Chapter IX. Bibliography. Index to the Chief Printed Articles and Papers in Philatelic Periodicals.

Chapter IX. Bibliography. Index to the Chief Printed Articles and Papers in Philatelic Periodicals.


2 A.J.P.— American Journal of Philately, 2nd series.
E.W.S.N.— Ewen's Weekly Stamp News.
G.S.W.— Gibbons Stamp Weekly.
M.W.S.N.— Mekeel's Weekly Stamp News.
P.J.G.B.— Philatelic Journal of Great Britain.
P.R.— Philatelic Record.
P.S.— The Postage Stamp.
S.— Stamps.
S.C.F.— Stamp Collectors' Fortnightly.
S.C.M.— Stamp Collectors' Magazine.
S.G.M.J.— Stanley Gibbons Monthly Journal.

Note.—Roman figures thus—V.—denote the volume, and Arabic figures—135—indicate the page. In a few cases the date takes the place of the volume number. In E.W.S.N. the number of the issue alone is given.

Colonial Post Offices Commission [Ward], G.S.W., IX., 88.

Contains the report of the Governor of the Gambia on the Provisional stamps of 1906.

Corrected Plate, 6d., S.C.F., III., 207.

Forgeries, 6d. [Hilckes], S.C.F., II., 217.

General. The Postage Stamps, etc. ... of the British Colonies, Possessions and Protectorates in Africa. Part II., London, 1900.

The Philatelic Society's work on Africa, pp. 65-72, covers the issues of Gambia adhesives from 1869-1898; also the postcards and reply paid cards.

—— S.G.M.J., VI., 26, 144; [Pemberton], P.J.G.B., XVII., 78; [Barnsdall], G.S.W., VIII., 65, 81; [Nankivell], P.S., II., 3; 2 A.J.P., IV., 498; [Lehner], S., I., 90; [Clark], S., I., 102, reprinted in M.W.S.N., X., 255.

Issue of 1869, S.C.M., VII., 57.

—— Date of [Lehner], S., I., 90; [Nankivell], S., I., 106.

Minor Varieties. Sloping label. [Hilckes], S.C.F., II., 253.

Perforations [Bacon], P.R., XXV., 3. ? Plates. [Napier & Bacon], S.G.M.J., XIV., 97. ? Plates.

Provisionals, E.W.S.N., 347, 348, 350, 352, 353, 360, 373.

Sheets [Thiele], The Adhesive, July, 1904.

Speculation, S.C.F., VI., 142.

Values, S.C.F., VI., 119, 126.

Watermarks [Evans], P.R., IV., 224.


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