
Thetford is an ancient borough and market town, 31¼ miles S.W. from Norwich, 80 miles N.E. from London, by road, and 95¼ miles by rail. Part of the town is in Suffolk; it is well paved, and lighted with gas. The river is navigable, and great quantities of coal and timber are imported from Lynn; and corn, malt, wool, &c., are exported; but since the railway from Brandon to Norwich has been opened for the conveyance of merchandize, it has materially affected the navigation interest, and it is anticipated the railway conveyance will entirely supersede the water conveyance, although the corporation has been at a great expense in erecting locks, &c. The town has been gradually declining for many years, which is attributed mainly to the removal of the assizes from this borough to Norwich in 1833.

The Norwich and Brandon railway passes through the northern side of the town; the station is at the northern part of the town. The market is held on Saturday for pedlary and small wares, but it is almost obsolete, merely being for butter, eggs, meat, and vegetables, and sometimes a few pigs. There are four large breweries in the town; a tanner’s, a fellmonger’s, and two brick and lime yards, a large paper-mill, (giving employment to a great many women), also a powerful water-mill (flour), several malting houses, bone-crushing and manure works, coach works, ropemaking, and an extensive iron foundry and agricultural implement manufactory, which is situated on the site of old St. Nicholas church, the last remains of that once noble edifice being now razed to the ground.In the parish of St. Mary, and on the Suffolk side of the river, are still to be found the remains of a monastery (St. Sepulchre’s); the porter’s gate is visible, as also part of the church, now converted into a barn; it is called the “Canons.”

Thetford formerly had twenty churches and eight monasteries, of which there are numerous ruins, and the surrounding country abounds with “barrows,” or “tumuli.”

Out of twenty churches which originally stood here, three only now remain: the oldest, St. Mary’s, situated on the Suffolk side, is a large structure with thatched roof, a high square tower, built chiefly with flint, 6 bells and no spire; the interior is in good repair, has a chancel, aisles, and gallery; it contains several monuments, one of handsome marble, to the memory of Sir Rd. Fulmerston. The Duke of Norfolk is patron of the living, a perpetual curacy, enjoyed by the Rev. Wm. Collett. St. Peter’s is a handsome commodious building and lofty tower, built principally of flint, with various devices of the same material, inlaid with considerable taste. The tower and church were partly rebuilt in 1789. This is a rectory, united to the perpetual curacy of St. Cuthbert’s, also in the gift of the Duke of Norfolk: the Rev. E. H. Gibbon is the incumbent. St. Cuthbert’s church, situated near the market-place, has been restored. There is a large Wesleyan chapel, with a commodious gallery, a large Independent and also a Primitive Methodists’ chapel, and a meeting-house for Quakers, (the latter is very seldom used); also a Catholic chapel on the Suffolk side of the town.

The Guildhall, where the quarter sessions are held for the borough, is situated in the centre of the town, overlooking the new market-place, which is enclosed by a neat iron railing.

The Gaol, enlarged in 1816, is a neat stone building, but since the removal of the assizes to Norwich, in 1833, has been very little used.

The fairs are held, May 14th, August 2nd and 16th, and September 26th.


Bidwell, Mrs. Mary Ann, Paddock

Bullen, Mr. William, Magdalen street

Burton, Miss Sarah, Great Magdalen street

Cobb, Mrs. Sarah, White Hart street

Cooper, Mrs. Caroline, King street

Farrow, Miss Rose, King street

Faux, Mr. Gregory, White Horse street

Faux, Mrs. Susan, Wells street

Gibbon, Rev. E. H., rector of St. Peter’s, and incumbent of St. Cuthbert’s

Hill, Mrs. M., Guildhall street

Hobbins, Mrs. Elizabeth, London road

Hubert, Rev. Henry, rector, Santon with Downham, Wells street

Jennings, Mr. Frederic, Market place

Lloyd, Rev. Morgan, Independent Minister, Great Magdalen street

Mann, Mr. T. W., Great Magdalen street

Marsham, Miss Sophia, Gaol street

Methold, Mrs., King street

Moore, Rev. John, rector of Kilverstone, Wells street

Norman, Mrs. Sarah, Ford street

Palmer, Mr. Joseph, Magdalen street

Palmer, Mrs. Mary Ann, London road

Palmer, Mrs. Sarah, White Hart street

Pollard, Mrs., London road

Sansum, Mrs. Mary, Bury road

Snare, Mrs. Louisa, Bury road

Stokes, Mrs. Susan, Great Magdalen street

Tabraham, Rev. Richard, Bury road

Taylor, Rev. John, Catholic priest, London road

Tyrrell, Mr. George, White Hart street

Vantier, Mr. Edwin, White Hart street

West, Miss Elizabeth, Guildhall street

Wright, Mr. William, Earl’s street


Able, Samuel, saddle and harness maker, White Hart street

Allison, William, tailor, White Hart street

Atkins, William, cabinet maker, Earl’s lane

Bailey, Henry Woodroffe, F.R.C.S.E., C.M., R.C.C., Guildhall street

Barber, John Lee, merchant and maltster, Ford place

Barnard, John, harness maker, Great Magdalen street

Bartlett, Henry Albert, farmer, Brandon road

Battell, John, carpenter and builder, Guildhall street

Bennett, James, baker, St. Giles’s lane

Bennett, William, Red Cow, Back street

Best, H. W., surgeon, King street

Betts, William, carpenter and joiner, Magdalen street

Bibbry, William, baker, Great Magdalen street

Bidwell, Leonard, brewer, Old Market street

Bond, William, gun and pistol manufacturer, Market-place

Booth, Richard, blacksmith, Back street

Boyce, Henry, builder, Wells street

Boyce, Luke, bricklayer, plasterer, and slater, Castle row

Boyce, Thomas, plumber and glazier, King street

Boyce, William, the Dolphin, and builder, Old Market street

Brock, Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Earl’s lane

Brown and Colby, furnishing ironmongers, Bridge street

Brown, Peter, plumber and glazier, White Horse street

Browne, William, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Browne, William, pipe manufacturer, Croxton road

Burgess, Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Burrell, Charles, engineer and millwright

Campkin, Josiah, tailor and draper, White Hart street

Canham, Robert, shopkeeper, Gaol street

Carley, Philip, tailor, King street

Carley, Robert, printer, stationer, bookseller, and bookbinder, King street

Carr, George William, watch and clock maker, King street

Carr, Isaac, boot and shoe maker, White Hart street

Carter, John, Trowel and Hammer, Bury road

Catton, Mary and Ann, china and glass warehouse, King street

Challis, John, the Castle, Magdalen street

Christopher, Benjamin, hair dresser, White Hart street

Clarke, James, grocer and cooper, White Hart street

Clarke, Robert Eagle, solicitor, Bridge street

Clarke, William, corn, coal, and seed merchant, King street

Clarke, William, Norwich carrier, Magdalen street

Clarke, William, brazier, Great Magdalen street

Codling, Mrs. R., milliner and dress-maker, Bury street

Cole, William, King’s Head, White Hart street

Cook, James, rope and twine manufacturer, Magdalen street

Cook, John, dyer, Magdalen street

Cooper, John W., Auctioneer, &c., Bury road

Corrins, Henry, shopkeeper, Magdalen street

Cracknell, Henry, the Chequers, King street

Craske, Elizabeth, baker, Raymond street

Cronshey, James, chemist and druggist, and artificial manure manufacturer, Bridge street

Cross, Mary, ladies’ day school, Guildhall street

Darsley, William, Green Dragon, Market-place

Davey, Daniel, White Horse Inn, Ray-street

Davy, James, surveyor, White Hart street

Davy John, cabinet maker and joiner, Guildhall street

Deeks, George, grocer and draper, White Hart street

Diver, David, brazier, Gaol street

Diver, John, ironmonger and gas fitter, Guildhall street

Diver, Mrs. Mary, baker, Magdalen street

Dickman, M. A., straw bonnet maker, White Hart street

Dulley, Frances, grocer and draper, King street

Edwards, James, confectioner and grocer, Wells street

Edwards, Jeremiah, White Hart Inn, White Hart street

Edwards, Robert, Bell Inn, Bridge street

Edwards, Robert James, dealer in game, Bridge street

Ellis, George, fishmonger, Great Magdalen street

Ellis, Philip, tailor, Great Magdalen street

Emms, Joseph, furniture broker, Great Magdalen street

Esling, Henry, tailor, Guildhall street

Farr, Alfred, printer, bookseller, and general stationer, King street

Farrow, Benjamin, tailor, Earl’s street

Feltham, Mrs. Mary, watch and clock maker, Market-place

Fendick, Francis Edward, tailor, King street

Fetch, Sarah, Victoria Shades, Nether road

Fleet, James, bookseller and binder, Earl’s street

Foulsham, Charles, baker, King street

Fowell, Henry, dealer in tea and coffee, Earl’s street

Foyson, Cornall, merchant, Ford place

Foyson, James and Sons, maltsters and wool merchants, Bridge street, h King street

Frost, Edward, tanner and wool merchant, Wells street

Frost, Edward and Sons, tanners and felmongers, wool staplers, curriers, and leather merchants, White Hart street, and Tanners’ lane

Frost, George, boot and shoe maker, Raymond street

Gates, John Henry, English master at grammar school, London road

Gill, Francis, shopkeeper, Old Market street

Gill, Garner, merchant, Wells street

Gill, John Willis, miller, Cage lane

Gill, Robert, whitesmith and bell-hanger, Old Market street

Gill, William, fishmonger and fruiterer, Guildhall street

Godfrey, George, boat builder, &c., Bury road

Golding, John, Railway Tavern, near the Station

Gooch, William, shopkeeper, Back street

Goodricks, Thomas George, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Greene, William, tailor, Earl’s street

Gunstone, David, shopkeeper, Bury road

Hammond, Sophia, grocer and draper, Great Magdalen street

Hardy, Charles Wilmot, classical master at the grammar school, London road

Harold, Mrs. Ann, baker, Guildhall street

Harris, Henry, watch maker, jeweller, and silversmith, King street

Harvey and Hudsons, bankers, Bridge street

Harvey, James M., draper, &c., King street

Harvey, William, brush and clog manufacturer, Great Magdalen street

Hassam, John H., Excise officer, White Hart street

Henley, Mrs., milliner and dress-maker, Magdalen street

Hill, Charles, grocer, Magdalen street

Hollingsworth, Richard, timber merchant, Magdalen street

Houchen, John, solicitor, clerk of the peace, and agent to (Messrs. Oakes, Bevan, and Co., bankers, Bury Saint Edmund’s,) London road

Howard, Jacob, boot and shoe maker and postmaster, Market-place

Howard, Joseph, veterinary surgeon, Town street

Howard, Maria, the Horse Shoes, Great Magdalen street

Huggins, Charles, butcher, St. Cuthbert’s, Market-place

Hunt, Edward, King’s Arms, King street

Jackson, John, the Plough, Croxton road

Jennings, Mr., farmer, Place farm, Mill lane

Johnson, Henry, carpenter and builder, Market street

Joslin, George, accountant, London road

Juler, John, grocer and draper, Bridge street

Kent, Robert, Coach and Horses, Mundford road

King, Thomas, wheelwright, Back street

Kingdon, George, grocer, Old Market place

Leech, Mrs., dress and stay maker, Earl’s street

Lock, Henry, the Star Inn, Bury road

Lockwood, George, tobacconist, Earl’s street

Mackenzie, G. W., surgeon, Bury road

Mann, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Matthew, William G., tailor, Raymond st.

Matthews, Miss S., milliner and dress maker, Raymond street

Meadows, Josiah, tailor, King street

Moore, Henry, Half Moon, Mundford road

Munn, Richard, Winchester and Co., paper manufacturers, Mill lane

Musk, Thomas, Three Hoops, Magdalen street

Neobard, John, and Son, wine merchants, London road

Nye, Charles, dispensing chemist, King street

Oakes, Bevan, Moor, and Co., bankers, Bridge street

Oldman, John and S., cabinet makers, upholsterers, auctioneers and woollen repository, King street

Palmer, Alfred, coach builder, London road

Palmer, James, bricklayer, Great Magdalen street

Palmer, John, baker, White Hart street

Peachey, Samuel, accountant, Church street

Peacock, William, draper, King street

Peak, Lewis, supervisor, Magdalen street

Pechey, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Great Magdalen street

Pechey, William, accountant, Bridge street

Peck, Edward, stone and marble mason, London road

Peck, Sarah Ann, milliner and dress maker, London road

Petteny, William, the Spread Eagle, Old Market street

Plumpton, Mary Ann, Anchor Hotel, Bridge street

Pollard, Alfred, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street

Pratt, Sarah, confectioner, King street

Pretty, Elizabeth, plumber and glazier, Guildhall street

Puttick, Henry, day classical academy, Magdalen street

Reeder, Robert, Golden Horse Shoe, Back street

Reeve, Henry, carrier, Earl’s lane

Reynolds, John, basket maker, Wells street

Reynolds, Robert, bird preserver, Bridge street

Richardson, Thomas, agent for Harvey and Hudson, bankers

Ripper, William, Engine and Tender, Mundford road

Rogers, Wallis, grocer and draper, Market-place

Rumblow, George, foreman to paper mills, Mill lane

Sakens, Elizabeth, straw bonnet maker, Magdalen street

Salter, W. P., farmer, Abbey farm

Scales, Mary, fancy repository, White Hart street

Scott, Emma, draper, King street

Sharp, William, stone and marble mason, Guildhall street

Shaw, Robert, gardener and seedsman, Great Magdalen street

Skippins, Charles, currier and leather cutter

Slipper, James, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Smart, Charles, ironmonger, King street

Smith, Dennis, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages, Guildhall street

Smith, John, carpenter and builder, Back street

Snare, Rebecca, shopkeeper, Bury road

Snare, Susan, milliner and dress maker, Mill lane

Spalding, John, licensed brewer, Bury road

Sparrow, Sarah, shopkeeper, Garden place

Spendlove, Hannah, watch and clock maker, Bridge street

Spendlove, Robert, Dog and Partridge, Guildhall street

Steward, Stephen, Fleece Inn, Croxton road

Stokes, Joseph, cork manufacturer, Guildhall street

Stone, Mary, carrier to Bury, Back street

Tingay, Samuel, shopkeeper, Tavern lane

Tompson, George, timber merchant, Magdalen street

Towell, William, tailor, Magdalen street

Trail, William, accountant, Magdalen street

Traise, Edward, baker, Guildhall street

Tudd, Henry, hair dresser, Magdalen str.

Tunney, John, saddle and harness maker, rope and twine maker, Bridge street

Tyler, Charles Dewing, Red Lion inn, Market-place

Tyrrell, John, Black Horse, Great Magdalen street

Tyrrell, Henry Robert, maltster and farmer, White Hart street

Ward, George, baker, Great Magdalen street

Watson, Cornelius, butcher, Back street

Webb, Richard, baker, White Hart street

West, John, veterinary surgeon, Market-place

West, William, boot and shoe maker, leather seller, agent to the Fire and Life Insurance Office, Guildhall street

Whistler, William, game dealer, and sheriffs’ officer, King street

Whiterod, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Guildhall street

Wicks, William Watts, brewer and spirit merchant, Thetford

Wilson, Philip, hair dresser, Magdalen street

Woolsey, Abraham, Albion inn, Magdalen street

Woolsey, William, George inn, Back street

Wright, George, plumber and glazier, Great Magdalen street

Youngs, Thomas, the Angel, Guildhall street


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