Bungay. A market-town on the borders of Norfolk, 108 miles from London, through Romford, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich, and Harleston, and 14 miles S.E. from Norwich, 40 miles N.E. from Ipswich, 20 miles S.W. of Yarmouth, 15 miles W. of Lowestoft, and 6 miles W. from Beccles; is in Wangford hundred and union, East Suffolk, Norwich bishopric; contained, in 1851, 3,841 inhabitants, fairs are held for horses, cattle, &c., on the 14th May and on the 25th September (the latter is also a sessions or hiring for servants). Near the town is a large silk manufactory, belonging to Messrs. Grout and Co., Norwich; also some extensive flour mills, malt-houses, paper mill, iron foundries, printing offices, and lime kilns. Bungay contains two churches: the one dedicated to St. Mary, is a handsome edifice, with square tower, and 4 spires, an excellent peal of 8 bells, and a clock. The living is a perpetual curacy, value £115 per The Baptists, Independents, Wesleyans, and Roman Catholics, have chapels here. The town is lighted with gas, and the inhabitants are amply supplied with excellent water from the numerous springs with which the town and its neighbourhood abound. The houses are mostly of modern date, having been erected since 1688, when nearly the whole town was burned in a fire, which originated in an uninhabited dwelling. Messrs. Harvey and Hudson’s Bank, Market-place. Manager, Mr. Graystone Baker. Gurneys, Birkbeck, Turner and Co.’s Bank, Broad street. Manager, William Hartcup, Esq. Clerk, Mr. Robert Smith. East of England Bank, Broad street. Manager, Samuel Smith, Esq. Cashier, Richard Cracknell. Draw on London and Westminster Bank. CLERGY, GENTRY, &c.Aldis, Charles, Esq., the Grove, Uplands Allsopp, Mrs. Ann, Earsham street Angel, Mrs. Harriet, Earsham street Atkinson, Rev. Samuel, Wesleyan minister, Prospect place Barnes, Mrs. Lucy, Earsham street Burtsall, Mrs., Grove road Bewicke, Miss Jane, Trinity street Chambers, Mr. Jonathan, Lower Olland st. Childs, Mrs. Hannah, Earsham street Cuddon, Mrs. Susanna, Earsham street Currie, Mrs. John, Trinity street Deacle, Rev. Thomas Hicks, curate of Holy Trinity; h Upper Olland street Denny, Mrs. M., Prospect place Edwards, Rev. William, Wesleyan minister, Upper Olland street Fisher, Mrs. Eliza, Upper Olland street Franklin, Mrs. Mary Ann, Trinity street Garnham, Mrs. Maria, Broad street Garneys, Charles, M.R.C.S. and L.S.A., Trinity street Glover, Rev. W., Rector of St. Mary’s, Trinity street Hogarth, Rev. Arthur, curate of Redisham, h Lower Olland street Marfew, Miss Phoebe, Grove road Mayhew, Mrs. Charlotte, Bull lane Minns, Mr. John, the Ollands Morell, Mrs. Sophia, Market-place Plowman, Mrs. Mary, Bridge street Pratt, Mrs. Ann, Upper Olland street Pratt, Mr. Henry, Lower Olland street Rogerson, Mrs. Earsham street Reynolds, Mrs. Louisa, Lower Olland street Sayer, Mrs. Elizabeth, Trinity street Scott, Miss Charlotte, Earsham street Scott, John, Esq., Earsham street Smith, Mr. the Ollands Webb, Mr. John, Upper Olland street Wills, Rev. Charles, minister of the Independent chapel, Upper Olland street West, Mrs. Lydia, Plough street TRADES, PROFESSIONS, ETC.Abel, Matthias, postmaster, post-office, Earsham street Adams, Edw. B., surgeon, Earsham str. Adkin, Fred., tailor and draper, Olland st. Adkin, William, gunmaker, Market-place Airey, Robert, wine and spirit merchant, Bridge street Aldous, Richard, butcher, Lower Olland street Alexander, W., confectioner, Bridge str. Allen, Mary Ann, shopkeeper, Bridge str. Archer, John, saddle and harness maker, Olland street Archer, Mary Ann and Eliza, milliners and dressmakers, Upper Olland street Ashby, John Samuel, printer, bookbinder, and depository of the Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, Upper Olland street Ashby, Richard D., bookseller and stationer, Upper Olland street Atmeare, James, corn dealer, &c., Earsham street August, Isaac, tailor, Upper Olland street Baker, Allen, shopkeeper, Upper Olland street Baker, George, auctioneer and surveyor, Trinity street Baker, William T., writer, Plough street Baldry, George, the Rose and Crown inn, Upper Olland street Balls, George, millwright, Lower Olland street Balls, John, ironmonger, smith, and bell hanger, Market-place Banham, William, shopkeeper, Bull lane Barcham, Edward, plumber, glazier, and painter, Lower Olland street Barker, Harriet, dress and mantle maker, Market-place Barkway, Rev. Frederic, curate of Ilketshall St. Andrew, h, Earsham street Barrell, Samuel, shopkeeper, Lower Olland street Barrell, Samuel, seedsman and fruiterer, Market-place Beare, Robert, hay dealer, Upper Olland street Beare, William, boot and shoe maker, Olland street Bedingfield, John, butcher, Lower Olland street Bellman, Henry, solicitor, clerk to the magistrates, and agent to the Globe Fire and Life office, Broad street Bidwell, Mark, baker, Lower Olland str. Botwright, Ambrose, attorney’s clerk, Grove road Botwright, George, travelling draper, Upper Olland street Booty, William, whitesmith and bell hanger, Lower Olland street Botwright, John D., builder, agent to the Phoenix Fire office, Upper Olland str. Botwright, Thomas, clothier and register office for servants, Upper Olland street Botwright, William T., tailor and draper, Earsham street Branford, James, saddle and harness maker, Earsham street Brindle, Rev. William, Roman Catholic minister, h, Olland street Brown, Mrs. Harriet, dressmaker, Upper Olland street Brown and Son, plumbers, glaziers, painters, and paper hangers, Bridge st. Brown, William, watch and clock maker, Bridge street Bruce, Thomas F., brewer and retailer of beer, Bridge street Bull, Louis, bricklayer and plasterer, Chapel street Bullock, Robert Henry, watchmaker and silversmith, Market-place Burgess, George, superintendent of the paper mills, Lower Olland street Butcher, Benjamin, the Red Lion, Upper Olland street Butcher, Robert, registrar of marriages, New road Butcher Robert, coal and corn merchant, Trinity street Buxton, James, shopkeeper, Broad street Cadge, John P., boarding and day school for young gentlemen, Bridge street Calver, Elizabeth, King’s Arms, Bridge street Cameron, Daniel, iron and brass founder, Earsham street Cane, Abel, butcher and tea dealer, Upper Olland street Capon, Charles, King’s Head, Market-place Carley, Richard, pawnbroker, Bridge str. Carley, Richard, watch and clock maker and jeweller, Earsham street Cattermole, Alfred, saddle and harness maker, Olland street Cattermole, Henry, plumber, glazier, and painter, Bridge street Cattermole, Henry, painter, plumber, and glazier, Broad street Cattermole, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Upper Olland street Cattermole, Richard, carver and gilder, Bridge street Cattermole, S. and H., milliners and dress-makers, Bridge street Cattermole, Susan, toy shop, Bridge street Chalker, Jane, the White Horse, Trinity street Chamberlain, Mary, milliner and dress-maker, Upper Olland street Charlish, William, fishmonger, Lower Olland street Chase, Robert, Queen’s Head, Market-place Chase, Charles, butcher, Bridge street Chase, Robert, junr., butcher, Olland str. Chenery, Frederic, watchmaker and jeweller, Olland street Churchyard, William, chemist and druggist, Market-place Clarke, John, baker, Bridge street Clarke, Sarah, hat and cap manufacturer, Earsham street Clarke, William, tailor and draper, Earsham street Clutten, James, Cherry Tree inn, Earsham street Claxton, Robert, clothier and bootmaker, Bridge street Cocks, Gilbert and Son, grocers, drapers, and earthenware dealers, Earsham street Cocks, William, grocer, tea dealer, and dealer in British wines, Market-place Codling, William, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street Colby, George, hairdresser and perfumer, Olland street Cornaby, Matthew, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Cornish, Charles, chimney sweeper and fire defender, Broad street Cossey, James, the Ship, Lower Olland street Crisp, Samuel B., the Crown, Market-place Crook, Augustus, veterinary surgeon, Bridge street Cross, William, boot and shoe maker, Earsham street Cuddon, Miss, dressmaker, Plough street Cuddon, William, timber merchant, Olland street Cullingford, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Lower Olland street Cullingford and Bayles, carpenters and joiners, Chapel street Cullingford, William, carpenter and joiner, Earsham street Cullingford, Richard, butcher, Lower Olland street Cunningham, Miss Mary Ann, dress-maker, Upper Olland street Currie, Charles W., surgeon, Market-place Dale, Mary, lodging house for travellers, Bridge street Darvy, Robert, builder, Chapel street Day, George, cabinet maker, Lower Olland street Dipson, William, wheelwright, Lower Olland street Dodd, Philip Henry, solicitor, the Ollands Dodd, Philip William, solicitor, Olland Downs Drake, Charles, solicitor, Trinity street Draper, Francis, hay and corn seller, and baker, Bridge street Driver, William, Prince of Wales, and wool stapler, Upper Olland street Dyball, Robert, linen draper, Market-place Earl, Richard, sheriff’s officer, Earsham street Ebbage, Mrs. Hannah, brick and tile manufacturer, Earsham street Ecclestone, Robert, baker and confectioner, Upper Olland street Farrants, Sarah, shopkeeper, Broad street Farman, Elizabeth, painter, Broad street Farrow, Joseph, timber merchant, Lower Olland street Fenton, John, professor of dancing, Bull Jane Fisher, Samuel, grocer and stamp distributor, Earsham street Foulger, Joseph, carpenter and joiner, Upper Olland street Francis, Eliza, stay and dress maker, Lower Olland street Girling, John W., butcher, Earsham street Gosling, Mary, shopkeeper, Bridge street Grimmer, Charles, veterinary surgeon, Upper Olland street Hammond, Robert, veterinary surgeon, Earsham street Harding, Simon, cooper, Bridge street Hinsby, William, cooper, Lower Olland street Howes, Robert, accountant, Lower Olland street Howes, Miss Harriet, ladies’ boarding academy, Earsham street Howard, Edwin, grocer and tea dealer, Earsham street Holley, William, plumber, glazier, and painter, Chapel street Hogg, Robert, carrier, Bridge street Hudson, James, ironmonger, Olland str. Hunt, Miss Susannah, milliner and dress-maker, Bridge street Ife, Charles, the Chequers, Bridge street James, John H., solicitor, agent for the Caledonian Fire, and Fire Insurance company, Trinity street Jennings, William Howes Dundas, inland revenue officer, Upper Olland street Jermy, John, the Two Brewers, Chapel street Jordan, Thomas, beer retailer, Bull lane Judge, Joseph, shopkeeper, Upper Olland street King, Hannah, Elizabeth, and Ellen, dressmakers, Earsham street Lait, Alfred, linen and woollen draper, Olland street Lait, John, clothier, Earsham street Larke, William, wine and spirit merchant, Broad street Laws, James, Three Jolly Butchers, Market-place Leggatt, Robert, Horse and Groom, Broad street Lodge, Edward, coal merchant, Bridge st. Lover, Charles, basket and sieve maker, Market-place Martin, Benjamin, the Angel inn, Lower Olland street Martin, George, boot and shoe maker, Market-place Martin, William, the Fleece inn, Market-place Masterson, James, glover and tailor, Lower Olland street Mayhew, Jeremiah, confectioner, Earsham street Meadows, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Trinity street Minns, Charles, draper and milliner, Olland street More, Robert, grocer and tea dealer, Upper Olland street Newman, John, White Lion, Earsham street Nickless, Frederic, linen and woollen draper, Olland street Nunn, Robert, bricklayer and plasterer, Plough street Nursey, Henry, stonemason and sculptor, Upper Olland street Nursey, James, stone and marble mason, Lower Olland street Nursey, James, leather currier, Upper Olland street Oaken, Martha, straw bonnet maker, Market-place Owles, James, chemist and druggist, Market-place Owles, Thomas, grocer, tea dealer, and tallow chandler, Trinity street Palmer, David, pump maker and well sinker, the Greyhound, Upper Olland street Pearson, Robert, plumber and glazier, the Ollands Phillips, William L., grocer and tea dealer, Market-place Pratt, John, paper manufacturer, Trinity street Pricker, Jonathan, excise officer, Lower Olland street Raven, James, corn and seed merchant, Broad street Rayner, Henry, wheelwright, New road Reeve, John R., boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Reeve, William, pork butcher, Earsham street Reeve, Jesse, hairdresser, fancy repository, bookbinder, stationer, and hardwareman, Market-place Reeve, Charlotte, boarding and day school, Upper Olland street Reeve, Hannah, dressmaker, Upper Olland street Redgrave, Samuel, plumber, glazier, and painter, Chapel street Reynolds, Sarah Ann, ladies’ day school, Broad street Richards, Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, Lower Olland street Riches, Frederic, tailor, Lower Olland st. Riches, John, carpenter, &c., the Ollands Richmond, William, ironmonger, Bridge street Roper, John, Three Tuns inn, Market-place Rose, Robert, cabinet maker, Upper Olland street Sadd, John, tailor and draper, Bridge street Sayer, John, beer retailer, Bridge street Sayer, Manning, baker and confectioner, Upper Olland street Scarlett, Samuel, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Sewell, Bloomfield, registrar of births and deaths, the Ollands Smith, George, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street Smith, Henry, general shopkeeper, Olland street Smith, Hannah, children’s day school, the Ollands Smith, James, Bell inn, Market-place Smith, James, tailor and draper, Market-place Smith, Lucy, Ann, fancy repository and stationer, Market-place Smith, Robert, tailor, Lower Olland street Smith, Susannah, governess of the Plough school, Lower Olland street Smith, Thomas, corn, coal, and seed merchant, Market-place Smith, William, carpenter and joiner, Chapel street Spall, Henry, auctioneer, wine and spirit merchant, New road Spall, William, coach builder, New road Spooner, Elizabeth, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Upper Olland street Spooner, John, plumber and glazier, Upper Olland street Stockdale, John, the Swan, Market-place Sutton, Lucy, dressmaker, Olland street Taylor, John, hairdresser and perfumer, Earsham street Taylor, Nathaniel, cabinet maker and upholsterer, Earsham street Thirtle, John Brown, linen and woollen draper, Market-place Tillett, Benjamin, fishmonger, Bridge st. Tillett, William, fishmonger, Earsham st. Tilley, Charles, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Tilley, Eliza, shopkeeper, Bridge street Trower, James, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Turner, William, basket and sieve maker, Upper Olland street Tye, John, boot and shoe maker, Broad street Walesby and Son, saddle and harness makers, Earsham street Walker, David, corn and coal merchant, Trinity street Waller, John, cabinet maker, Earsham st. Walpole, Mary Ann, draper, Bridge st. Ward, Benjamin, rope maker, Market-place Ward, Robert, boot and shoe maker, Olland street Waters, John, yardman to Mr. Walker, merchant, Lower Olland street Watson, John, blacksmith, New road Watts, John, boot and shoe maker, Broad street Watts, William, grocer, Earsham street Wayling, T., confectioner, Earsham str. Weavers, Henry, the Plough, Plough str. Weavers, John, grocer and tea dealer, Olland street Winter, John, glass stainer and painter, Earsham street Woods, William, linen draper, Market-place Woodward, B. B., littÉrateur, Trinity str. Woolnoughs, Mrs. Hannah, ladies’ boarding and day school, Broad street Woor, James, boot and shoe maker, Upper Olland street Woor, James, boot and shoe maker, Lower Olland street Wright, Robert, brewer, Grove road |