Gaseous nitrogen forms about four-fifths (by volume) of the atmosphere; consequently the air contains an exceedingly large mass of it. Whilst entering in so considerable a quantity into the composition of air, nitrogen does not seem to play any active part in the atmosphere, the chemical action of which is mainly dependent on the oxygen it contains. But this is not an entirely correct idea, because animal life cannot exist in pure oxygen, in which animals pass into an abnormal state and die; and the nitrogen of the air, although slowly, forms diverse compounds, many of which play a most important part in nature, especially in the life of organisms. However, neither plants The nitrogenous compounds which enter into the composition of plants and animals are of primary importance; no vegetable or animal cell—that is, the elementary form of organism—exists without containing a nitrogenous Nitrogen occurs in the earth's crust, in compounds either forming the remains of plants and animals, or derived from the nitrogen of the atmosphere as a consequence of its combination with the other component Nitrogen is liberated in a free state in the decomposition of the nitrogenous organic substances entering into the composition of organisms—for instance, on their combustion. All organic substances burn when heated to redness with oxygen (or substances readily yielding it, such as oxide of copper); the oxygen combines with the carbon, sulphur, and hydrogen, and the nitrogen is evolved in a free state, because at a high temperature it does not form any stable compound, but remains uncombined. Carbonic anhydride and water are formed from the carbon and hydrogen respectively, and therefore to obtain pure nitrogen it is necessary to remove the carbonic anhydride from the gaseous products obtained. This may be done very easily by the action of alkalis—for instance, caustic soda. The amount of nitrogen in organic substances is determined by a method founded on this. It is also very easy to obtain nitrogen from air, because oxygen combines with many substances. Either phosphorus or metallic copper is usually employed for removing the oxygen from air, but, naturally, a number of other substances may also be used. If a small saucer on which a piece of phosphorus is laid be placed on a cork floating on water, and the phosphorus be lighted, and the whole covered with a glass bell jar, then the air under the jar will be deprived of its oxygen, and nitrogen only will remain, owing to which, on cooling, the water will rise to a certain extent in the bell jar. The same object (procuring nitrogen from air) is attained much more conveniently and perfectly by passing air through a red-hot tube containing copper filings. At a red heat, metallic copper combines with oxygen and gives a black powder of copper oxide. If the layer of copper be sufficiently long and the current of air slow, all the oxygen will be absorbed, and nitrogen alone will pass from the tube. Nitrogen may also be procured from many of its compounds with oxygen Nitrogen is a gaseous substance which does not differ much in physical properties from air; its density, referred to hydrogen, is approximately equal to 14—that is, it is slightly lighter than air, its density referred to air being 0·972; one litre of nitrogen weighs 1·257 gram. Nitrogen mixed with oxygen, which is slightly heavier than air, forms air. It is a gas which, like oxygen and hydrogen, is liquefied with difficulty, and is but little soluble in water and other liquids. Its absolute boiling point Nitrogen is found with oxygen in the air, but they do not readily combine. Cavendish, however, in the last century, showed that nitrogen combines with oxygen under the influence of a series of electric sparks. Electric sparks in passing through a moist Further observations showed that under the influence of electrical discharges, By such indirect methods does the gaseous nitrogen of the atmosphere yield its primary compounds, in which form it enters into plants, and is elaborated in them into complex albuminous substances. Judging from what has been already stated, it will be evident that atmospheric air In the air of the various countries of the earth, at different longitudes and at different altitudes above its surface, on the ocean or on the dry land—in a word, in the air of most diverse localities of the earth—the oxygen and nitrogen are found everywhere to be in a constant ratio. This is, moreover, self-evident from the fact that the air constantly diffuses (intermixes by virtue of the internal motion of the gaseous particles) and is also put into motion and intermixed by the wind, by which processes it is equalised in its composition over the entire surface of the earth. In those localities where the air is subject to change, and is in a more or less enclosed space, or, at any rate, in an unventilated space, it may alter very considerably in its composition. For this reason the air in dwellings, cellars, and wells, in which there are substances absorbing oxygen, contains less of this gas, whilst the air on The analysis of air is effected by converting the oxygen into a non-gaseous compound, so as to separate it from the air. The original The determinations in a eudiometer (Chapter III.) give more exact results, if all the necessary corrections for changes of pressure, temperature, and moisture be taken into account. This determination is carried out essentially as follows:—A certain amount of air is introduced into the eudiometer, and its volume is determined. About an equal volume of dry hydrogen is then passed into the eudiometer, and the volume again determined. The mixture is then exploded, in the way described for the determination of the composition of water. The remaining volume of the gaseous mixture is again measured; it will be less than the second of the previously measured volumes. Out of three volumes which have disappeared, one belonged to the oxygen and two to the hydrogen, consequently one-third of the loss of volume indicates the amount of oxygen contained in the air. The most complete method for the analysis of air, and one which is see caption Fig. 38.—Dumas and Boussingault's apparatus for the analysis of air by weight. The globe B contains 10–15 litres. The air is first pumped out of it, and it is weighed empty. The tube T connected with it is filled with copper, and is weighed empty of air. It is heated in a charcoal furnace. When the copper has become red-hot, the stopcock r (near R) is slightly opened, and the air passes through the vessels L, containing a solution of potash, f, containing solutions and pieces of caustic potash, which remove the carbonic anhydride from the air, and then through o and t, containing sulphuric acid (which has been previously boiled to expel dissolved air) and pumice-stone, which removes the moisture from the air. The pure air then gives up its oxygen to the copper in T. When the air passes into T the stopcock R of the globe B is opened, and it becomes filled with nitrogen. When the air ceases to flow in, the stopcocks are closed, and the globe B and tube T weighed. The nitrogen is then pumped out of the tube and it is weighed again. The increase in weight of the tube shows the amount of oxygen, and the difference of the second and third weighings of the tube, with the increase in weight of the globe, gives the weight of the nitrogen. Air free from moisture and carbonic anhydride see caption Fig. 39.—Apparatus for the absorption and washing of gases, known as Liebig's bulbs. The gas enters m, presses on the absorptive liquid, and passes from m into b, c, d, and e consecutively, and escapes through f. see caption Fig. 40.—Geisler's potash bulbs. The gas enters at a, and passes through a solution of potash in the lower bulbs, where the carbonic anhydride is absorbed, and the gas escapes from b. The lower bulbs are arranged in a triangle, so that the apparatus can stand without support. see caption Fig. 41.—Tube for the absorption of carbonic acid. A plug of cotton wool is placed in the bulb to prevent the powder of soda-lime being carried off by the gas. The tube contains soda-lime and chloride of calcium. The possibility of the composition of air being altered by the mere action of a solvent very clearly shows that the component parts of air are in a state of mixture, in which any gases may occur; they do not in this case form a definite compound, although the composition of the atmosphere does appear constant under ordinary conditions. The fact that its composition varies under different conditions confirms the truth of this conclusion, and therefore the constancy of the composition of air must not be considered as in any way dependent on the nature of the gases entering into its composition, but only as proceeding from cosmic phenomena co-operating towards this constancy. It must be admitted, therefore, that the processes evolving oxygen, and chiefly the processes of the respiration of plants, are of equal force with those processes which absorb oxygen over the entire surface of the earth. Air always contains more or less moisture The amount of carbonic anhydride Besides nitrogen, oxygen, moisture, and carbonic acid, all the other substances occurring in air are found in infinitesimally small quantities by weight, and therefore the weight of a cubic measure of air depends, to a sensible degree, on the above-named components alone. We have already mentioned that at 0° and 760 mm. pressure the weight of a cubic litre of air is 1·293 gram. This weight varies with the acceleration of gravity, g, so that if g be expressed in metres the weight of a litre of air, e = g × 0·131844 gram. For St. Petersburg g is about 9·8188, and therefore e is about 1·2946, The presence of ammonia, a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen, in the air, is indicated by the fact that all acids exposed to the air absorb ammonia from it after a time. De Saussure observed that aluminium sulphate is converted by air into a double sulphate of ammonium and aluminium, or the so-called ammonia alum. Quantitative determinations have shown that the amount of ammonia The presence of nitric acid in air is proved without doubt by the fact that rain-water contains an appreciable amount of it. Further (as already mentioned in Chapter IV.), air contains ozone Besides substances in a gaseous or vaporous state, Thus we see that air contains a great variety of substances. The nitrogen, which is found in it in the largest quantity, has the least Air, being a mixture of various substances, may suffer considerable changes in consequence of incidental circumstances. It is particularly necessary to remark those changes in the composition of air which take place in dwellings and in various localities where human beings have to remain during a lengthy period of time. The respiration of human beings and animals alters the air. Footnotes: When copper is oxidised at the expense of the air at the ordinary temperature in the presence of ammonia, oxygen is absorbed, not only for combination with the copper, but also for the formation of nitric acid. The combination of nitrogen with oxygen, even, for example, by the action of electric sparks, is not accompanied by an explosion or rapid combination, as in the action of a spark on a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. This is explained by the fact that heat is not evolved in the combination of nitrogen with oxygen, but is absorbed—an expenditure of energy is required, there is no evolution of energy. In fact, there will not be the transmission of heat from particle to particle which occurs in the explosion of detonating gas. Each spark will aid the formation of a certain quantity of the compound of oxygen and nitrogen, but will not excite the same in the neighbouring particles. In other words, the combination of hydrogen with oxygen is an exothermal reaction, and the combination of nitrogen with oxygen an endothermal reaction. A condition particularly favourable for the oxidation of nitrogen is the explosion of detonating gas and air if the former be in excess. If a mixture of two volumes of detonating gas and one volume of air be exploded, then one-tenth of the air is converted into nitric acid, and consequently after the explosion has taken place there remain only nine-tenths of the volume of air originally taken. If a large proportion of air be taken—for instance, four volumes of air to two volumes of detonating gas—then the temperature of the explosion is lowered, the volume of air taken remains unchanged, and no nitric acid is formed. This gives a rule to be observed in making use of the eudiometer—namely that to weaken the force of the explosion not less than an equal volume of air should be added to the explosive mixture. On the other hand a large excess must not be taken as no explosion would then ensue (see Chapter III. Note 34). Probably in the future means will be found for obtaining compounds of nitrogen on a large industrial scale by the aid of electric discharges, and by making use of the inexhaustible mass of nitrogen in the atmosphere. As the nitrogenous substances of organisms play a very important part in them (organic life cannot exist without them), and as the nitrogenous substances introduced into the soil are capable of invigorating its crops (of course in the presence of the other nourishing principles required by plants), the question of the means of converting the atmospheric nitrogen into the nitrogenous compounds of the soil, or into assimilable nitrogen capable of being absorbed by plants and of forming complex (albuminous) substances in them, is one of great theoretical and practical interest. The artificial (technical) conversion of the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds, notwithstanding repeated attempts, cannot yet be considered as fulfilled in a practical remunerative manner although its possibility is already evident. Electricity will probably aid in solving this very important practical problem. When the theoretical side of the question is further advanced, then without doubt an advantageous means will be found for the manufacture of nitrogenous substances from the nitrogen of the air; and this is needed, before all, for the agriculturist, to whom nitrogenous fertilisers form an expensive item, and are more important than all other manures. One thousand tons of farmyard manure do not generally contain more than four tons of nitrogen in the form of complex nitrogenous substances, and this amount of nitrogen is contained in twenty tons of ammonium sulphate, therefore the effect of a mass of farmyard manure in respect to the introduction of nitrogen may be produced by small quantities of artificial nitrogenous fertilisers (see Note 15 bis). As there are some grounds (which will be mentioned shortly) for considering that the composition of the air at great altitudes is slightly different from that at attainable heights—namely, that it is richer in the lighter nitrogen—several fragmentary observations made at Munich (Jolly, 1880) gave reason for thinking that in the upward currents (that is in the region of minimum barometric pressure or at the centres of meteorological cyclones) the air is richer in oxygen than in the descending currents of air (in the regions of anticyclones or of barometric maxima); but more carefully conducted observations showed this supposition to be incorrect. Improved methods for the analysis of air have shown that certain slight variations in its composition do actually occur, but in the first place they depend on incidental local influences (on the passage of the air over mountains and large surfaces of water, regions of forest and herbage, and the like), and in the second place are limited to quantities which are scarcely distinguishable from possible errors in the analyses. The researches made by Kreisler in Germany (1885) are particularly convincing. The considerations which lead to the supposition that the atmosphere at great altitudes contains less oxygen than at the surface of the earth are based on the law of partial pressures (Chapter I.) According to this law, the equilibrium of the oxygen in the strata of the atmosphere is not dependent on the equilibrium of the nitrogen, and the variation in the densities of both gases with the height is determined by the pressure of each gas separately. Details of the calculations and considerations here involved are contained in my work On Barometric Levellings, 1876, p. 48. On the basis of the law of partial pressure and of hypsometrical formulÆ, expressing the laws of the variation of pressures at different altitudes, the conclusion may be deduced that at the upper strata of the atmosphere the proportion of the nitrogen with respect to the oxygen increases, but the increase will not exceed a fraction per cent., even at altitudes of four and a half to six miles, the greatest height within the reach of men either by climbing mountains or by means of balloons. This conclusion is confirmed by the analyses of air collected by Welch in England during his aËronautic ascents. In reality the weight is not measured in absolute units of weight (in pressure—refer to works on mechanics and physics), but in relative units (grams, scale weights) whose mass is invariable, and therefore the variation of the weight of the weights itself with the change of gravity must not be here taken into account, for we are here dealing with weights proportional to masses, since with a change of locality the weight of the weights varies as the weight of a given volume of air does. In other words: the mass of a substance always remains constant, but the pressure produced by it varies with the acceleration of gravity: the gram, pound, and other units of weight are really units of mass. Animal vitality may still continue for a period of several minutes in air containing up to 30 p.c. of carbonic anhydride, if the remaining 70 p.c. consist of ordinary air; but respiration ceases after a certain time, and death may even ensue. The flame of a candle is very easily extinguished in an atmosphere containing from 5 to 6 p.c. of carbonic anhydride, but animal vitality can be sustained in it for a somewhat long time, although the effect of such air is exceedingly painful even to the lower animals. There are mines in which a lighted candle easily goes out from the excess of carbonic anhydride, but in which the miners have to remain for a long time. The presence of 1 p.c. of carbonic oxide is deadly even to cold-blooded animals. The air in the galleries of a mine where blasting has taken place, is known to produce a state of insensibility resembling that produced by charcoal fumes. Deep wells and vaults not unfrequently contain similar substances, and their atmosphere often causes suffocation. The atmospheres of such places cannot be tested by lowering a lighted candle into it, as these poisonous gases would not extinguish the flame. This method only suffices to indicate the amount of carbonic anhydride. If a candle keeps alight, it signifies that there is less than 6 p.c. of this gas. In doubtful cases it is best to lower a dog or other animal into the air to be tested. If CO2 be very carefully added to air, the flame of a candle is not extinguished (although it becomes very much smaller) even when the gas amounts to 12 p.c. of air. Researches made by F. Clowes (1894) show that the flames (in every case ¾ in. long) of different combustible substances are extinguished by the gradual addition of different percentages of nitrogen and carbonic acid to the air; the percentage sufficient to extinguish the flame being as follows (the percentage of oxygen is given in parenthesis):
The flames of all solid and liquid substances is extinguished by almost the same percentage of CO2 or N2, but the flames of different gases vary in this respect, and hydrogen continues to burn in mixtures which are far poorer in oxygen than those in which the flames of other combustible gases are extinguished; the flame of methane CH4 is the most easily extinguished. The percentage of nitrogen may be greater than that of CO2. This, together with the fact that, under the above circumstances, the flame of a gas before going out becomes fainter and increases in size, seems to indicate that the chief reason for the extinction of the flame is the fall in its temperature. |