Lord in this hour of tempest dread, Be Thou our stay! While boisterous billows lift their head Upon our way; While angry clouds the sun obscure, Be Thou our light! And give us courage to endure The night! Deliver us from coward’s fear, And craven’s wish for pleasure. With love’s full measure,— The Liberty our fathers won Through storm and bloody fray, The Liberty of Washington, Of Lincoln, and of Clay! Grant us to guard this heritage For all mankind, That when the world shall cease to rage, It here may find The gift of Heaven, beyond all price, To show the way, That through this awful sacrifice May dawn a better day! We know not what the year will bring Of loss and sorrow; But help us Thou in faith to sing Of every morrow As that of hope and victory, And larger meed, With trust that Thou wilt ever be Our help in need! Thus we will breast the darkest storm, Since not alone, And confident, Thou wilt perform, At last enthrone, Thy righteous acts among all men, And tyrants overthrow; Grant that this year’s recording pen Such victories may know! Amen. |