Chapter IX. Bibliography. Index to the Chief Printed Articles and Papers in Philatelic Periodicals. Abbreviations.
Note.—Roman figures thus—V.—denote the volume, and Arabic figures—135—indicate the page. In a few cases the date takes the place of the volume number. In E.W.S.N. the number of the issue alone is given. Colonial Post Offices Commission [Ward], G.S.W., IX., 88.
Corrected Plate, 6d., S.C.F., III., 207. Forgeries, 6d. [Hilckes], S.C.F., II., 217. General. The Postage Stamps, etc. ... of the British Colonies, Possessions and Protectorates in Africa. Part II., London, 1900.
—— S.G.M.J., VI., 26, 144; [Pemberton], P.J.G.B., XVII., 78; [Barnsdall], G.S.W., VIII., 65, 81; [Nankivell], P.S., II., 3; 2 A.J.P., IV., 498; [Lehner], S., I., 90; [Clark], S., I., 102, reprinted in M.W.S.N., X., 255. Issue of 1869, S.C.M., VII., 57. —— Date of [Lehner], S., I., 90; [Nankivell], S., I., 106. Minor Varieties. Sloping label. [Hilckes], S.C.F., II., 253. Perforations [Bacon], P.R., XXV., 3. ? Plates. [Napier & Bacon], S.G.M.J., XIV., 97. ? Plates. Provisionals, E.W.S.N., 347, 348, 350, 352, 353, 360, 373. Sheets [Thiele], The Adhesive, July, 1904. Speculation, S.C.F., VI., 142. Values, S.C.F., VI., 119, 126. Watermarks [Evans], P.R., IV., 224. |