“Hier [1771] fand sich eine zusammenhÄngende Ofenreihe, wo Steinkohlen abgeschwefelt und zum Gebrauch bei Eisenwerken tauglich gemacht werden sollten; allein zu gleicher Zeit wollte man Oel und Harz auch zu Gute machen, ja sogar den Russ nicht missen, und so unterlag den vielfachen Absichten alles zusammen.”—Goethe, Wahrheit und Dichtung, Book X. To get at the origin of the familiar fuel which blazes in our grates with such lavish waste of heat, and pollutes the atmosphere of our towns with its unconsumed particles, we must in imagination travel backwards through the course of time to a very remote period of the world’s history. Ages before man, or the species of animals and plants which are contemporaneous with him, had appeared upon the globe, there flourished a vegetation not But these conditions of climate, and the distribution of land and water favourable to the accumulation of large deposits of vegetable matter, gradually gave way to a new order of things. The animals and plants adapted to the particular conditions of existence described above gave rise to descendants modified to meet the new conditions of life. Enormous thicknesses of other deposits Although coal is thus essentially a product of Carboniferous age, it must not be concluded that this mineral is found in no other geological formation. The conditions favourable for the deposition of beds of vegetable matter have prevailed again and again, at various periods of geological time and on different parts of the earth, although there is at present no distinct evidence that such a luxuriant growth of vegetation, combined with the other necessary conditions, has ever existed at any other period in the history of the globe. Thus in the very oldest rocks of Canada and the northern States of America, in strata which take us back to the dawn of geological history, there is found Then again we have coal of pre-Carboniferous age in the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland, this being of course younger in point of time than the graphite of the ArchÆan rocks. Coal of post-Carboniferous date is found in beds of Permian age in Bavaria, of Triassic age in Germany, in the Inferior Oolite of Yorkshire belonging to the Jurassic period, and in the Lower Cretaceous deposits of north-western Germany. Coming down to more recent geological periods, we have a coal seam of over thirty feet in thickness in the northern Tyrol of Eocene age; we have brown coal deposits of Oligocene age in Belgium and Austria, and, most remarkable of all, coal has been found of Miocene, that is, mid-Tertiary age, in the Arctic regions of Greenland within a few degrees of the North Pole. Thus the formation of Although in some parts of the world coal seams of pre-Carboniferous age often reach the dignity of workable thickness, the coal worked in this country is entirely of Carboniferous date. After the explanation of the mode of formation of coal which has been given, the phenomena presented by a section through any of our coal measures will be readily intelligible (see Fig. 1). We find seams of coal separated by beds of sandstone, limestone, or shale representing the encroachment of the sea and the deposition of marine or estuarine sediment over the beds of vegetable remains. The seams of coal, varying in thickness from a few inches to three or four feet, always rest on a bed of clay, known technically as the “underclay,” which represents the soil on which the plants originally grew. In some instances the seams of coal with their thin “partings” of clay reach an aggregate thickness of twenty to thirty feet. In many cases the very roots of the trees are found upright in a fossilized condition in the underclay, and can be traced upwards into the overlying coal beds; or the completely Fig. 1.—Section through Carboniferous strata showing seams of coal. Dislocations, or “faults,” so common in the Coal Measures, are shown at H, T, and F. Intrusions of igneous rock are shown at D. At B is shown the coalescence of two seams, and at N the local thinning of the seam. The vertical lines indicate the shafts of coal mines. Fig. 2.—Section showing coal seams and upright trunks attached to roots in situ. A', A, A', beds of shale. B, coal seams. C, underclay. D, sandstone. Owing to the chemical and mechanical forces to which the original vegetable deposit has been subjected, the organic structure of coal has for the most part been lost. Occasionally, however, portions of leaves, stems, and the structure of woody fibre can be detected, and thin sections often show the presence of spore-cases of club-mosses in such numbers that certain kinds of coal appear to be entirely composed of such remains. But although coal itself now furnishes but little direct evidence of its vegetable origin, the interstratified clays, shales, and other deposits often abound with fossilized Now this carbonized vegetation of a past age, the history of which has been briefly sketched in the foregoing pages, is one of the chief sources of our industrial supremacy as a nation. We use it as fuel for generating the steam which drives our engines, or for the production of heat wherever heat is wanted. In metallurgical operations we consume enormous quantities of coal for extracting metals from their ores, this consumption being especially great in the case of iron smelting. For this last operation some kinds of raw coal are unsuitable, and such coal is converted into coke before being used in the blast furnace. The fact that the iron ore and the coal occur in the same district is another cause of our high rank as a manufacturing nation. It has often been a matter of wonder that iron ore and the material essential for extracting the metal from it should be found associated together, but it is most likely that this combination of circumstances, which has been so fortunate for our industrial prosperity, is not a mere matter of accident, but the result of cause and effect. It is, From coal we not only get mechanical work when we burn it to generate heat under a steam boiler, but we also get chemical work out of it when we employ it to reduce a metallic ore, or when we make use of it as a source of carbon in the manufacture of certain chemical products, In measuring heat (as distinguished from temperature) it is customary to take as a unit the quantity necessary to raise a given weight of water from one specified temperature to another. In measuring work, it is customary to take as a unit the amount necessary to raise a certain weight at a specified place to a certain height against the force of gravity at that place. Joule’s unit of heat is the quantity necessary to raise one pound of water from 60° to 61° F., and his unit of work is the foot-pound, i.e. the quantity necessary to raise a weight of one pound to a height of one foot. Now the quantitative relationship between heat and work measured by Joule is expressed by saying that the mechanical equivalent of heat is about 772 foot-pounds, which means that the quantity of heat that would raise one pound of water 1° F. would, if converted into work, be capable of raising a one-pound weight to a height of 772 feet, or a weight of 772 lbs. to a height of one foot. This mechanical equivalent ought to tell us exactly how much power is obtainable from a certain weight of coal if we measure the quantity of heat given out when it is completely burnt. In the most perfectly constructed engine the whole amount of heat generated by the combustion of the coal is not available for heating the boiler—a certain quantity is lost by radiation, by heating the material of the furnace, &c., by being carried away by the products of combustion and in other ways. Moreover, some of the coal escapes combustion by being allowed to go away as smoke, or by remaining But although we only get this small fraction of If energy is indestructible, we have a right to inquire in the next place from whence the coal has derived this enormous store. A consideration of the origin of coal, and of its chemical composition, will enable this question to be answered. The origin of coal has already been discussed. Chemically considered, it consists chiefly of carbon together with smaller quantities of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, and a certain amount of mineral matter which is left as ash when the coal is burnt. The following average analyses of
There are in addition to these constituents small quantities of sulphur and a certain variable amount of water (5 to 10 per cent.) in all coals, but the elements which most concern us are those heading the respective columns. From the foregoing analyses, which express the percentage composition, it will be seen that carbon is by far the most important constituent of coal. Carbon is a chemical element which is found in a crystalline form in nature as the diamond, and which forms a most important constituent of all living matter, whether animal or vegetable. Woody fibre contains a large quantity of this element, and the carbon of coal is thus accounted for; it was accumulated during the growth of the plants of the Carboniferous period. Now carbon is one of those elementary substances which are said to be combustible, which means that if we heat it in atmospheric air it gives out heat and light, and gradually disappears, or, as Here then is the chief source of the energy of coal—the carbon of the plants which lived on this earth long ages ago has lain buried in the earth, and when we ignite a coal fire this carbon combines with atmospheric oxygen, and restores some of the energy that was stored up at that remote period. But the whole of the energy dormant in coal is not due to the carbon, for this fuel contains another combustible element, hydrogen, which is also a gas when in the free state, and which is one of the constituents of water, the other constituent being oxygen. In fact, there is more latent energy in hydrogen, weight for weight, than there is in carbon, for one pound of hydrogen on complete combustion would give enough heat to raise 62,032 lbs. of water through 1° F. Hydrogen in burning combines with oxygen to form water, so that the products of the complete combustion of coal are carbon dioxide and water. The amount of The conclusion to which we have now been led leaves us with the question as to the origin of the energy of coal still unanswered. We shall have to go a step further before this part of our story is complete, and we must form some kind of idea of the way in which a plant grows. Carbon being the chief source of energy in coal, we may for the present confine ourselves to this element, of which woody fibre contains about 50 per cent. Consider the enormous gain in weight during the growth of a plant; compare the acorn, weighing a few grains, with the oak, weighing many tons, which arises from it after centuries of growth. If matter is indestructible, and never comes into existence spontaneously, where does all this carbon come from? It is a matter of common knowledge that the carbon of plants is supplied by the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide—the gas which has already been referred to as resulting from the combustion of carbon. This gas exists in the The transition from carbon dioxide to woody fibre is brought about in the plant by a series of chemical processes, and through the formation of a number of intermediate products in a manner which is not yet thoroughly understood; but since carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen, and since plants feed upon carbon dioxide, appropriating the carbon and giving off the oxygen as a waste product, it is certain that work of some kind must be performed. This is evident, because it has been explained that when carbon combines with oxygen a great deal of heat is given out, and as this heat is the equivalent of the energy stored in the carbon, it follows from the doctrine of the Conservation of Energy, that in order to separate the carbon from the oxygen again, just the same amount of energy must be supplied as is evolved The separation of carbon from oxygen in the plant is effected by means of energy supplied by the sun. The great white hot globe which is the centre of our system, and round which this earth and the planets are moving, is a reservoir from which there is constantly pouring forth into space a prodigious quantity of energy. It must be remembered that the sun is more than a million times greater in bulk than our earth. It has been calculated by Sir William Thomson that every square foot of the sun’s surface is radiating energy equivalent to 7000 horse-power in work. On a clear summer day the earth receives from the sun in our latitude energy equal to about 1450 horse-power per acre. To keep up this supply by the combustion of coal, we should have to burn for If we now sum up the results to which we have been led, it will be seen— (1) That the chief source of the energy contained in coal is the carbon. (2) That this carbon formed part of the plants which grew during the Carboniferous period. (3) That the carbon thus accumulated was supplied to the plants by the carbon dioxide existing in the atmosphere at that time. (4) That the separation of the carbon from the oxygen was effected in the presence of chlorophyll, by means of the solar energy transmitted to the earth during the Carboniferous period. We thus arrive at the interesting conclusion, that Before passing on to the consideration of the different products which we get from coal, it will be desirable to discuss a little more fully the nature of the change which occurs during the transformation of wood into coal. Pure woody fibre consists of a substance known to chemists as cellulose, which contains fifty per cent. of carbon, the remainder of the compound being made up of hydrogen and oxygen. It is thus obvious that during the fossilization of the wood some of the other constituents are lost, and the percentage of carbon by this means raised. We can trace this change from wood, through peat, lignite, and the different varieties of coal up to graphite, which is
The percentage of the chief elements in the members of this series is—
In the above table the increase of carbon and the decrease of oxygen is well brought out; the hydrogen also on the whole decreases, although Marsh gas is an inflammable gas which becomes explosive when mixed with air and ignited; it often escapes with great violence during the working of coal seams, the jets blowing out from the coal or underclay with a rushing noise, indicative of the high pressure under which the hydrocarbon gas has accumulated. These jets of escaping gas are known amongst miners as “blowers.” If the air of a mine contains a sufficient quantity of the gas, and a flame accidentally fires the mixture, there results one of those disastrous explosions with which the history of coal mining has unfortunately only made us too familiar. From the account of coal which has thus far been rendered, it will be seen that as a source of mechanical power, we are far from using it as economically as could be desired; and when we look at our open grates with clouds of unburnt carbon particles escaping up the chimney, and so If instead of heating coal in contact with air and allowing it to burn, we heat it in a closed vessel, such as a retort, it undergoes decomposition with the formation of various gaseous, liquid, and solid products. This process of heating an organic compound in a closed vessel without access of air and collecting the products, is called destructive distillation. The tobacco-pipe experiment of our boyhood is our first practical introduction to the destructive distillation of coal. We put some powdered coal into the bowl of the pipe, plaster up the opening with clay and then insert the bowl in a fire, allowing the stem to project from between the bars of the grate. In a few minutes a stream of gas issues from the orifice of the stem; on applying a light it burns with a luminous flame, and we have made coal-gas on a small scale. In the destructive distillation of organic substances, such as wood or coal, there are always produced four things—gas, watery liquid, and “In Holland they have peat, and in England pit-coals; neither of them is very good for burning, be it in rooms or for smelting. But I have found a way, not merely to burn both kinds into good coal (coke) which not any more smokes nor stinks, but with their flame to smelt equally well as with wood, so that a foot of such coal makes flames 10 feet long. That I have demonstrated with pit-coal at the Hague, and here in England at Mr. Boyles’, also at Windsor on the large scale. In this connection it is also noteworthy that, equally as the Swedes make their tar from firwood, I have here in England made from pit-coal a sort of tar which is equal to the Swedish in every way, and This enterprising chemist, moreover, brought his results to a practical issue, for he secured a patent, in conjunction with Henry Serle, in 1681, for “a new way of making pitch and tarre out of pit-coale, never before found out or used by any other.” No less interesting is the work of our own clergy during the last century, when many eminent divines appear to have devoted their leisure to experimental science. Thus, about the year 1688 the Rev. John Clayton, D.D., Dean of Kildare, went to examine a ditch two miles from Wigan in Lancashire, the water in which had been stated to “burn like brandy” when a flame was applied to it. The Dean ultimately traced the phenomenon to an escape of inflammable gas from an underlying coal seam, and he followed up the matter experimentally by studying the destructive distillation of Wigan coal in retorts. The results were communicated to the Hon. Robert Boyle, but were not published till after the death of the latter, and long after the death of the author. The “At first there came over only phlegm, afterwards a black oil, and then also a spirit arose, which he could noways condense, but it forced the luting, or broke the glasses. Once, when it had forced the lute, coming close to it to try to repair it, he observed that the spirit which issued out caught fire at the flame of the candle, and continued burning with violence as it issued out in a stream, which he blew out and lighted again alternately for several times. He then tried to save some of this spirit. Taking a turbinated receiver, and putting a candle to the pipe of the receiver while the spirit rose, he observed that it caught flame, and continued burning at the end of the pipe, though you could not discern what fed the flame. He then blew it out, and lighted it again several times; after which he fixed a bladder, flatted and void of air, to the pipe of the receiver. The oil and phlegm descended into the receiver, but the spirit, still ascending, blew up the bladder. He then filled a good many bladders with it, and might have filled an inconceivable number more; for the spirit continued to rise for several hours, and filled the bladders almost as fast as a man could have blown them with his mouth; and yet the quantity of coals he distilled was inconsiderable. The Rev. Stephen Hales, D.D., Rector of Farringdon, Hants, was the author of a book entitled Statical Essays, containing Vegetable Staticks, printed in 1726-27, and of which the third edition bears the date 1738. At p. 182 of this work, after a previous description of the destructive distillation of all kinds of substances in iron or other retorts, he says— “By the same means also I found plenty of air [gas] might be obtained from minerals. Half a cubick inch, or 158 grains of Newcastle coal, yielded in distillation 180 cubick inches of air [gas], which arose very fast from the coal, especially while the yellowish fumes ascended.” Still later, viz. about 1767, we have the Rev. R. Watson, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity in the University of Cambridge, and Bishop of Llandaff, interesting himself in chemistry. He wrote a series “Divines, I hope, will forgive me if I have stolen a few hours, not, I trust, from the duties of my office, but certainly from the studies of my profession, and employed them in the cultivation of natural philosophy. I could plead in my defence, the example of some of the greatest characters that ever adorned either this University or the Church of England.” This is quoted from the 5th edition, dated 1789, the essay on coal being in the second of five volumes. As the learned bishop published other works on chemistry, we may suppose that the forgiveness which he asks from his brother divines was duly accorded. None of these preliminary experiments, however, led to any immediate practical result so far as concerns the use of coal-gas as an illuminating agent. Towards the end of the last century the “In prosecution of his coal-tar patent, my father went to reside at the family estate of Culross Abbey, the better to superintend the works on his own collieries, as well as others on the adjoining estates of Valleyfield and Kincardine. In addition to these works, an experimental tar-kiln was erected near the Abbey, and here coal-gas became accidentally employed in illumination. Having noticed the inflammable nature of a vapour arising during the distillation of tar, the Earl, by way of experiment, fitted a gun-barrel to the eduction pipe leading from the condenser. On applying fire to the A few years later the foundation of the coal-gas manufacture was laid by William Murdoch, a Scotchman, who must be credited with the practical introduction of this illuminating agent. The idea had about the same time occurred to a Frenchman, Lebon, but in his hands the suggestion did not take a practical form. Murdoch was overseer of some mines in Cornwall, and in 1792 he first lighted his own house at Redruth. He then transferred his services to the great engineering firm of Boulton and Watt at Soho, near Birmingham, where he erected apparatus in 1798, and in the course of a few years the whole of this factory was permanently lighted by gas. From this time the introduction of gas into other factories at Manchester and Halifax was effected by Murdoch and his pupil, Samuel Clegg. From single factories coal-gas at length came into use as a street illuminant, although somewhat tardily. Experiments were made in London at the Lyceum Theatre in 1803, in Golden Lane in 1807, and in Pall Mall two years later. It was fifteen years from the time of Murdoch’s first installation at Soho before the streets of London were lighted by gas on a commercial scale. Our grandfathers seem to have had a great The manufacture of coal-gas, first rendered practicable by the energy and skill of the Scotch engineer Murdoch, is now carried on all over the country on a colossal scale. It is not the province of the present volume to deal with the details of manufacture, but a short description of the process is necessary for the proper understanding of the subsequent portions of the subject (see Fig. 3). The coal is heated in clay cylinders, called retorts, provided with upright exit pipes through which the volatile products escape, and are conducted into water contained in a horizontal pipe termed the “hydraulic main.” In the latter the gas is partially cooled, and deposits most of the tar and watery liquor which distil over at the high temperature to which the retorts are heated. The tar and watery liquor are allowed to flow from the hydraulic main into a pit called the “tar well,” and the gas then passes through a series of curved pipes exposed to the air, in which it is further cooled, and deposits more of the tar. From this “atmospheric condenser” the gas passes into a series of vessels filled with coke, down which a fine spray of water is constantly being blown. These vessels, known as “scrubbers,” serve to remove the last traces of tar, and some of Fig. 3.—Sectional diagram of gas plant. The retorts and furnace are on the right; the gas rises through the upright pipe T into the hydraulic main B; from there it passes into the atmospheric condensers D, from the lower cistern of which the condensed tar flows into the tar-well, H. Passing up through K, the gas is conducted into the scrubber, O, and from there into the purifier, M. From there it emerges through K' into the purifier, M, and then into the gas-holder for distribution. (From Schultz’s Chemie des Steinkohlentheers.) From the scrubbers the gas is sent through another series of vessels packed with trays of lime or oxide of iron, in order to remove sulphuretted hydrogen and other sulphur compounds as completely as possible. A small quantity of carbon dioxide is also removed by these “purifiers,” as the presence of this gas impairs the illuminating power of coal-gas. From the purifiers the gas passes into the gas-holders, where it is stored for distribution. It remains only to be stated that the distillation of coal is effected under a pressure somewhat less than that of the atmosphere, the products of distillation being pumped out of the retorts by means of a kind of air-pump, called an exhauster, which is interpolated between the hydraulic main and the condenser, or at some other part of the purifying system. The coke left in the retort is used as fuel for burning under the retorts or for other purposes. The oxide of iron used in the purifiers can be used over and over again for a certain number of times by exposing it The necessarily brief description of this important industry will suffice for the general reader. Those who desire further information on points of detail will refer to special works. We are here rather concerned with the subsequent fate of the different products, four of which have to be dealt with, viz. the gas, watery liquor, tar, and coke. The first and last of these having already been accounted for—the one as an illuminating agent and the other as fuel—may now be dismissed. No story of applied science is complete unless we can form some idea of the quantities of material used, and the amount of the products obtained. From one ton of Newcastle coal we get about 10,000 cubic feet of gas, 110 to 120 lbs. of tar, 20 to 25 gallons of watery liquor, and about 1500 lbs. of coke. Different coals of course give different quantities, and the latter vary also according to the heat of distillation; but the above estimate will furnish a good basis for forming our ideas with some approach to precision. It has been estimated The enormous quantity of tar resulting from our gas manufacture furnishes the raw material for the production of a multitude of valuable substances—colouring-matters, medicines, perfumes, flavouring-matters, burning and lubricating oils, &c. Out of this unsavoury waste material of the gas-works, the researches of chemists have enabled a great industry to spring up which is of continually growing importance. It will be the object of the remaining portion of the present volume to set forth the achievements of science in this branch of its application. The foundation of the coal-tar But we must now take a glance at some of the other uses to which coal is put in order to realize more completely the truth of the statement made some pages back, viz. that this mineral has been the chief source of our industrial prosperity. Great as is the consumption of coal by the gas manufacturer, there is an equal or even a greater demand for the carbonaceous residue left when the coal has been decomposed by destructive distillation or by partial combustion. This residue is coke—the substance left in the retorts after the gas manufacture. There is a great demand for coke for many purposes; it is used in most cases where a cheap smokeless fuel is required; it is burnt in To meet these demands a large quantity of coal is converted into coke by being burnt in ovens with an insufficient supply of air for complete combustion, or in suitably constructed close furnaces. The tar and other products have in this country until recently been allowed to escape as waste, but the time is approaching when these must be utilized. It will give an idea of the industrial importance of coke when it is stated, that about twelve million tons of our coal annually undergo conversion into this form of fuel. Chemically considered, coke consists of carbon together with all the mineral constituents of the coal, and small quantities of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. The amount of carbon varies from 85 to 97, and the ash from 3 to 14 per cent. The conversion of coal into coke is a very venerable branch of manufacture, which was first carried out on a large scale in this country about the middle of the seventeenth century. As an operation it may appear utterly devoid of romance, but as Goethe has described his visit to the earliest of coke-burners, this fragment of history is worth narrating. When the great German philosophical poet was a student at Strassburg (1771), he rode It is not unlikely that Bishop Watson in the “Those who are interested in the preparation of coak would do well to remember that every 96 ounces of coal would furnish four ounces at the least of oil, probably six ounces might be obtained; but if we put the product so low as five ounces from 100, and suppose a coak oven to work off only 100 tons of coal in a year, there would be a saving of five tons of oil, which would yield above four tons of tar; the requisite alteration in the structure of the coak ovens, so as to make them a kind of distilling vessels, might be made at a very trifling expense.”—5th ed., 1789, vol. ii. p. 351. We have yet to chronicle another chapter in the history of coal philosophy before finishing with this part of the subject. There is a branch of manufacture carried on, especially in Scotland, which results in the production of burning and lubricating oils, and solid paraffin, a wax-like substance which is used for candle-making. The manufacture of candles out of coal will perhaps be a new revelation to many readers of this book. It must be admitted, however, that the term “coal” is here being extended to only partially fossilized The story of the shale-oil industry is soon told. About the year 1847 oil was “struck” in a coal mine at Alfreton in Derbyshire, and in the hands of Mr. James Young this supply furnished the market with burning-oil for nearly three years. Then the spring became exhausted, and Mr. Young and his associates had to look out for another source of oil. Be it remembered that this happened some nine years before the utilization of the great American petroleum deposits. Many kinds of vegetable matter were submitted to destructive distillation before a substance was found which could be profitably worked, but at It may seem a matter of unimportance at the present time whether this Torbane Hill mineral is a true coal or not. About forty years ago, however, the decision of this question involved a costly law-suit in Edinburgh. The proprietor of the estate had granted a lease to a firm, conveying to the latter the right to work coal, limestone, ironstone, and certain other minerals found thereon, but excluding copper and all other minerals not mentioned in the contract. The lessees then found that this particular carbonaceous mineral was of very great value, both on account of the high quality of the gas, and afterwards on account of the paraffin which it furnished by Young’s process of distillation. Thereupon the lessor brought an action against the lessees, claiming £10,000 damages, on the ground that the latter had broken the The manufacture started by Young has developed into an important industry, in spite of the fact that the original Torbane Hill coal has become exhausted, and that enormous natural deposits of petroleum are worked in America, Russia, and elsewhere. There are now some fifteen companies at work in Scotland, representing an aggregate capital of about two and a half million pounds sterling. Bituminous shales of different kinds are distilled at a low red heat in iron retorts, and from the volatile portions there are separated those valuable products which have already been alluded to, viz. burning and lubricating oils, solvent mineral It is not the province of the present work to enter into the chemical nature of the products of destructive distillation in any greater detail than is necessary to enable the general reader to know something of the recent discoveries in the utilization of these products. We shall, however, have occasion later on to make ourselves acquainted with the names of some of the more important raw materials which are derived from this source, and certain preliminary explanations are indispensable. In the first place then, let us start from the fact that coal—including carbonaceous shale and lignite—when heated in a closed vessel gives gas, tar, coke, and a watery liquor. A clear understanding must be arrived at concerning the manner in which these products arise. There is a widely-spread notion that the Having once realized this principle with respect to coal itself, it is easy to extend it to the products of its destructive distillation. The tar, for instance, is a complicated mixture of various substances, among which hydrocarbons—i.e. compounds of carbon with hydrogen—largely predominate. The different components of coal-tar can be separated by processes which we shall have to consider The illuminating gas which is obtained from coal by destructive distillation consists chiefly of hydrogen and gaseous hydrocarbons, the most abundant of the latter being marsh gas. There are also present in smaller quantities the two oxides of carbon, the monoxide and the dioxide, which are gaseous at ordinary temperatures, together with other impurities. Coal-gas is burnt Summing up the uses of coal thus far considered, we see that this mineral is being consumed as fuel, for the production of coke, for the manufacture of gas, and in many other ways. Lavishly as Nature has provided us with this source of power and wealth, the idea naturally suggests itself whether we are not drawing too liberally upon our capital. The question of coal supply crops up from time to time, and the public mind is periodically agitated about the prospects of its continuance. How long we have been draining our coal resources it is difficult to ascertain. There is some evidence that coal-mining was carried on during the Roman occupation. In the reign of Richard I. there is distinct evidence of coal having been dug in the diocese of Durham. The oldest charters take us back to the early part of the thirteenth century for Scotland, and to the “Go; and we’ll have a posset for ’t soon at night, in faith, at the latter end of a sea-coal fire.”—Merry Wives of Windsor, Act I., Sc. iv. That the fuel was received at first with disfavour appears from the fact that in the reign of Edward I. the nobility and gentry made a complaint to the king objecting to its use, on the ground of its being a public nuisance. By the middle of the seventeenth century the use of coal was becoming more general in London, chiefly owing to the scarcity of wood; and its effects upon the atmosphere of the town will be inferred from a proclamation issued in the reign of Elizabeth, prohibiting its use during the sitting of Parliament, for fear of injuring the health of the knights of the shire. About 1649 the citizens again petitioned Parliament against the use of this fuel on account of the stench; and about the beginning of that century “the nice dames of London would not come into any house or roome For many centuries therefore we have been drawing upon our coal supplies, and using up the mineral at an increasing rate. According to a recent estimate by Professor Hull, from the beginning of the present century to 1875 the output has been more than doubled for each successive quarter century. The actual amount of coal raised in the United Kingdom between 1882 and the present time averages annually about 170 million tons, corresponding in money value to about £45,000,000 per annum. In 1860 the amount of coal raised in Great Britain was a little more than 80 million tons, and Professor Hull estimated that at that rate of consumption our supplies of workable coal would hold out for a thousand years. Since then the available stock has been diminished by some 3,650 million tons, and even this deduction, we are told on the same authority, has not materially affected our total supply. The possibility of a coal famine need, therefore, cause no immediate anxiety; but we cannot “eat our loaf and have it too,” and sooner or later the continuous drain upon our coal resources must make itself felt. The first effect will probably be an increase in price owing to the greater depth at which the coal will have to be worked. The coal-fields of Great Britain and Ireland occupy, in round numbers, an area of 11,860 square miles, or about one-tenth of the whole area of the land surface of the country. Within this area, and down to a depth of 4,000 feet, lie the main deposits of our available wealth. Some idea of the amount of coal underlying this area will be gathered from the table[2] on the next page. This supply, amounting to over 90,000 million tons, refers to the exposed coal-fields and to workable seams, i.e. those above one foot in thickness. But in addition to this, we have a large amount of coal at workable depths under formations of later geological age than the Carboniferous, such as the Permian formation of northern and central England. Adding the estimated quantity of coal
It is important to bear in mind, that out of the 170 million tons of coal now being raised annually we only use a small proportion, viz. from 5 to 6 The enormous advancement which has taken place of late years in the industrial applications of electricity has given rise to the belief that coal-gas will in time become superseded as an illuminating agent, and that the supply of tar may in consequence fall off. So far, however, the introduction of electric-lighting has had no appreciable effect upon the consumption of gas, and even when the time of general electric-lighting arrives there will arise as a consequence an increased demand for gas as a fuel in gas engines. Moreover, the use of gas for heating and cooking purposes is likely to go on increasing. Nor must it be forgotten that the quantity of tar produced in gas-works is now greater than is actually required by the colour-manufacturer, and much of this by-product is burnt as fuel, so that if the manufacture of gas were to While the electrician is pushing forward with rapid strides, the chemist is also moving onwards, and every year witnesses the discovery of new tar products, or the utilization of constituents which were formerly of little or no value. Thus if the cost of generating and distributing electricity is being lowered, on the other hand the value of coal tar is likely to go on advancing, and it would be rash to predict which will come out triumphant in the end. But even if electricity were to gain the day it would be worth while to distil coal at the pit’s mouth for the sake of the by-products, and there is, moreover, the tar from the coke ovens to fall back upon—a source which even before the use of coal-gas the wise Bishop of Llandaff advised us not to neglect. |