Woodbridge, in East Suffolk, is a parish and market town, and port, on the banks of the river Deben, 76 miles from London, and 8 N.E. from Ipswich. The population in 1851 was 5,000. The town is well lighted with gas; it consists principally of four streets. Large quantities of corn and malt are shipped from Woodbridge; and the imports are very considerable, consisting of coal, timber, seed, oilcake, wine, spirits, &c. Upwards of 50 vessels are connected with the port. A very extensive market is held on Wednesday, for corn and cattle. Fairs are held on the first Tuesday in April, and Michaelmas day and the day following. A county court is held here. The petty sessions are every Wednesday, and quarter sessions are held here. The Parish Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a very handsome structure, and in 1840, was repaired and decorated at the expence of George Thomas, Esq. The living is a perpetual curacy; the Rev. T. W. Meller, M.A., is the present incumbent—annual value, £329. A new church, dedicated to St. John, has been completed within the last 8 years. The Rev. Joseph Rowley, B.A., is minister. The Wesleyans, Independents, and Society of Friends, have each a chapel here. SEKFORDE HOSPITAL. Governors—Right Honourable Sir John Romilly, Master of the Rolls. Right Honourable Sir John Jervis, Knight, Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas. Chaplain—Rev. William Thomas Meller, M.A. CLERGY, GENTRY, &c.Aldous, Mr. William, Sekford street Alexanders and Co., bankers; F. Alexander, Esq., resident partner, Church st. Allen, Miss Lydia, Thoroughfare Baily, Mrs. Mary, St. John’s street Baldry, Mrs. Mary, Church street Brooke, George, Esq., Cumberland street Carthew, Mrs. Charlotte, Cumberland str. Clarke, Mrs., Bredfield street Cook, Mr. William, Brook street Daniels, Misses, St. John’s street Doughty, Frederic, Esq., Cumberland st. Duffy, Rev. Aaron, Independent minister, Quay side Garrard, Mr. William, Thoroughfare Gissing, Mrs. Ann, Cumberland street Griffiths, Rev. David, Independent minister, New street Grimwood, Mrs., St. John’s street Hart, Mr. Daniel, Quay House Heard, Mrs. E., Castle street Hillen, Mr. Robert, the Quay Hughes, Thomas William, M.R.C.S., Cumberland street Hughes, Rev. Thomas William, B.A., chaplain of the Suffolk asylum, Cumberland street Hunt, Mrs. Harriet, St. John’s street Jackson, Rev. Postle, head master of the Free Grammar school, Sekford street Knight, Mrs. Ann, Thoroughfare Linstead, Mr. John, St. John’s Church street Loder, Mr. Charles, Thoroughfare Martin, Mr. William, Thoroughfare Martin, Mr. William, Doric place Morley, Mr. William, Thoroughfare Norton, William, Esq. Pulham, James, Esq., Sekford street Rowley, Rev. Joseph Moss, incumbent, St. John’s: h St. Johns parsonage Sheming, Mr. Thomas, Cumberland street Taylor, Rev. Henry: h Chapel lane Toll, Miss Hannah, Seckford street Turner, Mrs., St. John’s street Wainwright, Miss Rachel and Miss Elizabeth, Church street Watson, Rev. Christopher George, rector of Melton: h Church street Whitnall, Mrs. Elizabeth, Castle street Wilson, Miss Mary, Doric place TRADES, PROFESSIONS, &c.Adcock, George, national school master, Castle street Aldring, W. H., milliner and dressmaker, Thoroughfare Alexander and Co., bankers, Church str. Alexander, William, boot and shoe maker, Sekford street Allcock, Thomas, baker, Market-hill Allen, John, the Royal William, Theatre street Allen, Alethea, corset maker, Cumberland street Allen, Loder, plumber and glazier, Church street Amos, Sarah, private lodging house, Cumberland street Andrews, Jonathan, builder, St. John’s street Andrews, W. F., grocer and tea dealer, registrar of marriages, agent to Royal Liverpool Insurance and Accidental office, Thoroughfare and Market hill Bacon, Cobbold, and Co., bankers, Thoroughfare Baker, James, watch maker, Thoroughfare Baldwin, C. A., Free Trade tavern, Sekford street Balls, Mary Ann, pork butcher, Sekford st. Balls, Edward, tailor, Thoroughfare Bannister, William G., British schoolmaster, St. John’s terrace Bardwell, Elmer, broker and grocer, Cumberland street Barnes, Robert, shop keeper, Thoroughfare Barritt, James, confectioner, Church str. Batchelor, Richard, grocer and tea dealer, Thoroughfare Baxter, Isaac, green grocer, Sekford street Baxter, Harriet, dress maker, Doric place Baxter, Sarah, blacksmith, Brook street Bays, Thomas, hat manufacturer, Market-place Beckett, John, farming bailiff, Kingston road Beecroft, Sarah, milliner and dress maker, Church street Beecroft, William, grocer and tea dealer, Church street Bendall, James, iron and brass founder, Thoroughfare Berry, Sharman West, gun manufacturer, Market hill Betts, John, farmer, Thoroughfare Betts, John, chemist, druggist, and colorman, Thoroughfare Beverley, Sarah, and Stubbs, Eliza, fancy repository, Thoroughfare Bird, Emma, dress and cloak maker, St. John’s street Bird, Robert, librarian to the Mechanics’ institution, St. John’s street Bloxsome, Joseph, linen draper, Church street Bond, Samuel, tailor, &c., Wellington inn, Cumberland street Braham, Robert, boot maker, New street Brickles, John, bricklayer, Castle street Brickles, Margaret, shopkeeper, Castle street Brighten, George, haircutter, Quay Brinkley, William, butcher, Church street Broadbank, Rosa, straw bonnet maker, New street Broadbank, William, boot maker, New street Broadbank, T., plumber, glazier, and painter, Brook street Brook, Henry William, wine and spirit merchant, stock and share broker, Church street Brooks, German, Queen’s Head inn, Sekford street Brown, Joseph F., tailor, woollen draper, and hatter, Thoroughfare Buckmaster, Mark, brewer, St. John’s str. Bull, Elizabeth, dress maker, Brook str. Bunn, Walter, Saddlers’ Arms, Castle street Burditt, John, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Thoroughfare Burrows, John, whitesmith, Angel lane Butters, John, boot and shoe maker, New street Butters, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare Cage, John, tin-plate worker, New street Cana, Robert, agent for the Norwich Fire and Life Assurance society, commissioner for taking special bails for the counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Essex, and Cambridgeshire Carr, John, baker, Castle street Carr, James, boot and shoe maker, and leather cutter, Thoroughfare Catchpole, John, bookseller, stationer and fancy repository, Thoroughfare Chappell, William George, tailor and woollen draper, Church street Charters, Sophia Augusta, King’s Arms, Thoroughfare Clarke, Henry, green grocer, New street Cole, Jacob, butcher, Church street Cole, James, beer retailer, Cumberland street Cook, Thomas, coach builder, New street Cook, Alfred, auctioneer, appraiser, and estate agent, Thoroughfare Cook, Thomas, the Coopers’ Arms, Market hill Cook, Alfred B., the Swan inn, Market hill Cook, Alfred Thomas, estate agent and auctioneer, Thoroughfare Cork, Henry, rope and twine manufacturer, Church street Cousins, William, bricklayer, Sekford street Cowing, Samuel, Stannon inn, Brewer’s lane Cranmer, Alexander, King’s Head inn, Market hill Cross, James, rod merchant, &c., Thoroughfare Crowe, Davy, grocer and tea dealer, Church street Culham, John, pork butcher, New street Culham, William, ironmonger, brazier, and tin-plate worker, Thoroughfare Cullingford, Samuel, linen draper, Thoroughfare Cullingford, Anne, milliner and dress maker, Thoroughfare Cullingford, Joseph, builder, St. John’s street Curtis, John, felmonger, Brewer’s lane Cutting, James, boot and shoe maker, Church street Dallenger, John, accountant, Thoroughfare Daniels, William, baker and beer retailer, Cumberland street Dawson, James, captain of merchant vessel, Thoroughfare De Medewe and Brooke, solicitors, agents to the Globe Insurance office, the Rock Insurance, and the Female Provident Society, New street Dickerson, William, shopkeeper, Cumberland street Dove, Benjamin, bricklayer and builder, Castle street Dougar, Robert, railway contractor, Cumberland street Downing, Edward, coach builder, Thoroughfare Dowsing, William, corn chandler, New street Dowsing, William, shoeing smith, Chapel lane Durrant, Isaac, saddle and harness maker, Thoroughfare Dunnett, Philip, hairdresser, &c., Market hill Easto, John, and Co., grocers, tea dealers, and tallow chandlers, Church street Edwards, Henry, wine and spirit merchant, Thoroughfare, h Church street Edwards, Henry, jun., maltster and merchant, h Church street Edwards, Henry, sen., wine and spirit merchant, Thoroughfare Elliott, Henry, miller, Mill hill Ellis, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, Thoroughfare Everett, Lucy, boarding school for young ladies, Brook house, Cumberland street Fenn, E., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Cumberland street Fenn, Mary Ann, boarding and day school for young ladies, Cumberland street Fisher, Henry, locker to the Custom house, Quay lane Fisher, William, confectioner and baker, Thoroughfare Fisk, Eunice, corset maker, St. John’s terrace Fisk, Samuel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, St. John’s street Fitzgerald, Edward, superintendent of the East Suffolk police division Footman and Co., linen drapers, Thoroughfare Foreman, John, gardener and seedsman, New street Fosdike, John, bricklayer and plasterer, St. John’s terrace Francis, Sarah, dyer, Cumberland street Freeman, Charles, draper, Thoroughfare Frost, John, builder, St. John’s street Frost, William, cooper, Thoroughfare Gall, George, furnishing ironmonger, Church street Gammage, Benjamin, baker and confectioner, Thoroughfare Gammage, James, baker, Cumberland street Garnham, John, Royal Oak, Thoroughfare Garrard, George, master mariner, Brewer’s lane Garrard, Eliza, milliner, Brewer’s lane Garrard, Charles, master mariner, Brewer’s lane Garrard, William and Charles, boat and ship builders, Brook street Gennills, John, turner, Castle street Gibbs, Susan, dressmaker, St. John’s street Gibbs, William G., master mariner, St. John’s street Giles, George, rope manufacturer, New street Giles, George, boot and shoe maker, Thoroughfare Gillingham, George, the Anchor, Quay lane Gissing, John S., surgeon, &c., Market hill Godbould, George, veterinary surgeon, the Sun inn, Thoroughfare Goodwin, Susanna, ladies’ day and boarding school, Church street Goldsmith Thomas, machine maker, shopkeeper, and agent for Ransomes and Sims’ agricultural implements, Market hill Gray, Samuel, butcher, Sekford street Green, Robert, haircutter, New street Grimwood, William, brushmaker, Cumberland street Grimwood, T. W., and G. A., timber, slate, tar, and cement merchants, Woodbridge and Snape bridge Gross, Frederic, wine and spirit merchant, offices, Thoroughfare, h Church street Gross, James and Co., grocers, tea dealers, wine and spirit merchants, Thoroughfare Gross, Alfred, accountant, Sekford street Gurney, Godfrey, the Cross inn, Church street Gurney, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Cumberland street Hambly, Parmenas, clerk, Castle street Hammond, James, pork and poultry dealer, Church street Harding, Amos, smith and wheelwright, Theatre street Harris, William, shopkeeper and carrier from Woodbridge to Ipswich, Chapel street Hart, John, and Wrinch, Henry, maltsters, corn, coal, and seed merchants, Woodbridge Hartridge, James, coach proprietor, St. John’s street Hartridge, James, coach proprietor, New street Hartridge, William, coach office and shopkeeper, New street Hayward, Emma, milliner and dressmaker, Church street Hayward, James, estate and fire and life insurance agent, Castle street Hayward, Robert, grocer and draper, St. John’s street Head, Mary, furniture broker, New street Heffer, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, St. John’s street Hildyard, John, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Thoroughfare Hornor, Mrs. boarding and day school for young ladies, Doric place Houghton, John, clerk and sexton to St. John’s, Castle street How, John, Boat inn, the Quay Hunt, James, boot and shoe maker and leather seller, Thoroughfare Hunting, William, greengrocer, New street Issett, John W., hardwareman, agent to the County Fire and Provident Life Insurance offices, Thoroughfare Jasper, William H., carpenter, &c., Theatre street Jeffries, Alfred, painter, plumber, and glazier, Thoroughfare Jeffries, John, seedsman and florist, Thoroughfare Jeffries, John, florist and seedsman, Castle street Johnstone, Thomas M., collector of Customs, North Hill Cottage Jones, Richard, surgeon, Church street Jones, Thomas, supervisor, St. John’s terrace Keeble, William, ship agent, Castle street Keeble, William, hairdresser and perfumer, Thoroughfare Keel, Robert, painter, &c. New street Kemp, Susan, milliner and dressmaker, Thoroughfare Kemp, John, boot and shoe maker, Castle street Kemp, George, grocer and tea dealer, Cumberland street Kemp, William, ironmonger, Market hill Larter, Jonathan, boot and shoe maker, Bredfield street Last, S., boarding and day school for young ladies, St. John’s street Last, Elizabeth, dressmaker, St. John’s street Last, Edward, cooper, Cumberland street Law, William, Lion inn, Eastern Counties Railway Goods DepÔt, Thoroughfare Laurance, William, the Ship, Quay Leech, Francis, gardener, Castle street Lincoln, James, shopkeeper, Bay Horse, Castle street Ling, George, maltster, offices, Brewer’s lane, h Bedford Lockwood, William, jun., brewer, sole agent for Truman and Hanbury’s porter and stout, Castle street Loder, John, bookseller, stationer, printer, and binder, agent for the Advertiser East Suffolk Newspaper, Thoroughfare Loder, John, jun., auctioneer, office, Thoroughfare: h Doric place London, William, accountant, Thoroughfare Lucock, Mrs. Sarah, Cherry Tree inn, Cumberland street Lucock, Thomas, registrar of births and deaths, Castle street Mallett, William, plumber and glazier, Market hill Mallett, John, painter, plumber, and glazier, Sekford street Mallett, Mary, dress and cloak maker, Market hill Manby, George, general merchant, Thoroughfare Markham, Miss Maria, milliner, &c., Thoroughfare Marsh, William N., hairdresser and perfumer, Market hill Marshall, Charles, surgeon, Thoroughfare Matthews, William, the Tankards, New street Mayes, Miss Sarah, dressmaker, Doric place Mayhew, Samuel, general hardware dealer, Thoroughfare Mayhew, James, confectioner and baker, Market hill Mickleburgh, Mrs. Emma, clothier and corn chandler, Market hill Middleditch, George, butcher, Market hill Minter, James, confectioner and baker, Market hill Moore, William, surgeon, Cumberland st. Moore, George, solicitor and county treasurer, Cumberland street Moore, Martin, brazier, engraver, &c., Thoroughfare Moore, George, solicitor and county treasurer, Cumberland street Moore, William, surgeon, Cumberland st. Moore, William C., painter, plumber, and glazier, New street Morley, Joseph R., china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Thoroughfare Moss, Rosamond, straw hat maker, Sekford street Moulton, Benjamin, auctioneer and land surveyor, clerk to the guardians of the Woodbridge Union, and superintendent registrar, Thoroughfare Munro, John D., bookseller, stationer, and post-master, Church street Naunton, Charles, watchmaker, Chapel lane Neale, Horace, grocer and tea dealer, agent to the Phoenix Fire Office, Thoroughfare Newson, Mrs. Mary Ann, milliner, &c., St. John’s street Norris, George, watch and clock maker, Market hill Nunn, H. & C., milliners and dressmakers, St. John’s street Nunn, James, brazier, New street Osborn, Mr. S., miller, Theatre street Owles, Charles, whitesmith, &c., New st. Oxx, Amos, corn chandler and game dealer, Thoroughfare Palmer, Miss Caroline E., ladies’ day school, Thoroughfare Palmer, Henry, shopkeeper and baker, Sekford street Passifull, Edward, captain of a merchant vessel, St. John’s street Pattison, William, architect, St. John’s Church street Peake, Charles, Golden Lion, Market hill Peake, Thomas, builder, surveyor, and brick merchant, agent for Leeds and Yorkshire Life and Fire Assurance Company, Cumberland street Peckham, Alfred S., inland revenue officer, Sekford street Pitcher, John, accountant, New street Pite, Edward, printer and bookseller, Church street Pite, George Alfred, linen draper, Thoroughfare Pite, Mary Ann, milliner and straw hat maker, Church street Pizey, Henry, auctioneer, &c., Cumberland street Pizey, Philip, printer, bookseller, and deputy registrar, New street Pooley, Emma, Cock and Pie inn, New street Potwright, Sarah, milliner and dressmaker, Castle street Quinton, Mrs. stay and corset maker, St. John’s street Quinton, Richard, shopkeeper, Sekford street Read, Alfred, greengrocer, &c., Thoroughfare Read, George, greengrocer, Theatre street Rebett, Brady, grinding cutler, New str. Reeve, Mr. A., solicitor; offices, Thoroughfare; h Melton Revell, William, grocer and tea dealer, Cumberland street Revell, William, pork butcher, Cumberland street Reynolds, William, officer of the inland revenue, Kingston road Richardson, John, fishmonger, St. John’s street Riches, John, tailor, Castle street Robertson, Margaret, preparatory school for young ladies and gentlemen, Castle street Salmon, John, Crown hotel, posting house and receiving office for parcels, Thoroughfare Salmon, John, Bull commercial inn, Market hill Sawyer, Christian, shopkeeper, Chapel lane Sawyer, John, Horse and Groom, Cumberland street Scolding, William, White Horse inn, Market hill Scott, Mrs. Thomas, milliner, Thoroughfare Scott, Thomas, draper, Thoroughfare Scrutton, John, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, Thoroughfare Scrutton, William, baker, Brook street Seaman, James, carpenter and builder, Thoroughfare Sheming, Fenn, farmer, Cumberland str. Ship, Joseph, saddler, St. John’s street Shribbs, James, manager to the E.C.R. Company, goods department; h Cumberland street Silver, Thomas T., ironmonger, Church street Simpson, Frances Ann, milliner and dressmaker, New street Simpson, Thomas, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Thoroughfare Skinner, John, greengrocer, Thoroughfare Smith, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Sekford street Smith, Henry, fishmonger, Thoroughfare Smyth, William, basket and sieve maker, Thoroughfare Smith, James R., chemist and druggist, Market hill Smith, James, master mariner, Quay lane Smith, Robert, butcher, New street Smyth, Mrs. Lydia and Miss Leah, boarding and day school for young ladies, Bredfield street Southgate, Henry, coffee and eating house, Church street Stanford, Harriet, milliner, Thoroughfare Stannard, William, the Bell inn, New st. Stananought, John, whitesmith and inspector of weights and measures, New street Steel, William, the Grapes inn, Bredfield street Stephenson, William, stone and marble mason, Thoroughfare Stimpson, Ann, dressmaker, St. John’s terrace Syer, John, cabinet maker, Cumberland street Taylor, Alfred, bailiff of the County Court, New street Taylor, Samuel, confectioner and baker, New street Thompson, George, county surveyor, Doric place Thompson, George Edward, corn merchant, Thoroughfare Thompson, Robert, china, glass, and earthenware dealer, Thoroughfare Tills, William, corn and coal merchant, Thoroughfare Trott, George, shipowner, Castle street Trafford, Susan, shopkeeper, Sekford str. Trott, Pierce, miller, Birket road Trott, William, shipowner, Quay lane Tuck, Charles, chemist and druggist, shop, Church street, h Sekford street Turner, Catherine, greengrocer, New str. Turner, George, butcher, Thoroughfare Turner, John, butcher, Thoroughfare Turner, Robert, farmer, Dry Bridge hill Turner, Wm. clothier and shoemaker, Chapel lane Tye, William, shopkeeper, Sekford Arms, Sekford street Wade, George, hairdresser, Cumberland street Wade, Martha, straw bonnet maker, Cumberland street Wade, Maria, confectioner and baker, Thoroughfare Waller, Jeremiah, boot and shoe maker, Castle street Ward, Ann, upholstress, New street Waspe, Mary Ann, milliner and dressmaker, St. John’s street Webb, James, boot and shoe maker, Castle street Welton, Julia, boot and shoe maker, New street Westrup, John, the Angel inn, Theatre street Whayman, Matthias, confectioner and baker, St. John’s street Whincopp, William, wine merchant, Market hill Whisstock, Frederic, house agent, Sekford street Whisstock, Mary, boarding and day school for young ladies, Castle street Whisstock, William, tailor and draper, Thoroughfare Wilmshurst, William, Mariners’ Arms, New street Wilson, William, town crier, Angel lane Woods, John, master mariner, St. John’s street Woods, Robert, sailmaker and shopkeeper, Plough inn, Bredfield street Wood, John, solicitor and coroner, offices, Church street, h Thoroughfare Woods, Charles, boot and shoe maker, St. John’s street Woods, John and Son, nursery and seedsmen, Cumberland street Woods, Jane, straw bonnet maker, New street Wright, Jeremiah. jun., tailor and woollen draper, Church street Wright, Harriet, dyer, Thoroughfare Wright, William, boot and shoe maker, Church street Wright, James, shopkeeper, Bredfield st. Wright, John, baker, Bredfield street Wright, John, plumber and glazier, Brook street Wrinch, Henry, corn merchant, Cumberland street Youell, John, horsebreaker, Cutting’s lane |