.htm.html#Page_159" class="pginternal">159 Commonwealth, posts during the, 63 Compound perforations, 24 Condition, The Importance of, 8; Essential details of, 139-142 Confederate States of America, 296, 331 Control letters, marks, 24 Cook Islands, 206 Cooper, Miss Eliza, 160 Cooper, Mr. W., 302 Cooper, Sir Daniel, 123, 129, 131, 272, 274, 275, 282, 298, 302 Corbould, Mr. Edward Henry, 170, 173, 175 Corbould, Mr. Henry, 106, 175 Cordoba, 259 Counani, 259 Cousins, Mr. Samuel, 170 Coutures, M. Albert, 278 Crawford, The Earl of, 105, 131, 148, 159, 160, 171, 282-289, 279 Creased stamps, How to treat, 138 Creeke, Mr. A. B., jun., 156, 160 Crocker, Mr. Henry J., 295, 297, 299 Cromwell, Thomas, 62 Crown Agents for the Colonies, 172 Cuba, 205, 306 Current-number, 27, 29 Cut-outs, cut-squares, 27 Cyprus, 29, 168, 222, 306 Daily Telegraph, The, 264 Darius, I., 59 David's letter to Joab, 58 De la Rue & Co., Limited, 168, 202, 276 Denmark, 240, 306 "De-oxidisation," 138 De-sulphurisation of stamps, 138 Dickens, Charles, 122 Dickinson, Mr. John, 332 Guadalajara, 282
ef="@public@vhost@g@html@files@53431@53431-h@53431-h-5.htm.html#Page_298" class="pginternal">298, 302 Philippine Islands, 205, 206, 274 Phillips, Mr. Charles J., 168 Pin-perforation, 42, 45, 48 Plate, 24, 27, 45, 46 Plate-number, 29, 45 Porto-Rico, 41, 205, 306 Portugal, 71; King of, 305 Portuguese Nyassa, 172 Post, Genesis of the, 55-75 "Post," Origin of the word, 59 "Postage and Telegraph Stamps of Great Britain, The," 155, 276 "Postage Charts" proposed in Sweden, 91, 92 Postage Stamp, The, 189 Postage Stamp "chart," A, 119 "Postage Stamps and their Collection," 332 Postal fiscal, 45 Postal Stationery, 27, 28, 45 Postmarks, 23, 36, 41, 45, 140, 185 Post-office in 1790, 69 Posts in early times, 59-75 Posts, Master of the, 62 Potiquet, M. Alfred, 125, 266 Povey, Mr. Charles, 67 Power, Mr. E. B., 273 Pre-cancellation, 45 Presidents and Vice-Presidents of The Royal Philatelic Society, London, 131 Prices of old stamps, 9 Printers of postage stamps, 202 Printing postage stamps, 46 Proofs, 46, 171-179 Provisionals, 46 Prussia, 61 Punch, 116 Puttick & Simpson, 281, 321 QuadrillÉ paper for albums, 147; for stamps, 39, 46 "Queen's Heads", the early use of the term, 60-62 Timbre-Poste, Le, 117, 128 Timbrologie, 127 Times, The, 115 Tobago, 231 Tomson, Mr. A. S., 302 Toned paper, 50 Tonga, 206 Torres Straits, 259 Transvaal, 232, 318 Treasury Competition, The, 102-109, 163 Treffenberg, Lieut. Curry Gabriel, 91 Tresse, 28, 41, 50 Trials, 50 Trinidad, 269, 322, 326 Trinidad, Principality of, 259 Tuilleries open-air stamp exchange, 121 Tuke, Sir Brian, 62 Turkey, 71 Turks' Islands, 232, 322 Tuscany, 118, 267, 269, 271 Two-sous post, 80-82 Type (design), 53 Type-set stamps, 53 Typography, 46, 53 Uganda, 232 Uniform Penny Postage, 67, 71-75 Union of South Africa, 190, 191 United States, 31, 35, 71, 116, 168, 171, 189, 203, 205, 234, 255, 257, 273, 279, 289, 295, 311, 326, 331 "United States Stamps," 273 Universal Penny Postage, 190 Uriah the Hittite, 58 Uruguay, 179, UNWIN BROTHERS, LIMITED, THE GRESHAM PRESS, WOKING AND LONDON. Transcriber's note—the following changes have been made to this text: Page 346: Republique changed to RÉpublique. Page 360: ReÜterskiold changed to ReuterskiÖld. |