No longer as an ornament,
Adoring festive places,
The flag is to the masthead sent,
Before uplifted faces,—
No longer as a children’s play
We fling it to the breezes,
With thoughtless praise on gala-days,
When each acts as he pleases.
But like a sacramental act
Its raising is attended,
When loyal hearts behold a pact
In colors sweetly blended,—
When men, responsive to its call,
Make grim determination,
That tyranny at last must fall
Before a freeborn nation.
And as it waves above their heads,
’Tis like a benediction
Which sacredness and glory sheds
On men of just conscription,—
They stand aloof, they seem apart,
Like heroes consecrated,
So true and brave, so strong of heart
To freedom dedicated.
October, 1917


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