
Tourists' Handbook.

Rept. of Trustees, Pa. Soldiers' & Sailors' Home.

Rept. of the Gettysburg National Park Commission.

Regulations for the Government of the Gettysburg National Park.

Officers of the State Society of Cincinnati of Georgia, 1790.

Celebration Address of the 25th Anniversary of the Loyal Legion.

Military Order of the Loyal Legion.

Experience Table of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

Odd Fellowship, an Oration, 40th Anniversary of I. O. of O. F.

40th Anniversary of Opening of Present Union League House.

Report of Valley Forge Park Commission.

Commandery of the State of Penn.

Rutherford Birchard Hayes.

Gregg's Cavalry Fight at Gettysburg.

The Story of '65.

Brown University Catalogue, 1904 and 1905.

The Century Association Report, 1901.

Bulletin of Brown University, 1904 and 1905.

The Connecticut Magazine—No. 2.

Annual Report of the Connecticut Historical Society, 1905.

Proceedings of the New Hampshire Historical Society, Part 3, Vol. 4.

A History of Battery A, of St. Louis—Missouri Historical Society.

Personal Recollections of Gen. Grant—Missouri Historical Society.

The Public Archives of New Jersey, January 31st, 1905.

Annual Report of Vineland Historical Society.

The New Haven Historical Society, Nov. 1904.

Chicago Historical Society, 1904 and 1905.

99th Anniversary Celebration, New England Society, 1904.

The West Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. 5, No. 2.

Transactions of Huguenot Society of South Carolina, No. 12.

Third Series, Vol. VII, No. 1. Annals of Iowa.

Third Series, Vol. VII, No. 2, Annals of Iowa.

The Essex Institute Historical Collection, 1905. (Two Numbers.)

Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly, Vol. XIV, Jan. 1905, No. 1.

Ohio Archaeological & Historical Quarterly, Vol. XIV, Apr. 1905, No. 2.

The Iowa Journal of History and Politics, Vol. 3, July, 1905, No. 2.

Public Papers of George Clinton, 1st Governor of New York, Vols. 7 and 8.

Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors of Revolutionary War, Vols, 1 & 2.

1st, 3d, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th Biennial Reports of Kansas State Historical Society.

Membership List Chicago Historical So., 1905 & 1906.

Proceedings of Vermont Historical So., 1903 & 1904.

Essex Institute Historical Collections, October, 1905.

Want List 1905, Library of Congress.

History 20th Kansas Regiment.

Directory Kansas Historical Exhibit.

Kansas Souvenir.

Annals of Iowa.

Pennsylvania Society Year Book, 1905.

99th Anniversary New England Society.

Report of the Librarian of Congress, 1905.


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