No. 1—WHEAT BREAD No. 1. Enough for 2 Loaves.
Preparation: The 4 cups of flour are put into a mixing bowl, lukewarm milk and wafer added and mixed into a smooth batter. The yeast is dissolved and stirred in ¼ cup of milk and mixed into the batter; sprinkle a little flour over it and put the sponge in a warm place to rise. If the pan is ¼ full, it, must rise to half fill the pan. Put in the salt and the rest of the flour, knead the dough for 15 minutes and put into two greased bread pans to rise again. If the pans are half full, the bread must rise to the brim of the pan. Brush the top of the bread with cold water and bake it in medium hot oven for 45 minutes. No. 2—WHEAT BREAD No. 2. Enough for 2 Loaves.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 1. When the second part of the flour is kneaded into the dough, work in 1 tablespoonful of lard. Remarks: You may take butter instead of lard. One cup of boiled and grated potatoes may be mixed with the flour. No. 3—RYE BREAD WITH LEAVEN. Enough for 2 Loaves.
Preparation: Mix 4 cups of flour with lukewarm water, then add the leaven or yeast, strew a little flour over and set to rise to double its bulk. Then knead in the salt and caraway seed and the rest of the flour and continue kneading for 20 minutes. Make two loaves and put them into greased pans and set to rise again to twice its size, brush it with cold water and bake 1 hour. No. 4—RYE BREAD WITH YEAST. Enough for 2 Loaves.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 3, using yeast instead of leaven. Dissolve the yeast in ¼ cup of lukewarm water and mix it with the flour. No. 5—HEALTH BREAD OR GROATS BREAD. Enough for 2 Loaves.
Preparation: Sift 4 cups of flour and mix it to a smooth batter with lukewarm water and yeast that is dissolved in ¼ cup of water, then set the sponge to rise. After this mix in the salt and knead the rest of the flour in and continue kneading 20 minutes. Form two loaves and put them into greased pans, then set them to rise again to twice their size. Bake ¾ to 1 hour in medium hot oven. No. 6—BREAD STICKS. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are given under Chapter 1, Soups, No. 16, Bread Sticks. No. 7—BISCUIT. Quantity for 10 Persons.
Preparation: Mix 2 cups of flour to a smooth batter with the lukewarm milk and the yeast dissolved in ¼ cup the lukewarm milk, then set to rise in a warm place. Mix in the melted butter, egg and salt and beat the batter 20 minutes, then add the rest of the flour. Roll out the dough to about ¾ inch thickness, cut out biscuits with a tumbler, fold them half over or leave them round, put them into floured or greased tins, set to rise and bake them to a nice color. Remarks: If you wish sweet biscuits, stir in ½ cup of sugar. The dough must be beaten 20 minutes. No. 8—COFFEE CAKE. Enough for 2 Cakes.
Preparation: The milk is made lukewarm and stirred to a smooth batter with 2¼ cups of flour, then the yeast dissolved in ¼ cup of lukewarm, milk is mixed in quickly and put in a warm place to rise. After the sponge has risen well, mix in the melted butter, sugar, grated lemon rind, the eggs and the rest of the flour, stir the dough thoroughly with a spoon. Butter 2 tins and put in the dough about 1 inch thick, then set to rise; after this strew on sugar, cinnamon and put on small pieces of butter and some chopped almonds. Bake in medium hot oven. No. 9—STREUSEL COFFEE CAKE. Preparation of the Streusel.
Preparation: The dough is prepared as given under No. 8, Coffee Cake. Instead of strewing on sugar, cinnamon and pieces of butter, you make sugar crumbs as follows: Melt the butter, mix flour, sugar, cinnamon and almonds with it and rub to crumbs with the hands. Sprinkle over the cakes before baking. No. 10—SCHNECKEN (SNAILS).
For the Filling.
Preparation: The preparation is the same as given under No. 8, Coffee Cake. Stir in 1 cup of flour more than given in No. 8, roll out the dough to 1 inch thickness, strew it with sugar, cinnamon, currants, almonds, sprinkle with melted butter, roll it up carefully and cut slices off to make the snails. Place these into a buttered tin and set to rise about ½ hour. Then bake them in a medium hot oven, brush them while hot with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. No. 11—FILLED BERLINER PANCAKES OR STUFFED DOUGHNUTS.
Preparation: The dough is prepared like No. 8, Coffee Cake, but 1 cup of flour more is kneaded in than given under No. 8. Roll out the dough ½ inch thick, cut out small disks with a tumbler, put on one disk some jelly or thick apple sauce, place another disk on top and fasten the two by pressing the dough together all around, leave them on a floured board or tin and set to rise. Heat the lard in an iron kettle and put in a few Berliners at a time and bake them golden yellow. They must be fried in deep fat. Prick them with a knitting needle to see whether the dough is baked enough. While hot, roll them in sugar. No. 12—WREATH CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter, stir in the eggs, sugar vanilla, the yeast which has been dissolved in ½ cup of lukewarm milk and the flour. Roll out the dough quite thick, cut three strips of it and braid it. Then make a wreath of this braid and put it into a buttered pan to rise in a warm place. Brush it with yolks of eggs, strew sugar on and bake in a hot oven to a nice color. No. 13—ROUND COFFEE CAKE No. 1.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar and eggs. The yeast is dissolved in 1 cup of lukewarm milk and mixed in, also the grated ½ lemon peel; then stir in the flour and beat the dough well for 20 minutes. Butter a round cake pan with tube, fill in the dough to half full and let it rise in a warm place to the top of the pan. Then bake it 1 hour. No. 14—ROUND COFFEE CAKE WITH RAISINS.
Preparation: Let the milk get lukewarm and stir to a smooth batter with 2¼ cups of flour, mix with the yeast dissolved No. 15—STOLLEN. Sufficient for 2–3 Cakes.
Preparation: Warm the milk and stir into a smooth batter with 4½ cups of flour, add the yeast dissolved in ½ cup of lukewarm milk and set the sponge to rise. Stir in the melted butter, sugar, eggs, raisins, citron, sweet and bitter almonds, brandy and the rest of the flour to make a pretty stiff dough. Knead it until it will not adhere to the hands. Cut the dough into 2 or 3 parts, as many “stollen” as you wish to have, and shape them nice and round, then set to rise in a warm place. Butter a pan for each cake, double up the dough, place it into the pan and set to rise again. Bake in a medium oven. If the cakes are large, bake them 2 hours, if small, 1½ hours. As soon as you take them out of the oven, brush them with butter and strew them with sugar. These cakes must be prepared in a warm place. No. 16—APPLE CAKE.
For Frosting.
Preparation: The dough is prepared like No. 8, Coffee Cake. Butter some pans and spread the dough out in them ¼ inch thick, then set to rise in a warm place. Peel and slice the apples, place them on the dough in rows, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, then bake. After the cake is baked, spread the frosting on. The frosting is made by mixing cream, yolks of eggs, sugar and beaten whites of eggs; spread it on the cakes and bake them 10 minutes longer. Remarks: The frosting is sufficient for 1 small cake. The dough will make 4 to 5 cakes, according to size. No. 17—CHERRY CAKE. Preparation: The dough is prepared like No. 8, Coffee Cake. Put the dough, about ½ inch thick, into buttered pans and set to rise in a warm place. The cherries and the sugar are put on thick, then the cake is baked in a hot oven. After taking it out, spread on the frosting which has been prepared according to No. 16, Apple Cake, and bake 10 minutes longer. This cake may be prepared without the frosting. No. 18—PLUM CAKE. The preparation is the same as given under No. 17. No. 19—CHEESE CAKE.
Preparation: The dough is prepared according to No. 8. Butter some pans, spread the dough out in them ¼ inch thick and set to rise. During this time prepare the cheese. The cottage cheese, cream, sugar, eggs, salt and vanilla are mixed well and spread over the dough quite thick. The butter is melted and sprinkled over the cheese, then the cake is baked to a nice color. Remarks: You may mix into the cheese ½ cup of currants. No. 20—CURRANT CAKE. The preparation and baking are just the same as given under No. 17, Cherry Cake. No. 21—POPPY SEED CAKE.
Preparation: The dough is prepared according to No. 8 and spread out in buttered pans about ¼ inch thick, then set to rise in a warm place. The poppy seed is scalded and the water drained off. The pears are peeled and grated into the poppy seed, sugar and eggs are mixed in. Spread the poppy seed mixture thick on the dough, sprinkle melted butter on and bake ¾ hour. No. 22—HUCKLEBERRY CAKE. Preparation: The dough is prepared as given under No. 8, spread out in buttered pans about ¼ inch thick, then set to rise in a warm place. The berries are strewn on thick and sprinkled with sugar. Bake it and if you wish, spread the frosting on according to No. 16. No. 23—ONION CAKE.
Preparation: The dough is prepared as given under No. 8, spread out in buttered pans about ¼ inch thick and set to rise in a warm place. The onions are peeled, sliced and stewed a little in ? lb. of butter, to which the peeled and finely chopped apples are added. Strew sugar on the dough and spread on the onions mixed with apples ¼ inch thick, sprinkle with sugar, then with the melted butter and bake to a nice golden color. Remarks: The apples may be omitted. No. 24—COFFEE CAKE WITH EGG CREAM.
Preparation: The dough is prepared as given under No. 8, rolled out to ¼ inch thickness and put into buttered pans to rise in a warm place. Melt the butter and stir with the eggs to a thick cream. This cream is spread thickly on the dough and the cake baked quickly in a hot oven. When the cake is done, put on quite a little butter and sprinkle with plenty of sugar. Baking Powder Cakes. No. 25—COFFEE CAKE WITH ALMOND FROSTING.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: Cream the butter, stir in sugar, lemon juice and rind, gradually mix in yolks of eggs, milk and flour. Lastly add the baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. No. 26—COFFEE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE FROSTING.
Preparation: The batter is prepared and baked as in No. 25. Dissolve the chocolate over the fire in the water, add sugar and vanilla and stir until it becomes stringy. Now mix the beaten whites of eggs with it and spread on the cake when it is baked. No. 27—ROUND COFFEE CAKE No. 2. Ingredients and preparation are given under No. 25. Put the batter into a round cake pan with tube and bake it ½ hour. No. 28—STIRRED CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter and mix with sugar, lemon juice and flour, add 1½ teaspoonfuls of baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Put in a buttered pan and bake ½ to ¾ hour. No. 29—LAYER CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the butter, then mix with sugar, yolks of eggs, flour, and lastly the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. The chocolate is grated and mixed with one-half of the batter. Bake in four layers, 2 light or yellow ones and 2 dark ones containing chocolate. The filling is made by mixing well: cream, yolks of eggs, vanilla and sugar and cooking it in a double boiler to a thick cream, stirring constantly. Let it get cold, mix with the beaten whites of eggs and spread it between the layers, putting them together light and dark alternately. The cake may be covered with a chocolate frosting. No. 30—LAYER CAKE WITH JELLY FILLING.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar, add the yolks of eggs, then gradually work in the flour, baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Bake in three layers and when these are cooled off, spread jelly over them and place one on the other. If you like, cover the cake with a white frosting. No. 31—LAYER CAKE WITH BANANA FILLING.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the butter with the sugar and yolks of eggs; gradually add the milk and the flour, and lastly the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 4 layers and when these are cooled, spread the sugared, sliced bananas between the layers and cover the cake with white frosting. No. 32—LAYER CAKE WITH COCOANUT FILLING. No. 1.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the butter with the sugar, add yolks of eggs and the milk and gradually stir in the flour. Lastly add the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Bake in three layers and prepare the filling in the meantime. Mix the beaten whites of eggs with sugar, cocoanut and vanilla and spread between the layers as well as on and over the whole cake. No. 33—SPONGE CAKE.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the sugar and yolks of eggs and add No. 34—GOLD CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter and mix with sugar, yolks of eggs and vanilla, then add milk and gradually the flour and lastly the baking powder. Butter a cake pan, fill in the dough and bake 1 hour. No. 35—SILVER CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter and sugar, add vanilla, milk, gradually the corn starch, then baking powder and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Put into a buttered pan and bake 1 hour. No. 36—THEATER CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar, yolks of eggs and vanilla; add the milk, then flour, baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Put into a buttered pan and bake ½ hour. No. 37—FLAT CAKE.
Preparation: The butter is melted, yolks of eggs and sugar are put in and stirred to a cream. Add the grated lemon peel and juice, cardamom and gradually work in the flour. Mix the salt of hartshorn with a little flour and stir it in. Lastly No. 38—POTATO CAKE OR TART.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs and sugar are beaten to a cream; then grated lemon rind and juice, the ground almonds, potatoes and beaten whites of eggs mixed in. Butter a round, loose bottom pan and strew with bread crumbs, put the batter in and bake slowly for 1 to l½ hours. Remarks: Tarts, so-called in Europe, differ very much from the dainties similarly designated in this country. The former are more like our American pies, but without an upper crust. Sometimes they have narrow strips of crust laid in the form of lattice work across the top. No. 39—RICE CAKE OR TART.
Preparation: The rice is washed and partly cooked in milk, but do not stir it, for the kernels must stay whole. Cool the rice. Cream the butter and sugar, add raisins and cinnamon, then the rice and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom cake pan, strew with bread crumbs, put the batter in and bake slowly. No. 40—STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar, yolks of eggs and milk, gradually work in the flour and baking powder and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. The dough is baked in 2 layers, each being 1½ inches thick. When they are cool, spread between the layers and on top crushed strawberries mixed with sugar and on this the whipped cream mixed with sugar and vanilla. Remarks: After the whipped cream is on the strawberry short cake, it must be served at once. No. 41—DEVIL’S FOOD. For the First Half.
For the Second Half.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The first half is prepared by creaming the butter, mixing with sugar, egg and yolks of eggs. Dissolve the soda in milk and stir it into the mixture, then measure and sift the flour and add it gradually. The second half is prepared by putting the brown sugar, the bitter chocolate and milk into a double boiler, to stew to a smooth cream which is set to cool. Now the first and second half are put together, mixed and baked in three layers. When these are cooled, make the cream according to No. 29, see Layer Cake with Chocolate, and spread between the layers. Cover the cake with a chocolate frosting. No. 42—ANGEL’S FOOD.
Preparation: The whites of eggs are beaten to a stiff froth, the cream of tartar stirred in and also the sugar and vanilla. The flour is sifted 7 times and at last mixed with the other ingredients. Put into a buttered pan and bake slowly ½ hour. No. 43—YELLOW ANGEL’S FOOD.
Preparation: The sugar is sifted 4 times and stirred to a cream with yolks of eggs; add the beaten whites of eggs, cream of tartar and vanilla. Sift the flour 5 times and work it in. Put the batter into a buttered pan and bake slowly ¾ to 1 hour. No. 44—FIG CAKE.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: Cream the butter, add the sugar, milk, flour, baking powder and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Divide the batter into 3 parts. Into the first part mix the cinnamon, cloves and chopped figs. Bake two light and one dark layer and arrange them with the dark layer in the middle. Prepare the frosting by beating the whites of eggs to a stiff froth and mixing it with 1 tablespoonful of sugar and 4 tablespoonfuls of water which have been boiled 5 minutes. The mixture is stirred until cool, the almonds are added and the frosting spread over the cake. No. 45—LAYER CAKE WITH COCOANUT. No. 2.
For the Filling.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar, then add flour and baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 4 layers. Make the filling according to No. 29, Layer Cake With Chocolate, and when the layers are cool, spread the cream between them. Make the frosting from the beaten whites of eggs mixed with sugar, spread it on the cake and sprinkle with grated cocoanut. No. 46—TEA CAKE.
Preparation: The sugar and yolks of eggs are stirred 20 minutes, the ground almonds added and the mixture stirred again 20 minutes. Now add lemon juice and grated lemon rind, the whites of eggs beaten to a froth, and then quickly stir in the flour. Lastly add the baking powder mixed with some of the flour. Put the batter into a buttered pan and bake 1 hour. Remarks: In the beginning, the heat may be greater in the bottom of the oven than in the top. No. 47—SUNSHINE CAKE.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs are stirred with sugar ½ hour. The flour mixed with the cream of tartar is sifted 4 times. Add salt, lemon and orange juice, the sifted flour and the whites of eggs beaten to a froth. Butter a pan and strew it with roll crumbs, put the batter in and bake 40 minutes in medium hot oven. No. 48—FRUIT CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar and yolks of eggs. Dissolve soda in molasses and mix it into the batter, add the brandy, white wine, rose water, ground cloves, mace, nutmeg, flour and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Mix in the Sultana and the small raisins, citron, orange rind and figs. Line a pan with buttered paper, put the batter in and bake slowly for 2 hours. No. 49—BREMER BLOCK.
Preparation: Cream the butter and sugar. Wash the raisins and currants and put them in a warm place; when real warm, mix them with the butter. Almonds and citron are next stirred in, then the warm milk, the yeast dissolved in ½ cup of warm milk, salt and flour. Put the dough into buttered pans, set to rise and bake 1½ to 2 hours. No. 50—PLAIN FRUIT CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar and yolks of No. 51—BROWN SPICE CAKE No. 1.
Preparation: The eggs are beaten thoroughly, lard heated a little, sugar, molasses, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, raisins and salt mixed in. The soda is dissolved in the milk or coffee and added. The cream of tartar is mixed into the flour, and this added gradually. Line a pan with buttered paper, put the batter in and bake 1 to 1½ hours in medium hot oven. No. 52—NATRON OR CARBONATE OF SODA CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter, sugar and yolks of eggs, then add lemon juice and grated rind and the blanched, ground sweet and bitter almonds. The carbonate of soda and cream of tartar are mixed into the flour and this is gradually worked into the batter; and lastly, stir in lightly the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Put into a buttered pan and bake 1 hour. No. 53—LIGHTNING CAKE.
For Sprinkling on the Cake.
Preparation: Cream the butter, sugar and yolks of eggs, add the lemon rind, flour mixed with baking powder and lastly the stiffly beaten whites of eggs. Butter some pans, spread the dough out in them about ? inch thick, sprinkle with almonds, sugar and cinnamon. Bake in medium oven and while still warm, cut into nice pieces and serve warm. No. 54—CARAWAY CAKE.
Preparation: The butter and flour are rubbed together, raisins, sugar and caraway and the well-beaten eggs stirred in. Boil the milk and dissolve the soda in it, let it get cold and stir into the dough. Put the batter into a buttered pan and bake ¾ to 1 hour. No. 55—WIT CAKE.
For Sprinkling.
Preparation: Stir the yolks of eggs and sugar to a cream, work in the flour. Add the melted butter, arrack, lemon juice, baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Butter some pans, spread the batter in 1 inch thick, sprinkle the almonds over and bake the cake ½ hour. No. 56—ENGLISH CAKE.
Preparation: Butter, flour and sugar are rubbed together with the hands. Add to this the raisins, citron, grated orange rind; beat the 4 eggs to a froth, boil the milk and mix it with the eggs, then stir into the batter and lastly mix in the ammonium. Butter a pan, strew it with roll crumbs, fill in the batter and bake in medium hot oven 1 hour. No. 57—WALNUT CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the butter, add sugar and eggs and beat 10 minutes. Soda is dissolved in sour milk and mixed into the batter, the walnuts, raisins, flour and lastly the baking powder added. Put the batter into buttered pans and bake to a nice color. No. 58—SPICE CAKE No. 2.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar and yolks of eggs, then add soda, dissolved in sour milk, and raisins, cinnamon, ground cloves, nutmeg and flour, and lastly the whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Butter a pan, put in the batter and bake 1 hour. No. 59—SOUR CREAM CAKE.
Preparation: The soda is mixed with sour milk and to it are added in the order named, sugar, yolk of egg, salt, nutmeg, flour and the stiffly beaten white of egg. Bake the batter in two layers and spread on the lower layer the sour cream filling. This is made by mixing well ¼ cup of sour cream, 1 yolk of egg, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar, ½ teaspoonful of flour, teaspoonful of lemon juice and cook it ½ minute, stirring continually. When this has cooled, stir in the beaten white of egg. No. 60—THOUSAND PUFF TART.
Preparation: Mix the flour, water, egg, rum and baking powder. Cut the cold butter into bits and spread it over the dough, fold the dough over and roll out, repeat 3 to 4 times, then roll out thin. Now cut out 6 to 8 disks the size of the tart you wish to make, turn up the edge, brush over with yolks of eggs and bake light brown or yellow. Dust with sugar when done, fill in apricot or raspberry marmalade, place the disks one on top of the other. The top one should have no marmalade, but be dusted with powdered sugar. Remarks: This tart dough can be prepared like Good Tart dough in No. 93, a very good recipe. No. 61—CHEESE TART.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Cream the butter, add sugar, eggs, flour and baking powder. Butter a pan, roll out the dough and put in, turning up a high rim. Cheese, butter, sugar, vanilla, flour, yolks of eggs and beaten whites are mixed well, filled into the tart and baked until of a yellow color. No. 62—APPLE TART.
For the Filling.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: The preparation of the dough is the same as given under No. 60. The dough is rolled out, put into a buttered, round, loose bottom pan with a high rim, partly baked and spread thick with apple sauce. The 6 whites of eggs are beaten to a stiff froth, sugar and ground almonds mixed in and this frosting spread on the sauce. Now the tart is baked again to a nice light brown color. Remarks: This tart dough can be made like Good Tart dough, in No. 93, a very good recipe. No. 63—ORANGE TART.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs and sugar are stirred ½ hour, almonds and orange juice mixed in, then the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. This dough is put into a buttered, round, loose bottom pan, strewn with bread crumbs and baked ¾ hour in medium hot oven. No. 64—RICE TART WITH ORANGES.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The preparation of the dough is the same as No. 61. The dough is rolled out and put into the pan, making a high rim, and baked. The rice is cooked done but not mushy in 3 qts. of water. Then pour off the water, add white wine, lemon juice, orange juice, grated rind of ½ orange and sugar mixed with the rice to simmer ¼ hour. The yolks of eggs and the beaten whites are added and this mixture spread thick on the tart which is baked 20 minutes more in a medium hot oven. Instead of baking this dough, the batter may be prepared for the tart according to No. 93. No. 65—BREAD TART.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs and sugar are stirred 20 minutes, then bread, cinnamon, almonds, citron, cardamom, baking powder and beaten whites of eggs mixed in. A round, loose bottom pan is buttered, the batter filled in and the tart baked in a slow oven. You can cover the tart with a chocolate frosting. No. 66—PUFF PASTE TART WITH CREAM.
For the Cream.
Preparation: Flour, water, egg, rum and baking powder are mixed into a dough, the butter cut into bits and spread on, the dough folded over, rolled out and this repeated several times. Cut out 3 round layers and bake them each in a round baking pan to a golden color. Meanwhile mix the cream, flour, No. 67—CHERRY TART.
For the Filling.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: Flour, water, egg, rum and baking powder are stirred to a dough and rolled out. The butter is cut into bits and spread on and the dough folded over and rolled out again; repeat this process 3 to 4 times and lastly put the dough into a round baking pan shaping it with a high rim. Now fill in the cherries and partly bake the cake. In the meantime prepare the frosting by mixing well 5 yolks of eggs, ground almonds, sugar, lemon juice and beaten whites of eggs. Bake the tart again to a nice color. Remarks: This tart dough can also be made like Good Tart dough, in No. 93. No. 68—STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY PUFF TART.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Butter, flour, water, egg, rum and baking powder are stirred into a dough, rolled out and butter cut into bits and spread on, then folded up and rolled out again. Repeat this 3 to 4 times, cut out 3 layers which are baked to a nice color. The strawberries or raspberries are picked over, washed, mixed with sugar and whipped cream and spread between the layers. Cover with whipped cream. No. 69—EMPEROR TART.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The nuts are ground and stirred for ½ hour with yolks of eggs and sugar, then vanilla and flour are added and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Bake in two layers, cool them, spread apricot marmalade between them and cover the cake with pineapple frosting. No. 70—MOUTH POCKETS.
Preparation: The preparation of the dough is the same as given under No. 68. Roll out the dough very thin, cut out little tarts, put in the center of each some kind of marmalade, either raspberry, apple sauce, cherry or plum, and bake the tarts after folding one-half of each over the fruit. No. 71—PUFF PASTE STRIPS.
Preparation: The preparation of the dough is the same as given under No. 68. When the dough is rolled out thin, cut strips 3 inches long and 1½ inches wide, bake them until done, dust with sugar and finish baking. When done, spread with fruit marmalade and place two and two together. No. 72—ALMOND TART FILLED WITH CREAM.
For the Filling.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs and powdered sugar are beaten for 15 minutes, the ground almonds added, then the baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 3 layers, cool them, then spread on whipped cream mixed with sugar and vanilla, place the layers one on the other and cover the whole cake with whipped cream. The cake may be filled with fruit marmalade. No. 73—HUNTER’S TART.
For the Filling.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: 4 yolks of eggs and 2 whole eggs are stirred with sugar 15 minutes, add 1 grated lemon rind, flour, baking powder, the beaten whites of 4 eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom pan, sprinkle with roll crumbs, put the batter in, and bake it in medium hot oven. When baked, spread it with marmalade and then with the frosting. This is made by beating the whites of eggs to a stiff froth and mixing it with sugar, lemon juice and almonds. Then bake the cake again in a medium hot oven until the frosting is yellow. No. 74—FIRE TART.
For the Filling.
For Sprinkling.
Preparation: Stir the yolks of the hard-boiled eggs well with sugar, add the almonds, then the flour, enough to make a stiff dough. Butter a pan and cover the bottom of it with dough. Leave enough for strips. Then bake the tart in a slow oven, cool it and spread it with jelly or marmalade. Mix the ground almonds with sugar and sprinkle over the jelly, then arrange the strips of dough nicely over the top and bake again. Place something under the pan that the bottom of the tart will not get dark. No. 75—WHITE ALMOND TART.
For the Frosting.
Preparation: Cream the butter, sugar and yolks of eggs, then add the ground almonds, the flour, the baking powder and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom No. 76—HEAVEN’S TART.
For the Filling. No. 1.
No. 2.
No. 3.
Preparation: Cream the butter, add the sugar, egg, yolks of eggs, flour and baking powder, mix well and bake in three layers. Beat the 3 whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add 4 tablespoonfuls of powdered sugar, ¼ lb. sweet and 6 bitter, ground almonds and vanilla, and spread on the baked layers. Put them back into the oven to bake light yellow. On two of the layers put jelly. The cup of cream, 2 yolks of eggs, lemon juice, flour, 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla are mixed well and boiled to a cream, stirring constantly. Let it get cold, spread it over the two layers covered with jelly and place one on the other. Place the layers covered with the beaten whites of eggs on top. No. 77—HEAVEN’S FOOD.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The eggs are well-beaten and stirred with sugar for 10 minutes; add flour and baking powder, ground walnuts and chopped dates and bake the cake to a nice color. When it is done, break it in desirable pieces, place them close together again, put the sliced oranges and bananas on and cover the whole with whipped cream mixed with sugar and vanilla. Serve at once. No. 78—MERINGUE TART.
Preparation: The whites of eggs must be beaten very stiff, the cream of tartar, sugar and vanilla added and beaten or stirred 1 hour. Rinse a round cake pan with water, put the mixture in and bake in a slow oven 1 hour. When cold, fill it with whipped cream. No. 79—SPONGE CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the yolks of eggs and sugar, add the flour, water, salt and vanilla, then add baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pan, put the batter in and bake slowly. No. 80—WALNUT TART.
Preparation: Rub yolks of eggs to a cream with sugar, add the ground walnuts, chopped dates, lemon juice, cracker crumbs, baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom cake pan, put the batter in, bake it to a nice color, and cover with a chocolate frosting. No. 81—BISCUIT TART.
Preparation: Cream the yolks of eggs and sugar, add vanilla or grated ½ lemon rind, flour, baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom pan, put the batter in and bake in a slow oven. A glass of fine wine poured over the baked tart makes it very nice. No. 82—SAND TART.
Preparation: The butter is washed to take the salt out, then creamed; add gradually the sugar and yolks of eggs, lemon No. 83—FILLED BISCUIT ROLLS.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs and sugar are stirred ½ hour, then the grated lemon rind, flour and beaten whites of eggs mixed in. A pan is buttered with the 1 tablespoonful of butter, the batter spread in ¼ inch thick and baked in a medium hot oven to a light brown color. When still warm, spread with the marmalade, roll it up and cut slices of it which may be baked or dried a little in the oven. If you wish, cover them with frosting. No. 84—DATE CAKE WITH WHIPPED CREAM.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs are creamed with sugar, then add the chopped or ground walnuts and dates, bread crumbs, baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Bake in 2 layers. Mix the whipped cream with sugar and ½ teaspoonful of vanilla, spread on the layers and arrange these one on the other. Serve at once. No. 85—FARINA TART.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs, sugar, lemon peel and almonds are stirred 1 hour, the farina mixed in dry and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom pan, put the batter in and bake slowly 1 hour. No. 86—BROWN SPICE CAKE No. 3.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar and yolks of No. 87—SPICE CAKE No. 4.
Preparation: The butter, lard, yolks of eggs and sugar are stirred to a cream, add the coffee, sour milk in which the soda has been dissolved, cinnamon, cloves, flour and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pan, put the batter in and bake 1 hour or bake in 3 layers. No. 88—SCOTCH TART.
Preparation: The butter is stirred to a cream, with yolks of eggs, sugar, lemon juice and rind; add the flour and lastly the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pan, put the batter in and bake to a light brown color. No. 89—LARD CAKE.
Preparation: Stir the yolks of eggs and sugar to a cream; cream the lard and mix with the eggs and sugar. Now add flour and almonds in spoonfuls and lastly the baking powder and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pan, put the batter in and bake to a nice brown color. No. 90—SEXTON’S CAKE.
Preparation: The butter is stirred to a cream; add the sugar, ground almonds, flour and baking powder and stir 45 minutes. Spread the batter ½ inch thick in small square muffin pans or in a large square buttered cake pan, bake it to a light brown color and leave it to cool a little before taking out of the pan, because it breaks easily. After it has cooled off completely, dust with sugar or spread frosting on. No. 91—CHOCOLATE TART.
For Filling.
Preparation: Stir the butter, sugar and yolks of eggs to a cream. Add the chocolate dissolved in water, unblanched, ground almonds, flour and baking powder and the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a round, loose bottom pan, put the batter in and bake in a slow oven. Mix the whipped cream with sugar and vanilla and fill or cover the tart with it before serving. No. 92—ENGLISH BRIDE’S CAKE (FRUIT CAKE).
Preparation: The butter is stirred to a cream with sugar and yolks of eggs. Then work in ½ lb. of flour, the brandy mixed with the spices and the molasses in which the soda is dissolved, the beaten whites of eggs, then raisins, currants, citron and the other ½ lb. of flour. The cake is baked 3 to 4 hours. Remarks: This cake may be kept 20 years and longer and will still be palatable. Wine is served with it. No. 93—GOOD TART DOUGH.
Preparation: Cream the butter with sugar, egg yolks and brandy, and add the flour. Roll out the dough and line a round, loose bottom pan with it. Strew with ½ cup of cracker crumbs and ¼ lb. blanched, ground almonds. Spread the fruit on the almonds. This dough is very good for any kind of Fruit Tart. No. 94—CHOCOLATE TART No. 2.
For Filling.
Preparation: Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth, add the chopped bitter chocolate and almonds, then yolks of eggs and sugar, and lastly the flour and baking powder. Bake in two layers. A little before serving, spread whipped cream between the layers. No. 95—FILLED SAND TART. Sand tart batter as in No. 82. For Filling.
For Frosting.
Preparation: The sand tart batter should be baked in 3 layers; when cold, spread the fruit marmalade between the layers. Then cover with rum frosting. No. 96—TREE TART.
Preparation: Beat the yolks with a rotary egg beater, add ½ cup sugar and beat well again, then set aside. Beat whites to stiff froth, add other ½ cup sugar. Mix both and add 1 cup flour measured before sifting. Butter pans, dredge them with flour and put the batter in. Bake in 8 layers in a slow oven. Spread chocolate or sour cream filling as in No. 76, between the layers. You may also cover with a frosting if you wish. No. 97—FENCE TART. First Layer.
Second Layer.
Third Layer.
For the Covering.
For the Fencing.
Preparation: The first layer. Whip whites of eggs to thin froth, add salt and cream of tartar, then whip to a stiff froth, mix in the sugar and then the yolks of eggs whipped to a cream. Mix the flour in lightly and bake this batter in a buttered, round, loose bottom pan. Loosen edge of layer and arrange ladyfingers or macaroons around in circle. For the second layer. The dissolved bitter chocolate, sugar, cream and vanilla are boiled for 2 minutes, stirring constantly; stir in the dissolved gelatine, set the mixture in cold water and continue stirring until it begins to thicken, then add the ½ pint of whipped cream and spread the mixture over the baked layer. The third layer is made exactly like the second layer only using the pink coloring instead of the bitter chocolate; after the whipped cream is added, spread the mixture over the chocolate layer. Before serving, spread the 1 pint of whipped cream, to which has been added a little sugar and vanilla, over the cake. No. 98—FRUIT TART. Apricot, Peach, Plum, Blueberry, Raspberry or Strawberry Tart. Prepare the batter according to No. 93, Good Tart Dough. Cover with the desired fruit, either fresh or canned, sprinkle with sufficient sugar, bake for 25 minutes. Before serving the cake, cover with beaten cream or almond frosting, prepared according to No. 23, Chapter 20 and then bake. No. 99—SUNSHINE CAKE.
Preparation: Beat the yolks of eggs first and add half the sugar; beat the whites of eggs very dry and add remaining sugar; beat well and add the vanilla, salt and the yolks of eggs; lastly, add the flour and cream of tartar. Bake in a moderate oven one hour. No. 100—LOVE CHOCOLATE CAKE.
Preparation: Cream butter and sugar; add the egg and vanilla; add the milk in which the soda is dissolved; dissolve the chocolate in a half cup boiling water, let cool and add; lastly, add the flour. Bake in flat cake tin about 45 minutes. No. 101—ANGEL FOOD.
Preparation: Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth; boil the sugar with 4 tablespoons of water until all the sugar is dissolved; beat the sugar syrup into the whites of the eggs; add vanilla and the flour and cream of tartar. Bake slowly one hour. No. 102—FRUIT CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the sugar and butter, add yolks of eggs, cloves and cinnamon; dissolve the soda in the sour milk and add to the rest; add the flour and mix well; lastly add the raisins, dates, citron and walnuts. Bake about 45 minutes. No. 103—CREAM PUFFS.
Preparation: Stir the flour into the boiling water and butter. Set aside to cool and, when cold, stir in the unbeaten eggs one at a time. Drop in muffin tins and bake in a fairly hot oven. When baked, fill with beaten cream, sweetened to taste and flavored with vanilla. No. 104—CREAM PUFFS.
Preparation; Pour the water over the butter. As soon as it boils and the butter is melted, stir in the flour and keep stirring until it leaves the sides of the pan. Let cool, stir in the eggs and soda, drop on the buttered pans and bake thirty minutes. Do not open the oven door for twenty minutes for fear they will fall. Fill with whipped cream, sweetened and flavored. No. 105—YEAST DOUGHNUTS.
In the Morning Add:
Preparation: Let rise, then roll and cut in shape desired, or roll into long strips and twist into shape. Let rise again while the lard is heating and then fry. Raised doughnuts require longer cooking. No. 106—SOUR CREAM DOUGHNUTS.
Preparation: Stir butter, eggs and cream well, add all other ingredients, roll and cut the dough, bake in hot lard to golden brown color and sprinkle powdered sugar over. No. 107—BLITZ-KUCHEN.
Preparation: Stir sugar, butter and yolks of eggs together well, add the stiffly beaten whites of eggs and flour. Bake in a long tin and cover with sugar, cinnamon and chopped almonds. Cut and serve while warm. No. 108—SPICE CAKE.
Preparation: Beat the sugar, butter and eggs together until smooth; add the remaining ingredients. Bake in three layers and put together with white frosting. No. 109—WHIPPED CREAM CAKE. Make a good sponge cake dough (see No. 29). and omit the chocolate. Filling.
Preparation: After the layers are baked, beat the cream stiff, add sugar, vanilla and almonds; sweeten the cream and spread between the layers and on top. This is the queen of all cakes. No. 110—WALNUT CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the yolks of eggs and the sugar; add the beaten whites of the eggs; mix the rolled crackers, finely chopped nuts and baking powder and add. Bake in three layers in a slow oven. Stir powdered sugar with a little water, spread on top of cake and put on the walnut halves. No. 111—ANGEL CAKE.
Preparation: Cream the eggs separately, add sugar, walnuts, dates, baking powder and flour. Bake in a buttered pan. |