
Yarmouth or Great Yarmouth, is, next to Norwich, the most important town in the Eastern Counties, celebrated for its fisheries, its shipping, trade, and manufactures, and is also much frequented in the season as a bathing-place. It is distant 19 miles E. by S. from Norwich, 9 miles N. from Lowestoft, and 123 miles N.E. from London. The population of the town and borough, including Gorleston and Southtown was, in 1851, 30,879. The town derives its name from the Yare, on the east bank of which river it is situated. There are very few principal streets, but in the more modern parts are some commanding edifices. The north and south quays, extending for nearly a mile and a quarter, and very broad, are among the peculiar and interesting features of Yarmouth. The principal streets run parallel with the quays, and are crossed by 145 narrow lanes, called rows, which are numbered; it is for the traversing of these rows that the many small narrow carts are used which abound in Yarmouth.

There is a new and elegant bridge over the Yare. A handsome and substantial suspension bridge crosses the Bure, over the same spot whence 79 persons were suddenly plunged by the fall of the previous bridge in May, 1845; whilst a handsome iron tubular bridge, in two compartments, connects the railway with the tramways, which extend the entire length of the quays. The New Pier is a great accommodation to the visitors and inhabitants.

There are numerous and very extensive malting-houses in Yarmouth and its neighbourhood, belonging to the metropolitan brewers and others, which afford employment for a large number of hands. The town is a great centre of the fishing trade. The mackarel fishery employs upwards of 3,000 tons, with about 90 boats and 870 men, and produces about 16,000 a year. The herring fishery, for which Yarmouth is so highly and justly celebrated, employs about 6,000 tons, with 160 boats and 1,300 men, besides those on shore; the produce is about 100,000 barrels yearly, about 20,000 of which are sent to the southern countries. There are also fisheries of cod, sprats, turbot, soles, skate, whitings, eels, and shrimps. A large portion of this produce is sent to London, Manchester, Birmingham, and other distant towns. The number of vessels belonging to the port is about 500, besides 250 fishing-boats and other smaller craft. Ship and boat building employs many hands, and vessels of 460 tons are built here. The silk mills, belonging to Grout and Co., erected in 1818, give employment to nearly 700 operatives of both sexes.

The church of St. Nicholas is a fine cross-shaped building, of unusually large dimensions. It had formerly sixteen chapels. The spire is 168 feet high, erected in 1683. There is a fine peal of ten bells and a clock. The organ is of some celebrity, and has been most materially improved by Gray and Davidson; it was built in 1733 by Muller. Here are monuments of the Englands, and some few other families of distinction, while plain marble slabs point out the resting-places of John Carter, a great friend of Cromwell, and of Mrs. Bridget Bendish, daughter of General Ireton, grand-daughter of the Lord Protector. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. The font, which is of Purbeck marble, is octagonal and very ancient. The vestry contains a small collection of old books.

St. George’s chapel was built in 1714, and is a fine building, partly of stone, with square tower. St. Peter’s church was built in 1833, at a cost of £12,000; it is in the Gothic style, of white brick, with a tower 118 feet high; there is in it a copy of Ruben’s Descent from the Cross. There is also an ancient church at Gorleston, with curious font and brasses. St. Mary’s Southtown was built in 1831. The Roman Catholic chapel is a new Gothic building, of neat appearance. There is a Jews’ synagogue, which has been rebuilt. Here are meeting-houses for Independents, General and Particular Baptists, Wesleyans, Countess of Huntingdon, Society of Friends, Primitive Methodists, and Unitarians. The Roman Catholics have a small cemetery, situate on the road leading to Caistor, north of the town.

The Town Hall, built in 1716, is of the Tuscan order, with a fine suite of rooms; it contains also the court rooms. There is also a Town House, belonging to the corporation. The Borough Gaol was built in 1260, and much of the original building remains. The market-place is very extensive, covering an area of three acres; the fish market adjoins it. The Corn Exchange is in Regent-street, and the Commercial Club House on the Quay. The Custom House, on the Quay, is a large and handsome building. The Bath House was built in 1759, and has a large public room and all requisite bathing accommodations. There are several small docks or basins belonging to the shipbuilders, and one of which will take a 500 ton ship. The town is well paved and lighted with gas, and watched by a borough police. The large naval and military hospital, situate at the southern extremity of the town, is now used as a Government asylum for insane officers of the navy and army. One of the chief ornaments of the town is the conspicuous column, erected on the South Denes by county subscription in 1817, to commemorate the immortal Nelson; it is a fine pillar, of the Doric order, with fluted shaft: its extreme height is 144 feet; the summit is reached by 270 steps; the views from it of the sea and surrounding country are varied and extensive.


Agar, Moses, 78, Southtown road

Aldis, Mr. John, North end

Alexander, Mrs. Caroline, Regent road

Ames, Edward, Esq., East street

Ansell, the Misses, 1, North Beach terrace

Arbon, Noah, back of Wall

Ashill, Mrs. Ann, King street

Bailey, Mr. Robert, 1, Wiltshire Cottage, Victoria road

Bampton, Rev. John, South Beach terrace

Barber, Mrs. Hannah M., South Quay

Barber, Mr. Robert David, Regent road

Barclay, Mrs. M. A., 86, Southtown road

Barnard, Mrs. M. A., 5, Providence place

Bateley, Mrs. Harriott, Regent road

Bartram, Cubitt Engall, 12, St. George’s terrace

Bartram, Mr. William, 58, Southtown road

Baynes, Mrs., North Quay

Beasley, Mrs. G., 85, Southtown road

Beckett, Miss Mary Ann, back of Wall

Bee, Mr. James, 13, Bath place

Blake, John, Esq., 3, Ely place

Blake, Mr. Thomas, 7, Seymour place

Boardman, the Misses, South Quay

Borrett, Mr. George, 7, Bath place

Borrett, Dr. James, King street

Branch, John, Esq., Regent street

Brock, Mrs., 70, Southtown road

Brock, Miss, Southtown road

Brown, Mr. George Penrice, South Quay

Brown, Mrs. Priscilla, 6, St. George’s terrace

Brown, Mr. Robert, 1, Bath Hill terrace

Brown, Mr. Robert Fitzwilliam

Buck, Mrs., 1, Devonshire place

Bunn, Mrs. Sarah, 17, Southtown road

Bunn, Samuel G., Esq., 69, Southtown road

Bunn, Thomas, Esq., 47, Southtown road

Burton, Samuel, Esq., 67, Southtown road

Burton, Mrs. Mary, Hall Quay

Butcher, Mrs. Maria, King street

Butcher, Mrs. M., 10, St. George’s terrace

Button, Mr. James, 2, Bath place

Carter, Mr. Daniel, King street

Chandler, Mrs., 6, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Chevalier, Mrs. Sophia, 14, Southtown

Christmas, Mr. Cornelius H., South Market road

Clarke, Mrs., 2, Royal place

Clifton, Mr. Robert, 2, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Cobb, Mrs. Frances, King street

Cobles, Mrs. Rebecca, 6, Henry place

Colls, Mrs. Elizabeth, 84, Southtown road

Costerton, Mr. Frederic, Southtown road

Coston, Mrs. M. A., 7, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Creak, Mrs. Maria, Gaol street

Crickmay, Mrs. M. A., 37, Southtown road

Crowe, Mr. James, Fuller’s hill

Crowe, Miss M. A., 1, Flushing terrace

Crowther, Miss Mary, Church square

Cudeon, Mrs. Sarah, Regent street

Day, Mrs. Charlotte, King street

Decarle, Mrs., Trafalgar House

Dick, Mrs., South Quay

Diggins, Miss Elizabeth, 31, Southtown

Dilliston, Mr. Henry, row 142

Drake, Mrs. Amelia, 83, Southtown road

Dobson, Rev. St. N., 4, Claremont terrace

Doughty, Capt. James, Regent road

Douglass, Mr. James, Theatre plain

Douglass, Mr., 6, St. James’ terrace

Duffield, Mr. James, Southtown road

Dunne, Dr. John, Regent road

Dye, Mrs. Mary, King street

Emes, Mrs. Elizabeth, Fuller’s hill

Fabb, Miss, 62, Southtown road

Fear, Mrs. Mary, North Quay

Feek, Mrs., Recent road

Fell, — Esq., Regent road

Fenn, John, Esq., magistrate, North Quay

Fiddes, Joseph, Esq., Church square

Field, Mr. Michael, 12, Southtown

Fish, Mr. Simon, 79, Southtown road

Foreman, Mr. Thomas, Gaol street

Frane, Frederic, Esq., Regent road

Frere, Rev. Edward Borke, King street

Gibbs, Henry, H., Esq., Brunswick place

Godbolt, Mr. Joseph, Southtown road

Goodwin, Mr. John, North end

Gourlay, Joyce, Esq., Regent road

Green, Rev. Joseph, Baptist minister, Nelson’s terrace

Greenward, Mr. G., 7, Southtown road

Hales, Mrs. Lydia, Jetty road

Hall, John, 12, Henry’s place

Hammond, Mrs., 2, St. George’s terrace

Hammond, Richard, Esq., North Quay

Hankes, William, Esq., South Quay

Hardingham, Mr. W., 14, Seymour place

Harrison, Mr. James Hargroom, Gaol st.

Haw, Miss Jane, Regent street

Hayman, Rev. H., Gaol street

Hills, Rev. George, Parsonage House, Church square

Holt, Mrs. John, Southtown road

Hurst, Rev. Samuel, 80, Southtown road

Hutson, Mrs. Sarah, Southtown road

Jex, Mrs. Ann, 9, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Johnson, William, Esq., Southtown road

Keable, Mrs. Hannah, 3, Blake’s buildings

Keymer, Miss Anne, 63, Southtown road

Kiddall, Mr. Robert, King street

Lacon, Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart., Youell & Co., Bankers, Hall Quay

Lacon, Sir Edmund, Hopton, near Yarmouth

Lamb, Mrs. Mary, 87, Southtown road

Larklam, Mrs. Mary, Gaol street

Last, James, Esq., 35, Southtown road

Lawes, Capt. John Porter, (Hon. E. I. C.’s Madras Artillery), 5, St. George’s terrace

Layton, Mrs. Mary Hannah, North end

Layton, Mrs. Mortlock, North Quay

Lee, Mr. Henry, St. George’s road

Linder, Mrs. Mary Ann, King street

Long, Miss Susan, North Quay

Manthorp, Mr. George, 1, Sefton terrace

Marsh, Mrs. Ann, South Quay

Martin, Hezekiah, Esq., 32, Southtown

Mayhew, Mrs. Mary Ann, St. George’s road

Meen, Henry, 2, Apsley terrace

Middleton, Mrs. Susan, 7, Norfolk terrace

Miller, Richard, Esq., 19, Southtown road

Mitchell, Mrs. Amelia, South Quay

Moore, Mr. Charles, 48, Southtown road

Mountjoy, Mr. William, Jetty road

Mouse, the Misses Hannah M., 68, Southtown road

Naunton, George, Esq., 64, Southtown road

Neeve, Miss E., North end

Newman, Mrs. Mary, Regent street

Nisbett, Major Richard Blundell, North Quay

Orfeur, Mrs. E. Regent terrace

Orfeur, John, 12, Claremont terrace

Page, Miss Matilda, 84, Southtown

Page, Mrs., 11, Southtown

Paget, Samuel, Esq., 9, St. George’s terrace

Palmer, Charles John, Esq., Regent street

Palmer, Henry, Esq., Regent street

Palmer, Mrs. John B., 45, Southtown road

Partridge, Rev. John, Southtown road

Penrice, Mrs. Anne, King street

Pestell, Henry, 2, Henry’s place

Pigott, Jacob, 1, Henry’s place

Pillar, Joseph, row 142

Pope, Mrs. Sarah, 9, Albion terrace

Preston, E. H. L., Esq., North Quay

Preston, Mrs. Hannah, 11, St. George’s terrace

Preston, the Misses, Quay

Ray, Mrs. Catherine, 8, St. George’s terrace

Read, Mrs., 4, Trafalgar road

Richardson, William Josiah, 6, Trafalgar road

Richmond Edward, Southtown road

Rising, Mrs. Charlotte, King street

Rising, Mrs. Elizabeth, 1, Apsley terrace

Rising, George, Esq., 22, Southtown road

Rivett, Richard, Regent terrace

Roberts, Harold, Esq., South street

Roberts, William, Esq., 29, Southtown

Rounding, Thomas J. W., 33, Regent road

Russell, Rev. James, Gaol street

Sacret, Thomas, 60, Southtown road

Sault, Rev. Francis, 6, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Sayer, Mrs. Mary, 4, Norfolk terrace

Sculley, Edward, Buckenham House

Shephard, Mrs., 6, Ely place

Silcock, Mrs., 3, St. James’ terrace

Slipper, John, 92, Southtown road

Smith, Mrs. M. A., 41, Southtown road

Smith, Mr. Ormond, 11, Henry place

Spillings, William, Esq., Southtown

Spillings, William, 14, Henry place

Squire, Mr. William, North end

Steele, Edward, Esq., Regent road

Stephenson, Mrs. Eliza, Jetty road

Steny, Mrs., 5, St. James’ terrace

Steward, Mrs. Ann, South quay

Steward, Robert, Esq., magistrate, Southtown road

Stonex, Henry, 32, Regent road

Tann, Rev. James, Baptist minister, Regent road

Taylor, Mrs. Susannah, Gaol street

Terhance, Lieut. John, 5, Trafalgar road

Thaxter, Mrs. Elizabeth, 51, Southtown road

Thede, Mrs. Fanny, Regent road

Thetford, Miss Mary, 5, Norfolk terrace

Thirtle, Mrs. Harriet, 8, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Thirtle, William, Esq., South quay

Thornton, Mrs. Susannah, North end

Tillson, George, Esq., 52, Southtown road

Titshall, Miss Maria, 39, Southtown road

Tolver, Samuel, Esq., Hall quay

Turner, Miss M. A., Regent road

Tydeman, the Misses, Queen street

Tyler, Frederic, Esq., 23, Southtown road

Upjohn, Rev. Francis, M. A., vicar of Gorleston

Waller, Mr. William, Southtown cottage

Walpole, Mr. Jonas, Regent street

Walpole, William, Esq., Southtown

Warner, Mrs. Elizabeth, Apsley terrace

Waters, Rev. Mark, vicar of St. George’s, 15, Southtown road

West, Mrs., Chapel Paved row

Wigg, Mr. Samuel, White Horse plain

Willemite, Mrs. R., 2, Norfolk terrace

Woolverton, Mrs. M., Catherine, King st.

Worship, Francis, Esq., Regent street

Yetts, William, Esq., King street


Abbott, Edward, Fishing Boat tavern, Row 143

Ablett, Edward, Fishing Boat tavern, Gaol street

Absolon, William, Steam Packet tavern, North quay

Adams, Robert, Rainbow, Rainbow corner, North quay

Albrow, William, upholsterer and cabinet maker, George street

Alden, Daniel, Regent tavern, Monument road

Alden, Amy, lodging house, 2, Litchfield place

Aldis, Thomas, banker’s clerk, King str.

Aldred, Edward, jeweller, h North quay

Aldred and More, mast and plank makers, North quay

Aldred, Charles Cory, surgeon, Market-place

Aldred and Son, jewellers, &c., George street

Aldred, Thomas, tailor, &c., Gaol street

Aldridge, Samuel, Queen Victoria tavern, North end

Alexander, Alfred, marine store dealer, Laughing Image corner, North quay

Allan, John, commission agent, Quay

Allcock, Mrs., milliner, &c., Market row

Allrow, Richard, tailor, Gaol street

Ames, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Amis, James, Black Boy, Queen street

Ames, Henry, baker, George street

Amos, Samuel, Earl St. Vincent, King street

Andrews, Susanna, hair dresser and toy warehouse, King street

Arbon, Charles George, bricklayer, Back of Wall

Arbon, James N., plumber, glazier, and painter, King street

Archer, Robert, grocer, Southtown road

Archer, Robert, carpenter, Southtown road

Archer, Thomas, confectioner, Jetty road

Artis, James, cutler, Howard street

Artiss, Miss, milliner, &c., Row 120

Artiss, William, cutler, Row 129

Ashly, Benjamin, shopkeeper, George street

Ashley, Benjamin, captain Royal Navy, 36, Southtown road

Atkins, William, whitesmith, North quay

Ayers, James, fish merchant, Regent road

Ayers, Thomas, watch and clock maker, silversmith and jeweller, Regent road

Ayers, William, gardener, Mansfield terrace, Monument road

Bacon, Robert, hatter, Charlotte street

Bacon, William, Golden Ball, George street

Bailey, James, captain, St. George’s road

Baker, James, Wheel of Fortune, George street

Baker, Robert, linen draper, mercer and hosier, Market-place

Baldwin, Charles, shoe maker and mender, North end

Bales, Christopher, butcher, Fuller hill

Bales, James, grocer and tea dealer, Market place

Bales, John Barney, coroner’s officer and crier at the quarter sessions, Railway hotel, North quay

Bales, William Ellis, confectioner, Market-place

Balls, Amy, fancy repository, King street

Balls, James, boot and shoe maker, York road

Balls, John, fish merchant, North quay

Balls, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Balls, Samuel, White Horse inn, White Horse plain

Balls, William, shopkeeper, George street

Banks, Isaac, seaman, Brunswick place

Barber and Co., shipping and general agents, South quay

Barber, Robert, rope manufacturer, York road

Barber, Robert David, savings’ bank and agent to the Economic Life Assurance Office, Howard street

Barber and Son, ship agents, White Lion opening, King street

Barber, Thomas Robert, haberdasher and small ware dealer, Church square

Barber, William, tailor and draper, Hall quay

Barcham, Emma, boarding academy, King street

Barham, Charles, fly owner, 2, Neptune terrace

Barker, John, shipowner and merchant, Quay

Barker, Francis, Bear inn, Southtown road

Barker, Misses, haberdashers and fancy dealers, Market row

Barker, M. A., lodging house, York road

Barker, William Wilson, cooper, Theatre plain

Barking, James, dyer, George street

Barlow, Elizabeth, Coach and Horses, North end

Barnaby, William Henry, fish merchant, 24, Southtown road

Barnes, —, butcher, Market-place

Barnes, Alfred John, hair-dresser, Hall quay

Barnes, Charles, hair-dresser, George str.

Barnes, Henry, broker, Charlotte street

Barnby, John Eager, wine and spirit merchant, Charlotte street

Barrett, Benjamin, classical and commercial boarding academy, North quay

Barratt, William, tailor, &c., Howard street

Bartram, John, Royal Vauxhall garden and refreshment rooms, opposite the railway station

Bartram, John, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Bartram, John Clarke, pawnbroker, Church square

Bate, William, architect and surveyor, North end

Bateman, Matthew, captain, Flushing terrace

Bateman, S. and J. M. A., muslin and fancy warehouse, Market-place

Batley, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Bayes, Benjamin, Sailors’ home, South quay

Bayfield, Doily Scott, shipowner, Jetty road

Beales, William, Anchor of Hope, St. George’s road

Beaxwell, Charles, Steam Packet tavern, South beach

Beazor, Martin, saddler and harness maker, Charlotte street

Beckett, Cubitt Thomas, grocer, &c., Factory yard

Beckett, James, eating house, Row 107

Becksfield, Henry, master mariner, 3, Norfolk terrace

Bee, James, boot maker, King street

Bee, Robert, boot maker, Market-place

Bee, Thomas, boot maker, Gaol street

Beecroft, Peter, confectioner, Charlotte street

Beevor, Thomas, confectioner and baker, Gaol street

Bell, Charles, lawyer, Nelson terrace

Bell, George, baker, George street

Bellamy, Daniel W., butcher, King street

Bellamy, Frederic, baker, Gaol street

Bellamy, Winter, butcher, King street

Bennett, John B., cooper, Row 102

Benstead, James, Rose and Crown, Charlotte street

Bessey, John, Lord Nelson tavern, North quay

Bessey, Robert, North tavern, North quay

Bessey, William Henry, coal merchant, Hall quay

Betts, Alfred, tea dealer and grocer, King street

Betts, Hannah, milliner and mantle establishment, Regent street

Betts, John, cordwainer, George street

Bexfield, Joseph, White Lion opening, King street

Bignell, George C., flour dealer, Theatre plain

Bird, William, corn merchant, 54, Southtown road

Bishop, Charles, hair dresser, St. George’s road

Bitson, George, British Lion, Market-place

Bitton, John, broker, Charlotte street

Bird and Co., auctioneers, Middlegate chambers, Gaol street

Blagg, Edward, Eagle tavern, North quay

Blagg, Thomas H., tea dealer and grocer, Market row

Blake, Garson, ship owner, broker, and commission agent, Marine Fire and Life Assurance, 74, Southtown road

Blake, Robert, fishmonger, Charlotte street

Blake, William, St. Nicholas’ tavern, fish merchant

Blaxell, Charles, Steam Packet tavern, South beach

Blaxell, Samuel, the Birds, Hall quay

Blogg, James, the George and Dragon, Church square

Bloomfield, Mary Ann, Humber Sloop, King street

Blyth, Henry, gutta percha dealer, Market-place

Blyth, John T., boot maker, Market-place

Blyth, Robert J., tobacconist and cigar dealer, Broad row

Bly, Samuel W., Bath hotel, North beach

Boast, James, clerk at the Silk mills factory, 4, Henry’s place

Bootwright, Ann, Rose and Thistle

Boatwright, Geoffrey, pawnbroker, Gaol street

Boatwright, Mary, London tavern, Gaol street

Bolt, James, pilot, 5, Devonshire place

Bond, John, chemist, &c., King street

Bond, Valentine, bonnet presser, Gaol street

Borcham, Philips, pawnbroker, George street

Borrett, Henry, coach builder, George street

Borrett, Simon, lodging house, 5, Apsley terrace

Botwright, Charles, cabinet maker, Gaol street

Boulter, Edward, lodging house, 2, St. James’ terrace

Boulter, Henry, confectioner, North road

Boulter, Thomas, railway terminus, North quay

Bowell, John, pilot, 11, Seymour place

Bowen, Samuel, Britannia tavern, South Market road

Boivers, Robert, haberdasher, George street

Bowles, Samuel, marine store dealer, Gaol street

Bracey, John, grocer, Fuller’s hill

Bracey, John, rope manufactory and ship owner, St. Peter’s road

Bracey, William, tailor, Charlotte street

Bradenham, Benjamin, fruiterer, Gaol str.

Bradenham, Joseph, green grocer, Gaol street

Branch, Elizabeth, stay maker, Charlotte street

Brand, Joseph S., agent to the Scottish Union AthenÆum Fire and Accident Company, Quay

Brand, Robert M., tailor and draper, corner Broad row

Brand and Sons, general outfitters, Broad row

Brandford, Thomas, ship builder, Southtown road

Breese, Robert, ironmonger, Market-place

Brereton, Benjamin, mariner, Jetty road

Brewer, George, shoemaker, Charlotte street

Brewer, Sophia, Carpenters’ Arms, Howard street

Briggs, William, day and evening school, Fuller’s hill

Brighten, Isaac, East and West Flegg house, North end

Brock, John Harvey, tin, iron, copper, and zinc-plate worker, Theatre plain

Brock, Samuel, fish merchant, South beach

Brooks, John, blacksmith, Row 142

Brooks, William, boot and shoe maker, North end

Brown, Charles, corn merchant, 81, Southtown road

Brown, Charles, maltster, Foot of bridge

Brown and Colby, iron merchants, Gaol street

Brown and Cox, furniture dealers, Charlotte street

Brown, Francis, grocer, Jetty road

Brown and Hebner, milliners and dress makers, 2, St. Peter’s jetty road

Brown, Geoffrey, boot and shoe maker, Monument road

Brown, John, Angel inn, Market-place

Browne, John, Jolly Waterman, and cooper, Fuller’s hill

Browne, Mrs., register office for servants, row 48

Brown, Richard, fishmonger, 2, Brown’s buildings

Browne, William P., New Fountain, Gaol street

Browne, Frederic W., Nelson Tavern, King street

Budds, Horatio James, hairdresser, Howard street

Budds, William J., sail maker, and marine store dealer, row 138; h 59, Southtown road

Bullen, Sarah, Queen’s Head, Charlotte street

Bulley, Joseph, boot and shoe manufacturer, paved row 129

Bullimore, Robert, Elephant and Castle, Market-place

Bullimore, Thomas, Shakespeare tavern, King street

Bunn, Henry Vincent, butcher, Howard street

Bunn, James, merchant, King street

Bunwell, William, baker, row 45

Burgess, Benjamin, plumber, glazier, &c., North End

Burgess, Thomas, stone and marble mason, North quay

Burkett, Mary Ann, lodging house, South beach

Burling, William, shopkeeper, and post-office, White Lion opening, King street

Burroughes, William Norton, wine and spirit merchant and ship owner

Burton, Benjamin, Waterman’s Arms, and carter, North Quay

Burton, Charles, plumber and glazier, Gaol street

Burton, George, Queen’s Arms, foot of the bridge

Burton, Hezekiah W., boot and shoe maker, King street

Burton, James, family grocer and Italian warehouseman, King street

Burton, James, tin and zinc-plate worker, off St. Nicholas’ road

Burton, Samuel C., solicitor, King street

Burwood, Isaac, Bricklayers’ Arms, Leicester terrace

Burward, John, clerk, 4, Blake’s buildings

Butcher, Matthew, tanner, Jetty road

Butcher and Sons, commission merchants and ship agents, White Lion opening, King street (and Lowestoft)

Butler, Mrs. Elizabeth, green grocer, North Quay

Button, Benjamin, surgeon, Regent street

Buxton, John Trueman, house and estate agent, Impey house, Fuller’s hill

Bycroft, George, orange merchant, Charlotte street

Cable, Jeremiah, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Cady, George, Victoria tavern, Charlotte street

Cain, Elizabeth, straw bonnet and millinery establishment, Market-place

Calthorpe, Edward, hay merchant, Wheelwrights’ Arms, Southtown

Campbell, Robert, silk mercer, King str.

Capon, William, master mariner, 53, Southtown road

Carr, George William, clerk, Elmer place

Carr, Onesimus, grocer, 1 Wiltshire place, St. George’s road

Carr, Mrs. Sarah, lodging house, 7, Bath Hill terrace

Carrell, Roger, royal bazaar, King street

Carrier, William, baker, Gaol street

Carriers, William P., baker, 116 row

Carter, George C., Bell and Crown, South Quay

Carter, Maria, South Market road

Carter, William, Spread Eagle, King street

Carter, William, sailor, row 143

Carver, Isaac, basket maker, Gaol street

Cattermole, James, Holkham tavern, North beach

Catton, Charles, organ builder, row 108

Catton, William, watchmaker and jeweller, row 108

Caverly, Mrs. Susan, eating house, North Quay

Ceiley, Thomas, painter and glazier, George street

Chamberlin, Charles H., solicitor and notary, King street

Chambers, William, sail maker, row 112

Chapman, James, Angel, South Quay

Chapman, John, fruiterer, Theatre plain

Chapman, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, North end

Chapman, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Chase, John, hairdresser, South street

Chasteney, Everson, baker, East End road

Chasteney, John, baker and shopkeeper, North end

Cheston, William, coach trimmer, and lodging house, 3, 5, 7, Britannia terrace

Child, James, clerk, North Quay

Childs, Robert, private subscription rooms, Regent street

Childs, William, carter, row 137

Child, William, tailor, Gaol street

Childs, William C., hairdresser, Gaol street

Chilvers, James, grocer and tea dealer, Charlotte street

Christmas, John Waters, Royal Exchange, South Quay

Church, Charlotte, shopkeeper, Howard street

Church, Elizabeth, milliner, &c., St. Nicholas’ road

Clare, Adam, captain, 13, Seymour place

Clarke, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, South beach

Clark, Edmund, confectioner, Gaol street

Clarke, Richard, cabinet maker, Charlotte street

Clark, Samuel, surgeon, King street

Clarke, William, shipwright, Howard street

Claxton, James, baker, George street

Clayton, John Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, King street

Clements, Thomas, beach post office, grocer and tea dealer, 12, Norfolk terrace

Clifton, Hezekiah T., wheelwright and coal merchant, North end

Clipperton, James, seaman, Elmer place

Clowes, George W., ironmonger, Howard street, and corner of Market-row

Clowes, John, grocer, tea and coffee dealer, Hall Quay

Clowes John, solicitor, agent to the Norwich Union Fire office, Regent street

Clowes, John, solicitor, King street

Coachman, Edward R., Lloyd’s surveyor of shipping, 42, Southtown road

Coble, John, chemist and druggist, opposite Broad row

Cobb and Son, tanners, curriers, and boot manufacturers, George street

Cobb, John, currier and leather merchant, Charlotte street

Cobb, James, custom-house officer, Regent street

Cobb, James, attorney and notary, Regent street

Cobb, James, leather cutter, George str.

Cobb, John, lodging house, Nile cottage

Cocks and Son, woollen drapers, tailors, and hatters, King street

Cocks, Mrs., milliner and dressmaker, 12, Seymour place

Cohen, David Leyser, fruiterer, tobacconist, &c., Market row

Coleman, Edmund, wine cooper, 3, Henry’s place

Cole, Miss Rebecca, school, St. George’s plain

Collier, Thomas William, fish salesman, back of Wall

Collins, Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Collins, John, shoemaker, row 132

Collis, James, master mariner, 4, Apsley terrace

Coman, William, post-horse master, King street

Combe, Harvey, licensed maltster, Southtown road

Combs, Marmus, ham curer, Gaol street

Cooke, Sarah, grocer, &c., Victoria road

Cooper, John, bookseller, stationer, and printer, Market-place

Cooper, Thomas, builder, South Market road

Cooper, Clarke, plumber and painter, George street

Cooper, Henry, miller, Southtown

Cootes, Henry, fish agent, St. George’s road

Corbyn, Hartwell, tailor and draper, 4, Albion terrace

Corke, John, officer of Inland Revenue, 1, Ely place

Corp, Mrs., lodging house, 11, Claremont terrace

Cory, Charles, solicitor and notary, public town clerk, and clerk to the Board of Health, Gaol street

Cory, Samuel B., solicitor, Regent street

Cossey, John, Peace and Plenty, Market gates

Costerton, Joseph, Haven and Pier duties office, South Quay

Courlay, David Abraham, haberdashery, cutlery, and toy warehouse, Market row

Crampton John, 5, Buckingham place

Crane, Isabella, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Crane, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Crane, Clement, shoemaker, Gaol street

Craske, William, carpenter and builder, North end

Crawford, Kennedy, draper and tea dealer, Monument road

Crick, William, clerk at the crape mills, 1, Trafalgar place

Crickmore, Samuel, Hall tavern, Southtown

Crisp, Samuel Bedford, general ironmonger, St. George’s street

Crisp, Mrs. Elizabeth, lodging house, South beach

Crisp, Edward, coach and fly proprietor, row 104

Crosby & Co., shawl and lace warehouse, King street

Crowe, Frederic, estate agent, Howard street

Crowe, James W., surgeon, Regent str.

Crowe, William R., Bush tavern, South Quay

Cubitt, Samuel, maltster, Southtown road

Cufaude, John Lomas, attorney, Howard street

Curson, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Charlotte street

Curtis, William, corn merchant, Charlotte street

Curtis, Mrs. Ann, milliner, Market row

Curtis, Henry Laws, shopkeeper, Howard street

Curtis, Mrs. Maria, lodging house, 12, Bath place

Dale, Thomas, Water Works Company’s office, Regent street

Darnell, James, master mariner, 2, Seymour place

Darnell, William, master mariner, row 143

Dashwood, Charles Burton, surgeon, King street

Davy, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2, Trafalgar place

Davy, Elijah, jun., watch and clock maker, North end

Davy, Frederic, dispensing and family chemist, King street

Davy, John W., lodging house, 1, South Beach road

Davey, Robert, watch maker, Charlotte street

Davie, William, Trinity superintendent, South street

Davis, Philip, draper, Jetty road

Dawson, Benjamin, corn merchant, Hall Quay

Dawson, Robert, steam-packet master, Gaol street

Dawson, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, row 21, North Quay

Dawson, William, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Dawson, William, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Day, George, boot and shoe maker, North Market road

Dendy, Frederic, draper, silk mercer, &c. corner of Regent street

Dendy, Mrs., baby linen warehouse, Regent street

Dene House, Yarmouth, boarding and lodging for ladies, gentlemen, or families, conducted by Mrs. Sloman

Denew, James M., printer and bookseller, 72, Hall square

Denton, David, Three Tuns inn, Southtown

Derry, James Fulcher, Black Swan, Howard street

Derry, William L., tailor, &c., Howard street

Diboll, Joseph William, bookbinder, Howard street

Dyboll, Ann, glass and china warehouse, Market row

Ding, John, cabinet maker, North end

Diver, Boswell, spirit merchant, Regent road

Diver and Son, wine and spirit merchants, King street

Doidge, Sampson, lodging house, 9, Blake’s buildings

Doughty, Charles, currier and leather seller, White Horse plain

Doughty, Henry, plumber and glazier, Trafalgar Cottage, North beach

Doughty, Thomas, plumber, glazier, and gas fitter, Gaol street

Doughty, Thomas Drane, grocer and tea dealer, North end

Douglass, Sarah, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Dove, James, sailor, row 132

Dowland, John, White Horse tavern, King street

Downing, Capt. Thomas, 1, Claremont terrace

Dowson and Sons, maltsters, foot of bridge

Drane, James, clerk at Gurneys’ bank, 21, Southtown road

Draper, John, butcher, Market-place

Draper, Joseph, butcher, King street

Draper, William Henry, Turk’s Head, Gaol street

Dublack, James P., marine store dealer, row 104

Duffell, Robert, shopkeeper, George str.

Duffell, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Duffield, William, dealer in fruit, &c., Rainbow corner

Duffield, William, greengrocer, George street

Dunn, William, shoemaker, St. George’s road

Dunnell, George, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Dye, George, grocer and flour dealer, North end

Dysons, William, sail manufacturer, Nelson terrace

Earrol, Isaiah P., baker and shopkeeper, Gaol street

Eastick, Henry, fishmonger, row 142

Eastick, Jabez, draper, Market row

Eastick, L., manager of Gas Works, Southtown road

Eaton, Capt. William W., North Trafalgar House

Ecclestone, William, lodging house, 6, Seymour place

Ecclestone, Richard, draper, Broad row

Edward, Ann, hat and hosiery warehouse, George street

Edwards, David, baker, grocer, and tea dealer, Southtown road

Edwards, Edward R., tailor, Gaol street

Edwards, Mary, pork butcher, George st.

Edwards, Thomas B., tailor, George str.

Edwards, William, greengrocer, Gaol str.

Ellen, Mrs., poulterer, St. George’s road

Ellerd, Eliza, general shopkeeper, George street

Ellerd, Robert William, confectioner, King street

Ellett, James, mast and block maker, Hall Quay

Elliott, George, William Tell, Howard st.

Elliott, Philip, lodging house, North Quay

Ellis, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, 17, Trafalgar terrace

Ellis, Robert, Two-necked Swan, Market-place

Ellis, Robert, Victoria hotel, South beach

Ellis, Robert Bean, brush manufacturer, Broad row

Ellis, A, and Son, brush and cork manufacturer and fancy dealer, Market-place

Ellis, William, shipwright, 6, Buckingham place

Elmer, James, lodging house, 8, Seymour place

English, Charles, lodging house, North Market road

English, Joseph, grocer, &c., North Market road

English, Robert, fish merchant, South Market road

Everitt, John, rope maker, King street

Everitt, William, Millwright, North end

Ewls, Clara, greengrocer, Gaol street

Falk, Thomas, Two Brewers, George st.

Farman, Samuel, baker and publican, North Quay

Farrow, George, tailor, Albion cottage, North beach

Farrow, John, ship agent, King street

Faulke, William, butcher, back of Wall

Febb, John Charles, lawyer, Nelson’s terrace

Fellowes and Son, ship builders, Southtown

Fenn, John, grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Ferrier, Frederic W., solicitor, Regent street

Ferrier, Richard, corn chandler, White Horse plain

Field, Michael, china and earthenware shop, King street

Fill, Samuel John, ship chandler, South Quay

Fish, Charlotte, straw bonnet maker, Church square

Fish, John, cooper, Regent road

Fish, Sothern, lodging house, 2, Wiltshire cottage

Fisher, John, solicitor, South Quay

Fisher, William T., optician, &c., South Quay

Fiske, Henry, orange merchant, Market row

Fisk, Robert, City of London tavern, Charlotte street

Flaxman, Robert, coach smith, North Quay

Fletcher, Robert, shoe maker, King str.

Flegg, Charles, millinery establishment, Market row

Flowerday, Maria, Saracen’s Head, Church square

Flower, Joseph George, general dealer and potatoe merchant, Market row

Folk, Thomas Nickolds, glass and china warehouse, Market row

Ford, Martha, lodging house, Gaol street

Forder, Edward H., hair dresser, Regent street

Forder, Frederic, cabinet maker, St. Nicholas’ road

Forder, Joseph Sharman, Tanners’ Arms, off Market road

Forder, Rebecca, broker, Charlotte street

Foreman, Elizabeth, haberdasher, Broad row

Foreman, James, master mariner, 2, Somerset place

Foreman, Thomas, baker, &c., Gaol str.

Foreman, William J., coal merchant, Hall Quay

Fosdike, Robert, ironmonger, Nelson terrace

Fowler, Daniel Reed, manufacturer and linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Francis, George, fishmonger, North end

Franklin, John, Crown and Anchor, Hall Quay

Freeman, Charles, grocer and flour dealer Charlotte street

Freeman, Charles, ironmonger, Church square

Freeman, Charles, ironmonger, King str.

Freeman, John, Mariner’s Chart, Gaol street

Freeman, William, engraver, lithographer, and printer, Market-place

French, John, Royal Standard, Victoria road

French, Matilda, shopkeeper, George street

French, Thomas, fish merchant, Royal Standard, North beach

Fromow, Thomas, shoemaker, Gaol str.

Frosdick, William, grocer, &c., Market road

Frost, Thomas, ginger beer merchant, Charlotte street

Fry, John, hair dresser, Charlotte street

Fulcher and Dyson, sailmakers, row 108

Fulcher, Edmund, hairdresser, Market-place

Fulcher, William, blacksmith, Fuller’s hill

Fyson, Joseph, draper and haberdasher, Market row

Fyson, Joseph, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Godbur, Matilda, lodging house, Wellington Lodge, South beach

Gambling, Horace, miller, 13, Southtown

Garnham, Lieut. John, R. N., Southtown road

Garrod, David, gas fitter, Charlotte street

Garrad, Sarah, shopkeeper, George street

Garson, Susan, school, King street

Gayfer, John, fish merchant, North Quay

Gaze, Hannah, lodging house, 3, Providence place

Gaze, John, builder, 1, Somerset place, North Denes

Gee, Richard, Duke of Sussex, Market-place

George, John, shipwright, Howard street

George, Thomas, seaman, Jetty road

George, Thomas, draper, King street

Garrod, Edward, Princess Charlotte, George street

Gibbs, Robert, waterproof hat manufacturer, North Quay

Giles, George William, ship bread baker and auctioneer, South Quay

Gilkes, Sarah, dressmaker, South Market road

Gillings, Benjamin, shoemaker, Gaol str.

Gillings, George, baker, &c., George str.

Gillings, Mary Ann, Nelson’s Head, King street

Glanfield, William, common and general agent, St. George’s road

Glenister, Ann, lodging house, 1, Kent place

Godbolt, Joseph, cooper, &c., Southtown

Goddard, Henry E., chemist, agent to the London Union Fire and Life Assurance office, White Horse plain

Goddard, James, lodging house, South Market road

Goffin, Alfred, dealer in marine stores, Fuller’s hill

Goffin, John, junr., plumber and glazier, Southtown

Goffin, John, plumber and glazier, King street

Goffin, Martha, day school, row 8

Gold, John Daniel, hairdresser, Market-place

Gooch, Borrett, stationer, Regent road

Gooch, David, pawnbroker, Gaol street

Gooch, Thomas, hotel, Monument road

Gooch, Thomas, basket maker, North Quay

Gooda, Thomas William, blacksmith and wheelwright, foot of bridge

Goodram, James, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Goodrick, George T., boot and shoe manufacturer and auctioneer, Market-place

Goodwin, Richard, dealer in hay, Tomlinson Arms, Gaol street

Goodwin, Samuel, lodging house, Thorpe cottage

Gosling, William, fish merchant, Jetty road

Gould, Mrs., lodging house, 3, Britannia terrace

Gowing, Elizabeth, draper, 7, Victoria road

Gowing, John, Sir Samuel Hood, Charlotte street

Gray, Thomas Edward, bell hanger, gas fitter, and engineer, King street

Green, Charles, boot and shoe maker, King street

Green, Robert, wine and spirit vaults, Fuller’s hill

Greenacre, James, flour shop, North end

Greenacre, Thomas, carpenter, Monument road

Greenwood, Edward, builder, Market road

Grief, James, fish merchant, row 137

Grudgefield, Robert W., Her Majesty’s Customs, King street

Grumble, Henry, pork butcher, South st.

Gull, William, mariner, King street

Gunn, William, grocer, &c., North Market road

Gunton, Samuel, butcher, Market-place

Gunton, Simon, jun., butcher, Market-place

Gurney, Matthew, fishmonger, North end

Guydon, William, bonnet warehouse, Church square

Guyton, George, upholsterer, &c., North Quay

Guyton, Thomas, cabinet maker, row 129

Guyton, William, cooper, row 45

Guyton, James, Albion, Monument road

Hacon, Henry, butcher, George street

Hacon, Henry Thomas, butcher, South street

Hacon, William Craske, grocer and tea dealer, White Horse plain

Haines, John, Prince Regent, Gaol street

Haines, William C., Waterloo tavern, Jetty road

Halfnight, John, master mariner, 9, Henry place

Hall, Abraham, shopkeeper, Fuller’s hill

Hall, Henry, grocer and baker, near Nelson place

Hall, Henry, licensed to let horses and gigs

Hall, James B., grocer, Millers’ Arms, North Market road

Hall, James, baker, Hall Quay

Hall, John, mariner, 3, Devonshire place

Hall, John, Grapes, George street

Hall, William, boot and shoe maker, row 140

Hall, William, sailor, 2, Buckingham place

Halland, James, dealer in tea, Temperance coffee house, Gaol street

Halliday, Daniel, hairdresser, King street

Hales, Ann Maria, midwife, Charlotte st.

Halsey, James, lodging house, 2, Blake’s buildings

Hammond, Hinchman, carpenter and joiner, King street

Harbord, Thomas, whitesmith, Priory plain

Harbord, William, corn and flour merchant, North Market road

Harman, Henry, Crown tavern, North end

Harmer, Benjamin, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Harmer, Henry Robert, solicitor, South Quay

Harmer, Robert, solicitor, Quay

Harris, John, pipe maker, Fuller’s hill

Harrison, John, dealer in marine stores, row 136

Harrison, William, grocer and tea dealer, Gaol street

Hart, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 1, Blake’s buildings

Harvey, George, whitesmith, row 136

Harvey, George, veterinary surgeon, Southtown road

Harvey, James, dealer, &c., row 139

Harvey, Robert, whitesmith, row 118

Harvey Robert, lodging house, South beach

Hastings, Susanna and Mary Ann, milliners and dressmakers, Market road

Hastings, William B., baker and grocer, Victoria place

Hatch, William, plumber and glazier, Howard street

Havers, Caroline, milliner and straw bonnet maker, South Market road

Hawes, Charles, boot and shoe maker, row 129

Hawkins, Elizabeth, lodging house, St. George’s road

Hawkins, John, baker, North Quay

Hawkins, —, lodging house, Albion terrace

Hawkins, William, pork butcher, Gaol st.

Hay, Louisa, news agent, Charlotte street

Hayward Ann, ladies’ day school, Theatre plain

Hayward, Edward G., basket maker, St. Nicholas’ road

Henry, Jonathan, fishmonger, North Quay

Herring, John George, ham, tongue, and bacon curer, King street

Herrington, William, boot and shoe maker, White Horse plain

Hewby, Elizabeth, lodging house, Jetty road

Hewett, William Henry, chemist and dentist, Market-place

Hickling, Robert, auctioneer, Cattle Market inn

High, Louisa, lodging house, 10, Albion terrace

High, William, boot and shoe maker, Gaol street

Hill, Robert, mercer, Market row

Hodgkinson, Frederic, solicitor, South Quay

Hogg, Capt. Robert, 3, Seymour place

Holland, George, mariner, 6, Norfolk terrace

Holley, Thomas, seaman, George street

Holliday William, hairdresser, Church square

Hollis, Job, cutler and grinder, Gaol str.

Holmes, George, hairdresser, South street

Holmes, G. W., East of England bank, Regent street

Holmes, Joseph, coachman, Market road

Holmes, Robert, mariner, Gaol street

Holsworth, Stephen, Suffolk tavern, Gaol street

Holt & Son, solicitors, agents to Norwich Union Assurance office, Quay

Horn, Robert, lodging house, 4, Devonshire place

Houchen, George, confectioner, Howard street

Houghton, Thomas, baker, Gaol street

Houghton, William, boat builder, North Quay

Howard, Charles Mills, Steam Packet tavern, Hall Quay

Howard, Hannah, stay maker, Gaol street

Howard, James, gardener, North end

Howard, James, Barking Smack, opposite jetty

Howard, John, Barking Smack, South beach

Howard, Mary, baker, Charlotte street

Howard, Samuel, baker, George street

Howes, Henry, plumber and glazier, Southtown

Howes, Thomas, master mariner, 6, Somerset place

Howes, Mrs. Wm., lodging house, 1, Russell square

Howes, William, Old White Lion, King street

Howlett, Ann, pawnbroker, Howard str.

Howlett, George, baker, George street

Howlett, John, broker, Gaol street

Howlett, William, broker, Charlotte str.

Hubbard, John, dyer, Gaol street

Hudson, Thomas, Rose tavern, King str.

Hull, Mary, Royal Oak, Hall quay

Humphrey, John, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Office, Ely place

Hunt, Charles B., plumber and glazier, Market road

Hunt, Elijah, shopkeeper and potatoe merchant, Gaol street

Hunt, Frederic Thomas, hairdresser, agent to the Observer Life Assurance, King st.

Hunt, Henry, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Broad row

Hunter, Cornelius, draper, 9, Somerset place

Hunter, Henry C., Foundry Arms, Gaol street

Hunter, Henry Lovick, tailor, hosier, and haberdasher, Fuller’s hill

Hurren, George, Ferry Boat inn, Southtown

Hurst, Thomas, lodging house, 4, Buckingham place

Hylton, John B., shipowner and coal merchant, South quay

Ingram, Charles, North Star, North quay

Ingram, William, Railway tavern, Fuller’s hill

Isaac, John Jacob, builder, St. Nicholas’ road

Ives, Samuel, confectioner, Howard str,

Ives, Samuel R., confectioner, Church square

Jackson, James, Priory house, Priory lane

Jackson, James, cheese factor and general provision merchant, North quay

Jackson, Wm., corn and seed merchant, and commission agent, North quay

Jackson, William, corn merchant, Southtown road

Jacobs, Jacob, general dealer, Broad row

Jarred, Frederic, fishmonger, North quay

Jarrald, William, grocer, 5, Seymour place

Jarvis, Thomas H., mariner, Jetty road

Jay, Amelia, dress maker, Row 128

Jay, Benjamin, coal merchant, King str.

Jay, Elizabeth, Church square

Jay, Francis, baker, King street

Jay, Henry M., shipowner, King street

Jay, James B., baker and shopkeeper, Rainbow corner, North quay

Jay, Edward Ward, chemist, King street

Jecks, W. and C., importers of timber and deals, South quay

Jackman, James, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Jenkinson, Samuel, shipowner, South Market road

Jephson, Charles, Assam tea warehouse, Hall quay

Jewell, Edmund D., solicitors’ clerk, 7, Henry’s place

Jewell, William, Red Lion, Gaol street

Johnson Brothers, waterproof clothing manufacturers, Row 136

Johnson, George, Horse and Groom, Market-place

Johnson, Henry, tailor, Monument road

Johnson, James, sailor, 9, Southtown

Johnson, Job, builder, Theatre plain

Johnson, Joshua, baker and shopkeeper, Howard street

Johnson, Joshua, cabinet maker and lodging house, St. George’s road

Johnson, John William, draper, King street

Johnson, Robert S., evening school, South Market road

Johnson, Robert, bricklayer, Hall quay

Johnson, Robert, pork butcher, George street

Johnson, Sturwaight, linen draper, 18, Southtown road

Johnson and Sons, carpet warehousemen and drapers, corner Market row

Johnson, William Steward, draper, 4, Britannia terrace

Johnson, William, linen draper, 82, Southtown road

Johnson, William, baker, Market row

Johnson, Samuel, draper, &c., 8, Henry’s place

Joygel, Robert, Coachmakers’ Arms, Market-place

Juby, Elizabeth, lodging house, 9, Bath Hill terrace

Juler, Miles, watch maker and jeweller, Row 129

Julier, John, ship captain, Swan’s buildings

Keable, Henry, window blind manufacturer, Theatre plain

Keable, John, butcher, Market-place

Keevil, George, stationer and news agent, King street

Kelf, Thomas Philip, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Kemp, Stephen, Marine hotel, South beach

Kemp, William, boot and shoe maker, Market row

Kemp, John Charles, tailor, draper, and hatter, King street

Kemp, William, baker, row 125

Kemp, Capt. Richard, 89, Southtown road

Kent, William, baker, St. George’s road

Kerrenhappuch, Hammond, milliner and straw bonnet maker, King street

Key, John, builder, North quay

Key, William, St. George’s tavern, St. George’s road

Key, Robert, Market gate, Market road

King, Alfred, White Swan, South Quay

King, Elizabeth Ann, lodging house, 16, Trafalgar terrace

King, Frederic, grocer, &c., row 129

King, George, shoemaker, King street

Kittle, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Jetty road

King, William, Norfolk tavern, Gaol str.

Knowles, James, mast, block, and pump maker, North Quay

Lacey, Mary, Yarmouth Arms, Hall Quay

Lacon, Sir E. and Sons, brewery, Church square

Ladbrooke, Robert, carver and gilder, Gaol street

Laird, Robert, Pleasure Boat tavern, North Quay

Lake, Robert John, Blue Anchor, Market-place

Lake, William, silk mills, Saint Nicholas’ road

Lamb, James, basket maker, Market row

Lamb, William, butcher, St. George’s road

Lamb, Richard, butcher, King street

Lamb, Matthew, fishmonger, North Quay

Lamb, Thomas, jeweller and silversmith, row

Lane, James S., coach builder, North end

Lane, Benjamin, collector of Market tolls and poor rates, Flushing terrace

Larke, Robert, clothier, King street

Larke and Bartram, stone and marble masons, North Quay

Lark, Robert, tailor and clothier, Gaol st.

Larke, Edgar, shoe manufacturer and general outfitter, Broad row

Lark, James, Cross Keys, Gaol street

Larke, William, grocer and baker, South Market road

Lark, Mary, lodging house, 2, Claremont terrace

Larlham, Jane, dress and mantle maker, King street

Last, William Robert, silversmith, King street

Lawn, James, tailor, hatter, and woollen draper, Broad row

Laws, William, grocer and tea dealer, George street

Laws, James, grocer, Millers’ Arms, North Market road

Laws, Joseph, baker, St. Nicholas’ road

Lay, James, shopkeeper, Howard street

Layton, William B., hairdresser, Theatre plain

Layton, Hezekiah M., assessor of taxes, 6, Southtown

Layton, Thomas, pilot, 7, Providence place

Lee, John, chemist and cod liver oil maker, Kimberley terrace, South beach

Leeder, Richard Edmund, boot and shoe maker, Broad row

Leggett, James, bricklayer, back of Wall

Lessey, Samuel, grocer and tea dealer, King street

Lettis, Thomas, rope maker, King street

Levy, Solomon, dealer in cigars and foreign fruit, Broad row

Lexon, John, grocer, &c., North Quay

Libbis, James, Anson Arms inn, Southtown

Lincoln, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Hall Quay

Lincoln, Henry, tailor, North Quay

Lingwood, Charles, Greyhound, Southtown road

Little, David, grocer and tea dealer, wholesale and retail

Lock, James, lodging house, 3, Bath hill terrace

Locket, William, grocer, &c., Southtown road

Lorimer, John, grocer and tea dealer, Broad row

Lott, John Henry, ship chandler, King st.

Louttid, William, haberdashery and fancy warehouse, Market row

Lovewell, Thomas S., Norfolk and Norwich Arms, St. George’s road, Denes

Lovick, William, mast and block maker, lodging house, 3, York terrace

Lowrie, Catherine, milliner, Gaol street

Lubbock, Charles, common brewer, row 144

Lucia, William, grocery and provision warehouse, King street

Lumber, Charles, shopkeeper, George str.

Lupson, Edward John, Scripture reader, 8, Somerset place

Lydamore, Mary, milliner, Gaol street

Mabson, William, chemist, Market-place

Mack, William Leeder, tailor and draper, Market row

Mack, William, tailor, Market road

Mack, Isaac G., boat builder, 71, Southtown road

Mack, William Christmas, organ builder, pianoforte tuner, &c., 3, Somerset place

Mainprice, John, wine and spirit merchant, wholesale and retail

Mallett, Samuel, marine store dealer, Gaol street

Mann, William, fish salesman, St. George’s road

Mann, William, shopkeeper, George street

Manning, George Henry, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Manning, Mrs. Hannah, blacksmith, St. Nicholas’ road

Manship, George, Excursion Train, North Quay

Margerom, Daniel, shopkeeper, Howard street

Margeston, Henry, gardener, South Market road

Margetsons, Joseph, florist, &c., North end

Margeston, Hannah M., dressmaker, South Market road

Marsh, William, pork butcher, George street

Marsh, Samuel Charles, importer and dealer in Foreign wines and spirits, Regent street

Marshall, William, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Marshall, Edward, greengrocer, Fuller’s hill

Marshall, Mrs. Ann, lodging house, 2, Providence place

Martins, Richard and Thomas, tailors, hatters, hosiers, and general outfitters, Market row

Martins, Samuel, shoemaker, Gaol street

Maryson, Francis, ruler and bookbinder, row 101

Mason, Madame de, Jetty road, French milliner and dressmaker

Mason, William, lodging house, 6, Bath inn terrace

Mason, John, boot and shoe maker, Fuller’s hill

Matthews, Benjamin, baker, Gaol street

Mayers, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Mayston, Robert, Steam Packet, George street

Meadows, William, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Meall, Louis Alfred, stationer and printer, Hall quay

Mede, George, confectioner, King street

Medex, Sampson, A., merchant, King street

Miles, James T., shopkeeper, 10, Bath place

Miles, Richard, Duke of York, George street

Miller, Mrs. Caroline, grocer, Monument road, Dowager place

Miller, Miss S. B., dressmaker, row 127

Miller, William, shoemaker, South quay

Miller and Hunt, linen and woollen drapers, Market place

Mingay, Jonathan, tailor, North quay

Minns, William, Norfolk Hero, Gaol street

Mitchell, James, shopkeeper, South street

Mitchell, Michael, south-westers and water-proof manufacturer, Howard str.

Mobbs, Wm., Mariners’ tavern, Howard street

Moise, Thomas, warehouseman, 10, Norfolk terrace

Molloth, William N., pianoforte dealer, King street

Money, Thomas, confectioner, Charlotte street

Money, Mrs. Maria, lodging house, 19, Trafalgar terrace

Monsey, Mary, clothes dealer, George str.

Moody, Jeremiah, eating house, Church square

Moore and Nuthal, tailors and hatters, Market place

Moore, Joseph B., drapery, bonnet, mantle, and dress-making establishment, Market place

Moore, Thomas, tailor, draper, and hatter, Broad row

Moore, James B., carpenter and joiner, Osborne terrace

Morly, Mrs. Mary, registrar office for servants, Regent street

Morris, Charles, manager of AthenÆum Fire, Professional Life, General Life, Cattle, Accidental, and Compensation Offices, Regent street

Moss, Thomas, mariner, Jetty road

Moss, William, leather cutter, George str.

Moss, Mary Ann, dressmaker, North end

Moss, Mrs., lodging house, 4, Devonshire place

Moss, William, greengrocer, Jetty road

Nash, Henry, mariner, Neptune terrace

Nash, John, currier, shoe mercer, and leather cutter, King street

Neale, Ann, Neptune, Priory place

Neale, Stephen, fish merchant, 11, Bath place

Neave, Richard, baker and shopkeeper, Fuller’s hill

Neaves, George, rope and twine manufacturer, North end

Neave, James William, woollen draper, tailor, hatter, and general outfitter, North end

Neave, James, rope and twine spinner, North end

Newark, Henry, cabinet maker and broker, George street

Newark, Isaac, shopkeeper, Charlotte str.

Newark, John, broker and shoemaker, Charlotte street

Newman, William, tailor, 8, Providence place

Newstead, Thomas, vessel rigger, Brunswick place

Newton, William, boot and shoe maker, Market row

Nichols, John Cubitt, Sir John Franklin, Victoria road

Nickerson, Robert, bricklayer, Gaol str.

Nightingale, Samuel, maltster, 9, Parish row

Noble, Henry, lodging house, Southtown

Nolloth, William, bootmaker, King street

Nolloth, John, tailor, draper, and hatter, Regent street

Norfor, Henry James, builder, St. George’s road

Norgate, William, lodging house, 1, Brown’s buildings

Norman, Simon, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Charlotte street

Norman, Richard M., surgeon, St. George’s road

Norman, John, plumber, glazier, and painter, Theatre plain

Norman, Simon, cabinet maker, 9, Bath place

Norton, Alfred Crowe, grocer, tea dealer, and coffee roaster, Market row

Norton, Henry B., builder, St. George’s road, and row 118, Gaol street

Norton, William, Ship tavern, Gaol street

Norton, James William, bookseller, Gaol street

Norton, Thomas Richard, coal merchant, Southtown road

Noverre, Frank, dancing academy, (on Wednesdays), back of Wall

Nunn, Joseph, lodging house keeper, Jetty road

Nutman, Edward, confectioner, Market row

Nutman, Mary Ann, Sons of Commerce, South Quay

Nutman, John Hawkins, smith and ironmonger, branch post-office, Fuller’s hill

Obee, Obadiah, builder, Regent road

Offord and Son, cutlers and surgical instrument manufacturers, Howard street

Oliver, George, seaman, Gaol street

Olley, James, coffee and eating house, Market-place

Olley and Son, tailors and drapers, Market row

Olley, Thomas, tailor, 3, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Orfeur, John, timber and deal merchant, Southtown road

Orfeur, Thomas, captain, 4, Sefton terrace, Southtown road

Orfeur, Thomas, captain, back of Wall

Osborne, Omar, sexton of St. Nicholas’ church, back of Wall

Osborne, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Owles, John, chemist, Hall quay

Page, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Page, Joseph Nathaniel, Buck inn, Hall quay

Page, Nathaniel, Mariners’ Compass tavern, Row 142

Page, Thomas H., grocer and tea-dealer, King street

Page, Sophia, lodging house, 4, Bath pl.

Page, Philip William, hair dresser and fishing tackle maker, Howard street

Page, William, shopkeeper, George str.

Palk, Thomas, china, glass, and earthenware warehouse, Market row

Palmer Brothers, linen and woollen drapers, and carpet warehouse, Market-place

Palmer, James H., brewer, King street

Palmer, Charles, surgeon, King street

Palmer, George D., merchant, South quay

Palmer, Charles, solicitor, Quay

Palmer, Frederic, surgeon, Market

Palmer, James Henry, Stamp office, Regent street

Palmer, Edmund R., solicitor, County Court Office, and agent to the Suffolk Fire Office, Regent street

Palmer, Henry, solicitor, King street

Palmer, James, jun., brewer, Jetty road

Palmer, James, Quadrant tavern, York road

Palmer, N. B., draper, Market-place

Palmer, Garwood, linen draper, Southtown terrace

Palmer, Robert, lodging house, 90, Southtown road

Palmer, Henry D., timber merchant, Southtown road

Pammant, William, timber and coal merchant, &c., North Quay

Panks, Henry, boot and shoe maker and corn extractor, back of Wall

Panks, Henry, shoemaker, &c., 1, Bath place and back of Wall

Parker, George, shopkeeper, Charlotte st.

Parker, John, miller, Regent road

Parkerson, James, shipwright, &c., row 143

Parmenter, Richard, Happy Home, North Quay

Paston, James, jun., Cock, Gaol street

Paston, James, White Horse, Gaol street

Patterson, James, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Paul, Thomas, account-book maker and stationer, Gaol street

Payne, Robert, boot and shoe maker, South Market road

Peak, Samuel, tailor and waterproof manufacturer, row 129

Perry, William, baker, Gaol street

Pestall, Mary, Star hotel, Hall Quay

Pestell, Elizabeth, greengrocer, North Market road

Peterson, M. A., lodging house, Bath place

Pestall, Simon, shopkeeper and baker, Laughing Image corner, North Quay

Pettingill, Walter, solicitor, agent to the Sun Fire office, Regent street

Pettingill, William, licensed brewer, the Conge

Phinn, Nathan, bootmaker, Gaol street

Pike, Robert, sailmaker and greengrocer, St. George’s road, North beach

Pile, John, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Pilgrim, Robert, draper, Market place

Pincanea, Miss Hannah, dressmaker, 6, Providence place

Pitcher, William, bootmaker, George street

Pitnell, Edward, banker’s clerk, 44, Southtown road

Plane, John, Norwich Arms, North quay

Plane, Thomas, Captains’ Arms, Fuller’s hill

Platford, James, eating house, Howard street

Platt and Read, Misses, milliners and straw hat makers, St. Nicholas’ road

Pleasants, Ann, ironmonger and grocer, South quay

Plumb, James, Duke’s Head, Hall quay

Plummer and Co., merchants and ship owners, King street

Plummer, Henry, Griffin, George street

Plummer, Joseph Goulding, collegiate and commercial boarding school, King street

Plummer, Joseph, lodging house, 2, Devonshire place

Plummer, Joseph Andrew, plumber and painter, Gaol street

Pomfrey, James, Cambridge tavern, Gaol street

Porter, Edward, Star and Garter, Hall quay

Porter, Edward, agent to Seaman, Grimmer, and Co., and agents to Truman, Hanbury, and Co., North quay

Powell, Benjamin, merchant, King street

Powell, Benjamin, Castle tavern, South quay

Powell, Joseph, ship builder, 91, Southtown road

Powley, John, ginger beer and cordial manufacturer, Fuller’s hill

Pratt, Alfred, hairdresser, Gaol street

Pratt, James H., builder, North quay

Pratt, James, wine merchant and auctioneer, Howard street

Pratt, Samuel, shopkeeper, Southtown road

Press, George, miller, East street

Preston, Edward, Market house, Victoria place

Preston, Isaac, sen., timber merchant, Quay

Preston, Jacob, wine merchant, South Quay

Pulford, George, cheesemonger, Market road

Purdy, James, whitesmith, Railway foundry, Fuller’s hill

Purdy, James, iron and brass founder, &c., North Quay

Purdy, Joseph H., printer, Hall Quay

Purdy, Thomas, Liverpool tavern, Gaol street

Purdy, Robins, ship owner, Southtown road

Purkiss, Thomas, St. John’s Head, North Quay

Pye, Martin, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Pye, Richard, baker, White Lion opening, King street

Pye, William, butcher, Howard street

Pyke, Morris, commercial traveller, Regent road

Quinton, John, hairdresser, Jetty road

Quinton, John, hairdresser, Fuller’s hill

Quinton, Mrs. Mary Ann, lodging house, 3, Trafalgar place

Rackham, James, chemist, Charlotte str.

Rackham, John, shopkeeper, King street

Rainer, Francis, boot and shoe maker, King street

Rainer, George, tailor, 2, Victoria place

Rand, William, cow-keeper, Southtown road

Ransome, Sarah, eating house, George street

Rant, George, grocer and tea dealer, Market-place

Rant, George, shopkeeper, George street

Ratcliffe, John, coach builder, Fuller’s hill

Ranney, William, grocer, &c., Alma place

Ray, Mrs. Charlotte, green grocer, South market

Read, John, Weavers’ Arms, Market-place

Read, Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Read, William, carpenter, North Quay

Reading, Isaac, Lion and Lamb, King street

Reed, Robert, shopkeeper, George street

Reed, James Robert, wine and spirit merchant, South Quay

Remblants, William, shopkeeper, South street

Reynolds and Palmer, Admiralty office, Regent street

Richardson, John, collector of customs, Jetty road

Riches, John, King’s Arms, North end

Richmond, John, New Queen’s Head, Howard street

Richmond, Robert, confectioner, Charlotte street

Richmond, Samuel C., coal merchant, Southtown road, Coal wharf

Riches, William, grocer, &c., North end

Rising, Edwin, baker, South Market road

Rising, William, shopkeeper, White Lion opening, King street

Rivett, James, confectioner, Broad row

Rivett, John Richard, confectioner, King street

Roberts, Robert, Marine Tap, South beach

Roberts, Mrs. Mary, lodging house, 8, Britannia terrace

Robins, William D., draper, Broad row

Rogers, Joseph, boarding and day school, King street

Roll, Daniel, Guardian Angel, Southtown road

Rolling, James, baker and shopkeeper, Laughing Image corner, North Quay

Rosette, Sig. G., dealer in cigars and tobacco, Jetty road

Rous, George, twine spinner, row 137

Rouse, John, Dover packet, South street

Rowland, William, baker, Charlotte street

Royall, John, tailor, Charlotte street

Rushmer, Mrs. Hannah, lodging house, York place

Rushmer, Mrs. Hannah, 2, York terrace

Rushmer, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, row 107

Rushmer, William, tobacconist, York terrace

Runniff, John, fish merchant, 3, Bath place

Sacret, Robert, boot and shoe warehouse, Broad row

Sager, Daniel, boot and shoe maker, off St. Nicholas’ road

Salmon, John, fishmonger, row 130

Samson, Henry, Champion tavern, King street

Sayer, Christopher, solicitor and notary, Queen street

Sayer, Thomas, baker, Gaol street

Sayer, Thomas, porter merchant, Southtown road

Scales, William, captain, St. George’s road

Scott, Henry, Regent gardens, Theatre plain

Scott, Miss J., dressmaker, row 118

Scott, James, shipowner, King street

Scott, James Alger, baker, White Lion opening, King street

Scott, Robert, Jolly Tar tavern, Saint George’s road

Scotter, John, hairdresser, Jetty road

Scotten, Mrs. Sarah, grocer, Fuller’s hill

Scruton, Mrs. Susan, lodging house, 11, Norfolk terrace

Seager, James, shopkeeper, Charlotte street

Seaman, Misses, fancy repository, King street

Self, George, bootmaker, Howard street

Self, James, fish curer, row 145

Sewell and Appleton, Misses, Berlin wool and fancy repository, Market row

Sewell, Edward, grocer and tea dealer, Market place

Sewell, Thomas, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Sewell, William, master mariner, 11, Somerset house

Shales, William, eating house, Charlotte street

Sharland, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, Victoria place

Sharman, John C., confectioner, King street

Sharpe, George, music seller, pianoforte warehouse, King street

Shelley and Co., agents to Lloyd’s Insurance and Shipping Cos., South quay

Shelly, John Wilson, hemp merchant, South quay

Sherwin, Mary Ann, straw-bonnet maker, South street

Shingles, George, chemist, Gaol street

Shipston, Samuel, butcher, South quay

Shorten, Samuel, shopkeeper, George street

Shreeve, Henry Stacey, tailor and draper, King street

Shuchford, Isaac, fish merchant, St. Nicholas’ road

Silvers, Robert, chemist, Gaol street

Simmons, Edward, shopkeeper, King street

Simmons, Robert, mariner, Jetty road

Simons, Godfrey, William the Fourth, George street

Simmons, Joseph Henry, gas-fitter, George street

Simons, William, blacksmith, row 137

Simpson, Charles, gun and whitesmith, Fuller’s hill

Simpson and Co., linen and woollen drapers, King street

Simpson, William, watch and clock maker, Broad row

Sims, Samuel, Dog and Duck, South quay

Sizeland, Mrs. tailoress, row 130

Shakel, John, day and boarding academy, Howard street

Sloman, Charles, printer, bookseller, stationer, and news agent, King street

Smith, Charles, cooper, &c., row 130

Smith, Charles, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Smith, Frederic, general dealer, Market-row

Smith, James, haircutter, George street

Smith, Job, grocer and tea dealer, Charlotte street

Smith, John C., surgeon, back of Wall

Smith, John C., surgeon, King street

Smith, John, blacksmith, York road

Smith, Mrs. Lucia, lodging house, Victoria cottage, South beach

Smith, Mrs. Lydia, brazier, row 130

Smith, Mrs. Mary, grocer, &c., Conge

Smith, Martha, broker, George street

Smith, Robert, lodging house, North Quay

Smith, Robert Thomas, cabinet maker, Charlotte street

Smith, Robert, eating house, Church square

Smith, Thomas, baker and grocer, Howard street

Smith, Thomas, fishmonger, St. George’s road

Smith, William, shop-keeper, Gaol street

Smith, William, milliner, Gaol street

Smith, William, and Son, tailors and drapers, Broad row

Smith, William, cooper, George street

Smyth, Spencer Thomas, physician and surgeon, 1, St. George’s terrace

Soanes, Thomas, fishmonger, George str.

Solesby, James, sailor, row 132

Solomon, Abraham, optician, jeweller and watchmaker, King street

Somner, John, revenue officer, Southtown road

Sothern, Samuel, bookseller, stationer, and printer, reading rooms and library, King street

Sothern, W. Alexander, short-hand writer, York place

Sowell, Edmund, painter and glazier, Gaol street

Spashett, Christopher Hewitt, agent, Fishing Smack, Southtown

Spelman and Sons, auctioneers, Hall Quay

Springall, Robert, tobacconist, snuff-maker, and importer of cigars, Broad row

Staff, Amelia, staymaker, Howard street

Staff, William, mariner, row 143

Stagg, Edward, auctioneer, Howard street

Stagg and Son, ironmongers and braziers, Broad row

Stagg, James Henry, chemist, Broad row

Stanley, John, stone and marble mason, North end

Starling, Frederic, boot and shoe maker, Charlotte street

Starling, John, hat and cap manufacturer, Market row

Starling, Jonathan, shopkeeper, Howard street

Starling, George, boot and shoe maker, North Market road

Steel, Richard, grocer, haberdasher, hosier, &c., Jetty road

Stephenson, Samuel, collector of assessed taxes, York road

Stephenson, Mrs., lodging house, 9, Seymour place

Stevenson, Mrs. Priscilla, grocer, &c., Seymour place

Steward, Arthur, brewer, King street

Steward, Patteson and Co., brewers, North Quay, and Norwich

Steward and Son, chemists, Market-place

Steward, Richard, carpenter and builder, Regent road

Steward, John, Theatre tavern, Theatre plain

Steward, Christopher, pawnbroker, row 87

Steward, Robert, timber and deal merchant, Southtown road

Stevens, John, linen and woollen draper, Market-place

Stolworthy, Edmund, Anchor of Hope, Church square

Stolworthy, Robert and Edmund, millwrights, North end

Stone, A. D., sail maker, Row 124

Stone, David, sail manufacturer, 20, Southtown road

Stove, William D., saddler and harness maker, Howard street

Storey, John, carpenter, 72, Southtown road

St. Quinton, Charles, supervisor, 9, Norfolk terrace

Strowger, Samuel, surgeon, King street

Striker, Joseph, mariner, 8, Norfolk terrace

Sturgeon, Mary, Druids’ tavern, Gaol street

Suggate, Henry, chemist, Jetty road

Sumner, Elizabeth, plumber and glazier, York house

Sumner, George, house painter and decorator, Hall quay

Sumner, John, clothier, White Lion opening, King street

Sumner, William, cutler, Chapel paved row

Swanbrow, John, Scripture reader, 13, Henry’s place

Swann, Samuel, butcher, Market-place

Swann, William, butcher, Market

Swanston, Samuel, millinery establishment, Gaol street

Swanston, William, boot and shoe maker, Regent road

Sann, Mrs., milliner and dress maker, North end

Tanner, Henry, spirit merchant, North end

Taster, Robert, lodging house, 3, Abley terrace

Taylor, George, confectioner, Jetty road

Taylor, Henry, hair cutter and perfumer

Taylor and Son, builders, North quay

Taylor, Thomas, carpenter and joiner, Conge

Taylor, Thomas, Waggon and Horses, North end

Teasdel, Henry, ship chandler and general merchant, Foot of bridge

Teasdel, Samuel, painter, plumber, and glazier, 60, Southtown road

Thacker, James, corn porter to Mr. Watling, Southtown

Theobald, Benjamin, boot and shoe maker, Gaol street

Theobald, Benjamin, leather dealer and shoemaker, 2, Russell square

Theobald, John, boot and shoe maker, and leather merchant, Row 123

Theobald, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Row 122

Thompson, Benjamin, auctioneer, King street

Thompson, James Thomas, builder, Regent road

Thompson, Margaret, plumber and glazier, Gaol street

Thompson, Henry, shopkeeper, Gaol str.

Thorndick, Thirza, stationer, Market row

Thorndick, Mrs., lodging house, 5, Somerset place

Thorpe, William, draper, King street

Timber, Samuel P., grocer and tea dealer, Gaol street

Titlow, Patience, lodging house, 18, Trafalgar place

Todd, Robert, shoemaker, Priory place

Todd, Robert, grocer and baker, North end

Tomlinson, Joseph, brewer, maltster, wine and spirit merchant, Howard street

Tooley, Elizabeth, miller and flour seller, Church square

Townsend, George, draper, &c., Row 108

Townsend, William John, officer of Inland Revenue, 16, Southtown road

Tricker, James, hair dresser, South street

Tricker, John, fruiterer, Jetty road

Trip, William, White Swan, North quay

Trip, William, shoemaker, Church square

Tryer, Christopher, Lord Nelson, North quay

Tuck and Son, plumbers and glaziers, Fuller’s hill

Tunbridge, Richard, tallow chandler, Market-gates

Tyrrell, Charles, builder, lodging house, 54, Wiltshire place

Turner, Hannah, White Hart, Church square

Turner, Mary, umbrella and parasol maker, Market row

Tuttle, William, commission agent, Regent road

Tyrrell and Read, bricklayers, 6, Queen’s place

Utting, Le Neave, paper hanger, &c., Gaol street

Valients, Charles, cooper, South street

Veale, Henry John, confectioner, King street

Vince, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, 2, Ely place

Vince, Joseph, shoemaker, Church square

Vones, William, physician, 7, St. George’s terrace

Walker, John, St. George’s tavern, King street

Walker, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Walker, Thomas James, the Feathers, Market gates

Wallow, William, Wool Pack, Laughing Image corner, North quay

Waller, George, upholsterer, George str.

Waller, George, Homoeopathic dispensary, King street

Walpole, William, druggist, agent to the Monarch Fire and Life Assurance and Marine and General Travellers’ Insurance Society, White Lion opening, King street

Walsh, John, seedsman, Regent road

Walsh, John, hatter, Howard street

Walton, James, tea dealer, Market-place

Wangler, William, watch and clock maker, South Market road

Ward, Charles, master mariner, 4, Somerset place

Ward, Charles, master mariner, 5, Ely place

Warnes, Mary, general shopkeeper, St. Nicholas’ road

Warren, Eliza, gentlemen’s shirt maker, Howard street

Waters, Tabitha, Three Hands, South quay

Waters, James Denew, solicitor, Hogg hill; h 8, Brandon terrace, Wellington Pier

Watts, Robert, King’s Head, King street

Watson, Charles, grocer and tea dealer, George street

Watson, George, game dealer, Fuller’s hill

Watson, Robert, Wrestlers’ inn, Church square

Watson, Richard, the Bull, Market-place

Watson, Joseph, broker, Charlotte street

Watson, James, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Watson, Mrs., midwife, the Conge

Weeds, Francis James, tailor, Monument road

Welch, Alfred, wholesale stationer, King street

Wells, James, pawnbroker, King street

Wells, Thomas, Ropemakers’ Arms, Charlotte street

Wells, George, seaman, South street

West, Thomas, shipowner, Howard street

West, John Davey, coach builder, Market road

West, Harriet, lodging house, 2, South-beach road

Weston, Miss, lodging house, 2, North beach terrace

Westrup, William, commission agent, Regent road

Whisker, John, marine store dealer, George street

Whitbread and Co., Southtown; brewery, Chiswell street, London; agent, James Allen

White, Richard, surgeon dentist, Back of wall; attendance on Thursdays

White, Peter, boot and shoe maker, White Horse plain

White, Mary, dress-maker, Church square

White, Anthony, general dealer, Broad row

White, Henry, baker, Row 143

Whittleton, George, grocer, &c., North end

Wigg, William, Half Moon, Market-place

Wilkins, James, lodging house, 8, Bath place

Williams, Charles, hat and cap maker, Market row

Wilshack, Harris, Crow tavern, Monument road

Wilson, Henry, commission agent, Southtown road

Wilson, Henry, corn merchant and commission agent, foot of Bridge

Wincup, Philip, Gallon Can, South quay

Winter, Ann, butcher, Market-place

Winter, Cornelius J. W., artist, Regent rd.

Winter, John, sailor, 2, Leicester terrace, Victoria road

Winter, Matthew, Norfolk Hotel, North beach

Withers, Joseph, whitesmith, Row 90

Woden, Thomas, Unicorn, South quay

Woden, Rachel, Gallon Pot, Gaol str.

Woodrow, Edmund, baker and confectioner, King street

Woodrow, Neville F., grocer and tea-dealer, Gaol street

Woodhouse, Charles James, plumber and glazier, Queen street

Woodhouse, James, painter, Theatre plain

Woods, Jemima, flour seller, North end

Woods, Thomas, Unicorn, South quay

Woods, George, Odd Fellows’ inn, Gaol street

Woods, John, collector to Gas Company, Bath place

Woodyard, James, carpenter and joiner, 9, Providence place

Woolnough, James, mail contractor, St. George’s road

Woolsey, Mary, milliner and straw bonnet maker, King street

Woolsey, Louisa, milliner and straw bonnet maker, South market row

Woolsey, Miss, boarding school, North quay

Woolvern, Charles, shopkeeper, George street

Wolverton, Charles, plumber, glazier, and painter, South quay

Woolverton, James, fish merchant, King street

Woomenger, Samuel, eating house, Charlotte street

Worledge, William, baker, East Nettle hill, near Battery

Worship, William, solicitor, Regent street

Wrackham, Sarah, milliner, Fuller’s hill

Wright, Henry, lodging house, 2, Kent place

Wright, Joseph, pork butcher, Howard street

Wright, James, boot maker, King street

Wright, Mrs., milliner, &c., Row 130

Wright, Richard, shoe maker, Gaol street

Wright, Robert, grocer, King street

Wright, Richard, boot and shoe manufacturer, wholesale and retail, Church square

Wright, Thomas, dyer, King street

Wright, William, shopkeeper, Charlotte street

Wright, William, architect, surveyor and builder, North end

Wright, William, the Horse and Groom, North end

Yaxley, Robert, fish merchant, 9, Norfolk terrace

Yaxley, William, fish merchant, Market place

Youell and Co., nursery and seedsman, Market-place

Youell, Elizabeth, ironmonger, Broad row

Youell, Henry, florist, North end

Youell, John, bankers’ clerk, White Horse plain

Youels, Messrs. and Co., nurserymen, North end

Younghusband, Mrs., lodging house, 4, Kent place

Youngs, Joseph, Golden Lion, George street

Young, Mrs. M. A., lodging house, 2, Bath place


David Hogarth, postmaster, Hall quay. Money orders are granted and paid from 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. London day mail dispatched at a quarter to 6 a.m. All letters, with stamps, put into the box after 10 p.m. and before half-past 5 a.m., will go the same morning. First Norwich mail dispatched at 20 minutes past 3 p.m.; box closed at 3 p.m. Suffolk and Essex bags dispatched at half-past 5 p. m.; box closed at 5 p.m. London mail, with second Norwich bag, dispatched at 9 p.m.; box closed at half-past 8 p.m. All letters must have an extra stamp if intended to go after the box is closed. London mail, with first Norwich bag, arrives at thirty-eight minutes past 3 a.m. Letters ready for delivery in the summer months at 7 a.m., in winter at half-past 7 a.m. Suffolk and Essex mails arrive at 8 a.m., and not delivered with the London. Second Norwich mail arrives at 10 a.m., ready for delivery at quarter past 10 a.m. London day mail with the third Norwich bag, arrives at half-past 5 p.m., delivered at 6 p.m. No letters received, or attention given at the window for 10 minutes before the dispatch of any mail. Office closed on Sundays after 10 a.m. Branch offices, Fuller’s hill and White Lion opening.


East of England, Regent street—draw on London and Westminster Bank.

Gurneys, Turner, and Brightwen, Quay—draw on Barclay and Co., London.

Lacon, Sir Edmund Knowles, Bart., Quay—draw on Glynn, Mills, and Co., London.

National Provincial Bank of England, Quay—draw on London Joint Stock Bank.

Public Establishments.

Custom House, South quay. Inland Revenue office, Hall square. County Court office, Regent street. Yarmouth Military Lunatic Asylum, South denes. Royal Hospital, Chapel Mount. Fisherman’s Almhouses, Church street. Stamp Office, Regent street. Gas Works, South quay. Town Hall, South quay. Haven and Pier office, South quay. Armory, Southtown. Ballast office, South quay. Borough Gaol and Bridewell, Gaol street. Commercial Club House and Corn Exchange, quay. Met. Farm office, quay. Corn Meter’s office, quay. Port Dues office, quay. Police office, Town hall. Trinity store department, South quay. Workhouse, North end. Commercial Reading Rooms, King street. Private Subscription Reading and Billiard Rooms, King street. Public Library, South quay. Young Men’s Institute, Hall quay. Bible and Tract Society DepÔt, 72, Hall square. Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge DepÔt, Regent street.

Places of Worship.

St. Nicholas’ Church, Rev. G. Hills, M.A. St. Peter’s Church, Rev. B. Vaux, M.A., incumbent. St. George’s Chapel of Ease, Rev. M. Waters. St. Andrew’s Church, Gorleston, Rev. F. Upjohn, rector. St. Mary’s Church, Southtown, Rev. F. Salt, vicar. Baptist Chapel (General), 85 Row. Baptist (Particular), 15 Row. Catholic Chapel, Regent road. Friends’ Meeting House, 60 Row. Independent Chapel, Gaol street. Independent Chapel, King street. Independent Chapel, Gorleston. Jews’ Synagogue, 42 Row. Lady Huntingdon’s, Market-gates. Mariner’s Chapel, South quay. Methodist’s New Connexion Chapel, King street. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Priory lane. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Southtown. Unitarian Chapel, Gaol street. Wesley an Chapel, Regent road. Wesleyan Chapel, Gorleston.



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