This cook book consists of about 1,250 recipes which have been tested and prepared. It is divided into 26 Chapters, as follows:
In giving to the public this second edition I am glad to be able to, offer a revised and improved cook book. It has been my aim to improve it in every way and to make it as clear, practical and helpful as possible. The previous material has been carefully revised and changes made in the wording where it was believed that the language could be improved upon to make the author’s meaning more clear and comprehensible. A radical change has also been made in the construction and arrangement of the pages, which I trust will be an advantage. In recognition of the friendly attitude of the great public toward my first book, I wish to say that the entire edition of about 5,000 copies is scattered all over the country and many assurances of appreciation have come to me. I therefore feel encouraged to send this new edition out upon the world, knowing that it is the same excellent cook book, only improved and augmented, and I hope that the book will contribute materially to the happiness and attractiveness of many homes and help to solve many problems, especially for brides and beginners. Respectfully, MRS. LINA MEIER, Author. Milwaukee, Wis., U.S.A. Reliable Weights and Measures as used in this Book.