- Ade, George, 98, 114 et seq.
- Adler, Alfred, 170
- Ailsa Page, 134
- American Academy of Arts and Letters, 115, 138
- American Language, The, 210
- Androcles and the Lion, 185 et seq.
- Angela’s Business, 139
- Ann Veronica, 25, 31
- Another Book on the Theater, 211
- Archer, William, 25, 174
- Arnold, Matthew, 194
- Artie, 121
- Atlantic Monthly, 52, 134, 173, 174
- Augier, Emile, 106
- AvariÉs, Les, 107, 201
- Bahr, Hermann, 16
- Balmforth, Ramsden, 186
- Balzac, H., 50
- Barber, Granville, 219
- Bealby, 24, 32
- Beck, James M., 33
- Beethoven, L. van, 18, 72, 94
- Belasco, David, 213, 219
- Belloc, Hillaire, 31
- Bennett, Arnold, 31, 36 et seq.
- Beyerlein, F. A., 106
- Bierce, Ambrose, 130
- Bierbaum, O. J., 131
- Blasco IbÁÑez, 24, 145
- Bleibtreu, K., 106
- Book of Prefaces, A, 210
- Boon, 31
- Boynton, H. W., 14
- Brahms, Johannes, 18
- Braithwaite, W. S., 83
- Brandes, Georg, 17
- Brieux, Eugene, 61, 107, 201, 219
- Brooks, Van Wyck, 34
- Brownell, W. C., 11, 14
- Buried Alive, 46
- Bynner, Witter, 85
- Cabell, James Branch, Katzensteg, Der, 105
- Kauffman, R. W., 199
- Kilmer, Joyce, 86
- King in Yellow, The, 134
- Kipling, Rudyard, 27
- Kreymborg, Alfred, 83
- Ladies’ Home Journal, 53, 126, 143, 177
- Lardner, Ring W., 98
- Leatherwood God, The, 54
- Le Bon, Gustave, 154
- Lindsay, Vachel, 83, 84, 89, 92, 94, 96
- Lion’s Share, The, 46, 51
- Little Lady of the Big House, The, 239
- Lloyd-George, David, 33
- London, Jack, 37, 236 et seq.
- Lowell, Amy, 83, 86, 87, 92, 96
- Lowell, J. R., 115, 173, 248
- Lowes, John Livingstone, 88
- Mabie, H. W., 16
- McClure, John, 96
- McClure, S. S., 175
- McClure’s Magazine, 175
- MacLane, Mary, 123 et seq., 134
- Maeterlinck, Maurice, 61, 79, 219
- Magazine in America, The, 171 et seq.
- Magda, 105
- Man and Superman, 182
- Marden, O. S., 46
- Marriage, 22, 34
- Marx, Karl, 66, 238
- Masks and Minstrels of New Germany, 130
- Masters, Edgar Lee, 83, 88, 92, 96
- Meltzer, C. H., 57, 129
- Men vs. the Man, 60
- Mercure de France, 210
- Mitchell, D. O., 115, 154
- Wagner, Richard, 238
- Walker, J. B., 175
- Ward, Artemas, 114
- Wedekind, Frank, 201
- Wells, H. G., 22 et seq., 36, 37
- Wharton, Edith, 57, 144
- White, William Allen, 139 et seq.
- Whitman, Walt, 86, 92, 93, 115, 243, 247, 249
- Whom God Hath Joined, 50, 51
- Wife of Sir Isaac Harmon, The, 23
- Wilde, Oscar, 13
- Wilson, Woodrow, 33, 34, 119, 178
- Winter, William, 173, 214, 220, 223
- Wright, Harold Bell, 141
- Zola, Emile, 50, 106, 107