
Swaffham. A parish, market, union, polling town, and railway station, in South Greenhoe hundred, West Norfolk, and Norwich Bishopric, 15 miles E.S.E. of Lynn, 27 miles W. of Norwich, and 93 miles N.N.E. of London. The population, in 1851, was 3858; and the yearly value of assessed property, in 1815, was £11,218.

This town, one of the most beautiful in the county, is pleasantly situated on a rising ground, in a fine open country. The market is held on Saturdays. Annual fairs are held on the second Wednesday in May, the third Wednesday in July, and the first Wednesday in November, for cattle and sheep; the latter is one of the largest cattle fairs in Norfolk. The general quarter sessions of the peace are held here, by adjournment from the city of Norwich.

The Church of St. Peter and St. Paul is said to have been built in 1474, and is cruciform in plan, with an embattled tower, bearing two shields. About seven years since, in repairing the Church, and in removing the “Tinker and the Dog,” they found, carved in Latin,

“Love me, love my dog.”

The living is a vicarage, value £738 per annum, in the gift of the Bishop of Norwich.

The Baptists, Wesleyans, and Independents, have meeting houses here. There is a large bridewell here for 600 prisoners. The town is lighted with gas. Here is an iron foundry, coach works, bank, and savings’ banks.

SWAFFHAM PRISON, Edward A. Johnson, Governor.

The YOUNG MEN’S INSTITUTE, supported by the members, Market-place.

GRAMMAR SCHOOL, endowed by Nichols Hammond, Esq. James Hacon, Head Master: John Kelland, Second Master, Queen’s College, Cambridge.

The NATIONAL SCHOOL, situated upon Campling Land. Schoolmaster, Charles Wells; Schoolmistress, Mrs. Wells.

GAS WORKS, Lynn Road. Superintendent, Manager and Secretary, Francis Trundell.

SAVINGS’ BANK. William Wells, Secretary: H. T. Day, Esq., Manager.



Archer, Rev. Charles G., curate of Narborough cum Narford, London street

Balders, Mrs. Susan, Market-place

Brown, Mrs. Harriet, London street

Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth, Station street

Cooper, Mrs. Matilda, Station street

Dalton, Rev. W., Castleacre street

Dugmore, John, Esq., London street

Everard, Salisbury, Rev., vicar to St. Peter’s, the vicarage

Girling, Mrs., Station street

Say, Hall, Esq., Norwich road

Hammond, Miss Sarah, Norwich road

Kemble, Mrs. Elizabeth, London street

Montague, Rev. George, rector of South Pickenham

Morse, James, Esq.

Newton, Mary, Lynn street

Peck, James, London street

Pillans, Mrs. Martha, Market-place

Sands, Mrs. Sarah, Lynn street

Stratton, Miss Elizabeth, London street

Trundle, Mrs. Martha, Castleacre street

Williams, James, Castleacre street


Alderton, Robert, lodging house for travellers, Lynn street

Allen, John, fishmonger, Market-place

Alpe, Robert, brewer, White Hart lane

Arnold, Henry, grocer and draper, Market place

Allet, Timothy, tailor, Market-place

Avis, John A., boot and shoe maker, London street

Barker, Willis, bricklayer, Lynn street

Barrett, John, bailiff of the county court, and house keeper of the Institute, Market-place

Bayfield, Benjamin, butcher, Lynn street

Bayfield, Edward William, hairdresser, Market-place

Bayfield, George B., flour factor, London street

Blanchflower, James, Maid’s Head inn, Market-place

Brown, Charles, baker, London street

Brundall, Henry T., parish constable and gardener, adjuster of weights and measures, bailiff of the fair, has a very fine collection of old coins, pictures, china, &c., and clerk to the market, Lynn street

Bullen, George, Trowel and Hammer, the Pool

Bullen, James, farmer

Butters, John, White Hart, Market-place

Butters, Richard, boot and shoe maker, London street

Carman, Abraham, tailor, Lynn street

Carr, John E., watch and clock maker, Market-place

Carter, Charles, veterinary surgeon and shoeing-smith, Lynn street

Carter, Thomas, the Pool

Clarke, Benjamin, blacksmith, Albert terrace

Clarke, James, clothier, Castleacre street

Clarke, James, tailor, London street

Clarke, William and Thomas, boot and shoe makers, Church lane

Clements, Thomas, baker, Market-place

Clifton, Edward, Station street

Clifton, William Wilson, station master

Cock, Edward, Ship inn, Lynn street

Codling, Phoebe, shopkeeper, Lynn street

Coe, Robert, Norfolk Hero, Castleacre street

Colman, Thomas, farmer, Norwich road

Cook, John, coach builder, Lynn street

Cory, Sendall, clothier, Market-place

Cross, Joseph, cooper, London street

Dawson, John, tailor and draper, Market-place

Davidson, Miss Hannah, milliner and dress-maker, London street

Day, Henry Framingham, manager to the East of England Bank, Market-place

Dickenson, George, the Angel, Market-place

Doughty, William, Red Lion inn, Market-place

Dunn, James, boot and shoe maker, the Pool

Dutchman, Durrant, farmer, Westacre street

Ellis, Norton, boot and shoe maker, London street

Ellis, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Block street

Ellis, Thomas, the Chequers, Castleacre street

Ellis, Thomas C., carpenter and builder, Providence terrace

Elvin, Charles, heraldic artist, agent to the Unity Fire Office, London street

Elvin, James, and Son, coach builders, London street

Emerson, Robert N., surgeon, Market-place

Filbey, John, boot and shoe maker, Campin’s land

Finch, J., and H. F., chemists and druggists, oil and colourmen, agents for the sale of Lowe’s Patent Manure, Farmer’s Insurance Office, Market-place

Forby, John, grocer and draper, Market-place

Fuller, John, farmer, Norwich road

Gainsbury, Daniel, Royal Oak, and timber dealer, Castleacre street

Gardiner, John, bookseller and stationer, stamp office, Market-place

Gardiner, William V., brazier, coffee and eating house, Lynn street

Goodrich, George, boot and shoe warehouse, Lynn street

Goodrum, Anne, dressmaker and tailoress, London street

Goose, Morris, painter and gilder, Lynn street

Goose, Morris, and Barber, Robert, painters and gilders, Mangate street

Greeves, Thomas, leather currier, London street

Hall, Charles, butcher, Castleacre street

Hall, William, baker, Lynn street

Hammond, Robert, grocer, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Harper, Henry, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, London street

Harrison, Elizabeth, milliner and dressmaker, Lynn street

Hart, Joseph, baker, Castleacre street

Harvey, Charlotte, fancy repository, Market-place

Hewett, Elizabeth, boarding and day school for young ladies, London street

Hewett, Miss Sarah, bookseller and stationer, London street

Heyhoe, John, stone mason and builder, Station street

Heyhoe, John James, stone and marble mason and builder, Market-place

Heyhoe, Robert, plumber and glazier, London street

Hook, John, baker, Castleacre street

Howard, Henry, baker, Lynn street

Howard, Mary Ann, clothier, Market-place

Howarth, William, brewer and maltster, wine and spirit merchant, agent to the Equitable Fire office, Market-place

Hubbard, Charlotte, Spread Eagle, London street

Hudson, George, Black Horse inn, London street

Ingram, Esther, hosier, Castleacre street

Jackson, Robert, wheelwright and smith, London street

Jarvis, William, basket maker, Market-place

Jeary, John, farmer, the Pool

Jeffrey, Charles, William, and Co., malsters, wine and spirit merchants, seed, corn, coal, and wool merchants, London street

Jeffries, Henry, the Pool

Johnson, James, tailor and draper, Market-place

Johnson, Mary Ann, straw bonnet maker, Castleacre street

Johnson, William, the Greyhound, Market-place

Josh, Isaac, blacksmith, White Hart lane

Kemble, Benjamin, gardener, Norwich road

Kiddle, George, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Castleacre street

Lack, John, artist, Market-place

Lasscock, William, saddle and harness maker, Market-place

Lindsay, Thomas, grocer and draper, Market-place

Lack, William, saddle and harness maker, Agent for the Royal Exchange Fire and Life Assurance society, Market-place

Loveless, Samuel, plumber, glazier, and painter, London street

Lusher, Robert, the Sun, Lynn street

Mace, Charles, dealer in tea, Station street

Maddison, George, grocer and tallow chandler, Castleacre street

Marcon, Andrew, solicitor, Market-place

Marsh, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Market-place

Martin, David William, ironmonger, china dealer, and leather cutter, Market-place

Mason, George B., colonel in the army, White Hart lane

Matthews, John, harness maker, Lynn street

Matthews, Robert, tailor, Block street

Mendham, Harriet and Elizabeth, straw bonnet makers and milliners, Market-place

Mendham, James, plumber and glazier, Market-place

Moore, Henry, grocer and draper, Market-place

Morse, Arthur, brewer, Market-place

Muffett, John, general shopkeeper, Market-place

Muffett, Samuel, cabinet maker and carpenter, Market-place

Naunton, Walter, confectioner, Market-place

Nokes, William, commercial traveller, London street

Nooks, Robert, tax gatherer, the Pool

Oaks, Richard, builder, Market-place

Overton, Elizabeth, dressmaker, London street

Page, William, Crown Hotel commercial, family, and posting house, and farmer, Market-place

Parson, William, gun maker and superintendent of the post-office, Market-place

Perry, Mary, fancy repository, Mangate street

Petch, Pooley, boot maker, London str.

Philo, James, clerk to St. Peter’s, Block street

Philo, James, china and glass dealer, and boot and shoe maker, London street

Pilbeam, Thomas, grocer and draper, Market-place

Pitcher, William, Horse and Groom, Lynn street

Plowright, Henry, general and furnishing ironmonger, founder, &c., Market-place

Plowright, S. S., boarding and day school for young ladies, London street

Ponder, Nathaniel, shopkeeper, Lynn street

Pope, William, drapery and shoe warehouse, Market-place

Porter, James, boot maker, Albert terrace

Powley, Benjamin, tailor and draper, Market-place

Powley, Robert, tailor, London street

Powley, Susan, milliner and mantle maker, Market-place

Pratt, John, land surveyor and register office for servants, Market-place

Pratt, Matthew, watch and clock maker, Market-place

Pullock, Peter, registrar of births and deaths for the Saham Toney District, and relieving officer, London street

Randall, Thomas, butcher, Market-place

Reeve, Edmund, surgeon, London street

Rolfe, William, music master, organist to the church, Mangate street

Rose, Caleb Burrell, surgeon, Market-place

Rose, John, Railway Tavern, Castle street

Rust, James, chemist and druggist, Market-place

Sands, William, builder, Lynn street

Seaman, David, horsebreaker, Lynn str.

Sear, Charles, White Lion, Castleacre street

Selfe, Samuel, beer retailer, London str.

Sewell, Robert, solicitor, Block street

Smith, George, general dealer, London street

Smith, George, baker, London street

Smith, John, butcher, Market-place

Smith, Robert, engineer and iron and brass founder, White Hart lane

Smith, Robert, dealer in marine stores, Lynn street

Smith, William and Frederic, painters, plumbers, and glaziers, Market-place

Southwell, William C., manager of Gurney and Co.’s Bank, and agent for the Sun Fire and Life Office and General Hail Storm Assurance society, Bank, Market-place

Spinks, John, shopkeeper, London street

Steel, William, the Swan, Castleacre str.

Sutton, James, baker and confectioner, Market-place

Takes, Israel, temperance coffee and eating house, Lynn street

Tennant, James, boot and shoe maker, Block street

Thomas, Frederic John, surgeon, Castleacre street

Trundle, James and Son, auctioneers and saddlers, Market-place

Utting, Anne, milliner and straw bonnet maker, and has the full management of the Assembly Rooms and Shirehall, h Market-place

Vince, Allen, shopkeeper and brick maker, London street

Vince, Henry, market gardener, London street

Vout, Henry, lodging house for travellers, Lynn street

Wake, John, cattle dealer, London street

Wales, Richard, George commercial hotel, Castleacre street

Wales, Thomas, butcher, Market-place

Walker, George, boot and shoe warehouse, Market-place

Ward, William, the Fleece, Lynn street

Watts, John, hairdresser, Market-place

Wells, William C., printer, bookseller, and binder (book club), Market-place

Wenham, James, watch and clock maker, jeweller, and silversmith, Market-place

Wharton, William, hairdresser and fancy repository, Market-place

Whitby, George, King’s Arms, Lynn str.

Whithers, George, farmer, White Hart lane

Wilkerson, Goss, fishmonger, Market-pl. place

Winearls, William, solicitor, London str.

Woods, Rev. William, Baptist minister, Station street

Wright, John, baker, London street

Wyatt, Joseph, commercial traveller, Market-place

Wyers, Edward, boot maker, Campling lane

Young, Job, umbrella maker, Lynn str.



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