
Attleborough, a small market town and railway station, 15 miles from Norwich, 5½ from Wymondham, and 14¾ from Thetford. The population in 1851 was 2,324, and about 5,251 acres of land. One long street includes most of the houses. The market is on Thursday, and the fairs are held on the Thursday Easter and Whit-Sunday, and August 15th for cattle; also a pleasure fair the day before March assizes. The Norwich and Brandon railway passes close to the town, where a handsome station has been erected, distant from London 110 miles.

The church, which is a noble edifice, with spacious tower containing six bells, is much admired for its antiquity. The living is a rectory, in the gift of Sir Wm. B. Smijth, Bart.; the present incumbent is the Rev. A. J. E. B. Smijth, M.A., and the curate the Rev. S. A. Cooke, M.A. Sir W. B. Smijth, Bart., is lord of the manor.

Here are chapels for the Wesleyans, Baptists, &c.; also a National School, well supported and attended.

Post-Office—George Parson, postmaster. Money Orders granted and paid at this office.


Beevor, Thomas, Esq., Market hill

Cooke, Rev. Stephen Atkinson, curate

Doughty, Mr. Samuel, Mares’ street

King, Mrs. Sarah, London road

Lemmon, Rev. James, Wesleyan Minister, Rivett’s lane

Marner, John, Esq., Market hill

Salter, William, Esq., Norwich road

Smijth, Rev. A. J. E., rector

Warrel, Mrs. Sarah, London road


Allen, George, horse-breaker

Anderson, Sarah Ann, milliner and dress-maker, Mill street

Ayton, Charles, builder and appraiser, Church street

Ayton, Robert, carpenter and joiner, Market hill

Bacon, James, accountant, Market street

Barker, George, tailor, Market hill

Barker, Sarah, White Hart, Market hill

Barnard, Robert, baker and tea dealer

Barnard, William, painter, plumber, and glazier, Mares’ street

Barnard, William, tailor, London road

Bateman, William, tailor and draper, Rivett’s lane

Beale, James, printer, Norwich road

Bowden, William, builder, Back lane

Brown, Rev. William Shrieve, minister to the Baptist Chapel, Rivett’s lane

Buckenham, William, miller, Mares’ str.

Byles, John, grocer and draper

Caffay, Richard, shopkeeper

Cage, James, basket-maker and cooper, London road

Caley, Samuel W., the Grapes, news agent, Mares’ street

Calver, John, farmer, West carr

Canham, John, the new Inn and Commercial house, near the Railway station

Chatters, Henry, boot and shoe maker, London road

Childerhouse, William, farmer and dealer, West carr

Clarke, James, farmer, Borough common

Clifford, Thomas, Fair View Cottage, London road

Cockell, Charles, solicitor

Cockell, Mrs. Jane, farmer, Church plain

Colman, Mr., farmer, West carr

Cook, John, White Horse inn, London road

Cowles, William, farmer, West carr

Crawford, John, station master

Cushing, Stephen, Odd Fellows’ Arms, Mill street

Dawes, William, watch and clock maker, Market hill

Defew, William, saddle and harness maker, Church street

Downs, James, farmer, West carr

Downs, John, farmer, West carr

Drake, Charles, coachmaker, the street

Eaton, John, auctioneer and appraiser

Ebbage, Robert, the Bear inn, blacksmith, and machine maker, Bear road

Etheridge, Ann, boot and shoe maker

Etheridge, Henry, boot maker, Mares’ street

Fox, Mary, Mrs., green-grocer

Francis, James, general shopkeeper and druggist, Market street

Franklin, Frederic F. and George F., solicitors

Franklin, Frederic F., clerk to the County Court office, and agent to the Phoenix Fire office and Palladium Life office

Gates, Mr. James, Lay’s farm

Gayford, William, licensed to let horses for hire, Market street

Goldspink, Richard, butcher, Mill street

Green, John, farmer, West carr

Green, Mary Ann, the Crown, Church st.

Hewitt, William, butcher and salesman, Market street

Hazelwood, Robert, painter, plumber, and glazier, Ellingham road

Hill, George, postman, London road

Hipper, Charles, King’s Head, London road

Howes, Charles, tailor, London road

Howlett, George, ironmonger and brazier, Market street

Hubbard, Henry, farmer, West carr

Huggins, Mr., farmer

Jessup, Mr., farmer, Borough common

Kettringham, Robert, bricklayer and broker, Market hill

Lane, Mrs., farmer

Lawrance, Michael, farmer, Borough common

Leighton, Charles, corn merchant and maltster, Rivett’s lane

Leyton, John, butcher, Market street

Lincoln, Miss Elizabeth, ladies’ boarding academy, Norwich road

Littleproud, Alfred, grocer and draper

Littleproud, William, baker

Lovett, Robert, miller, the street

Lovick, Sarah, the Angel inn, Market street

Mann, Thomas, Norwich carrier, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, Market hill

Merry, Robert, corn and coal merchant, Norwich road

Miles, William, saddle and harness, Mill street

Muskett, Alfred, grocer and draper, and manager to the bank, Market hill

Myhill, John, farmer, Mares’ street

Nicholls, John, clothier and harness maker, Mill street

Orford, Robert, carpenter and joiner, London road

Parke, William B., manager to the Goods department of the railway station

Parson, George B., postmaster and printer, Market hill

Pinnock, Jonathan, bricklayer, Mares’ st.

Pinnock, William, boot and shoe maker, London road

Potter, George, surgeon

Potter, Joseph, farmer, Borough common

Ponder, Thomas, tailor, Market hill

Revel, William, Norwich Castle

Robinson, Charles, brick and tile merchant, Norwich road

Rose, James, grocer and draper, Market street

Salter, George William, auctioneer and land agent, Market street; h Old Buckenham

Salter, Thomas, architect and land Surveyor, Norwich road

Sewell, Mary, the Griffin inn, Market street

Shickle, John, inspector of weights and measures

Simmons, John, miller, Rivett’s lane

Simpson, William, auctioneer and farmer, Back lane

Smith, James, boot and shoe maker, Mill street

Spanton, Christopher, agent for the Norwich Union Fire office and Norwich Equitable Fire office

Sparkall, John, farmer, Nobbs’ corner farm

Sparrow, Jonathan, shopkeeper, Mill street

Stebbings, Michael, farmer and dealer, Rivett’s lane

Stebbings, William, cattle dealer, London road

Tillett, John, tailor, London road

Toop, Francis Hart, the Cock inn, Mares’ street

Turner, John, blacksmith

Upston, George, seedsman, London road

Upston, William, dealer in Sheffield goods

Vince, Benjamin, farmer

Walsh, Gerald, coal merchant, Market hill

Ward, John, farmer, Borough common

Warren, John, watch and clock maker, Church street

Warren, Charles Ling, farmer

Webster, James, hair dresser, Market street

Webster, William, boot and shoe maker, Market street

Wells, Samuel, registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for the district, Market hill

Wiles, Charles Barsham, surgeon, Market hill

Wright, Daniel E., provision house and butcher, Church street

Wright, John, wheelwright

Wright, Mrs., straw bonnet maker and dyer, Back lane


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