At the first meeting of the Executive board ordinary routine business was first transacted, and, later, Mr. Henry E. Legler, as chairman of the committee appointed to draft a by-law stating definitely what person or persons are entitled to cast votes for institutional members, reported that the committee recommended that the by-laws be amended by adding the following section: Sec. 11. The vote of institutional members shall be cast by the duly designated representative whose credentials are filed with the secretary. In the absence of such designation or of such delegate the vote may be cast by the chief librarian or ranking executive officer in attendance at the meeting. Consideration was given to the recommendations adopted by the Council from the Committee on relation of the A. L. A. and State library associations and on motion of Dr. Andrews, it was voted to recommend to the association that Section 14 of the Constitution be amended by inserting the following clause, after the words "and twenty-five by the Council itself;" "and one member from each state, provincial and territorial library association (or any association covering two or more such geographical divisions) which complies with the conditions for such representation set forth in the by-laws." Also that Sec. 3a be added to the By-laws as follows: "Each state, territorial and provincial library association (or any association covering two or more such geographical divisions) having a membership of not less than fifteen members, may be represented in the Council by the president of such association, or by an alternate elected at the annual meeting of the association. The annual dues shall be $5.00 for each association having a membership of fifty or less, and ten cents per additional capita where membership is above that number. The privileges and advantages of the A. L. A. Conferences shall be available only to those holding personal membership or representing institutional membership in the Association."[5] Adjourned, subject to the call of the chair. The second meeting was held after the election of officers. Mr. Legler presided. Mr. George T. Settle, acting assistant librarian of the Louisville free public library, appeared before the board and in behalf of the library board and various officials and organizations of Louisville and Kentucky invited the association to meet in Louisville in 1913. A letter was read from Mr. George F. Bowerman, librarian of the District of Columbia public library, in which was expressed a desire that the association meet in Washington in 1913 and, if found practicable and desirable, to adopt the policy of holding recurrent meetings in that city. Invitations for the conference of 1913 were also received and read from the convention bureaus of Chicago, Buffalo and San Francisco. All of these invitations were tabled for due consideration. After general discussion it was voted as the opinion of the Executive board that the next conference should be held at some summer resort in the eastern section of the country and the secretary was instructed to investigate places of this nature, and report to the board. A report of considerable length was received from the Bookbuying Committee relative to negotiations between the respective committees appointed by the A. L. A. and the American Booksellers' Association, upon which it was voted that this report be sent to the respective members of the Executive board and their opinions and suggestions thereon be filed with the secretary to be later considered by the board. A communication from the secretary of the Catalog section was received stating that the following resolution had been unanimously adopted by that section: RESOLVED, that the A. L. A. Executive board be asked to appoint a committee to investigate the cost and method of cataloging in accordance with the suggestions in Mr. Josephson's paper, "What is cataloging?"[6] Mr. Josephson's paper accompanied the communication. It was voted that the president appoint a committee of three for this purpose and that an appropriation of $15 be made for the necessary expenses of the committee. The president appointed as this committee Mr. A. G. S. Josephson, Miss Agnes Van Valkenburgh and Miss Emma V. Baldwin. A communication was considered from Mr. Asa Don Dickinson, addressed to the secretary, relative to a campaign for a library clearing house for periodicals. It was taken by consent that such a campaign would not be practical for the A. L. A. to undertake under present conditions. Mr. Wellman, as special committee of one from the Publishing board, to investigate the advisability of the appointment of a committee to work upon the compilation of a code for classifiers, reported favorably on the plan and recommended that the Executive board take the matter in hand and appoint a committee as requested. On motion it was voted that the following committee be named: W. S. Merrill, J. C. Bay, W. S. Biscoe, W. P. Cutter, J. C. M. Hanson, Charles Martel and P. L. Windsor. On motion of Dr. Andrews it was voted that the secretary secure data relating to the library careers of the members of the association, this information either to be incorporated in the annual Handbook or filed at the headquarters office for use of the membership. On motion of Dr. Andrews it was voted that the president suggest to the members of the Executive board any changes he deems desirable in the membership of the standing committees and to ask for such suggestions and that the secretary inform the members of any changes suggested by the committees themselves. On motion of Miss Eastman it was voted that C. W. Andrews and A. E. Bostwick be re-elected members of the Publishing board for terms of three years each. Voted, that at its January meeting the Council be requested to define the policy of the association as to the number of general sessions advisable at the annual conference. On motion of Dr. Andrews it was voted that the program committee be asked to consult the wishes of the affiliated organizations regarding the closer grouping of their respective sessions at the annual conference. Voted, that at future conferences of the association the ensign of the United States and the British union jack be placed side by side to signify the international nature of the association. Adjourned. Note: The standing committees for the year 1912-13 were later appointed as follows and although these appointments were not a part of the Ottawa conference business, the list is here given for convenience of reference. A. L. A. STANDING COMMITTEES, 1912-13 - Finance
- C. W. Andrews, The John Crerar library, Chicago.
- F. F. Dawley, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
- Edwin H. Anderson, Public library, New York.
- Public Documents
- G. S. Godard, State library, Hartford, Conn.
- A. J. Small, State library, Des Moines, Ia.
- Ernest Bruncken, Library of Congress, Washington, D. C.
- John A. Lapp, State library, Indianapolis, Ind.
- M. S. Dudgeon, Wisconsin free library commission, Madison, Wis.
- T. M. Owen, Department of archives and history, Montgomery, Ala.
- S. H. Ranck, Public library, Grand Rapids, Mich.
- Adelaide R. Hasse, Public library, New York.
- C. B. Lester, State library, Albany, N. Y.
- Co-operation with the National Education Association.
- Mary Eileen Ahern, "Public Libraries," Chicago.
- Marie A. Newberry, Public school library, Ypsilanti, Mich.
- Irene Warren, School of Education, Chicago.
- George H. Locke, Public library, Toronto, Ont.
- Harriet A. Wood, Library association, Portland, Ore.
- Library Administration
- A. E. Bostwick, Public library, St. Louis, Mo.
- Geo. F. Bowerman, Public library, Washington, D. C.
- John S. Cleavinger, Public library, Jackson, Mich.
- Library Training
- A. S. Root, Oberlin college library, Oberlin, O.
- Faith E. Smith, Public library, Chicago.
- Mary W. Plummer, Library school, Public library, New York.
- Adam Strohm, Public library, Detroit, Mich.
- Caroline M. Underhill, Public library, Utica, N. Y.
- Chalmers Hadley, Public library, Denver, Colo.
- Cornelia Marvin, Oregon library commission, Salem.
- Geo. O. Carpenter, trustee, Public library, St. Louis, Mo.
- International Relations
- Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress, Washington.
- E. C. Richardson, Princeton university library, Princeton, N. J.
- J. S. Billings, Public library, New York.
- W. C. Lane, Harvard university library, Cambridge, Mass.
- R. R. Bowker, "Library Journal," New York.
- Bookbuying
- Walter L. Brown, Public library, Buffalo, N. Y.
- C. B. Roden, Public library, Chicago.
- C. H. Brown, Public library, Brooklyn.
- Bookbinding
- A. L. Bailey, Wilmington Institute free library, Wilmington, Del.
- Rose G. Murray, Public library, New York.
- J. R. Patterson, Public library, Chicago.
- Federal and State Relations
- B. C. Steiner, Enoch Pratt free library, Baltimore, Md.
- T. L. Montgomery, State library, Harrisburg, Pa.
- Demarchus C. Brown, State library, Indianapolis, Ind.
- Paul Blackwelder, Public library, St. Louis, Mo.
- C. F. D. Belden, State library, Boston, Mass.
- Catalog Rules for Small Libraries
- Theresa Hitchler, Public library, Brooklyn.
- Margaret Mann, Carnegie library, Pittsburgh.
- Mary L. Sutliff, Library school, Public library, New York.
- Travel
- F. W. Faxon, Boston Book Co., Boston, Mass.
- C. H. Brown, Public library, Brooklyn.
- J. F. Phelan, Public library, Chicago.
- Co-ordination
- C. H. Gould, McGill university library, Montreal.
- J. L. Gillis, State library, Sacramento, Cal.
- N. D. C. Hodges, Public library, Cincinnati, O.
- W. C. Lane, Harvard university library, Cambridge, Mass.
- Herbert Putnam, Library of Congress, Washington.
- T. W. Koch, University of Michigan library, Ann Arbor.
- J. C. Schwab, Yale university library, New Haven, Conn.
- Work with the Blind
- Mrs. Emma Neisser Delfino, Free library, Philadelphia.
- Laura M. Sawyer, Perkins Institution, Watertown, Mass.
- Laura Smith, Public library, Cincinnati, O.
- Miriam E. Carey, Public library commission, St. Paul, Minn.
- Charles S. Greene, Free library, Oakland, Cal.
- Program
- Henry E. Legler, Public library, Chicago.
- E. H. Anderson, Public library, New York.
- George B. Utley, A. L. A. Executive office, Chicago.