminous substances, still it has been long and repeatedly observed that the amount of nitrogenous substances in the soil is increased by the cultivation of plants of the bean (leguminous) family such as pea, acacia, &c. A closer study of these plants has shown that this is connected with the formation of peculiar nodular swellings in their roots caused by the growth of peculiar micro-organisms (bacteria) which cohabit the soil with the roots, and are capable of absorbing nitrogen from the air, i.e. of converting it into assimilated nitrogen. This branch of plant physiology, which forms another proof of the important part played by micro-organisms in nature, cannot be discussed in this work, but it should be mentioned, since it is of great theoretical and practical interest, and, moreover, phenomena of this kind, which have recently been discovered, promise to explain, to some extent at least, certain of the complex problems concerning the development of life on the earth.

[16] Under the name of atmospheric air the chemist and physicist understand ordinary air containing nitrogen and oxygen only, notwithstanding that the other component parts of air have a very important influence on the living matter of the earth's surface. That air is so represented in science is based on the fact that only the two components above-named are met with in air in a constant quantity, whilst the others are variable. The solid impurities may be separated from air required for chemical or physical research by simple filtration through a long layer of cotton-wool placed in a tube. Organic impurities are removed by passing the air through a solution of potassium permanganate. The carbonic anhydride contained in air is absorbed by alkalis—best of all, soda-lime, which in a dry state in porous lumps absorbs it with exceeding rapidity and completeness. Aqueous vapour is removed by passing the air over calcium chloride, strong sulphuric acid, or phosphoric anhydride. Air thus purified is accepted as containing only nitrogen and oxygen, although in reality it still contains a certain quantity of hydrogen and hydrocarbons, from which it may be purified by passing over copper oxide heated to redness. The copper oxide then oxidises the hydrogen and hydrocarbons—it burns them, forming water and carbonic anhydride, which may be removed as above described. When it is said that in the determination of the density of gases the weight of air is taken as unity, it is understood to be such air, containing only nitrogen and oxygen.

[16 bis] Thanks to the remarkable discovery made in the summer of 1894 by Lord Rayleigh and Prof. Ramsay, the well-known component elements of air must now he supplemented by 1 p.c. (by volume) of a heavy gas (density about 19, H = 1), inactive like nitrogen, which was discovered in the researches made by Lord Rayleigh on the density of nitrogen as mentioned in note 4 bis. Up to the present time this gas has been always determined together with nitrogen, because it combines with neither the hydrogen in the eudiometer nor with the copper in the gravimetric method of determining the composition of air, and therefore has always remained with the nitrogen. It has been possible to separate it from nitrogen since magnesium absorbs nitrogen at a red heat, while this gas remains unabsorbed, and was found to have a density nearly one and a half time greater than that of nitrogen (is it not a polymer of nitrogen, N3?). It is now known also that this gas gives a luminous spectrum, which contains the bright blue line observed in the spectrum of nitrogen. Owing to the fact that it is an exceedingly inert substance, even more so than nitrogen, it has been termed Argon. Further reference will be made to it in the Appendix.

[17] As a further proof of the fact that certain circumstances may change the composition of air, it will be enough to point out that the air contained in the cavities of glaciers contains only up to 10 p.c. of oxygen. This depends on the fact that at low temperatures oxygen is much more soluble in snow-water and snow than nitrogen. When shaken up with water the composition of air should change, because the water dissolves unequal quantities of oxygen and nitrogen. We have already seen (Chapter I.) that the air boiled off from water saturated at about 0° contains about thirty-five volumes of oxygen and sixty-five volumes of nitrogen, and we have considered the reason of this.

[18] The analysis of air by weight conducted by Dumas and Boussingault in Paris, which they repeated many times between April 27 and September 22, 1841, under various conditions of weather, showed that the amount by weight of oxygen only varies between 22·89 p.c. and 23·08 p.c., the average amount being 23·07 p.c. Brunner, at Bern in Switzerland, and Bravais, at Faulhorn in the Bernese Alps, at a height of two kilometres above the level of the sea, Marignac at Geneva, Lewy at Copenhagen, and Stas at Brussels, have analysed the air by the same methods, and found that its composition does not exceed the limits determined for Paris. The most recent determinations (with an accuracy of ±0·05 p.c.) confirm the conclusion that the composition of the atmosphere is constant.

As there are some grounds (which will be mentioned shortly) for considering that the composition of the air at great altitudes is slightly different from that at attainable heights—namely, that it is richer in the lighter nitrogen—several fragmentary observations made at Munich (Jolly, 1880) gave reason for thinking that in the upward currents (that is in the region of minimum barometric pressure or at the centres of meteorological cyclones) the air is richer in oxygen than in the descending currents of air (in the regions of anticyclones or of barometric maxima); but more carefully conducted observations showed this supposition to be incorrect. Improved methods for the analysis of air have shown that certain slight variations in its composition do actually occur, but in the first place they depend on incidental local influences (on the passage of the air over mountains and large surfaces of water, regions of forest and herbage, and the like), and in the second place are limited to quantities which are scarcely distinguishable from possible errors in the analyses. The researches made by Kreisler in Germany (1885) are particularly convincing.

The considerations which lead to the supposition that the atmosphere at great altitudes contains less oxygen than at the surface of the earth are based on the law of partial pressures (Chapter I.) According to this law, the equilibrium of the oxygen in the strata of the atmosphere is not dependent on the equilibrium of the nitrogen, and the variation in the densities of both gases with the height is determined by the pressure of each gas separately. Details of the calculations and considerations here involved are contained in my work On Barometric Levellings, 1876, p. 48.

On the basis of the law of partial pressure and of hypsometrical formulÆ, expressing the laws of the variation of pressures at different altitudes, the conclusion may be deduced that at the upper strata of the atmosphere the proportion of the nitrogen with respect to the oxygen increases, but the increase will not exceed a fraction per cent., even at altitudes of four and a half to six miles, the greatest height within the reach of men either by climbing mountains or by means of balloons. This conclusion is confirmed by the analyses of air collected by Welch in England during his aËronautic ascents.

[19] The complete absorption of the oxygen may be attained by introducing moist phosphorus into a definite volume of air; the occurrence of this is recognised by the fact of the phosphorus becoming non-luminous in the dark. The amount of oxygen may be determined by measuring the volume of nitrogen remaining. This method however cannot give accurate results, owing to a portion of the air being dissolved in the water, to the combination of some of the nitrogen with oxygen and to the necessity of introducing and withdrawing the phosphorus, which cannot be accomplished without introducing bubbles of air.

[20] For rapid and approximate analyses (technical and hygienic), such a mixture is very suitable for determining the amount of oxygen in mixtures of gases from which the substances absorbed by alkalis have first been removed. According to certain observers, this mixture evolves a certain (small) quantity of carbonic oxide after absorbing oxygen.

[21] Details of eudiometrical analysis must, as was pointed out in Chap. III., Note 32, be looked for in works on analytical chemistry. The same remark applies to the other analytical methods mentioned in this work. They are only described for the purpose of showing the diversity of the methods of chemical research.

[22] Air free from carbonic anhydride indicates after explosion the presence of a small quantity of carbonic anhydride, as De Saussure remarked, and air free from moisture, after being passed over red-hot copper oxide, appears invariably to contain a small quantity of water, as Boussingault has observed. These observations lead to the assumption that air always contains a certain quantity of gaseous hydrocarbons, like marsh gas, which, as we shall afterwards learn, is evolved from the earth, marshes, &c. Its amount, however, does not exceed a few hundredths per cent.

[23] The analyses of air are accompanied by errors, and there are variations of composition attaining hundredths per cent.; the average normal composition of air is therefore only correct to the first decimal place.

[24] These figures express the mean composition of air from an average of the most accurate determinations; they are accurate within ±0·05 p.c.

[25] In Chapter III., Note 4, an approximate calculation is made for the determination of the balance of oxygen in the entire atmosphere; it may therefore he supposed that the composition of air will vary from time to time, the relation between vegetation and the oxygen absorbing processes changes; but as the atmosphere of the earth can hardly have a definite limit and we have already seen (Chapter IV., Note 33) that there are observations confirming this, it follows that our atmosphere should vary in its component parts with the entire heavenly space, and therefore it must he supposed that any variation in the composition by weight of the air can only take place exceedingly slowly, and in a manner imperceptible by experiment.

[26] The amount of moisture contained in the air is considered in greater detail in the study of physics and meteorology and the subject has been mentioned above, in Chapter I., Note 1, where the methods of absorbing moisture from gases were pointed out.

[27] Soda-lime is prepared in the following manner:—Unslaked lime is finely powdered and mixed with a slightly warmed and very strong solution of caustic soda. The mixing should be done in an iron dish, and the materials should be well stirred together until the lime begins to slake. When the mass becomes hot, it boils, swells up, and solidifies, forming a porous mass very rich in alkali and capable of rapidly absorbing carbonic anhydride. A lump of caustic soda or potash presents a much smaller surface for absorption and therefore acts much less rapidly. It is necessary to place an apparatus for absorbing water after the apparatus for absorbing the carbonic anhydride, because the alkali in absorbing the latter gives off water.

[28] It is evident that the calcium chloride employed for absorbing the water should be free from lime or other alkalis in order that it may not retain carbonic anhydride. Such calcium chloride may be prepared in the following manner: A perfectly neutral solution of calcium chloride is prepared from lime and hydrochloric acid; it is then carefully evaporated first on a water-bath and then on a sand-bath. When the solution attains a certain strength a scum is formed, which solidifies at the surface. This scum is collected, and will be found to be free from caustic alkalis. It is necessary in any case to test it before use, as otherwise a large error may be introduced into the results, owing to the presence of free alkali (lime). It is best to pass carbonic anhydride through the tube containing the calcium chloride for some time before the experiment, in order to saturate any free alkali that may remain from the decomposition of a portion of the calcium chloride by water, CaCl2 + 2H2O = CaOH2O + 2HCl.

[29] Recourse is had to special methods when the determination only takes note of the carbonic anhydride of the air. For instance, it is absorbed by an alkali which does not contain carbonates (by a solution of baryta or caustic soda mixed with baryta), and then the carbonic anhydride is expelled by an excess of an acid, and its amount determined by the volume given off. A rapid method of determining CO2 (for hygienic purposes) is given by the fall of tension produced by the introduction of an alkali (the air having been either brought to dryness or saturated with moisture). Dr. Schidloffsky's apparatus is based upon this principle. The question as to the amount of carbonic anhydride present in the air has been submitted to many voluminous and exact researches, especially those of Reiset, Schloesing, MÜntz, and Aubin, who showed that the amount is not subject to such variations as at first announced on the basis of incomplete and insufficiently accurate determinations.

[30] It is a different case in enclosed spaces, in dwellings, cellars, wells, caves, and mines, where the renewal of air is impeded. Under these circumstances large quantities of carbonic anhydride may accumulate. In cities, where there are many conditions for the evolution of carbonic anhydride (respiration, decomposition, combustion), its amount is greater than in free air, yet even in still weather the difference does not often exceed one ten-thousandth (that is, rarely attains 4 instead of 2·9 vols. in 10000 vols. of air).

[31] In the sea as well as in fresh water, carbonic acid occurs in two forms, directly dissolved in the water, and combined with lime as calcium bicarbonate (hard waters sometimes contain very much carbonic acid in this form). The tension of the carbonic anhydride in the first form varies with the temperature, and its amount with the partial pressure, and that in the form of acid salts is under the same conditions, for direct experiments have shown a similar dependence in this case, although the quantitative relations are different in the two cases.

[32] In studying the phenomena of nature the conclusion is arrived at that the universally reigning state of mobile equilibrium forms the chief reason for that harmonious order which impresses all observers. It not unfrequently happens that we do not see the causes regulating the order and harmony; in the particular instance of carbonic anhydride, it is a striking circumstance that in the first instance a search was made for an harmonious and strict uniformity, and in incidental (insufficiently accurate and fragmentary) observations conditions were even found for concluding it to be absent. When, later, the rule of this uniformity was confirmed, then the causes regulating such order were also discovered. The researches of Schloesing were of this character. Deville's idea of the dissociation of the acid carbonates of sea-water is suggested in them. In many other cases also, a correct interpretation can only follow from a detailed investigation.

[33] The difference of the weight of a litre of dry air (free from carbonic anhydride) at 0° and 760 mm., at different longitudes and altitudes, depends on the fact that the force of gravity varies under these conditions, and with it the pressure of the barometrical column also varies. This is treated in detail in my works On the Elasticity of Gases and On Barometric Levellings, and ‘The Publications of the Weights and Measures Department’ (Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society, 1894).

In reality the weight is not measured in absolute units of weight (in pressure—refer to works on mechanics and physics), but in relative units (grams, scale weights) whose mass is invariable, and therefore the variation of the weight of the weights itself with the change of gravity must not be here taken into account, for we are here dealing with weights proportional to masses, since with a change of locality the weight of the weights varies as the weight of a given volume of air does. In other words: the mass of a substance always remains constant, but the pressure produced by it varies with the acceleration of gravity: the gram, pound, and other units of weight are really units of mass.

[34] The tension of the aqueous vapour in the air is determined by hygrometers and other similar methods. It may also be determined by analysis (see Chapter I., Note 1).

[35] For rapid calculation the weight of a litre of air (in a room) in St. Petersburg, may under these conditions (H, t, and f) be obtained by the formula e = 1·20671 + 0·0016 [H1 - 755 + 2·6(18° - t°)] where H1 = H - 0·38f. In determining the weight of small and heavy objects (crucibles, &c. in analysis, and in determining the specific gravities of liquids, &c.) a correction may be introduced for the loss of weight in the air of the room, by taking the weight of a litre of air displaced as 1·2 gram, and consequently 0·0012 gram for every cubic centimetre. But if gases or, in general, large vessels are weighed, and the weighings require to be accurate, it is necessary to take into account all the data for the determination of the density of the air (t, H, and f), because sensitive balances can determine the possible variations of the weight of air, as in the case of a litre the weight of air varies in centigrams, even at a constant temperature, with variations of H and f. Some time ago (1859) I proposed the following method and applied it for this purpose. A large light and closed vessel is taken, and its volume and weight in a vacuum are accurately determined, and verified from time to time. On weighing it we obtain the weight in air of a given density, and by subtracting this weight from its absolute weight and dividing by its volume we obtain the density of the air.

[36] Schloesing studied the equilibrium of the ammonia of the atmosphere and of the rivers, seas, &c., and showed that the amount of the gas is interchangeable between them. The ratio between the amount of ammonia in a cubic metre of air and a litre of water at 0° = 0·004, at 10° = 0·010, at 25° = 0·040 to 1, and therefore in nature there is a state of equilibrium in the amount of ammonia in the atmosphere and waters.

[37] Whilst formed in the air these oxidising substances (N2O3, ozone and hydrogen peroxide) at the same time rapidly disappear from it by oxidising those substances which are capable of being oxidised. Owing to this instability their amounts vary considerably, and, as would be expected, they are met with to an appreciable amount in pure air, whilst their amount decreases to zero in the air of cities, and especially in dwellings where there is a maximum of substances capable of oxidisation and a minimum of conditions for the formation of such bodies. There is a causal connection between the amount of these substances present in the air and its purity—that is, the amount of foreign residues of organic origin liable to oxidation present in the air. Where there is much of such residues their amount must be small. When they are present the amount of organic substances must be small, as otherwise they would be destroyed. For this reason efforts have been made to apply ozone for purifying the air by evolving it by artificial means in the atmosphere; for instance, by passing a series of electrical sparks through the ventilating pipes conveying air into a building. Air thus ozonised destroys by oxidation—that is, brings about the combustion of—the organic residues present in the air, and thus will serve for purifying it. For these reasons the air of cities contains less ozone and such like oxidising agents than country air. This forms the distinguishing feature of country air. However, animal life cannot exist in air containing a comparatively large amount of ozone.

[38] Amongst them we may mention iodine and alcohol, C2H6O, which MÜntz found to be always present in air, the soil, and water, although in minute traces only.

[39] A portion of the atmospheric dust is of cosmic origin; this is undoubtedly proved by the fact of its containing metallic iron as do meteorites. NordenskiÖld found iron in the dust covering snow, and Tissandier in every kind of air, although naturally in very small quantities.

[40] The idea of the spontaneous growth of organisms in a suitable medium, although still upheld by many, has since the work of Pasteur and his followers (and to a certain extent of his predecessors) been discarded, because it has been proved how, when, and whence (from the air, water, &c.) the germs appear; that fermentation as well as infectious diseases cannot take place without them; and chiefly because it has been shown that any change accompanied by the development of the organisms introduced may be brought about at will by the introduction of the germs into a suitable medium.

[41] In further confirmation of the fact that putrefaction and fermentation depend on germs carried in the air, we may cite the circumstance that poisonous substances destroying the life of organisms stop or hinder the appearance of the above processes. Air which has been heated to redness or passed through sulphuric acid no longer contains the germs of organisms, and loses the faculty of producing fermentation and putrefaction.

[42] Their presence in the air is naturally due to the diffusion of germs into the atmosphere, and owing to their microscopical dimensions, they, as it were, hang in the air in virtue of their large surfaces compared to their weight. In Paris the amount of dust suspended in the air equals from 6 (after rain) to 23 grams per 1,000 c.m. of air.

[43] We see similar cases everywhere. For example, the predominating mass of sand and clay in the soil takes hardly any chemical part in the economy of the soil in respect to the nourishment of plants. The plants by their roots search for substances which are diffused in comparatively small quantities in the soil. If a large quantity of these nourishing substances are removed, then the plants will not develop in the soil, just as animals die in oxygen.

[44] A man in breathing burns about 10 grams of carbon per hour—that is, he produces about 880 grams, or (as 1 cub.m. of carbonic anhydride weighs about 2,000 grams) about 5/12 c.m. of carbonic anhydride. The air coming from the lungs contains 4 p.c. of carbonic anhydride by volume. The exhaled air acts as a direct poison, owing to this gas and to other impurities.

[45] For this reason candles, lamps, and gas change the composition of air almost in the same way as respiration. In the burning of 1 kilogram of stearin candles, 50 cubic metres of air are changed as by respiration—that is, 4 p.c. of carbonic anhydride will be formed in this volume of air. The respiration of animals and exhalations from their skins, and especially from the intestines and the excrements and the transformations taking place in them, contaminate the air to a still greater extent, because they introduce other volatile substances besides carbonic anhydride into the air. At the same time that carbonic anhydride is formed the amount of oxygen in the air decreases, and there is noticed the appearance of miasmata which occur in but small quantity, but which are noticeable in passing from fresh air into a confined space full of such adulterated air. The researches of Schmidt and Leblanc and others show that even with 20·6 p.c. of oxygen (instead of 20·9 p.c.), when the diminution is due to respiration, air becomes noticeably less fit for respiration, and that the heavy feeling experienced in such air increases with a lesser percentage of oxygen. It is difficult to remain for a few minutes in air containing 17·2 p.c. of oxygen. These observations were chiefly obtained by observations on the air of different mines, at different depths below the surface. The air of theatres and buildings full of people also proves to contain less oxygen; it was found on one occasion that at the end of a theatrical representation the air in the stalls contained 20·75 p.c. of oxygen, whilst the air at the upper part of the theatre contained only 20·36 p.c. The amount of carbonic anhydride in the air may be taken as a measure of its purity (Pettenkofer). When it reaches 1 p.c. it is very difficult for human beings to remain long in such air, and it is necessary to set up a vigorous ventilation for the removal of the adulterated air. In order to keep the air in dwellings in a uniformly good state, it is necessary to introduce at least 10 cubic metres of fresh air per hour per person. We saw that a man exhales about five-twelfths of a cubic metre of carbonic anhydride per day. Accurate observations have shown that air containing one-tenth p.c. of exhaled carbonic anhydride (and consequently also a corresponding amount of the other substances evolved together with it) is not felt to be oppressive; and therefore the five-twelfth cubic metres of carbonic anhydride should be diluted with 420 cubic metres of fresh air if it be desired to keep not more than one-tenth p.c. (by volume) of carbonic anhydride in the air. Hence a man requires 420 cubic metres of air per day, or 18 cubic metres per hour. With the introduction of only 10 cubic metres of fresh air per person, the amount of carbonic anhydride may reach one-fifth p.c., and the air will not then be of the requisite freshness.

[46] The ventilation of inhabited buildings is most necessary, and is even indispensable in hospitals, schools, and similar buildings. In winter it is carried on by the so-called calorifiers or stoves heating the air before it enters. The best kind of calorifiers in this respect are those in which the fresh cold air is led through a series of pipes heated by the hot gases coming from a stove. In ventilation, particularly during winter, care is taken that the incoming air shall be moist, because in winter the amount of moisture in the air is very small. Ventilation, besides introducing fresh air into a dwelling-place, must also withdraw the air already spoilt by respiration and other causes—that is, it is necessary to construct channels for the escape of the bad air, besides those for the introduction of fresh air. In ordinary dwelling-places, where not many people are congregated, the ventilation is conducted by natural means, in the heating by fires, through crevices, windows, and various orifices in walls, doors, and windows. In mines, factories, and workrooms ventilation is of the greatest importance.

Animal vitality may still continue for a period of several minutes in air containing up to 30 p.c. of carbonic anhydride, if the remaining 70 p.c. consist of ordinary air; but respiration ceases after a certain time, and death may even ensue. The flame of a candle is very easily extinguished in an atmosphere containing from 5 to 6 p.c. of carbonic anhydride, but animal vitality can be sustained in it for a somewhat long time, although the effect of such air is exceedingly painful even to the lower animals. There are mines in which a lighted candle easily goes out from the excess of carbonic anhydride, but in which the miners have to remain for a long time. The presence of 1 p.c. of carbonic oxide is deadly even to cold-blooded animals. The air in the galleries of a mine where blasting has taken place, is known to produce a state of insensibility resembling that produced by charcoal fumes. Deep wells and vaults not unfrequently contain similar substances, and their atmosphere often causes suffocation. The atmospheres of such places cannot be tested by lowering a lighted candle into it, as these poisonous gases would not extinguish the flame. This method only suffices to indicate the amount of carbonic anhydride. If a candle keeps alight, it signifies that there is less than 6 p.c. of this gas. In doubtful cases it is best to lower a dog or other animal into the air to be tested. If CO2 be very carefully added to air, the flame of a candle is not extinguished (although it becomes very much smaller) even when the gas amounts to 12 p.c. of air. Researches made by F. Clowes (1894) show that the flames (in every case ¾ in. long) of different combustible substances are extinguished by the gradual addition of different percentages of nitrogen and carbonic acid to the air; the percentage sufficient to extinguish the flame being as follows (the percentage of oxygen is given in parenthesis):

p.c. CO2 p.c. N.
Absolute alcohol 14 (18·1) 21 (16·6)
Candle 14 (18·1) 22 (16·4)
Hydrogen 58 ( 8·8) 70 ( 6·3)
Coal gas 33 (14·1) 46 (11·3)
Carbonic oxide 24 (16·0) 28 (15·1)
Methane 10 (18·9) 17 (17·4)

The flames of all solid and liquid substances is extinguished by almost the same percentage of CO2 or N2, but the flames of different gases vary in this respect, and hydrogen continues to burn in mixtures which are far poorer in oxygen than those in which the flames of other combustible gases are extinguished; the flame of methane CH4 is the most easily extinguished. The percentage of nitrogen may be greater than that of CO2. This, together with the fact that, under the above circumstances, the flame of a gas before going out becomes fainter and increases in size, seems to indicate that the chief reason for the extinction of the flame is the fall in its temperature.

[47] Different so-called disinfectants purify the air, and prevent the injurious action of certain of its components by changing or destroying them. Disinfection is especially necessary in those places where a considerable amount of volatile substances are evolved into the air, and where organic substances are decomposed; for instance, in hospitals, closets, &c. The numerous disinfectants are of the most varied nature. They may be divided into oxidising, antiseptic, and absorbent substances. To the oxidising substances used for disinfection belong chlorine, and various substances evolving it, because chlorine in the presence of water oxidises the majority of organic substances, and this is why chlorine is used as a disinfectant for Siberian plagues. Further, to this class belong the permanganates of the alkalis and peroxide of hydrogen, as substances easily oxidising matters dissolved in water; these salts are not volatile like chlorine, and therefore act much more slowly, and in a much more limited sphere. Antiseptic substances are those which convert organic substances into such as are little prone to change, and prevent putrefaction and fermentation. They most probably kill the germs of organisms occurring in miasmata. The most important of these substances are creosote and phenol (carbolic acid), which occur in tar, and act in preserving smoked meat. Phenol is a substance little soluble in water, volatile, oily, and having the characteristic smell of smoked objects. Its action on animals in considerable quantities is injurious, but in small quantities, used in the form of a weak solution, it prevents the change of animal matter. The smell of privies, which depends on the change of excremental matter, may be easily removed by means of chlorine or phenol. Salicylic acid, thymol, common tar, and especially its solution in alkalis as proposed by Nensky, &c., are also substances having the same property. Absorbent substances are of no less importance, especially as preventatives, than the preceding two classes of disinfectants, inasmuch as they are innocuous. They are those substances which absorb the odoriferous gases and vapours emitted during putrefaction, which are chiefly ammonia, sulphuretted hydrogen, and other volatile compounds. To this class belong charcoal, certain salts of iron, gypsum, salts of magnesia, and similar substances, as well as peat, mould, and clay. Questions of disinfection and ventilation appertain to the most serious problems of common life and hygiene. These questions are so vast that we are here able only to give a short outline of their nature.


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