ADIT: a horizontal entry into a mine with one opening to the surface, commonly and erroneously called a tunnel. (A tunnel is open at both ends.) ALLUVIUM: unconsolidated sedimentary deposit, e.g. stream bed of sand and gravel. ANTICLINE: a convex fold in sedimentary beds of rock (opposite: syncline). APEX: top of a vein or lode. ASSAY: a test to determine the quantity of mineral in a given sample. May be by a miniature smelting process in the laboratory, called a fire assay; or by use of chemicals, called a chemical or wet assay. BACK: the roof of a horizontal opening such as an adit, drift or crosscut. BONANZA: a rich body of ore. BEDROCK: uppermost layer or segment (portion) of rock in place. BREAST: the end, heading or working face of an adit, drift or crosscut. CHIMNEY: a vertical ore body, tubelike in shape. CHUTE: (ore) chute for transferring broken rock in a mine; usually from a stope to a haulage passage. COBBING: hand sorting of ore. COLLAR: top of a shaft or winze; the timbers or concrete at the upper end. COLOR: a particle of free gold. CONCENTRATOR: a device for separating and concentrating mineral from rock by mechanical means. CONTACT: the meeting of two geologic formations. CONTACT VEIN: a vein along the contact. COUNTRY ROCK: rock surrounding a vein or lode, extending throughout the area. CRIBBING: a wall of light timbering between heavy supports at either vertical or horizontal mine working. CROSSCUT: a horizontal opening such as an adit driven across the vein or ore body. CUT: an open working driven into a hillside to expose underlying rock. DIKE: a vertical or near vertical fissure filled with volcanic rock. DIP: the vertical angle a vein or sedimentary bed makes with a horizontal plane. DRIFT: a horizontal opening (such as an adit) driven along the vein. FACE: the last working end of an adit, drift, crosscut or cut (same as breast). FAULT: A dislocation along a crack in the earth’s surface (may be horizontal, vertical or a combination of both); a failure along a line of stress; usually associated with earthquakes, but movement may be slow. FISSURE: a crack in the earth’s surface; if filled with vein material becomes a fissure vein. FLOAT: a piece of ore detached from a vein or lode, lying loose, not in place. FLOOR: the lower surface of a mine working, i.e. the floor of a drift. FLUME: a device for conveying water. FOOT WALL: the lower side of an inclined vein in country rock. GANGUE: the matrix of the ore composed of worthless material. GLORY HOLE: a large funnel-shaped excavation extending to the surface, the material being drawn from the bottom through a tunnel. GRIZZLY: a grating, usually made up of mine rails, over an ore bin for the purpose of diverting large rocks or boulders. HANGING WALL: the upper wall of an inclined or dipping vein. HEADING: same as breast or face of a working. HORSE: a mass of country rock found in an ore deposit. INCLINE: a sloping shaft, drift, crosscut or tunnel. LEAD: same as lode, (pronounced “leed”) LEDGE: same as lode. LEVEL: one of a series of drifts or crosscuts, one above the other, in a mine. LODE: a mineral deposit in place, including veins. LODE LINE: presumed course of the vein or lode at the surface. MATRIX: the worthless material in an ore deposit surrounding the valuable minerals. METALLURGY: the art of separating minerals from the gangue in ores; also combining metals to form alloys. MINE: an excavation for the purpose of extracting mineral. MINERAL: an inorganic substance contained in the earth. MUCK: broken rock in a mine. OPEN CUT: a drift or crosscut that does not enter cover. OPEN PIT: a large excavation beginning at the surface. ORE: a mineral deposit that can be mined at a profit; includes the mineral itself and the gangue. OUTCROP: that portion of a mineral deposit appearing at the surface. PLACER: a mineral deposit of unconsolidated particles. QUARRY: similar to an open pit, usually applied to building stone. RAISE: a vertical or inclined shaft driven upward from an underground working. REEF: Australian word for lode. ROOF: the ceiling of a working, as the back of a drift. ROYALTY: a percentage of the earnings or product paid an owner. SHAFT: a vertical or inclined opening sunk from the surface to gain access or to explore an orebody. SHIFT: a period of working time. SKIP: an ore bucket used to hoist ore and muck in a shaft. SLUICE: a trough with riffles for separating placer gold. SMELTING: the reduction of metals from the ore in a furnace. STOPE: usually a room where the ore is mined. STRIKE: the horizontal direction of a vein. STULL: a timber in a mine, usually a post. SUMP: a low place in a mine for collecting water, such as the bottom of a shaft. TAILINGS: the waste rock from a mine or mill. TUNNEL: technically, a horizontal passageway open at both ends, but in mining used to designate any horizontal passageway driven for the development or discovery of an orebody. VEIN: a fissure or crack in surrounding rock filled with mineral. WINZE: a vertical or incline opening sunk from an underground mine working; an underground shaft. |