Directions for preparing all kinds of desserts, cold and warm; puddings, puff pastes, souffles, sherbets, creams, ices and ice creams. Steamed Puddings. No. 1—RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rice is washed and brought to boil in 1 cup of water. When the water is boiled down, add the milk gradually and 1 pinch of salt and boil to a thick mush. When done, cool it off. Cream the butter, add sugar, 7 yolks of eggs, raisins, almonds and the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pudding mold, strew in some bread crumbs, put in the rice pudding, close the mold well and set in a steamer over a kettle of boiling water and boil for 1½ hours. When serving, turn the pudding out on a platter and serve cold with a vanilla or wine sauce or sweet cream. No. 2—APPLE RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rice is cooked slowly with one cup of water; when the water is boiled down, add the milk gradually and cook it to a thick mush. Cream the butter, add the sugar, then the yolks of eggs, raisins and almonds. Let rice cool, then mix all together. The apples are peeled, cored, cut into 16 parts and stewed until tender in a little water and sugar. Butter a pudding mold and strew with bread crumbs. Stir No. 3—CHERRY RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The preparation is again the same as No. 2, instead of apples put in layers of sour cherries, boiled until tender in 1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of water. Boil down the cherry juice with sugar to taste and serve it with the pudding. No. 4—PEACH RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The preparation is again the same as No. 2, instead of apples put in layers of peaches, boiled until tender in 1 cup of water and one of sugar. Boil down the peach juice, putting in a few stones which should be removed before serving, and serve the syrup with the pudding. No. 5—APRICOT RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The preparation is the same as given under No. 2, see Apple Rice Pudding. Instead of apples put in layers of apricots boiled until tender in 1 cup of water and ½ cup of sugar. Boil down the juice with some sugar and serve with the pudding. No. 6—PLAIN RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The preparation is the same as given under No. 1, Rice Pudding. No. 7—FROTH OR FOAM PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk is brought to boil, the butter added, sugar and flour are mixed and stirred into the boiling milk until the mixture comes off the sides of the skillet. Then cool it, grate the lemon peel and stir it in with the yolks of eggs and the beaten whites. Butter a pudding mold and strew in bread crumbs, then put in the pudding, set in a steamer over a kettle of boiling water, cover the mold tightly and boil for 2 hours. Turn it, and serve with a fruit sauce. No. 8—CABINET PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The zwieback is broken into 3 parts, the lady fingers into halves. Butter a mold and make a layer of zwieback, raisins, currants, then one of lady fingers, repeat this 2 to 3 times, the last layer being zwieback. Then mix well the milk, cream, sugar and eggs and pour on the pudding, set in a steamer over a kettle of boiling water and boil 1½ hours. When done, turn it out on a platter and serve with a wine sauce. No. 9—WHEAT BREAD PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Cream, the butter with yolks of eggs, sugar, raisins, currants, citron and almonds, mix and stir well. The crust of the rolls is grated off, then they are soaked in milk, No. 10—PLUM PUDDING. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: Raisins and currants are washed well and dried. The suet is chopped very fine and mixed well with 6 eggs, sugar, raisins, currants, grated lemon peel, milk, bread crumbs, brandy and lastly the flour. Butter a mold, strew with bread crumbs, put in the pudding and steam for 5 hours. Turn the pudding out on a platter, pour the rum over and light it. The flaming pudding is brought to the table and served with a wine sauce. No. 11—CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk is brought to boil, butter, sugar, flour, chocolate well stirred in until the mixture comes off the sides of the skillet, then take from the stove. Cool it and stir in the almonds, yolks of eggs and the beaten whites. Butter a mold, strew with bread crumbs, fill with the pudding, cover tightly and steam 1½ hours, then turn out on a platter and serve with a vanilla sauce. Remarks: The dish must be only ¾ full because the pudding raises very much. No. 12—FLOUR PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Beat the yolks of eggs with sugar 20 minutes, add lemon juice and grated rind and lastly stir in the flour, which must be sifted 4 times. The whites of eggs are beaten to a stiff froth and mixed in. Butter a mold, put in the pudding, close it well and steam 1¼ hours. Turn the pudding on a platter and serve with a wine sauce. No. 13—LAYER PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
For the Filling.
For Between Layers, 4 Small Pancakes.
Preparation: Cream, flour, butter, yolks of eggs are mixed well and brought to boil. When the batter rolls from the sides of the pot, take it off the fire to cool. Then add sugar, grated lemon peel, and 5 whites of eggs beaten to a stiff froth. Now bake the pancakes. Mix well the milk, flour, 3 tablespoonfuls of melted butter, 4 eggs and a little salt. Heat a pan with butter and bake the pancakes the size of the pudding dish. Now butter the mold, strew bread crumbs in, make 1 layer of pudding batter, one layer of fruit marmalade or preserved fruit as peaches, cherries, strawberries or raspberries; on this fruit layer, place a pancake, then another layer of pudding batter, again a layer of fruit, another pancake and so on according to the number of pancakes you have. The top layer must be the pudding batter. Close the dish well and steam for 1½ hours. When done, turn the pudding out and serve with a fruit sauce. No. 14—FARINA PUDDING No. 1. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Milk and butter are brought to boil, the farina stirred in, the sugar and lemon rind added and all stirred and cooked until the batter rolls from the sides of the skillet, then cool it off and add almonds, yolks of eggs and beaten whites. Butter a mold, strew with roll crumbs, put in the pudding, close the mold well and steam 1½ hours. Turn the pudding out on a platter and serve with cherry or raspberry sauce. No. 15—MACARONI PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 56, in Chapter 15, Macaroni Pudding. No. 16—POTATO PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are given in Chapter 11, No. 16, Potato Pudding. No. 17—MEAT PUDDING WITH RICE LAYERS. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients, and preparation are the same as given as in Chapter 2, Beef, No. 2, Meat Pudding, from Roast Beef, Stew or Soup Meat. No. 18—ANOTHER FORM OF MEAT PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are the same as given in Chapter 2, Beef, No. 26, Meat Pudding. No. 19—MUTTON KIDNEY PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparations are given in Chapter 4, Lamb, No. 20, Lamb Kidney Pudding. No. 20—VEAL ROAST PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are the same as given in Chapter 3, Veal, No. 6, Veal Roast Pudding. No. 21—GOOSE LIVER PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are given in Chapter 6, Poultry, No. 26, Goose Liver Pudding. No. 22—CHERRY PUDDING. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: The milk rolls are grated and soaked in milk. When well soaked, press out the milk and rub them through a strainer or colander. Melt the butter in a spider, No. 23—FARINA PUDDING No. 2. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk and butter are brought to boil, then the sugar, lemon peel and farina poured in and cooked 5 minutes to a thick paste, stirring constantly. Now take from the fire, cool off and add blanched and ground sweet and bitter almonds, the 8 yolks of eggs and the beaten whites. Butter a pudding mold, strew with bread crumbs, put in the pudding and steam 1½ hours. Turn the pudding out and serve with a fruit or wine sauce. No. 24—SOUR CREAM PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The thick sour cream is mixed well and stirred 10 minutes with juice and grated peel of lemon, yolks of eggs, roll crumbs, salt, currants and beaten whites of eggs. A mold is buttered and strewn with roll crumbs, the pudding filled in and steamed 1½ hours. Then it is turned out on a platter and served with a wine or fruit sauce. No. 25—BLACK PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The unblanched almonds are ground, the chocolate grated. Sugar and yolks of eggs are stirred 20 minutes, then mixed well with almonds, chocolate, raisins, citron, cinnamon, cloves, roll crumbs, white wine and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a mold, strew it with crumbs, put in the pudding, close it well and steam 1½ hours. Turn it out and serve with a chocolate sauce. No. 26—PUDDING A LA BRANDENBURG. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: Milk and butter are brought to boil, add the flour and boil, stirring constantly till it comes from the sides of the skillet. Cool and stir in the sugar, sweet and bitter almonds, citron, orange and lemon peel, yolks of eggs and the beaten whites. Butter a pudding mold, strew it with roll crumbs, put in the pudding, close well and steam for 2 hours. Turn the pudding out on a platter, pour on ¼ cup of rum, light it and bring it to the table. Serve with a wine sauce. Warm Puddings, Baked Puddings. No. 27—BAKED CREAM PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The sour cream is mixed well with sugar, grated lemon peel, lemon juice, flour, 7 yolks of eggs and beaten whites. Then bake in the oven in a buttered pudding dish for 25 to 30 minutes. No. 28—BAKED RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rice is boiled to a thick mush with milk. Cream the butter with sugar and yolks of eggs, add the rice and the beaten whites of eggs, fill into a buttered pudding dish and bake in oven ½ hour. Remarks: The pudding may be made richer with ¼ lb. blanched, ground almonds, ½ cup of raisins, 6 to 8 eggs instead of 4. No. 29—BAKED RICE PUDDING WITH FRUIT LAYERS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The preparation of the rice is the same as given under No. 28, Baked Rice Pudding. The buttered pudding dish is filled with alternating layers of rice and fruit, from which the juice has been drained. Put in 3 layers of each and the top layer should be rice. Bake in oven for 1 hour and serve with the sauce from the fruit used in the pudding. No. 30—BAKED FARINA PUDDING WITH FRUIT. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk is brought to boil, the farina put in and stirred 10 minutes. Let it get cold. Cream the butter, add grated lemon rind, lemon juice, sugar, 5 yolks of eggs and the farina and stir in the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pudding dish and fill it with alternating layers of farina and cherries, 2 layers of each; the top layer should be farina. Put a few pieces of butter over the top and bake in oven 1 hour. No. 31—BAKED CHERRY PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Soak the rolls in milk, cream the butter with sugar, add the yolks of eggs, almonds and rolls, after pressing out the milk; mix well, add the stoned cherries and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a baking dish, put in the pudding and bake in oven 1 hour. No. 32—BAKED LEMON PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The 8 yolks of eggs are beaten ¼ hour with sugar, lemon juice and grated lemon peel, the corn starch and beaten whites of eggs added last. Butter a baking dish, fill in the pudding and bake 15 minutes. No. 33—BAKED POTATO PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Cream the yolks of eggs and sugar, add the grated lemon peel, grated potatoes, cream, beaten whites of eggs, and mix well. Put the batter into a buttered baking dish and bake in oven 45 minutes. Serve with a fruit sauce. No. 34—BAKED POTATO PUDDING. To be Served with Meat. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The potatoes are boiled, peeled and grated. Cream the butter with the yolks of eggs, add the potatoes, cheese, salt, pepper and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a casserole or pudding dish, put the pudding in, sprinkle bread crumbs and pieces of butter over the top and bake in oven 45 minutes. No. 35—BAKED CHARLOTTE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rolls are soaked in milk and wine, add ground almonds, sugar, raisins, lemon peel, yolks of 4 eggs and lastly the beaten whites of eggs. A baking dish is buttered, the pudding filled in and baked in oven 45 minutes. A fruit or wine sauce is served with the pudding. No. 36—BAKED ALMOND PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs, almonds and sugar are stirred 20 minutes, then the flour and whites of eggs added. A pudding dish is buttered, the pudding filled in and baked 45 minutes. No. 37—BAKED YORKSHIRE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Egg, white of egg, milk and flour are mixed well. Butter is heated in a pudding dish, the batter put in, the suet heated and poured over and the pudding baked in a hot oven 20 minutes. No. 38—BAKED CHOCOLATE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The chocolate is grated and mixed with No. 39—BAKED APPLE AND FARINA PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk is brought to boil, the farina added and cooked 10 minutes, stirring constantly, then cooled. Cream the butter, mix with yolks of eggs, sugar, grated lemon peel, the boiled farina, and the beaten whites of eggs. The apples are peeled, sliced into ¼ inch slices, mixed with ½ cup of sugar. Butter a pudding dish and put in layers of farina, apples, currants and almonds alternating, repeat 3 times; then bake in oven for 1 hour. No. 40—BAKED APPLE STEW PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The apples are peeled, cut into 4 inch slices and stewed in ? lb. of butter, then cooled. Beat 4 yolks of eggs for 30 minutes with sugar, add flour, grated lemon peel, cream and the stewed apples. Lastly add the beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pudding dish, put in the pudding and bake 45 minutes. No. 41—FINE BAKED APPLE PUDDING: Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The apples are peeled, cored and filled with a mixture of currants, almonds and 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Butter a pudding dish, put in the filled apples, make a batter of cream, cinnamon, lemon peel, yolks of eggs, sugar, flour and beaten whites of eggs, then pour over the apples and bake slowly. No. 42—BAKED OMELET PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs are beaten 25 minutes with the sugar, the beaten whites of eggs lightly mixed in, then put into a buttered pudding dish, and bake in oven 20 minutes. No. 43—BAKED CREAM PUDDING. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: Milk, butter and sugar are brought to boil. Four yolks of eggs are stirred smooth with the corn starch and added to the boiling milk to cook 3 minutes, stirring constantly; then cooled and three yolks of eggs, grated lemon peel, beaten whites of 7 eggs added. Butter a dish, put in the pudding and bake in oven ½ hour. Serve with a fruit sauce. No. 44—BAKED FLOUR PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Flour and ½ cup of milk are stirred smooth, the rest of the milk brought to boil and the flour stirred in to boil 1 minute. The almonds, sugar and eggs are stirred in and beaten 10 minutes. Butter a pudding dish, put in the batter and bake in oven for 1 hour. Serve with a raspberry sauce. No. 45—BAKED SPONGE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs, cream, sugar and vanilla are stirred 20 minutes. The beaten whites of eggs are mixed and put into a buttered pudding dish. Bake in medium hot oven for ½ hour. A fruit sauce is served with it. No. 46—BAKED VEAL ROAST PUDDING. Quantity for 6–8 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are given in Chapter 3, Veal, No. 6, Veal Roast Pudding. No. 47—BAKED SWEET PUDDING WITH WINE FROSTING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
For Wine Frosting.
Preparation: The crust is grated off the rolls, these are cut up, soaked in milk for 1 hour, then the milk is pressed out and the soaked rolls stirred with the melted butter to a creamy mass. Add sugar, citron, cinnamon, 6 yolks of eggs, and the beaten whites. Butter a pudding dish, put in the batter and bake 1 hour. Prepare the frosting by mixing 6 yolks of eggs, sugar, grated lemon peel and lemon juice, cinnamon, French white wine and arrack and heating it on the fire while beating constantly. Then add the 6 beaten whites of eggs to the hot sauce. Pour the wine sauce over the hot baked pudding and serve at once. No. 48—BAKED RYE BREAD PUDDING WITH APPLES. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The apples are peeled, cored, cut into slices ¼ inch thick. Cream the butter, add sugar, yolks of eggs, rye bread, currants and beaten whites of eggs. Butter a pudding dish and fill it with alternating layers of rye bread mixture and apples with sugar sprinkled over, repeat 2 or 3 times. The top layer should be rye bread. Put on small pieces of butter and bake in oven 1 hour. Serve sweet cream with the pudding. No. 49—BAKED NOODLE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The noodles are cooked in salt water for 10 minutes, then the water is drained off. The apples are peeled, cored and sliced. Butter a pudding dish and fill with No. 50—BAKED QUINCE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The quinces are boiled until soft in water, then skin and grate them. The grated quince should weigh about ¾ lb. Stir until white. Add sugar, grated lemon peel and juice, yolks and beaten whites of eggs. Put into a buttered dish and bake in oven ½ hour. No. 51—BAKED MACAROON PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Butter, milk, flour, crushed macaroons are stirred over the fire until they form a thick batter; remove from the fire and stir until it has cooled off. Add the yolks of eggs, sugar, almonds, vanilla, beaten whites of eggs. Put into a buttered dish and bake in oven for 1 hour. Serve with a fruit sauce. Remarks: This pudding may be steamed for 1½ hours. Sweetmeats Baked or Fried in Pans On the Stove. No. 52—FRENCH TOAST. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rolls are sliced, cream, sugar, eggs, cinnamon are mixed and poured over the slices to soak. Butter is heated in a pan, the roll slices baked a golden yellow in it and sprinkled thickly with sugar and cinnamon. Serve dried or fresh fruit sauce with it. No. 53—CARTHUSIAN DUMPLINGS WITH WINE SAUCE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The crust of the rolls is grated off, then No. 54—APPLE FRITTERS OR BANANA FRITTERS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
For the Batter.
Preparation: The apples are peeled, the core removed, sliced in ½ inch thick, round slices, white wine and sugar poured over. Eggs, milk, flour and salt are mixed to a batter. Butter is heated in a pan, each apple slice dipped into the batter, put into the hot butter and fried a nice color. Serve on a hot platter, sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon. No. 55—APPLE STRUDEL. Quantity for 6 Persons.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The noodle dough is rolled out very thin. Melt the butter and brush it on the dough. Peel and core the apples and slice them thin. Then put the apple slices, sugar, cinnamon, almonds and citron on the dough, roll it up, brush it with butter and bake in a buttered pan 30 to 45 minutes. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and serve. No. 56—CHOCOLATE STRUDEL. Quantity for 6 Persons.
For the Filling.
Preparation: The noodle dough is kneaded with ? lb. of butter, then rolled out very thin. The 5 yolks of eggs are No. 57—CHOCOLATE STRUDEL WITH DRESSING. Quantity for 6 Persons. The ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 56, Chocolate Strudel. When ready to be baked, place it into the pan in the form of a snail, pour on ¾ pt. of hot cream mixed with ? lb. of fine grated chocolate and 1 tablespoonful of vanilla, then bake ½ hour. No. 58—STEAM NOODLES. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Mix flour, milk and yeast to a batter and set to rise. When risen, mix in butter, sugar, eggs and flour. Put on a well-floured baking board and form dumplings from the dough, leaving them on the board to rise. Stew them 15 minutes in the hot cream and ? lb. of butter until light brown, then sprinkle with sugar and pour drawn butter over. No. 59—FRIED APPLE POCKETS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Pancake Batter.
Preparation: The apples are pared, cored, filled with jelly and strewn with sugar. Eggs, milk, salt and flour are stirred into a dough that is rolled out to ¼ inch thickness. With a tumbler cut out 12 round disks. Put each apple between two disks and press the edges together, so as to completely cover the apple. Then fry in much hot lard, place into a colander to drain off the fat and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. They may be served warm or cold. No. 60—BISCUIT TORTONI. MACAROON MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Whip the yolks of eggs, vanilla and sugar well, mix in the macaroons, beaten whites of eggs and whipped cream. Oil a mold, put in the mixture and let it stand in ice 6 hours before serving. No. 61—RUM CREAM WITH CHERRY SAUCE. Quantity for 6–10 Persons.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs, rum and sugar are whipped to a froth. Milk and vanilla are brought to boil, the gelatine dissolved in a little milk and mixed with the boiling milk to which also the mixture of yolks of eggs, rum and sugar is added. This mixture must be stirred until it is cold, then the beaten whites of eggs and finally the whipped cream is stirred in. Rinse a mold with cold water, put in the pudding and place on ice or in a cold place. Turn the pudding out on a platter and serve with cherry sauce. No. 62—WHIPPED CREAM PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The cream is mixed with sugar and vanilla. The strawberries are cleaned and mixed with 1 cup of sugar. Pumpernickel, chocolate and ¼ cup of sugar are mixed. Now arrange in a glass dish layers of strawberries, pumpernickel and whipped cream. The latter garnished with strawberries make the top layer. No. 63—WINE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: White wine, lemon juice, and lemon rind, sugar, 8 yolks of eggs are stirred well on the stove and brought to boil ¼ minute. The gelatine is dissolved in 4 tablespoonfuls No. 64—WINE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: White wine, brandy, cherry juice, lemon juice, orange juice, sugar, yolks of eggs and the gelatine dissolved in wine are mixed well and stirred over a slow fire until it thickens, but do not let it boil. While still warm, add the whites of eggs beaten to a froth and salt. Oil a mold, put in the cream and place on ice or prepare it a day before using. When serving, turn it out and garnish with cherries. No. 65—WINE JELLY WITH RICE LAYERS. Quantity for 6 Persons. Wine Jelly.
Rice Layer.
Preparation: White wine, lemon and orange juice, sugar and gelatine dissolved in 1½ cups of water are well mixed over a slow fire. The rice is washed and cooked 25 minutes in 3 qts. of water, then poured into a colander or sieve. Now add the wine, sugar, lemon juice and rind, salt and dissolved gelatine, cover and cook very slowly. When the juice has been absorbed by the rice, take it from the stove and cool. A dish is placed into ice or very cold water and a layer of wine jelly poured in to stiffen. When that is stiff, cut out oblong dumplings of cold rice and place them on the jelly layer in circles, pour on another layer of wine jelly and so on until the rice and jelly are used up. When stiff, turn it out and garnish the jelly and platter with orange slices. No. 66—WHITE WINE JELLY WITH FRUIT LAYERS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Fruit for Layers.
Preparation: White wine, dissolved gelatine, sugar, lemon and orange juice are well mixed and stirred over the fire until it starts to boil, then strain through a cloth. Place a dish on ice or into very cold water, pour in a cup of jelly to stiffen, on this place a layer of fruit, strawberries, sliced bananas or pineapples and repeat several times. If you have no fresh fruit, use preserves from which the syrup has been drained. The jelly layer must be on top. Turn it out before serving. The platter may be garnished with various kinds of fruit. No. 67—LEMON JELLY. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The gelatine is dissolved in ¾ qt. of warm water, sugar and lemon juice added and the whole warmed a little, then strained through a cloth. Put into a mold and when stiff, turn it out on a platter. Remarks: You may put layers of fruit into the jelly according to No. 66, Wine Jelly With Fruit Layers. No. 68—ORANGE JELLY. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The oranges are cleaned, cut into halves, and the juice carefully pressed out with a lemon squeezer. The gelatine and sugar are dissolved in this juice, then warmed and lemon juice and wine added. Strain through a cloth. The orange rinds are carefully cleaned out without breaking them and filled with the above gelatine, then placed on ice. When stiff, place the oranges on a platter and garnish with fresh leaves. No. 69—PINEAPPLE JELLY. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The pineapple is peeled and grated on a fine grater. The gelatine is dissolved in 1 pt. of warm water, then mixed well with sugar and the grated pineapple. This mixture is strained through a fine sieve, poured into a mold, placed on ice to harden. When cold, turn it out. No. 70—CHERRY JELLY. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The cherries are cleaned and stoned. Two dozen of the stones are crushed and boiled with the crushed cherries, cloves and cinnamon for 20 minutes in 1 pt. of water, the dish being covered. Strain, add gelatine and sugar, then strain again and add the red wine. Put the jelly into a mold, place on ice and when cold, turn out on a platter. No. 71—STRAWBERRY JELLY. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The strawberries are crushed, water, sugar, lemon juice mixed in and cooked over a slow fire for 10 minutes, then strained through a fine sieve. The gelatine is dissolved in this juice and the whole strained again. Fill into a mold, place on ice to stiffen, then turn out and garnish with strawberries and whipped cream. No. 72—ORANGE GELATINE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Cream, grated orange rind and juice, sugar and gelatine are mixed well and cooked ¼ hour, stirring constantly, then strained through a fine sieve. Oil a mold, put in the jelly and place on ice or prepare the day before serving. Turn out on a platter or glass dish. No. 73—ARRACK CREAM WITH WHIPPED CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs and sugar are whipped ½ hour. The gelatine is dissolved in warm water and strained, then mixed with the yolks of eggs and sugar, arrack and lastly the whipped cream. This is filled into a glass dish and set to stiffen. No. 74—STRAWBERRY CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The juice is drained from the strawberries and strained to remove the seeds. The gelatine is dissolved in ½ cup of the juice and mixed with strawberries, vanilla, sugar and whipped cream. Oil a mold, strew with sugar, put in a layer of lady fingers, then the cream on top of the lady fingers, place on ice to harden, turn it out and serve with strawberry juice. Remarks: If you take fresh strawberries, use more sugar. No. 75—RASPBERRY CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons. Ingredients and preparation are the same as given under No. 74, Strawberry Cream. If you use fresh raspberries, you need 2 pts. No. 76—PINEAPPLE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The juice from the pineapple is drained off and warmed, the gelatine dissolved in some of it and strained through a fine sieve. Sugar and vanilla are stirred in and the pineapple cut up into small pieces. Lastly add the whipped cream which has been drained on a sieve. Oil a mold, strew in a little sugar, fill in the cream and place on ice or prepare the day before serving. Turn out on a platter. No. 77—VANILLA CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The vanilla bean is put into the milk to soak, or the vanilla extract put into the milk; also the yolks of eggs, sugar and gelatine. Let this mixture come to a boil, stirring constantly, boil ¼ minute, mix in the beaten whites of eggs and stir until cold. Now add the whipped cream. Oil a mold, fill in the cream, and place on ice; turn it out when stiff. No. 78—COLD APPLE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The apples are peeled, cored and cut into 8 parts, then boiled until soft in ½ pt. of white wine and ¼ lb. of sugar. When done, cool them. The cream, yolks of eggs, flour, grated lemon peel and ¼ lb. of sugar are mixed well, then boiled to a cream, stirring constantly. Now oil a mold and put in a layer of boiled apples, then strawberries or raspberries, then a layer of cream, then frosting made of the whites of eggs beaten to a froth with 6 tablespoonfuls of sugar. This is baked 10 minutes in a medium hot oven. Let it get cold and serve in the dish. Remarks. This cream may be served hot, but it is better cold. If you have no fresh fruit, use preserved, but drain off the juice. No. 79—COLD APPLE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The apples are cut up and put into a pot with enough water to cover them, then boiled until soft, very slowly, so they do not get slushy. Pour them into a sieve or cloth and drain off the juice. This is boiled down to 1 qt., add to it the sugar and gelatine and strain; boil up again, then mix in the white wine. Fill the whole into a glass dish to stiffen and serve with a vanilla sauce. Remarks: The apples may be used for apple sauce. No. 80—NECTAR. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Sour cream, sugar, vanilla and rum are mixed well. The gelatine is dissolved in warm milk, strained and mixed with the other ingredients. Pour into a mold and set on ice to stiffen. Turn it out before serving. No. 81—CORN STARCH PUDDING. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: ¾ qt. of milk, sugar, almonds and vanilla are mixed well and brought to boil. Then the corn starch is stirred into ¼ qt. of milk, poured into the boiling mixture and boiled 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Yolks of eggs are stirred in as soon as the pudding is taken from the fire, also the beaten whites of eggs. Put into a dish to stiffen, turn it out and serve with a vanilla or wine sauce. No. 82—COLD LEMON CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs and sugar are stirred 1 hour, then add the grated rind and juice of 1 lemon and the arrack. Dissolve the gelatine in warm white wine, stir until cold and strain before mixing with the other ingredients. Add the whites of eggs beaten to a froth, place on ice or prepare a day before serving. Turn it out on a platter. No. 83—RUSSIAN CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Yolks of eggs and sugar are beaten for 15 minutes, add the rum, then the beaten whites of eggs. Serve in glass dishes. No. 84—ORANGE CREAM PREPARED COLD. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs and sugar are beaten ½ No. 85—COLD LEMON CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 84, Orange Cream Prepared Cold. Instead of 8 tablespoonfuls of orange juice and rind, take the same quantity of lemon juice and rind. No. 86—COFFEE CREAM PREPARED COLD. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 84, Orange Cream Prepared Cold. Instead of the juice of oranges, the juice of lemons and the rind, take ¼ pt. of coffee extract in which you dissolve 1 tablespoonful of cocoa. No. 87—CHOCOLATE CREAM PREPARED COLD. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 84, Orange Cream Prepared Cold. Instead of the juice of oranges, the juice of lemons and the rind, take 1/10 lb. of bitter chocolate or cocoa dissolved in ¼ cup of water and 1 teaspoonful of vanilla. No. 88—CHOCOLATE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The chocolate is dissolved in ½ pt. of water and the gelatine in the other ½ pt., mix the two. Add sugar and vanilla and boil this mixture ½ minute. Take from the fire and add the yolks of eggs, a little later the whites of eggs beaten to a froth. Rinse a mold with cold water, put in the mixture to stiffen, turn it out and serve with a vanilla sauce. No. 89—CHOCOLATE MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Dissolve the cocoa and gelatine in ½ cup of water on a small fire, with sugar and vanilla well mixed in. Stir until cold, add the whipped cream. Rinse a mold with cold water; put in the mixture, close the dish well, pack in ice and salt and let stand several hours. When serving, dry the dish and turn the cream out on a platter. No. 90—VANILLA MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation.: The gelatine is dissolved in the warm water and strained. The sugar and vanilla are added and the whipped cream in spoonfuls. Rinse a mold with cold water, fill in the mixture, close well and pack in ice and salt for several hours. Then dry and turn out on a platter. No. 91—COFFEE MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 90, Vanilla Mousse. Instead of vanilla, take 6 to 8 tablespoonfuls of coffee extract. No. 92—HAZELNUT MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 90, Vanilla Mousse. Mix in ¼ lb. roasted, coarsely chopped hazelnuts. No. 93—PINEAPPLE MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 90. Instead of vanilla, take ½ lb. of pineapple, cut into small pieces, or pineapple puree. No. 94—RUM OR COGNAC MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons. The preparation is the same as given under No. 90, Vanilla Mousse. Instead of vanilla, take 8 tablespoonfuls of rum or cognac. No. 95—COUNT PUECKLER OR LAYER MOUSSE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
PART I. Preparation: ½ lb. of chocolate is grated and mixed well with ¼ cup of warm water and ? lb. of sugar. Dissolve the gelatine in the other ¼ cup of warm water, strain and divide into 3 parts; mix ? of it with the chocolate, ½ teaspoonful of vanilla and ½ pt. of thick whipped cream. PART II. Dissolve the raspberry jelly over the fire, mix in ? lb. of sugar, 2 beaten whites of eggs, and ? of the dissolved gelatine, also ½ teaspoonful of vanilla and ½ pt. of thick whipped cream. PART III. The macaroons are crushed, mixed with ½ pt. of whipped cream, ? lb. of sugar, ½ teaspoonful of vanilla and ? part of the dissolved gelatine. A form is rinsed with cold water and layers of the chocolate, raspberry and macaroon mixtures are put in. Then the mold is closed well and packed in salt and ice for some hours. When serving, dry the mold and turn it out on a platter. No. 96—COLD RICE STARCH PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The milk and grated lemon peel are brought to boil; sugar, rice starch and yolks of eggs are mixed well with a little cold milk, stirred into the boiling milk and boiled again 5 minutes, stirring constantly; then take from the stove. When the mass has cooled, mix in the beaten whites of eggs. Rinse a mold with cold water, fill in the pudding and set to stiffen. Turn it out on a platter and serve with a fruit sauce. No. 97—COLD CHOCOLATE PUDDING WITH FARINA. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The chocolate is grated and mixed with farina, vanilla and sugar. The milk is brought to boil, the farina mixture put in and boiled 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Rinse a mold with cold water, fill in the pudding and set to stiffen. Vanilla sauce is served with it. No. 98—COLD RICE PUDDING WITH PEACHES. Quantity for 6–10 Persons.
Preparation: Wash and boil the rice for 5 minutes in 1 cup of water with a pinch of salt, then add the milk gradually No. 99—PLAIN COLD RICE PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Wash and boil the rice 5 minutes in 1 cup of water and a pinch of salt, then gradually add the milk until the rice is thick, but not mushy. Now stir in the sugar and vanilla. Dissolve the gelatine in ¼ cup of warm water and stir into the rice, then cool and mix in the whipped cream. Rinse a mold or dish with milk and sprinkle with sugar. Put in the pudding, close it well and place on ice or into very cold water. Turn it out on a platter and serve with cherry sauce. No. 100—CHAMPAGNE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: 5 yolks of eggs, 3 whole eggs, sugar and champagne are mixed and boiled to cream, stirring constantly. The gelatine is dissolved in ¼ cup of water and mixed into the cream, also the beaten whites of 5 eggs. Put it into a mold or into glasses and put on ice. Serve with macaroons. Remarks: Omit the gelatine when using the whipped cream. No. 101—CURRANT AND RASPBERRY PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Currants and raspberries are picked over and cooked in 1 pt. of water ½ hour, then strained through a cloth and the juice brought to boil. Add the sugar and farina Remarks: If you use corn starch instead of farina, mix it with 1 cup of cold juice before putting it into the boiling juice. Then boil it 5 to 8 minutes and fill it into the mold. If the farina is not sweet enough, add more sugar while boiling. No. 102—GOOSEBERRY PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Gooseberries are best when still unripe. Cook them in water for ½ hour, then press through a fine sieve and put in the sugar and cook again with the farina for 10 minutes. Fill it into a dish rinsed with cold water and set aside to stiffen, turn it out and serve with cream or milk. No. 103—CHERRY PUDDING. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Clean and stone the cherries, then crush about 20 stones and cook them with the cherries in the water slowly for ½ hour, after that strain them and add lemon juice and sugar. Then let it come to boil again. Mix the corn starch with 1 cup of cold juice and stir it into the boiling juice to cook 5 to 8 minutes more, stirring constantly. Put into a dish rinsed with cold water and after stiffening, turn it out and serve with cream or milk. Remarks: If the pudding is too thin, add more corn starch. No. 104—HILL CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Cream, yolks of eggs, grated lemon peel, flour and sugar are mixed well and boiled to a cream. The 3 beaten whites of eggs and the jelly are stirred 1 hour, then fill the cream into a glass dish and set to cool. After cooling, fill the jelly on top of it. Serve cold. Desserts That Are Frozen. No. 105—VANILLA ICE CREAM. Quantity for 10 Persons.
Preparation: ½ pt. of milk 3 yolks of eggs and flour are boiled to a cream, stirring constantly; mix the beaten whites of eggs with sugar and add to the cream. To this add the rest of the milk, cream and vanilla. Freeze the mass and pour a hot chocolate sauce over it when serving. It is very fine. No. 106—STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation,: The strawberries, fresh or preserved, are rubbed through a sieve, cream and vanilla, sugar to taste added, then frozen. No. 107—RASPBERRY ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 106, Strawberry Ice Cream. No. 108—PEACH ICE CREAM. Quantity for 8–10 Persons.
Preparation: Fresh peaches are peeled, stoned and rubbed through a sieve, mixed with cream, vanilla and sugar and frozen. No. 109—APRICOT ICE CREAM. Quantity for 8–10 Persons.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 108, Peach Ice Cream. No. 110—LEMON ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Milk, cream and sugar are mixed and put into the ice cream freezer to freeze a little, then the juice of lemons are added and frozen. No. 111—PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6–8 Persons.
Preparation: The pineapple is peeled and grated, then rubbed through a sieve, mixed with cream, sugar and lemon juice and frozen. No. 112—CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Dissolve the chocolate in milk, add sugar, cream, vanilla, yolks of eggs and heat to the boiling point, stirring constantly. Remove from the fire immediately, stir until cold and freeze. No. 113—COFFEE ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The coffee must steep in the milk for 1 hour, then strain through a fine cloth. Cream, yolks of eggs and sugar are mixed well and cooked to a cream, stirring constantly. Then take it off the stove and stir until cold, mix with coffee and milk and freeze. No. 114—NUT ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Milk, cream, sugar and yolks of eggs are mixed well and boiled, stirring constantly; then cooled, the nuts mixed in and the mass frozen. Remarks: One teaspoonful of vanilla may be added. No. 115—TEA ICE CREAM. Quantity for 6 Persons.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 113, Coffee Ice Cream. Instead of steeping the coffee in the milk, put in tea. No. 116—VANILLA ICE CREAM WITH FRUIT. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Cream, vanilla, sugar and yolks of eggs are mixed well and brought to boil, stirring constantly, then cook it. The raisins are scalded, put into a colander, cut into small pieces, mixed with the cut citron, crushed macaroons and quartered cherries, also 3 tablespoonfuls of maraschino are mixed into the cold cream. Add also the beaten whites of eggs and freeze. No. 117—STRAWBERRY ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The strawberries are rubbed through a sieve, sugar and vanilla added, then frozen. Serve with whipped cream. No. 118—RASPBERRY ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
The preparation is the same as given under No. 117, Strawberry Ice. No. 119—PEACH ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The fresh peaches are peeled, stoned, pressed through a sieve, mixed with sugar and frozen. No. 120—APRICOT ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons. Preparation and ingredients are the same as given under No. 119, Peach Ice. No. 121—PINEAPPLE ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The pineapple is peeled, grated, mixed with sugar, whites of eggs, lemon juice and water, then frozen. No. 122—TUTTI-FRUTTI ICE. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: This tutti-frutti ice is prepared like No. 121, Pineapple Ice. Oranges are peeled and cut into small pieces and sugared, the cherries are quartered and sugared. When the pineapple ice is nearly frozen, mix with orange and cherry and freeze a little more, but do not turn the freezer. No. 123—CHAMPAGNE SHERBET. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Dissolve the sugar in a little water then add champagne and orange juice. Fill the mixture into a freezer and pack with finely chopped ice and salt. Do not turn freezer, stir contents occasionally with spoon. No. 124—CHAMPAGNE FRAPPE. Quantity for 8 Persons.
Preparation: Dissolve the sugar in water and add the juice of lemon, beat the whites of eggs well and add, then let it freeze. Before serving the lemon ice, it should be put into a larger dish when taken out of the freezer. Pour the champagne over the mass and beat quickly, serve at once in glasses. No. 125—MAPLE SYRUP ICE. Quantity for 8 Persons.
Preparation: The yolks of eggs and water are beaten 15 minutes, add the syrup, let it come to a boil in a double boiler, stirring constantly. Let it cool, add the whipped cream, pour into a mold, close the mold and pack in ice with salt. No. 126—ROLL DUMPLINGS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rolls must be soaked in water or milk and the liquid pressed out. Cream the butter with the eggs and sugar, then mix all this with the soaked rolls, flour and salt. Now boil 4 qts. of water with one tablespoonful of salt, cut off dumplings from the batter with a tablespoon, drop into the boiling salt water and boil them 10 minutes. Always try one dumpling first, if too loose, mix a little more flour into the batter. No. 127—BETTER KIND OF ROLL DUMPLINGS. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: The rolls must be soaked in milk and the milk pressed out. Cream the butter with the yolks of eggs and sugar, add the almonds, currants, grated lemon rind, rolls, flour and salt. Beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth and stir into the mixture. Let the 4 qts. of salt water boil, cut off dumplings from the batter with a tablespoon, drop into the boiling salt water and boil them 10 minutes. Remarks: Always try one dumpling first, if too loose, mix a little more flour into the batter. No. 128—LEMON ICE GARNISHED WITH FRUIT. Quantity for 6 Persons.
Preparation: Mix the milk, lemon juice and sugar, but do not freeze. On each dessert plate put a slice of pineapple, on this the half of an apricot, a prune on the apricot, then a teaspoonful of whipped cream, finishing with the brandied cherries, adding a small piece of lemon ice to the fruit. Mix some of the pineapple and apricot juice, boil with sugar and 2 tablespoonfuls of sherry until it thickens. Add 3 tablespoonfuls of this sauce to each plate of dessert. |